Data Controls :: Use Simple Text In Label That Bind From Database

Sep 3, 2013

according below theards


I used .Replace(" ", string.Empty)

to doesn't show   on textbox

now I want use above code for lable in design view

<asp:Label ID="lbldes" runat="server" Text='<%# this.processText(Eval("Description")) %>' CssClass="lbldes"></asp:Label>

How I can do it

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Bind Label Inside A Gridview With Both Static And Dynamic Text?

Apr 21, 2010

I need to set the "Text" property of a label inside a gridview using, I know how to set the label using static value and I also know how to set the label using the "Bind" keyword but I want to do both, something like this:


So the output will be something like:


Book Name: The Story of My Life


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Data Controls :: Bind Data In Label From Database That Doesn't Show Special Character Define In SP

Mar 11, 2014

Below is House_info table in database

Id Behtop Service1 Service2 Service3 Name

1 1111 Ser1 Ser2 Ser3 Sara
2 2222 Ser4

I have lable=lblservice in my page that bind it from data base I want in lblservice show service1 and service2 and service3 column's data like below

ser1 , ser2 , ser3 so I wrote below code in SP

SUBSTRING (ISNULL([Service1]+','+' ',' ')+ISNULL([Service2]+','+' ',' ')+ISNULL([Service3]+','+' ',' ')+ISNULL(' ',' '),0,66)+'...'

as Service but here as you see in row with id=2 there isn't any data in service2 and service3 columns and just in service1 is data(ser4) so it show in lblservice data like below ser4, , ,  ...

but I want if in one of column doesn't be data it doesn't show (,) that come after data I mean I want if in 1 columns be data in show:

ser1,... NOT ==>  ser1, , , ...

if in 2 columns be data shows

===>( ser1,ser2, ...)  NOT ===>(ser1,ser2, , ...)

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Web Forms :: Use Simple Text In Label

Aug 7, 2013

In insert.aspx page I used Ckeditore to insert data in Product info table in Description column

it insert data like bellow

Id name description

1 sara <p>   <u><strong>Test</strong></u></p> 
2 jack <p dir="rtl">   <u>Test.</u></p> 

 and I  bind 2 lable from Description column  in ViewInfo.aspx page



I want in lblTitle it show data from table exactly like what I Entered  in Ckeditor i.e

like above table it show Test   when I bind lbltitle it show correctly...

Now I want when I bind lblDescription from Description Column it show data in simple type

I mean I want it show Test with out underline and doesn't bold it...

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Forms Data Controls :: FomView - How To Display Label Text From Function Call (not The Database) Then Save To MS SQL

Apr 20, 2010

I am trying to build a site that will display a word ("Synset" in my code) from a "function call", (ultimately the word will come from another database but I'm ignoring that part for now). The user will click one of 4 radio buttons deciding if the word is "positive", "negative", "neutral", or "can not be determined". Then the user clicks "Save" the word is saved a MS SQL database, the function is called displaying a new word and the process is repeated.

So far I have been able to get this to mostly work by using the code below. The problem is that the function is called and the correct word displayed when the page loads the first time, when I click a radio button and then the "Submit" button, the word and value from the radio button are saved to the database but then no new word is displayed. The text just disappears. The new word is created, as I can see that new words are saved to the database when i click submit.

I'm thinking the issue might be because I'm binding the text attribute of the label I'm using to display the word to the sqldatasource, because it's probably trying to display the text from the database?

I've tried putting the code that gets and displays the new word in FormView1_PageIndexChanging() and submitButton_Click() and neither work.

I've tried to just call Response.Redirect("Default.aspx") in submitButton_Click() and this displays the word but nothing is saved to the database.


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview - Dynamic Label - VB.NET - Change The Text Of The Label If Certain Criteria Is Reached?

Mar 15, 2010

I have Template fields configured for Gridview. The gridview is using an objectdatabsource to bind itself. I have the gridview configured to use Templatefields which then contain tables to display the information. This works fine.

My question is, is it possible to change the text of the label if certain criteria is reached. If "NumberOfDwellings" is 1 then change the label to read, "1 Dwelling". Where-as if NumberOfDwellings has more than one then it's "3 Dwellings".

<asp:Label ID="lbl_NumberOfDwellings" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("NumberOfDwellings") & " Dwelling(s)" %> '></asp:Label>

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DataSource Controls :: Bind Text Containing HTML And Tags From Database

Oct 29, 2010

I have to show dynamic charts to clients. I created table: ChartCodes

ChartCodeID Code 1

<asp:SqlDataSource ID='SqlDataSource_Chart1' runat='server' ConnectionString='<%&#36; ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>' SelectCommand='Usp_GetTotalEmissions_Org_chart' SelectCommandType='StoredProcedure'><SelectParameters>< . . ..
. . . .

