my web Form contain Gridview : when i click the button woth ID="IncreaseButton" , i have problem is : The Initial price = 334,7 now When i click button to Increase the price with 1.5 , i got this value :
I have this lastname column and address column. The address obviously is longer so it makes the gridview to increase its height which I don't want to happen. What I want is to increase the column width of the address in gridview that will suit the long text inside it. How could I do it in C#? Currently this are my codes:
I have a grid that is built as well as populated dynamically through c# code. The grid has 3 columns(3 bound fields). And data is being populated in those bound fields through c# code programatically.
Elaborating my question: I have 3 bound field columns(col1, col2 & col3) . I have to increase the rowspan of col2 and col3 headertext's to 2 i.e I want the col2 and col3 header texts to span across two row cells. But the col1 header text should span across just 1 row. And the extra rowscell that is created under col1 due to the increase in the rowspans (of col2 and col3 boundfield headertexts) should be populated with some random text, i.e something like XXXXX
I have a form where i want to view all columns from a table.I have a textbox and differeent radio button having values of each column.On click of button.I want to view all the columns as per selected row/rows from value given
I would like to inquire about the delete the data in gridview with automatic number parameter ..when I edit a field with auto parameter number, how do I delete a field that does not automatically sort ..ex:
When I remove the column to 2 EMILIA, then display in gridview 1. ROBERT 3. JOSE.
Coding that I got when I remove emilia then display in gridview 1.ROBERT 2.JOSE .. (sequence automatically)
private void Bindemptydt() { //Declare a datatable for the gridview DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //Add Columns to the datatable dt.Columns.Add("COLUMN"); dt.Columns.Add("TEXT");
I have an ASP.NET gridview that list all data rows for Book store with column name: Book (BoundField), quantity (TemplateField) , price (templateField) and amount (amount = quantity * price). I would like to change either quantity or price that will update the amount automatically after leaving cell in the gridview but not save new values into database until I made all changes and display message: "Are you sure to change them in database?".
In a gridview, i have a column which displays an Amount. the amount displayed can be negative / positive. When there is a negative value, suppose for eg, the amount is -15000, in the grid view it showsis there a way where i can increase the width of this particular column.
I apologize in advance for my poor english:1. I have a dropdownList within my datagrid and its already populated fine (22 rows in my datagrid)2. The select item for the 21 row is the same as the select item of the 22 row3. When trying to do selectedIndexChange for the 22 row, it didn't seem to work.The error:
Dim ddl As DropDownList = CType(sender, DropDownList) Dim dgi As DataGridItem = CType(ddl.Parent.Parent, DataGridItem) Dim rowID As Integer = dgi.ItemIndex
The rowID keep staying at 20 even though the selectedIndexChanged is happening in row 22( ie. rowID should be 21)
What I have is a GridView with a DropDownList in an ItemTemplate (not an EditItemTemplate). My datasource is not a control, rather in the code-behind.
My main problem is that VS is not seeing that I have the dropdownlist, meaning I can not access any of the events in the code-behind. What I want to do is, when the value of the DropDownList is changed (SelectedIndexChanged), I want to grab the value of the RowIndex of the GridView.
I have a gridview that displays query results on a reporting page for a "home-grown" CRM application. From the gridview, a link can be clicked which opens a modal window that contains an iframe linked to a "details" page where record specific info can be viewed/altered. On the details page there are 10 or so dropdownlists (ddls) that are bound every time the page is called. The ddls are bound using a method similar to the example below. I am looking for a way top speed things up a bit. The details page could be called 10-20 times in one session and every time the page loads these ddls have to be bound from the same methods but for different records. What are some options for speeding up the load time for this page??
I have a Data Grid View which display values from a SQL Query, and inside the data grid view I have two template fields one is Quantity and it is a text box and the other is Total Price and it is a label.
What I want to do is to insert a button called update and when I press this button the price Column should be multiplied by the quantity Column and the result should be displayed in the total Column.
I have a dropdownlist that controls what the users see in the gridview. I want to be able to have the users select "All" as an option. For example the drop down would for years would show: All, 2010, 2009, 2008. How do I code for the user selecting "All"? I am using ASP.NET 3.5 and C#
I am writting a custom class with which I manipulate the data for my website. I was wondering if there is a way to connect to a database and retreive the column names for a given table with out sellecting any data in the table.
Currently I am using an sql select and connection string to create an SqlComman object. Then I use the command object to create a SqlDataAdapter object which I use to fill a DataSet. At the end of all that I am able to retrieve the column names but I have select data and retreived data.
The intension is to get the all text file names in the drop down present in a particular location. When a user selects any filename from the drop down, it will show the data which is in that particular text file in a GridView.
I've done both the steps and it's almost complete but i stuck on a small issue. Probably because of non-usage of ASP.NET for a long period of time. The problem is, the drop down only selects the default value not other values.Here's my code for DropDown Selected Index Change
protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:myLogs");
I came across a situation where a user selects no of rows from dropdown , depending upon the user input, automatically that no of editable rows should appear to input data...(maximum 8 rows only)
And according below code it will show quantity number in dropdownlist:
protected void OnRowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { using (SqlConnection conn = General.GetConnection()) { using (SqlCommand cmd = General.GetCommand("OrderNum", conn))
Now I want when I change dropdownlist Item from gridview it will save quantity(selected Item from dropdownlist) and price and priceT in seesion["Order"] that created in ImgorderM_Click metod...