DataSource Controls :: All The Related Records Across Tables At The Same Time?
Mar 19, 2010
Let say you read a customer record into Customer object. Do it read all the related records across tables at the same time Or it only reads when you do from o in customerobject.orders
My dataset table data is from multiple tables (showing on a gridview),How to update the database tables using batch udpate on clicking submit, if the data is from a signle table, no problem, but I am not sure how to handle if the datais from mulitiple tables? If I have related tables, do I need put them in differet tables in the dataset?
I have a basic CMS which I'm adding to a site to display some downloads organised into groups. I have two tables, one for the groups and one for the downloads. I'm using a repeated to display the groups with another repeater inside to display the children. This works perfectly.
However some of my download groups may not have any downloads related to them and I'd like to handle this by filter the groups so that only those with a relate download record(s) are shown.
I'm trying to do this with the query which populates the top repeater based on some ideas I read but I must be going wrong with the syntax.
Here is what I'm using to try and only select downloads groups which have downloads linked to them by the download group ID.
Can anyone offer any thoughts on how I should construct the query to perform this?
I have two tables namely "CategoryMapping" and "PartnerCategory"...The partnercategory table has foreign key with categorymapping on CategoryID...
let us say categorymapping should be filed first then partnercategory should be filed based on the categories defined in categorymapping. For example my two tables have the following data:
I am using dataset which contains some records I want to query with dataset to get every time next 20 records. I don't want to do it throught loop is there any way that I can get next 20 records everytime.
i have this xml file which i read using the DataSet.ReadXml( path ) method . The tables created from the Xml file is Related in such a maner that each product has many options. Product is in one table and Options are in another.Now all i want to do is display the related tables in One Gridview. For your reference below is the products Xml file,
Now this is what i have done in the Code behind , have a look below
Now the Grid works Great if i want to Display Individual tables out from Dataset but not when they are related . Please do shine your Knowledge on what should be done to display Child ~ Master relationship. By the way , its a definite NO for someone who would show me that link from msdn about displaying XML data using Xmldatasource and gridview [That's a lousy way to display data]
User, Details, Optional User has fields: ID, FirstName, LastName Details has fields: ID, MyDetails1, MyDetails2, User_ID Optional has fields: ID, MyOptions1, MyOptions2, User_ID There is a 1 to many relationship with User & Detail (User ID & Detail User_ID) There is a 1 to many relationship with User & Optional (User ID & Optional User_ID)
With that said, one user can have many details and/or many optionals
Now I'm trying to build a linq query that will say:
"where user id = x, select FirstName, LastName, all MyDetails1 from every record where User_ID == x, all MyOptions1 from every record where User_ID == x"
After the merge I should have one string that lists the distict user & all of their many fields:
I'm working with 3.5 WebForms and LINQ to Entities.
I created the database with their relationships, but when I go to import the data with LinqToEntities, some reports and have not seen any reports 1 to 1.
I can create them after the reports have imported the tables LinqToEntities?
I have two SQL Server tables with Primary Keys (PK) and a Foreign Key (FK) linking the two tables:
1) Table "Order"
OrderID, int, PK AddressID, int, FK ...
2) Table "Address"
AddressID, int, PK City, nvarchar(50) ...
Then I've created an (ADO.NET) Entity Data Model out of those two tables. Now on my (ASP.NET) webpage I put a GridView with an EntityDataSource. In my GridView I want to display two columns:
OrderID City (belonging to that order and linked by the AddressID-key) How can I do that? My problem is: When I configure the Entity Data Source I can select an "EntitySetName" which can be either "Order" or "Address" but not both, nor can I select any kind of relationship. If I select "Order" as EntitySetName then in the GridView I can add the columns
OrderID Address Address.AddressID
Adding the column "Address" displays empty cells. Adding "OrderID" and "Address.AddressID" displays the expected IDs. But how can I add the "City" of the related address to my GridView? Edit: Clarification:
The Entity Framework has created a class "Order" and a class "Address" corresponding to the database tables. The class "Order" has a reference to an "Address" object as a navigation property, corresponding to the 1-n relationship between Address and Order table. Basically I want to have a column in my GridView which displays Order.Address.City. I have tried to add a bound field with "Address.City" as data field to the GridView but it results in a runtime error ("no such property...").
I would like to update new records that get inserted in DataSet to Sql Server Database. Below is a working example of how to do this if you use "DataAdapter.Fill(ds)".
But i don't want to fill data, becouse i don't need data, i only need shema (I will use this dataset to insert new data to Sql), so i would like to use "DataAdapter.FillSchema(ds)"
a table with related records (above is showing tapes, with different shots on the tapes). I already have the tapes data with the URLs working so not worried about that - just how to show the related information. Doesn't have to be exactly like this - but all the information must be visible at the same time ie no click to view or hover over.
