Data Controls :: Multiple DropDownList In GridView Populated With Unique Values?
Mar 26, 2016Multiple DropDownList in GridView populated with unique values in ASP.Net
View 1 RepliesMultiple DropDownList in GridView populated with unique values in ASP.Net
View 1 RepliesI have a gridview which contains a templatefield. Inside this is an ImageButton and a dropdownlist. This is all created in the aspx page, although the ddl list items are populated in the RowDataBound event in the vb page. When i change the selected item in the drop down list and hit the imagebutton, the selected item is not maintained after postback. Instead the first record is displayed in the dropdownlist. I have wrapped an If Not Page.IsPostback around the datasource and databind's but this doesn't help. I have tried enabling viewstate in all areas on the page too, but still nothing. The list items for the ddl must be created on RowDataBound also. As far as I am aware, my ddl is not really dynamic, its just the list items which I add in the code behind which are classed as dynamic.
View 11 RepliesHow to validate selected value in first dropdown
Where second dropdown in same row should not select it,
When dropdown added dynamically in gridview
How to retrieve selected value of dropdownlist in gridview when dropdown is added dynamically from database.
View 1 RepliesWe do have a search page for customers which returns a list of data from a table.
Once we select on an item it should redirect to another page with customerId as a querystring parameter..
Now the problem is we have to save all the customerIds and need to send them to display page..and need to select next one once they done with previous one without going to the search page again..
if they got 10 customers in the search page then we need to send all 10 ids to display page by starting display of firstone and once they select next button on display page they have to move on to the next cutomer from that list..if they reached the end of list they have to start again from the first...we need to avoid the user going to the search page for each customer every time...
Using dropdown in gridview and bind the values in dropdown then based on dropdown display the value in another column.
View 1 RepliesHow to show in dropdownlist text arabic and english in ....
View 1 RepliesI have one database in which student enroll no with his sem is stored . I want that if i enter stud enroll no then in dropdown list all the sem related to that stud should come. My databaseÂ
Stud enroll no     sem1      sem2       sem3      sem4
    1          July 2013   Jan 2014    July 2014   Jan 2015
    2          Feb 2013   Aug 2014    Feb 2014   Aug 2015Â
     3         July 2012   Jan 2013   July 2013   Jan 2014
How to bind two database field in single listbox in display field.
Is it possible ??
If yes then how can we implement it?
DropDownList Not Being Populated
m using a listview and an object data source in my application, with optimistic concurrency control.i have only 2 columns in the listview: category_ID and category_name;when i try to delete an item, an error message is generated saying that one of the old values populated by the list view is null, i performed debugging, and found that the category_ID old value is populated correctly, while the category_name old value is populated as nulli can't find a problem in the code, i executed the delete command in the query builder directly and it worked fine,
View 2 Repliesi have 4 dropdown controls.i have to search for data from ms-sql by selecting the dropdownd if dropdown has all values then ihow an i write query in where condition?
View 1 RepliesI got a gridview -CompGrid, having 3 columns - Dept, Employees, Status.
The 'Status' tab need to be edited. So that I put a Dropdownlist as an Itemtemplate and connected the 'DataValueField' as 'Status'.
Now I can edit each row by row only. Some times it needs to update all the employees status in one department.
So that I placed 2 more dropdownlists in outside of gridview.
1. Department List, 2. Status List.
My requirement is this, When I select one department and corresponding status, it should update all the records of that department in the grid.
My database has 4 colums;
Singles and suppers are money fields for the price of same item. A bit like the price of a Small, Medium or Large item. What I would like to do is display the 'Singles' price and 'Suppers' price in seperate listitems so the user can choose 1 of them.
Traditional Name__________Size
Price of Single is: £1.50
Price of Supper is: £2.50
My page loads up with the correct items in TraditionalName colum but the DropDownList is completely empty. I'm aware I don't have anything in for DataValueField and DataTextField but I have tried putting things in these attributes, like Suppers and Singles, but nothing works, so I have taken them out below.
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="TraditionalID" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">
<asp:BoundField DataField="TraditionalID" HeaderText="TraditionalID" InsertVisible="False" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="TraditionalID" Visible="False" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="TraditionalName" HeaderText="Meal" SortExpression="TraditionalName" />
<asp:templateField HeaderText="Size">
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource2">
<asp:HiddenField ID="RowTraditionalName" runat="server" Visible="false" Value='<%# Eval("TraditionalName") %>' />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:The CodfatherConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT Suppers AS Suppers, Singles AS Singles FROM [Traditional] WHERE TraditionalName = @TraditionalName">
ControlParameter Name="TraditionalName" Type="String" ControlID="RowTraditionalName" PropertyName="Value" />
I have a gridview which is having coloumns Company name, Industry type, country, employees, revenue. i want to add dropdown at the top of each coloumn so that if user select industry as agriculture, all agriculture industry rows may be sorted, and same for other dropdown also.. i it may be possible,
View 1 RepliesIn given code finally I want to populate unique values at runtime in 2 drop downlist.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.ExpiresAbsolute = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1);
I have four column in which im getting three column value based on first column the result will be shown from database
I have a form with three Gridview's. ie. GridView1,GridView2,GridView3.Each gridview contains two templatefield and a boundfield.The first templatefield is a checkbox field and the second one is a labeltemplate with databinding to field "Usr_Id" and the third field is for Name.I have enabled paging for all the three girdview's and different data's are populated on can i maintain the checkbox status while paging for all the three gridview', when i check checkboxes in two pages in gridview1 and checked three pages in gridview2 and so on,i should get the check state of all the gridview checkboxes maintained.I know to maintain the checkstate for a single gridview but when i am checking the pages in second gridview ,the checkbox values of some pages of gridview1 is lost
View 5 RepliesI am designing a page that consist one gridview and I am providing datasouce at the run time(code behind) no my problem is that i want to add another column with hyperlink button after click that open a page and can pass some value of related cell onto another page.