I wrote code of chart with sqldatasource in database column. My problem is I could not able bind. I used DataList Control with a template and literal. Bind literal with <%# Eval("Code") %> But In sql I have ASP.NET tags <%&nbsp; %>. and when processing process %>, it assumes ends and wrote other text as it is in out put. how to bind this text. Or any other Idea to display graphs from database as per user selection.

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Access :: Bind Populated Label To Database Field?

May 10, 2010

I'm using the below code to populate a label inside my insert template with the logged in users' name...

<asp:Label runat="server" Text="<%# Membership.GetUser().UserName %>" id="Label1">

Now that my label gets the UserName how can I also bind this label to the field "name" in my database when the user submits?


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Forms Data Controls :: Bind String Value And Int Value To Asp Label?

Jan 17, 2011

here tzoperation is string and tzhour is i bind both values to a one label.

Text='<%Bind("tzoperation")+Bind("tzhour") %>'

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Data Controls :: Strip / Trim And Cut Short Label Text In GridView TemplateField And Display Complete Text On MouseOver?

May 7, 2015

I am unable to get it done as i have huge data in my table which is spoiling the standard look and feel of grid view..

if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) {
ViewState["description"] = e.Row.Cells[10].Text;
if (e.Row.Cells[10].Text.Length >= 25){
e.Row.Cells[10].Text = e.Row.Cells[10].Text.Substring(0, 30) + "...";
e.Row.Cells[10].ToolTip = ViewState["description"].ToString();} }

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind Label Control In Gridview

Feb 3, 2010

i have bounded gridview but i want to bind label control after checking some conditions in codebehing

<asp:GridView ID="gvs" AllowPaging="false" DataKeyNames="_Id" AllowSorting="true" AutoGenerateColumns="false" runat="server">

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind To Label From Stored Procedure

Aug 4, 2010

I have gone through all of the forums and couldn't find an answer to my problem, which is:: I need to bind a result from a stored procedure to a label. What I have done so far is to try to use <%# Bind(SP_Result_FIeld_Name)#> and that does nothing. I also tried to assign the results to a string in the code behind, all that did was put the words "TTLCount" in my label. Part of the problem might be that it is pulling from a temp table and the field I'm pulling has an assigned name ( Count(*) as TTLCount)... The rest of my SP is returning to a gridview which works fine. I just need to display the total number returned and the total number of returned that have email addresses. Here is what I have so far::


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Forms Data Controls :: Bind The Label Values To Repeator In Using C#?

Mar 19, 2010

i want use labels in Repeator ,can any one tell how to bind.

please send the source code.

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Data Controls :: How Can Bind Label Into Item Template In GridView

Apr 27, 2016

I use gridview and bind it from sesstion below is code below are code:

<asp:GridView runat="server" ID="GridView1" EmptyDataText="No orderPlaced !" CssClass="gridorder"
AutoGenerateColumns="false" DataKeyNames="Id">
<asp:BoundField DataField="Code" HeaderText="Code" />

[Code] ....

Here in grid view I wand add

<asp:TemplateField> <ItemTemplate>
<asp:Label ID="Lblname" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>

And put databind value into Lblname

<asp:BoundField DataField="Code" HeaderText="Code" />

How I can do it?

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Forms Data Controls :: Bind Different Data Coming From Sqldatasource To Label In Listview?

Jun 18, 2010

i am facing a minor problem but can't find out its syntaxi have listview, and inside the template i have 2 labels, in design time i bind 1 label to one column thatis 'type' and depending upon this type i want to bind other labels to different columnsif type is question than 2 label will have to show data of question columnif type is job than 2 label will have to show data of job, so to accomplish this,in databinding event handler i can check the value of typebut i want to know the syntax of binding 2 label in run time, with different fields using EVAL

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Forms Data Controls :: Change An Eval / Bind To A Label In Code Behind?

Dec 8, 2010

i would like to know if its posible to change an eval binding of a label on a mouse click. something like:

<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("TitluAnunt") %>'></asp:Label>

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Data Controls :: Bind Data To GridView With TemplateField Button / Image And Label With JQuery Or JSON

Sep 20, 2015

I saw [URL] ....

