DataSource Controls :: How To Select Rows From A DataTable And Create A New ViewList With The Selected Rows Only, While ...

May 31, 2010

I have one big DataTable with X rows. I want to select Y rows from it and bind them to a new ViewList. While doing it, I want to delete these rows from the DataTable (Having X - Y rows).

What is the best and fast way to do it?

I don't know if it is better to create a new DataTable to have the Y and after that bind them to a ViewList or something else?

I'm also looking for example in code how to select/delete rows from DataTable.

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Data Controls :: Get Multiple Selected Rows From DataTable In C#

Jun 16, 2015

I want to Get multiple selected column from datatable using c#. Below I have added data of datatable and I want red marked rows from datatable. Green marked text is column name of datatable.

Parameter Value
GetTempFilenameResult 0
tempFilename 0
data 0
fid 0
useid 0
filename 0
tempFilename 0
userName 1
pwd 1
LoginResult 1
useid 2
usename 2
address 2
mobileno 2
emailid 2
organization 2
city 2
country 2
password 2

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Data Controls :: Filter And Select DataTable Rows Using LINQ

Mar 22, 2013

i could bind the data form tables to dropdownlist in asp .net using linq.

var res=from n in dc. contacts where n.location==Hyd select new{n.Id,n.Name};
var res1=from n in dc. Morecontacts where n.location==Hyd select new{n.Id,n.Name};


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Data Controls :: Filter DataTable Rows Using Select Function In C#

Aug 18, 2015

I have a ListView with Checkbox. My requirement is - When I click on any checkbox then it should return all the columns values of that row on behalf of that CheckBox. After much study I came to know that using DataTable and DataRow I can get all data of particular ID of a Row. But I am unable to work with this. My code is something like below:
DataTable dt=new DataTable();


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Data Controls :: Select Specific Rows From DataTable Using LINQ

Jan 3, 2014

 I have records in database as
hotelid              amenitieid
17774                7585
15636                7585
25363                7585
36933                11236
21412                45696
23521                65474
15636                65474
21412                65474

now in above, if i want only those hotelid where amenityid is 7585 and amenityid is  65474 and not any else hotelid ,  then how to use select query in datatable  in 

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Data Controls :: Select Number Of Rows From DropDownList And Add Rows To GridView?

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C# - Sum Selected Rows In Datatable Only ?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a datatable which has an amount column & a status column.I want to sum only those rows who have status '1'. How to do this ?I am summing the column via datatable Compute method.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Add New Rows To Datatable Using Loop

Feb 26, 2010

iam working with gridview in asp.net3.5,Sqlserver2008 I am retrieving data from a SP into a datatable.i need to store this table into gridview. but am getting the last row from my datatable into my gridview.

here i need to add each row to the datatable.

my grid is like this:


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DataSource Controls :: Serialize A Datatable With 700,00 Rows?

Jun 24, 2010

I get the usual system.outofmemoryexception with the code below.

Is there a way to do this in small chunks?

public static void Serialize(DataTable dt, string filename)
FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create);
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
bf.Serialize(fs, dt);
catch (Exception)

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C# - How To Select Top Of Rows From A Datatable/dataview

May 7, 2010

How to select top n rows from a datatable/dataview in I am using the following code by passing the table and number of rows to get the records but is there a better way.

public DataTable SelectTopDataRow(DataTable dt, int count)

DataTable dtn = dt.Clone();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
return dtn;

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DataSource Controls :: Update Datatable Changed Rows Only?

May 24, 2010

I am using untyped database bind to gridview in an edit form. Now user makes some changes to that datatable (update, delete, insert). How do I detect which rows he changes and which rows he deleted (so I drop them from DB). I know it can be done easily via table adapters but I am supporting a previously built app using untyped datatables/datasets.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Add Rows To Datatable And Use Sqldataadapter Update Method

Jan 24, 2010

I'm trying to add new rows to a data table and then use the sqldataadapter update method bu fund some problems. First, I written this code:


Excuse me but the most part of variable are in italian, however I think it is possible to understand how does it work. If I execute this code I obtain this error:

System.InvalidOperationException: Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows.

After this I added these lines of code just above the last line:

SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(adapter);
adapter.InsertCommand = cb.GetInsertCommand;

and I obtained this error:

Cannot convert method group 'GetInsertCommand' to non-delegate type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand'. Did you intend to invoke the method?

View 2 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Adding Rows And Updating Tables From Datatable

Mar 7, 2010

Maybe this could be a simple questino, but for me it's difficult to do this action: I have a table in sql server 2005 with some records stored, for example 10 records. The primary key of this table, let's call it "Employee", it's a number field with an autoincrement constraint. I want to store more data into the table by using a OdbcDataTable object and OdbcDataAdapter and adding new rows to the datatable and afeter that use the "Update" method from the OdbcDataAdapter object.

The big deal is this: let's suppose that I want a add a new record to the datatable object, using any method or code sequence that you want. if I have 10 records stored on the data base table, when I retrieve this table schema by using the OdbcDataAdapter "Fill" method, I have a copy of the data base table schema in the DataTable object, right?. if I add a new row on the datatable object, it's suppose that the primary key column of that table must AUTO-INCREMENT the value of the key, I mean if the last value that I store on the table was the number 10 on the PK field, when I add a new row on the datatable object, the PK value on the datatable object must be the number 11 if the autoincrement constraint is present into the DataTable object, but in my case, it doesn't work

So, How can I define the conditions or set the c# data objects properties to wor in that way???. In this moment the PK column on the odbcDataTable doesn't auto-increment its value when I add a new row on it.

