DataSource Controls :: Declare Variables In A Gridview?

Jul 2, 2010

I´m having a SQL query statement in management studio that runs prefect. I can´t have it set in a gridview.In SQL management studio I´m declaring some variables. It seems like I´m not able to declare inside the query statement in a gridview. Do I have to do the declaring outside the gridview?Here is my code in management studio


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DataSource Controls :: Declare Variables And Pass Values In Vb?

Mar 6, 2010

I need to declare a variable xyz, then, using a select statement, pass a variable into it so I can then insert it into a table.

Dim @xyz As
set @xyz = (select xyz
from systable)

1. I get a squiggly line below the @.

2. I get informed that set and let are no longer supported.

3. When I remove the @ I get the squiggly below select.

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Must declare the scalar variable "@IMAGEM"

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I´m in need to export datagrids to excel. I found a good solution in C#. I´m a newbie at I have got it to work but I´m not familar to set the SQL connection and bind data in C#.

I need to declare my query with a calendar parameter but I have no idea how this should be done in this code.

Either, how do I set parameters into the C# code or how can I set a SQLDATASOURCE in the ASPX file and still run all code.



And CS


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Oct 21, 2010

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Whenever i put this in my sqldatasource for it is asking me to Define Parameters:

The wizard has detected one or more parameters in your SELECT statement. For each parameter in the Select Statement, choose a source for the parameter's value.

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Apr 24, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Declare The Scalar Variable @txtSubject?

Mar 24, 2011

I can't figure out whats wrong with my contact page. I am getting this error when executing. It complied fine, I see the page as it suppose to. Then I enter all my contact information and click submit I am getting this error. Can someone guide me. Here is the error msg

must declare the scalar variable @txtSubject Here is the part of relevant code

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
Dim ContactDataSource As New SqlDataSource()
ContactDataSource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ASPNETDBConnectionString1").ToString()
ContactDataSource.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text
ContactDataSource.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO Enquery (EnqSubject,EnqFirstname, EnqLastname,EnqContactNumber,EnqEmail,EnqMsg,EnqDateTimeStamp,EnqIPAddress) values (@txtSubject, @txtFirstname, @txtLastname,@txtPhone,@txtEmail,@txtMsg, @txtDateTimeStamp,@txtIpAddress)"


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Apr 14, 2010

I'm looking for a way of being able to declare and execute a SqlCommand all on one line. At the moment I do something like:

Dim Cmd as New SqlCommand("....", Conn)

How can I do something like:

(New SqlCommand("....", Conn)).ExecuteNonQuery

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Mar 1, 2011

I'm getting "Must declare the scalar variable "@ShowTypes"." when I try to run the code below.


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I believe "UserName" = Me.User.Identity.Name

but I don't know the proper way to add it to the function.

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Mar 23, 2010

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need to set the @customerID parameter = customer_data.CustomerID from the first Select Statement

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Forms Data Controls :: Declare And Set Keywords In Gridview?

Feb 5, 2010

I have the following code:


As you can see, I have two variables @total and @euclidDist, and I have declaring them and defining them using DECLARE and SET respectively. This query works in VB and MSSQL and returns the required results, however when I try to great a Gridview, and I paste the above query in the query builder, it asks me to input the values to @total and @euclidDist, ie it ignores the fact that I already defined them in the statement do I get around this?

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DataSource Controls :: StoredProc - Msg 156 - Incorrect Syntax Near Keyword "DECLARE"

May 20, 2010

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DECLARE @instbl
SET @instbl
DECLARE @instbl_def
SET @instbl_def
DECLARE @updttbl
DECLARE @Test_Desc

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DataSource Controls :: Frustrating In Error "Must Declare The Variable '@Date_Field'"?

May 11, 2010

I am working on this for couple of days but still getting this error message.

SqlCommand sqlInsert;
SqlDataAdapter MySqlAdapter_insert;
SqlCommandBuilder MyBuilder_insert;


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DataSource Controls :: Must Declare The Scalar Variable "@UserId"?

Mar 30, 2010

am trying to provide users with a number of options, among which, I would like them to see a sum of trips that they have talked about. I have therefore the Trips Table and the Users table. The UserId is the PK of User Table and FK of Trips Table. Trip_Id is PK of Trips Table.In order to see a sum of the number of trips that a user has post, this is the query I have wrote into SQLDATASOURCE:


Everything seems really simple and cannot figure out why when I try to login to test the application , the error I get is: Must declare the scalar variable "@UserId".

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DataSource Controls :: Declare Attribute With Select Top 1 / Error Incorrect Syntax Near The Keyword 'select'

Apr 14, 2010

I will declarate a attribute, but it gives me an error

This query works fine and returns 1 record from type int:

SELECT TOP 1 DataObjectVersionID
FROM tblDataObjectVersionPropertyValueText
WHERE PropValue like CAST('00010281' AS ntext)
ORDER BY DataObjectVersionID DESC

And when I will declarate a attribute/parameter it gives me an error:

DECLARE @dataObjectVersionId INT
SET @dataObjectVersionId = SELECT TOP 1 DataObjectVersionID
FROM tblDataObjectVersionPropertyValueText
WHERE PropValue like CAST('00010281' AS ntext)
ORDER BY DataObjectVersionID DESC

Error message:

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SELECT'.

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DataSource Controls :: Can't Use OUPUT For Declared Variables

Jun 16, 2010

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Jul 1, 2010

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Feb 1, 2010

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is it best to get individual parameters out of the stored procedure then assign the variables to a datatable which is then assigned to session Or how can i get all the details returned from the stored procedure for the table? not sure which would be the most effective solution?

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How to send it using SqlParameter[] arrParam?

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Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.


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DataSource Controls :: Assign Dataset Values Retrieved From Database To Session Variables

Aug 16, 2010

I am looking to retrieve data from a database and assign those values to class objects which in turn will be turned into session variables. I am using an object datasource to retrieve the data from the database but I cannot find anywhere that shows how to assign these values to variables. The data is returned in a dataset. There is the added problem that there will be mulitple items returned which will have to be assigned to different arraylists of objects based on the a primary key in the database.

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