How to bind data on asp button ,asp image,asp label within templatefield of gridview using jquery/json ?

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Data Controls :: Simple Sample Programs Using Barchart From Database

Jul 29, 2013

Need to show the barchart for results of people visited the site from database using stored procedure....

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Visual Studio :: Label Name Or Label Text In The Properties Window, It Look Like Its Updating The Text Before You Actually Are Finish?

Jul 14, 2010

Anyone have this problem. When you write a ex. label name or label text in the properties window, it look like its updating the text before you actually are finish. This make you type over what you allready wrote. Its not a big problem,

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Forms Data Controls :: Simple Search Function On Records In Sql Database?

Aug 2, 2010

Is there an easy way to search all the columns in the database?

I was the user to input a search word in a textbox and then search all of my database. I then want an array full of the primary keys of all of the records that had the search word contained somewhere in the record (i.e in any of the record fields).

This sounds really simple to me but I can't figure out how to do this and can't find examples online.

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SQL Server :: Convert Label.text To Int / Error Conversion Failed When Converting The Nvarchar Value 'Label' To Data Type Int.'?

Jul 14, 2010

I have been messing about with this for hours surely this should be an easy task ....... I have a stored procedured that creates a invoice on a Quotetable one of the parameters is a output parameter Invoice Number this is passed to a label. (Label1) This works great.

I then need to add items to the invoice on a item table so my next stored procedure should take the value of Label1 and update the foreign key quotenumber on the itemtable with the value from label1.

On the aspx page I have a small section for a gridview which shows the current quote with however many items on it using the control


On the ASP page the control for @Quotenumber = Label1 but I get the following error

'Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Label' to data type int.'

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Not Updating / Created Simple Apps To Edit Data In An Access Database?

Dec 18, 2010

I have created a simple application to edit data in an access database using gridview but its not working , the results are shown correctly , but when i click update nothing happens..

Here is my code

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" EnableModelValidation="True" DataKeyNames="id" >
<asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="True" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="id" HeaderText="id" InsertVisible="False"
SortExpression="id" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="NAME" SortExpression="NAME">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("NAME") %>'></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("NAME") %>'></asp:Label>
<asp:BoundField DataField="FATHER_NAME" HeaderText="FATHER_NAME"
SortExpression="FATHER_NAME" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="MOTHER_NAME" HeaderText="MOTHER_NAME"
SortExpression="MOTHER_NAME" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="CLASS" HeaderText="CLASS" SortExpression="CLASS" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="gram" HeaderText="gram" SortExpression="gram" /
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Remark" SortExpression="Remark">
<asp:DropDownList ID="PS" runat="server" SelectedValue='<%# Bind("Remark") %>'>
<asp:ListItem>NOT APPEARED</asp:ListItem>
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Remark") %>'></asp:Label>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConflictDetection="CompareAllValues"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString2 %>"
ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString2.ProviderName %>"
UpDatecommand = "update [REGULAR] set [NAME] = ?, [FATHER_NAME]=?, [MOTHER_NAME]=?, [CLASS]=?, [gram]=?, [Remark]=? where [id] = ?"
SelectCommand="SELECT [id], [NAME], [FATHER_NAME], [MOTHER_NAME], [CLASS], [gram], [Remark] FROM [REGULAR] WHERE (([CLASS] = ?) AND ([SCHCD] = ?))">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList3" Name="class"
PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList1" Name="schcd"
PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" />

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Label Text From Database In Paragraphs?

Jan 25, 2010

I have a textbox on one page and a label on another and I want the user to beable to write into the textbox with several paragraphs then save this to the database which is working and when i reload the page the text in the textbox is shown in paragraphs which is want i want but on my page with a label when i pull the text out from the database it puts it all into 1 big paragraph instead of slpitting it up like it was written how can i get it to do

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Text Value From Label In A Gridview?

Apr 16, 2010

I'm trying to get the text value of a label when that row is selected in my gridview. The label's text is databound. Originally when I used the <ASP:BoundField /> I retrieved the data by using this syntax "Server.HtmlDecode(row.Cells[1].Text )" when an "onrowcommand" event is triggered. My question is what is the syntax to retrieve the text value of this label if I am using a template field in my gridview. The code for my label is below.


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Forms Data Controls :: Alternating Text On A Label From Sql?

Nov 15, 2010

i have a table in my sql, and i want it to loop thoruh each row and display some text in a label, (or anything for that matter)

how id go about this, if your going to suggest ajax can you be very descriptive as ive not done much AJAX if am honest!

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