DataSource Controls :: The SQL Below Takes At Least 7 Second To Run And May Even Time Out?

May 6, 2010

The SQL below takes at least 7 second to run and may even time out.

There are a lot of records over a million in each of the two tables being inner joined and then being searched on.

I have tried putting an index on the create_date# and rdat# hoping that sql would not have to access all the records

But it seems to have made no difference, so I have now deleted those indexes.

I realise that manipulation of strings comes at a price but I can only work with the data I have been given.

Do you have any tips or trick that I can use to optimise this code?

-- Description: Finds all customer infomation that matches at least two params

-- =============================================

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_FindMatchesInDAProspect.bak] [code]....

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Output Windows contents when page is refreshed


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<script language="C#" runat="server">
protected void Page_Load ( object src, EventArgs e ) {
//Query the database to get the data for rows and columns
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