DataSource Controls :: Removing Whitespace In String Not Working?
Jan 20, 2010
I am accumulating a string for a SQL IN clause, so the format needs to be WHERE var IN ('string1','string2','string3',etc)
The strings are coming from a multiline textbox where they are pasted in from the user (one per line).
For some reason, I always get a space right after the tick and before the value in every value after the first. For instance my DataReader is only returning one record because the input string turns out like this:
WHERE ID IN ('12345',' 23456',' 34567')
Here is how I am processing the string, and I can't see why it is not taking that space out.
Even if I move the replace space (line 2) to the end of the code block, it still wont trim it out...
Not too sure if the title is the most appropriate description, but I've noticed at the bottom of my page I have a load of 'whitespace' / emptiness where my panel - that is linked to ModalPopup - is during coding / design. Is there a way of this space not appearing when the page is rendered? Setting the panel's visibility to false gives me all sorts of issues and I don't know where to go now to get rid of this annoying space!
I have a situation where i have a dataset with many, many rows but few columns (5). Lets say in one row i have A,B then somewhere else in the dataset i could have another row that has B,A. What i want to do is if A,B exists then remove the row where B,A exists.
When I try to remove the last few characters of a string, I get an index out of range error. I am using the following to remove the characters from the end of the string: objJSONStringBuilder.Remove(objJSONStringBuilder.Length - 1, 6) The string has <hr /> at the end which I want to remove.
I am fairly new to C# programming and I am stuck on my little ASP.NET project.
My website currently examines Twitter statuses for URLs and then adds those URLs to an array, all via a regular expression pattern matching procedure. Clearly more than one person will update a with a specific URL so I do not want to list duplicates, and I want to count the number of times a particular URL is mentioned in, say, 100 tweets.
Now I have a List<String> which I can sort so that all duplicate URLs are next to each other. I was under the impression that I could compare list[i] with list[i+1] and if they match, for a counter to be added to (count++), and if they don't match, then for the URL and the count value to be added to a new array, assuming that this is the end of the duplicates.
This would remove duplicates and give me a count of the number of occurrences for each URL. At the moment, what I have is not working, and I do not know why (like I say, I am not very experienced with it all).
With the code below, assume that a JSON feed has been searched for using a keyword into srchResponse.results. The results with URLs in them get added to sList, a string List type, which contains only the URLs, not the message as a whole.
I want to put one of each URL (no duplicates), a count integer (to string) for the number of occurrences of a URL, and the username, message, and user image URL all into my jagged array called 'urls[100][]'. I have made the array 100 rows long to make sure everything can fit but generally, this is too big. Each 'row' will have 5 elements in them.
The debugger gets stuck on the line: if (sList[i] == sList[i + 1]) which is the crux of my idea, so clearly the logic is not working.
Here is sample code:
var sList = new ArrayList(); string[][] urls = new string[100][]; int ctr = 0; int j = 1; foreach (Result res in srchResponse.results) { string content = res.text; string pattern = @"((https?|ftp|gopher|telnet|file|notes|ms-help):((//)|(\\))+[wd:#@%/;$()~_?+-=\.&]*)"; MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(content, pattern); foreach (Match match in matches) { GroupCollection groups = match.Groups; sList.Add(groups[0].Value.ToString()); } } sList.Sort(); foreach (Result res in srchResponse.results) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (sList[i] == sList[i + 1]) { j++; } else { urls[ctr][0] = sList[i].ToString(); urls[ctr][1] = j.ToString(); urls[ctr][2] = res.text; urls[ctr][3] = res.from_user; urls[ctr][4] = res.profile_image_url; ctr++; j = 1; } } }
The code then goes on to add each result into a StringBuilder method with the HTML.Is now edite
I am looking for a better way to update a list of records. I have a string column in my table that contains an array of strings like so:"11112,AAAA1,AAAA2,99998" etc. It is possible that the column could contain one of those values at any position, for instance, these are ALL valid values for the column:
I want to write a SQL statement that will remove "11112" from all of the columns when needed. This MUST also remove any leading, trailing, or double comma values that may be left from simply replacing the "11112" with an empty string.As of now, I simply load a SqlDataReader with any records that contain "11112", I replace it with nothing, "", then I fix the string if need be and update it.
a)i have an gridview, i need to every record show in every rows, but it's show in both column and rows...., how fix this?i use only itemTemplate in this gridview!
b)how i link a field thats show in gridview and pass to a new page(with query string) for show single record....?
(this is like "read more..." link in many news site!!!)
c)in my db is a 'ntext' field,but when that show in Gridview,all enter(Chr13) and whitespace deleted, how fix this?
I'm concatenating a string in codebehind to use in a sql select statement.
in aspx
<asp:Label ID="LabelHidden" runat="server" Visible="False"></asp:Label> SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Data] WHERE [ActivityName] IN (@ActivityName) AND ([ID] = @ID)" <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList_Employees" Name="ID" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" /> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="LabelHidden" Name="ActivityName" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> in codebehind foreach (ListItem li in ListBox_Activities.Items) { if (li.Selected) { queryBuilder += li + "', "; } queryBuilder = queryBuilder.Substring(0, queryBuilder.Length - 1); LabelHidden.Text = queryBuilder;
When i run the code it comes up blank. I did a query trace and it seems to be running as
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT * FROM [Data] WHERE [ActivityName] IN (@ActivityName) AND ([ID] = @ID)',N'@EmployeeID int,@ActivityName nvarchar(50)',@EmployeeID=4,@ActivityName=N'Production Technical Support'', Tools Development'','
with exta "'s
How can i format the queryBuilder string correctly in my code?