Please helpe with this.

PD: I have another question about the DataTable object, how many records can store this object?? I have some problems with this because sometimes when I use the Fill() method to get data into the DataTable or a DataSet object there's no problem if the Fill() method retrieves about 142000 records, but when I retrieve over the 145000 records, when I inspect the DataSet or DataTable object by using the debuging mode, they have null value. Any of you can tell me why this situation ocurrs??

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DataSource Controls :: Check Datatable Rows For Existing Item?

Jun 12, 2010

I have one problem with my shopping cart that I really can't figure out all by myself.I want, if a item already exist in the datatable, the quantity to be updated for that item with the new number instead of creating the same item again.I have done a foreach loop because I think that is where I should start.Notes: MyRow[3] is the column holding the quantity.Code:



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DataSource Controls :: Update Only Changed Or Insert New Rows In Datatable?

Mar 4, 2010

Existing records can be updatedNew records can be insertedAll existing records can be deleted & new ones can be insertedExisting records have a primary key field
New ones are just blank inserts

All this detail is stored in a data table. On form update I only want to update existing (only modified rows) & insert new rows. I have gone about loading the changed records in a new data table

DataTable changedRecordsTable = dataTable_old.GetChanges();

How do I compare it with all the records in the old datatable and pass them to the save query ?

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DataSource Controls :: Delete The Rows Present In The DataTable From IEnumerable DataRow

Jul 22, 2010

I want to delete the rows present in the DataTable by using LINQ (with out looping)

The deleted rows will be come from a LINQ as below

IEnumerable<DataRow> MobileQuery = (from d in dtBillDetail.AsEnumerable()
where (String.Compare(d.Field<string>("Destination"), "MOBILE", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) select d );

The DataRows present in the "MobileQuery" should be deleted in the DataTable "dtBillDetail"

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DataSource Controls :: Select Rows In Given Order Of Ids?

Apr 22, 2010

My query was SELECT ID FROM TBLCARS WHERE (ID IN (1, 5, 3, 6))

this will usualy produces the result 1,3,5,6 order.But i want the result in the specefied order of,5,3,6;ie;first get the row with id 1,then with id 5,then id 3,and last 6.

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DataSource Controls :: Select Rows From Table?

Mar 16, 2010

I need to select the rows between 20 to 30 from a table without using where condition. How is it possible?

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DataSource Controls :: Top 10 Rows As Well As Count Of All Rows From Linq To Sql Query

Jun 17, 2010


In above query I want to have top 10 rows as well as count of all rows.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Create Rows And Column Using Datatable Gridview Itemtemplate With Multi Header

Feb 23, 2010

How to create Rows and Column using Datatable Gridview Itemtemplate with multi header I need to create Datatable Gridview Itemtemplate fixed rows and column such as 7 rows and 7 columns


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DataSource Controls :: SQL Select Union And Total Number Of Returned Rows?

May 1, 2010

SQL Select Union and total number of returned rows?

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DataSource Controls :: Select Definite No. Of Rows After Ordering By Descending Order?

Mar 20, 2010

I am a bit confused how to say this but here goes.I have a sql server 2008 database tablewhere I want to select rows by descending order of a [column name] and then select first 10 rows from that output.I was trying something like select top 5 * from (select * from movie_data order by hits DESC);this does not work and I'm quite new to query-writing.

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DataSource Controls :: Select All Rows Where D.CD IS NOT One Of The Values Contained In The String Array?

Jan 29, 2010

Trying to do a simple NOT IN cluase, but can't get the Linq syntax to do it.Basically, here's what I am trying to do ( in incorrect syntax):


So, I wasnt to select all rows where d.CD IS NOT one of the values contained in the string array.

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VS 2010 - How To Select ALL Gridview Rows Not Just Rows Displayed

Jun 27, 2012

I have a gridview which right now is getting loaded with four pages of data. There are 50 rows per page. My problem is I need the "select all" button on my page to select 180 rows, not just the 50 on the page. This is my javascript:

function sel() {
var frm = document.forms[0];
isSelected = !isSelected;
for (var i = 0; i < frm.elements.length; i++) {
var e = frm.elements[i];
if (e.type == 'checkbox' &&"ckSelected") > -1)
e.checked = isSelected;

I am more a C# person than javascript, but I am deducing that I need something other than document.forms[0] to represent the entire gridview. Or perhaps, I can't do this in javascript at all. Do I need server code to run and set a session variable, then when the user clicks the button to do something with all his selected rows (it goes to a detail page), query that session variable to see if it's all rows instead of iterating through each gridview row individually to see if the checkbox is checked?

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SQL Server :: To Select Top 20 Rows But Skip The First 10 Rows?

Aug 18, 2010

I was looking for such an SQL query that it will give me the first 20 records but it will skip the first 10

There are some LIMIT and OFFSET stuff with MySQL and Postgres but what works with SQL Server?

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