Web Forms :: GridView Sorting - How To Make Sort Order To Change
Feb 16, 2012
Here's my gridview when it comes it it's sorts on Age. Sorting is available for all columns/headers. How do I make the sort order to change on the ddsrpt sort to desc order when it's clicked?
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource7" EnableModelValidation="True" Width="789px"
CaptionAlign="Top" Height="126px" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#DCBE68"
BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="4"
HorizontalAlign="Center" CellSpacing="2" Font-Names="Arial"
AllowSorting="True" EmptyDataText="No Records" DataKeyNames="FO,CLMSSN">
[Code] ....
I got this error message - Gridviewsortdirection is not declared
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protected void gvList_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
DataTable m_DataTable = (DataTable) Session["gvListDatasource"] ;
if (m_DataTable != null)
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The relationship name is Purchases (ie employee->Purchases), and iterating through it gives each row in order by date (entry order perhaps?).
There could be thousands of rows, so I want to present this collection in reverse date order.
Would I have to define a provider or repository to call instead of just Employee->Purchases?
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protected void grduAdminSerservice_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
DataTable tbl = grduAdminSerservice.DataSource as DataTable;
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Aug 18, 2015
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but when today is passed then it automatically go to end and next today date is on the top
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GV = new GridView();
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Feb 19, 2010
I have a page displays CRM data (with CrmService) in GridView. Everything run ok until I tried to sort out one field by default and I received the following exception: The GridView 'GridView1' fired event Sorting which wasn't handled. The reason I am using GridView to do the sorting because:
1) Cannot do it with SQL "ORDER BY" since date retrieval from CRM Web Service
2) Cannot use OrderExpression for QueryExpression from CRM because the column I want to sort is generated by my algorithm
GridView1.Sort("ColumnName" SortDirection.Descending);
in Page_Load, or Button1_Sort(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e), they all trigger the above execption!
I also added the method to the following method to handle exception, but didn't work:
protected void GridView1_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
GridView1.Sort("ColumnName" SortDirection.Descending);
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Sep 23, 2010
Just spent about 8 hours googling and looking through this forum for a solution on how to make sure that I can dynamically sort. Here is the situation.
I have 1 Gridview that displays 10 different scenarios based on what button is clicked.
I am also returning only top 10 records. I am doing all of the data binding pragmatically. So I have BoundFields, HyperLinkFields etc.
I also want to sort some records. When I change DataSource SQL statement the gridview somehow remembers what the last sort value was and it errors out saying that value "x" cannot be sorted because it does not exists.
I tried this:
Tried setting gridview1.sqldatasourceid = null; gridview1.allowsorting = false; gridview1.databind();
Here I get an error that says that the data source does not support sorting? Doesnt it say gridview1.allowsorting = false;
I also tried gridview1.sort("", SortDirection.Ascending); This does nothin... except query my database one more time because i have a onSorting event that looks like this:
Here is an example of just one of those SLQ statements inside GetSQLQuery:
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May 24, 2014
Tried this:
<HeaderStyle CssClass="headerstyle" />
And in the css:
.headerstyle a{
But nothing...
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Mar 5, 2011
I try to sort a dictionary with no success
this code i wrote
var sortedDict = _GrandTotalUserDictionary.OrderBy(key => key.Value.Priority);
the dictionary looks like
"key1", new OrderItem(){title:'a', priority:1}
"key2", new OrderItem(){title:'b', priority:3}
new OrderItem(){title:'c', priority:12}
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Oct 22, 2010
How do I sort a data table based on a particular column which has integer values in ascending order?
I wrote this:
'Sort the datatable based on sequence id leadtable.DefaultView.Sort ="Id" But it doesnt seem to work Datatble is defined as:
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Mar 17, 2010
If I have a specific order that I want to sort my List by, how do I do that? For instance, I have a list of items (coming from a database), with ID's ... and they come in order, i.e 1, 2, 3, 4. After receiving this list, I'd like to reorder the list above based on a specific order, e.g. 2, 4, 1, 3. How do I do this without complicate it too much?
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Mar 9, 2010
I am wondering if the aspnet_Users table is always sorted (by UserName) even if I add new users which are alphabetically between two already existing users.
I've noticed that the method Membership.GetAllUsers() always seems to return a sorted collection of MembershipUsers.
Also when I look into SQL Server Management Studio and run a simple SQL query without ORDERBY clause...
SELECT [UserName]
FROM [MyDb].[dbo].[aspnet_Users]
...I get always a sorted result list.
I'm still very unfamiliar with SQL Server but I expected that when I add a new row to a table it is (physically) appended to the end of the table. And when I run a select statement without ORDERBY the rows will be selected in the order they were initially inserted into the database (so without any specific sort order).
I am wrong I guess. But how does it really work? Is it perhaps something special with the aspnet_Users table?
I am happy that the MemberShipUserCollection returned by GetAllUsers() is sorted but is it always guaranteed?
I've just noticed that the database contains a stored procedure called aspnet_Membership_GetAllUsers. This procedure actually contains an ORDER BY clause by UserName. So if this stored procedure is indeed always called when I use Membership.GetAllUsers() in my code (at least if I am using the SqlMembershipProvider) it explains why the collection returned by Membership.GetAllUsers() is sorted by UserName.
Remains the question: Is Membership.GetAllUsers() actually based on this stored procedure?
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Jan 5, 2010
I'm trying to use images representing arrows to allow the user to change the order in which items appear in a list in a grid view in ASP.NET.
I have a class which has a value named "position", the class is displayed inside the GridView and is ordered by position. In each of the rows of the gridview are an up and down arrow which i want to change the value of "position" for the object represent by the row of the gridview. Whats the easiest way to do this?
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Oct 8, 2013
how to change order of grid view column,after binding it through database in asp.net web application
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Oct 22, 2010
How do I sort a data table based on a particular column which has integer values in ascending order?
I wrote this:
leadtable.DefaultView.Sort = "Id"
But it doesnt seem to work, it displays fine but when i get try to get the values of the sorted datatable in an array they dont come in an sorted ordere Datatble is defined as:view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
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Jan 5, 2010
I am trying to correct the sort order of my ASP.NET drop down list.
The problem I have is that I need to select a distinct Serial number and have these numbers organised by DateTime Desc.
However I cannot ORDER BY DateTime if using DISTINCT without selecting the DateTime field in my query.
However if I select DateTime this selects every data value associated with a single Serial number and results in duplications.
The purpose of my page is to display data for ALL Serials, or data associated to one serial. When a new cycle begins (because it is a new production run) the Serial reverts to 1. So I cannot simply organise by serial number either.
When I use the following SQL statement the list box is in the order I require but after a period of time (usually a few hours) the order changes and appears to have no organised structure.
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Feb 2, 2011
My webGrid is working perfectly fine. However, I would like the default sort order to be in the opposite direction. If it were SQL, I'd be adding a DESC somewhere. Here's my working line of code:
It correctly sorts on the UWDate column, but I would like it to sort the opposite sort order. Of course, once it is displayed, you can click on the title and it will resort at that time.
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Apr 16, 2010
How to sort the dataset Values in Descending order , I have Followed the following way
decimal Length = 94;
decimal Width = 7;
decimal Height = 13;
DataTable dtCarton = new DataTable();
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Jan 27, 2011
I want to sort groups in my report but not in asc or desc order preset, but by order that will be set in the SQL query.
"Original order" doesn`t seem to do the job, and "Specified order" is hard coded and I need it per SQL query.
My groups are on dates and this is why I want to be able to sort the groups.
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