I mean, what is the faster way to get as fast as I can more than one table with stored procedure? Is there any study what is faster and why? There is a big problem getting more than one table at once with Entities, so the only way is DataSet. But I was told DataSet work very slow. Is that true?
Am trying to get a working enity model with foreign keys working but have run into a problem. I have imported 3 tables with content and some data.Lets call these tables geo_countries, geo_counties, geo_municipalities and the FK are:1. geo_county have a column country_id wich corresponds to country_id in geo_country 2. geo_municipality have a column county_id wich correspond to the county_id in geo_county.The problem i have is when i try to get correspondig child items with the following code i run into trouble:
The problem above is that 'test' generates results but not 'test2', wich never return anything. Am i not supposed to be able to do it like i do in 'test2'? I earlier tried to add a child object by replacing ToList() with Add() and that worked. But i cant seem to get anything out of it.
Long ago, I created an ASPNET user for development use.However, every time I boot up my dev system, I'm presented with a user login for ASPNET, among others.I don't want to remove ASPNET; I need it for dev work.But how do I keep it from appearing among the list of User Logins available at boot-up?
As you can see, the connectionstring parameter is defined to a specific connection string name and I need to be able to set such a parameter to a different value, for example, to a session variable content.
im explaining this base on a test page that i have hosted as i was trying to track down my problem, i have a hosted page which i have hosted on the internet on a hosting service provider. the page has a normal gridview that is linked to a SqlDataSource. and theSqlDataSource has sql statements for selecting data, updating and deleting. They all work fine locally and even if i host them locally through IIS. but on the hosting service they down work. only the select work, which means i can view my data on the gridview but i cant manipulate it, delete and updating dont wanna work, they dont do anything. and the worse part is that im not even getting an error from them, on the grid i have enabled the autogenerate edit button and the delete, how can i make the update and delete work, or what is it that makes them not to work. the code for my test page is below
I'm looking for a regex that will allow Alpha Numeric and most all special characters except white space. It should be usable in c#. It would be nice if .net supported posix style but I can't seem to get it to work.
I'm using an chart control to display a pie chart, image below.
I can't find the property (I assume there must be a property) to get rid of the whitespace surrounding the chart. Does anyone know how to? I feel like I've tried everything...
I want to improve the html output by removing the whitespaces (see html output). There are a couple of "solutions" out there that do this at the Asp.Net level but those do not work reliable as they do not take the block buffering into account.
Anyone here who has a mvc 3 solution for that and is willing to share?
I need this in around 6 to 7 places. When I changed it everywhere to the same as above, it worked in only 2 places but others are not working. Its the same but dont know whats the reason.
I'm rendering a view for the text/plain part of an e-mail. But in some cases, the whitespace is removed between non-output server tags, and I can't figure out why. Can someone explain why the following is missing the line breaks before the final line of output?
But this works - whitespace is preserved between output tags:
This is on MVC 2. It may have been on MVC 1 (or even in Web Forms), but I didn't notice it until today when I went to add a new line to the e-mail, so not sure of the source. Does ASP.NET or MVC have some optimization to try not to output whitespace between server tags?
"something here [tagQuote=Name of Author]bla bla bla[/tagQuote] something here"And now I want to replace all the whitespace character in quote attribute with "%#%#%#%".So I want to have: [tagQuote=Name%#%#%#%of%#%#%#%Author]bla bla bla[/tagQuote]So remove all of the whitespaces between "[tagQuote=" and "]...[/tagQuote]"
I'm using the following codeproject to build an website and so far everything is good. My only problem is after the barcode is generated, a huge whitespace exist to the right of the barcode. I've been playing with this and am unable to resolve it.
I have a ListView control that pulls a phone number from a db table. I'd like to format the phone number in the presentation layer to look like (###) ###-####.
The code line currently looks like this. The page displays the phone# but unformatted, i.e. 9999999999.
Based on other posts I've looked at in this forum, I've also tried:
<li>Phone: <%# String.Format("{0:(###) ###-####}", Databinder.Eval (Container.DataItem("Phone"))) %> with no success. In fact, this particular line throws an exception in my application (Input string not in the correct format).
The datatype I'm using in SQL is varchar(15)
The MSDN documentation for the String.Format method hasn't been very helpful thus far.
Trying to add another 2nd dropdownlist to Query String... Below This Query String works Perfectly:
Query = String.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE NACategory = '{2}' ORDER BY {3}", PrimaryKeyColumn, TableName, DDLCategory.SelectedItem.Text, SetSorting()) I've tried to add a 2nd DDLSubCategory.SelectedItem.Text - But its throwing and error message. Exception of type System.StackOverflowException was thrown. Query = String.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE NACategory = '{2}' AND NASubCategory = '{3}' ORDER BY {4}", PrimaryKeyColumn, TableName, DDLCategory.SelectedItem.Text, DDLSubCategory.SelectedItem.Text, SetSorting()) Can Someone take a look I'm not sure how to write (add) 2nd DropdownList (DDLSubCategory.SelectedItem.Text)
I am thinking of putting a drop down list to choose a couple of options. Depending on what is selected I want to then specify a specific connection string. I use the ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SomeConnectionString %>" format. How can I handle this in the .aspx page?