DataSource Controls :: Copy Past Not Working With Binary-data

Jul 2, 2010

Im using the SMMS result pane to copy paste data it workt fine for all data types except varbinary(Max)

When I copy < Binary-data > from one cell to another cell in the same column I get the following Error:

Invalid value for cell ( row5,column7) the changed value in this cell was not recognized as valid .Net Framework Data Type Byte[]

Error Message: You cannot use the result pane to set the field data other than NULL Type a value appropriate for the data or press ESC to cancel the change.

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DataSource Controls :: Select Record Which Were Created In The Past 24 Hours

Jul 2, 2010

i have a table with the following columns; [Id] [CreatedDate] [Title] [Description] the data type for the column [CreatedDate] is Datetime. What i want to achieve is, i want a query that can retrieve records in that were created in the past 24 hours.

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DataSource Controls :: Sqldatasource Insert Method - Copy Data To The Other Datasource By Selecting Checkbox

Feb 25, 2010

i have two sqldatasource controls. one i use to display data in textbox's ,filter'd by a select parameter in page behind code. Once checked, i want to copy this data to the other datasource ,by selecting checkbox.Then display this data in detailsview control.

At present the two datasource controls declared , render data to the page simultaneously during pageload. I want to first check data in textbox's from first source, before second datasource is rendered to screen. note, both are filtered by a page variable. i wish to leave the textbox datasource control in situ, as other controls and code depend on it.The other detailsview datasource is my problem?

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DataSource Controls :: Merging Binary Data?

Jul 27, 2010

I have several cases in my database and for each case there is binary data. I am reading binary data for each case in a byte attray and saving it as a pdf file.I can succesfully open this pdf file.

protected string SavePdfFromDB(string caseNum)
string PDFFileName = string.Empty;
SqlDataReader dr = csiDelegate.DataReaderProcedure("GetReportFilenameForFileSystemNewestFile", [code]....

Can I read this binary data for multiple cases in the same byte aray and and save it as a pdf? Will this create a valid readable pdf?

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DataSource Controls :: String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated?

Jan 8, 2010

I tested my app locally and it works perfect, but as soon I publish it, upload it to server and try it, on a 100% copy of my local database it throw me a truncate message; now via this msg

that throws me the error query or via sql profiler I got this query:


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DataSource Controls :: Binary Data Store In SQL Server 2005

Jan 30, 2010

1)How to convert 64base string to binary in and store into sql server.

2)when i convert 64 base string into binary & try to store it into database then it has taken so much tiime to insert. The size of 64base string is 1.5MB. and when i converted to binary then the size is the best way to insert the binary data into sql server. The data type of column is varbinary(MAX).

3)How can i insert the varbinary data into sql server uisng

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DataSource Controls :: Sql Server String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated?

Feb 11, 2010

I am using Sql server version enterprise edition 9 on win NT.I have an issue with the stored procedure, when I execute the SP I get an error message "String or binary data would be truncated." In general I know that we get this error when the inserted value is greater than the column length, but in this scenario the SP is failing only the for the section 1 insertion. The same SP contains one more section where we are inserting records in to same table from same source table based on some different condition and it works.I wrote a script in which I copied the section from the SP which has the problem and storing the output of it in an temp table and inserting one by one record using cursors in to the destination table and then it works.I tried with the option SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF and SET ANSI_NULLS ON, but it did not work. I am sure that it is not failing because of the length of the data inserted.Is there are other configuration that i can set??

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieving Image Binary Data And Displaying On Gridview

Feb 23, 2010

i am currently facing some problem retrieving image for display on a gridview control. the Image data type in the data table is "image". the data that is stored inside the database is in this format "<Binary data>". may i ask if it is possible tojust retrieve a image data of this format and display in the gridview? or do i need to store the image in a image folder for retrieval?

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DataSource Controls :: Copy Data From Table Into File External To The Db?

Jun 10, 2010

I want to export the table and all the data to a file outside the db. Then I want to detach this db, attach a different db with the same table, and reimport the table data from the file.

I thought you could create a table with :

select *
into table IN externaldb
from table

What is the proper syntax for this? I got an invalid path error. I just want to create the file on mu local C root.

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DataSource Controls :: Copy Data From One Table And Insert With Extra Values?

Jan 27, 2010

Is there a way to copy a row from one table and insert to another but at the same time insert extra values to destination table?Let's say source table Item has values:


Destination table ItemHist:


I want to copy row from source table where itemid is 25, insert it into destination table and add extra values: ChangeDate, ChangeReason, ChangedBy. I tried:

INSERT INTO ItemHist (ItemID, ChangeDate, ChangeReason, ChangedBy, ItemType, ItemModel) VALUES (ItemHist.ChangeDate=GetDate(), ItemHist.ChangeReason="why not", ItemHist.ChangedBy="me")
SELECT ItemID, ItemType, ItemProducer, ItemModel FROM Item WHERE ItemId=25

but obviously it didn't work ("The name 'ChangeDate' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted.").

View 4 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Copy The Data Of The Excel Sheet To The Sqlserver Table?

Feb 18, 2010

i am Using sql server 2005. i want to copy the data of the excel file to the table.

i wrote the query like :

INSERT INTO test(empId,empName,empMailId,empContactNo)
FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'Excel 8.0;Database=C: estExcel.xls',
'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')

got the following error :

SQL Server blocked access to STATEMENT 'OpenRowset/OpenDatasource' of component 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' because this component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server. A system administrator can enable the use of 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' by using sp_configure. For more information about enabling 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', see "Surface Area Configuration" in SQL Server Books Online.

then did this

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1;

again am trying the same above query ,now am getting the following error:

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error. Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)".

i want to copy the data of the excel sheet to the table.