After running the aspnet_regsql.exe tool, i notice a bunch of different tables pertaining to the ASPNET security (e.g. aspnet_Applications, aspnet_Membership, aspnet_Paths, aspnet_Personalations, aspnet_Profile, aspnet_Roles, aspnet_SchemaVersion, aspnet_Users, aspnet_UsersInRoles). Do the different providers (AspNetSqlMembershipProvider, AspNetSqlProfileProvider, AspNetSQLRoleProvider) relate or associated with certain aspnet_xyz tables? I imagine the AspNetSQLProfileProvider is responsible for the aspnet_Profile table correct? The AspNetSQLRoleProvider probably is tied to the aspnet_Users, aspnet_Roles, aspnet_UsersInRoles table? Any links documenting the relationship between teh providers and the aspnet_xyz tables?
I am using ASP.NET (C# and sql server express 2005) for my web application project. I have three related tables. I want to do an insert using typed datasets,tableadapters and three tier architecture. I wish to know how to do simultaneous inserts in 3 tables. So i wish to insert a row in first table and get its primary key. Same with the second table. I will use the primary keys of those first two tables to do the insert in the third table. How can i accomplish this using formview control and what methods should i use??
I've created a membership system based on 2. There are other tables that store user information, such as emails sent etc. I've created a users table based on the TableProfileProvider. My question is concerning deleting the member
Is it OK to delete the member from the aspnet_membership table and roles related tables using Membership.DeleteUser, though keep all the custom tables and the information including the information in the Users table created by the TableProfileProvider? or can you foresee problems?
I have the folloing sql server error from my ASP.NET website.
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
This seems to be a network related issue. But on the same machine where IIS is running, I have another C# application running that is not experiencing this problem. This happens after the website has been running for a few weeks. Will this be because the database connections are opened but not closed properly?. I wrote a test web page where i just open connection but not close it and I got Time out error when connection pooling is maxed out. Is this memory issue? Memory that are allocated are not deallocated in timely fashion?..
Everything is working fine for a few weeks and after that I get the above network error.
I have a formview with an entityDataSource. I need to include columns from related fields. I have seen many demos, with AdventureWorksDB, that imply that you can do this by using INCLUDE in the entitydatasource declaration. I have tried made many attempts and it just does not seem to work as demonstrated. I have attached the errors below and the EDS. I have also attached a JPEG of the model I am working in. Three errors demonstrating 3 different attempts to include a related table:
DataBinding: 'TmModel.tbICObjectBase' does not contain a property with the name 'Group' the code declaration for error 1: <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Group") %>' /> DataBinding: 'TmModel.tbICObjectBase' does not contain a property with the name 'tbICTagBase'. the code declaration for error 2: <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("tbICTagBase.Group") %>' /> DataBinding: 'System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityCollection`1[[TmModel.tbICTagBase, TmModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]' does not contain a property with the name 'Group'. the code declaration for error 3: <asp:Label ID="tbICTagBasesLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("tbICTagBases.Group") %>' /> EntityDataSource <asp:EntityDataSource ID="entDSObjectBase" runat="server" AutoGenerateWhereClause="True" ConnectionString="name=IntouchDBContainer" Include="tbICTagBases" DefaultContainerName="IntouchDBContainer" EnableFlattening="False" EntitySetName="tbICObjectBases" EnableDelete="True" EnableInsert="True" EnableUpdate="True" EntityTypeFilter="tbICObjectBase"> <WhereParameters> <asp:SessionParameter SessionField="Tag" Name="RecID" Type="Int64" /> </WhereParameters> </asp:EntityDataSource>
I a problem defining the variable @Bestilling in the codeBehind for adding the record to the database using a single form page. The database design with corresponding form are as below:
private void GridView1_BindData() { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr); SqlDataAdapter dAd = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT kart_DemoOrder.OrderID,
I get error in the method: "GridView1_AddNewRecord".
Must declare the scalar variable "@BestillingID". Is there a way to use only one Add Method and not two as I did?
I am using Asp.Net MVC 2.0 for creating a user and assigning properties to the user at the same time. I am using my Windows account to access database on my local computer. I am using pre-installed MVC code o create a user with unique user name and password. User is created OK. Then I want to add profile properties like First and Last name at the same time.
where profileInformation is a RegisterModel and has user info.
When I am trying to:
I am getting the following error # 2147467259 A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)"}
Why is my connection string works fine the first time and not working now? And how to configure connection to use TCP-IP?
I have SQL Server Browser running ander Local account and openned port in my Firewall.
I want to display a crystal report in my application. Suppose I have tables named student details, student marks, student address, etc... Nowif I want to display all these details (fields of all tables) in one crystal report (with page breaks if necessary) then how will I achieve it. I will be providing a combo box in my application that contains list of student names.How can I link this combo box with the cystal report to dynamically display report for different student on selected index change of combo box?