For passing value i was using session but how to add hyperlink in code behind ...
My issue is similar to [URL] how-to-use-the-value-of-a-selected-value-from-a-dropdownlist-populated-with-ajax but I am using ASP.NET, not PHP. I have a dropdownlist that is populated by another dropdownlist's current value through ajax. So if DDL A is 'NY', DDL B is populated with different data relating to 'NY'. I need that data to be posted back to the server because this affects an SQLDataSource parameter. However, as far as I can tell, the value is always null after postback resulting in the gridview to be empty.
View 1 RepliesI have a problem with keeping the selected values in DropDownLists in rows in GridView while paging. I have this code behind:
private void RememberOldValues()
ArrayList LinijaIDList = new ArrayList();
int index = -1;
foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView1.Rows)
index = (int)GridView1.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Value;
if (Session["equal_ITEMS"] != null)
LinijaIDList = (ArrayList)Session["equal_ITEMS"];
if (row.Cells[0].Text == lineTextBox.Text)
if (!LinijaIDList.Contains(index))
if (LinijaIDList != null && LinijaIDList.Count > 0)
Session["equal_ITEMS"] = LinijaIDList;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Session["equal_ITEMS"] = null;
GridView1.AllowPaging = false;
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("LinijaID", typeof(int)));
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Ime", typeof(string)));
ArrayList LinijaIDList = (ArrayList)Session["equal_ITEMS"];
//if (LinijaIDList!=null)
foreach (int LinijaID in LinijaIDList)
foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView1.Rows)
DropDownList Ime = GridView1.FooterRow.FindControl("ImeDropDownList") as DropDownList;
int rowID = (int)GridView1.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Value;
//string Name = row.Cells[1].Text;
string Name = Ime.SelectedValue;
if (rowID == LinijaID)
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["LinijaID"] = LinijaID;
dr["Ime"] = Name;
GridView1.AllowPaging = true;
Session["equal1"] = dt;
// else
// GridView1.AllowPaging = true;
// Session["equal1"]=null;
// }
When I insert a value in the TextBox2 and want to select only the rows from the GridView from different pages which have value in the first column the same as the value in the TextBox2, after clicking on Button1 I get this error:
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source Error:
I'm just wondering if anyone can assist me with this gridview problem
I have this Sql statement that outputs a gridview like this
Job Location Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3
Job1 Location1 0 0 1
Job2 Location2 1 0 1
Job3 Location3 0 1 0
* These columns are placeholders
I want to include a footer total that looks like
Job Location Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3
Job1 Location1 0 0 1
Job2 Location2 1 0 1
Job3 Location3 0 1 0
Final Total 4
Im not binding the database to the gridview via design view I'm binding it programatically in the default.aspx.cs file
So far the only tutorials I've encountered are ones the have the database bound through design view and gridviews with only one column that can be added. In my particular example I have multiple columns that need to be added and I have already bound the data to the gridview.
I have a GridView with a DropDownList in it bound to the [Applicants] table in SQL Server 2005.
The DropDownList Items Text and Value come from SqlDataSource3, "SELECT VoucherType, VoucherNumber FROM [Vouchers]"
I need to send the DDLs selected Text to [Applicants].[VoucherTypeIssued] and the Value to [Applicants]. VoucherNumber]
I already have a "dlVoucherTypeIssued_SelectedIndexChanged" event in the code behind to put "Voucher Issued" into [dbo].[Vouchers].[VoucherStatus]. I'm having trouble getting all three values written to the database at the same time.
How do i change the name column text the current row when the selected index of drop down is changed? ex:first row is mudassar khan and belgium, when i change belgium i want mudassar to be replaced to a name which i fetch from database....
View 1 RepliesSo far i've populated my grid view with my roomID. however using data reader I don't seem to be able to get more than one column to auto generate even though i'm now looking for three values : SELECT tt_roomEquip.roomID, tt_room.roomCapacity, tt_equip.equipTitle is my select bit of the sql, though it's only putting roomID into my grid view.
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