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Possible To Convert Datatable Into Binary Data And Save It Into On Binary Field On Database

Sep 20, 2010

Is it possible to convert a datatable into binary data and save it into on a binary field on database?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Traverse A Binary Tree

Feb 23, 2010

I have a table in my database that holds the parent child relationships for a distributor binary tree. I need to be able to return this query into my application and have a recursive method to go through any given tree and traverse through all subtrees of the parent tree in order to calculate commissions. Does anyone have any working examples of binary tree traversal?

Also, I'm not exactly sure how I will pass this tree structure to my application. Would I return it as XML?

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieving Binary Files From SQL And Download It?

Mar 17, 2010

My apps required me to store upload files into SQL binary fields. And then allow users to retrieve the files and either chose an apps to view them or save on disk. These files can be in diff formats, not just one type.

I have been reading about using the Response.ContentType method and Response.AddHeader method. The issue is the users can upload anykind of documents, ie: MS words, Xcel, JPEG,TIFF.... So at the time of downloading, I have no way of knowing that type it is to put in the Response.ContentType.

Can't I just stream it to the browser, let the download dialog box handle the type selection? as in when you download a file, the dialog box would ask if you want to select an app to open the file or save it on disk. How would I do so ?

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DataSource Controls :: Saving A Text As Binary Into Db And Retrieve It To Read?

Jul 2, 2010

I am generating some text on my application just like as below;


I wanna save this text in my sql db as binary.I wanna retrive it any time I want and read text and view it. How can I do that in c#. Aslo what should my table row type? binary(1000) is ok?

View 6 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Read Binary File From Sqlserver2005 Database?

Mar 19, 2011

i have a table fileupload with id,username,filename,filedata,uploaddate here i have uploaded successfully...but i cannot retrieve the binary file uploaded by using its id. can anybody tell me how to read binary file from database using c#.net3.5?

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DataSource Controls :: A Binary Aggregate Overwrite Type Function?

Jan 4, 2010

Is there a way to do this in either scalar function form or in an aggregate function form? The problem I'm dealing with is building a security system with multiple tiers of inheritable permissions. Like you'll inherit certain permissions form the department level and then certain permissions from the supervisor level. I'd like to find a way to produce these resultsFor user permissions I pull these binary values and get these results, (they are sorted by their tree node depth level in the hierarchy.

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DataSource Controls :: Error Retrieving Image From DB In Binary Format?

Jun 10, 2010


I am using above mentioned code to insert image in binary format and display

Insertion code is working fine but image cannot be retrieved from DB

(Note: there is no syntex error in Code)

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Extends Past Edge Of Div And Page When Editing Users?

Aug 20, 2010

I have a gridview pulling all data from one user. This gridview has an edit button and when that is clicked the gridview becomes too wide for the div/screen and I get a scroll bar. Since this gridview can only have one user in it anyway is it possible to display each field on seperate lines instead?

View 9 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Finding For A Binary Aggregate Overwrite Type Function

Mar 7, 2010

Is there a way to do this in either scalar function form or in an aggregate function form? The problem I'm dealing with is building a security system with multiple tiers of inheritable permissions. Like you'll inherit certain permissions form the department level and then certain permissions from the supervisor level. I'd like to find a way to produce these results

For user permissions I pull these binary values and get these results, (they are sorted by their tree node depth level in the hierarchy.)


Does it look like I will be stuck with manually compiling the tables of departmentpermissions and supervisorpermissions base on every possible outcome of inherited permissions or is there a way to do this on the fly in an efficient manner?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Copy The Data From One Datatable To Another Datatable Based On The Schema

Jan 11, 2010

i have the dataset with one table.Table contains three column like 'Name','Location','Pin'.I would like to move the data from another table based on schema.

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DataSource Controls :: Copy Data From One SQL Server Database To Other SQL Server

May 21, 2010

how to copy data from one SQL Server database to other SQL server database using two connection string...

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Row's Edit Button Disappear If Date In Cell Is Past Month?

Jun 7, 2010

I have a Gridview with edit/delete button & in row data one field is a month value.

I want the edit/delete button in that row to disappear if the month in the row is past month.

How could I do this ? I have set the label1.text = current month but I do not know how to set the edit/delete button to be visible/invisible on the condition of the data in the row.

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Forms Data Controls :: Webform - Highlight Two Columns In Excel Category - Weight And Then Past Them From Clipboard To Gridview

Mar 23, 2011

I have a gridview that has the following colums Category, Weight , and an option to delete row. I user would like to be able to highlight two columns in excel Category, Weight and then past them from clipboard to gridview.

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C# - How To Write Binary Data "as Is" To Registry (ie: I Have Visible Binary Data As String From Regedit Only)

Feb 23, 2011

I have been googling this and have not come along a working solution for an entire day. I don't know anything about binary data types (as I've never knowingly used them) and I'm trying to write a binary value that I see in the registry, to the registry. Now, all I see is the following [shown below]... and if I try to pass that as a string to the RegSetValueEx in the WinAPI and of course it errors out... I do not know what 'numbers' I need to pass into the lpData As Any, argument of RegSetValueEx (i tried a bit array) in order for it to come out as the following [shown below] in the regedit. I really have no idea, and my tests to place random numbers in the bit array just produce corresponding random "figures" as visible in regedit that I do not understand how to 'tie' them together logically.

here is the culprit!


If I had the following in a string or a bit array, what must I populate the bitarray with so that the registry outputs this [above] when written? or, how can I figure out how to do it? I was hoping there'd be a function that reads my string of binary data and transforms it into the real binary format to submit to the RegSetValueEx function in VB6 or other function in VB.Net or C# (this really is a language agnostic question, and the problem exists in all languages; ie: same process).

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