DataSource Controls :: Using Transaction For A Few Subs

May 20, 2010

Can I code to add transaction for some subs? If there is an error in any sub will roll back.For example, sub1 delete some tablessub2 insert data into tables which just be deletedsub3 send out confirmation emailsub4 make submit button disable

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Similar Messages:

DataSource Controls :: Transaction Is Not Getting Rollback?

Mar 15, 2010

I have written several queries under one single transaction. When any of the query throws an error then the whole transaction should rollback. However, in some rare cases say 2% cases even after the error the next transaction is getting comitted.

note that all transaction processes (opening, committing and rollback) is done through .net.

I am using 64bit windows 2003 for data and application server. And website is configured for runapp32on64.

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DataSource Controls :: Checking Row Counts In A Transaction?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a transaction that has 5 update statements.I am checking that the data is the same as it was when i selected it before i change it, as this will be from a web app that many people could update.

I want to check that the rowcount is 1 everytime i make an update, if it is one then I want to move on, if not I want to rollback and return.

Here is what I have, only it it rolling back on the first attempt everytime.


I am not sure if rowcount is available yet, if not what do I need to use to find out if anyrows are being updated before moving on?

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DataSource Controls :: DeadLock In Sql/ High Transaction Tables?

May 7, 2010

I was facing some serious deadlock issues in a high transaction table.For some select statement i have added nolock .But for few i can not put nolock, as i need accurate data.this select statement becomes a deadlock victim at times.

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DataSource Controls :: Rollback Transaction For Calling Web Services?

Apr 22, 2010

I have the web form whcih processing several web services calls.

If one call failed, it will rollback transactions. But it cannot.

Due to the web services will complete for each call.

I am using sql connection and sql command.

Is it possible to do this?

View 11 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Use Transaction To Work With Truncate And Sqlbulkcopy?

Apr 30, 2010

I code to exec a store procedre (sp_truncate) to truncate 10tables and using sqlBulkCopy to download a huge data. Both them are working fine.Now I want to use transaction with application (not in store procedure) torollback truncate tables if download is failed.Is it possible to use transaction to work with these two steps?

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DataSource Controls :: Transaction Type That Is Similar To IBank?

Jul 6, 2010

I'm doing a transaction type that is similar to iBank where people can add their payee. In my SQL database, I have a transaction table which has the date variable. I would like to set in a way that if the user did not express interests to activate the payee, the record will be expired after 1hour.

SELECT @ExpiryDate = DATEADD(hh,1,getdate())

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DataSource Controls :: Reader.close() And Transaction.commit()?

Feb 8, 2010

I'm getting "This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable" exception when try to commit my transaction after sqlreader is close.Here is the code sample

[Code].... when I get to commit the transaction it raises the mentioned exception: "This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable". I have also noticet that Command.Transaction becomes NULL after reader.Close()My question is: Can I use SqlDataReader and SqlTransaction ? Maybe to use BeginExecuteReader and EndExecuteReader ?

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DataSource Controls :: Transaction Roll Back On Exceptions?

Feb 22, 2010

Does a DB transaction get automatically rolled back during exception or we should explicitily write transaction .Rollback inside the catch block to rollback a transaction...

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DataSource Controls :: Cannot Read Committed Rows While Another Transaction Is In Process

May 3, 2010

i have a method that do bunch of inserts in a table

these inserts done through a transaction (with default isolation level)

meanwhile i need to read some committed records from this table by using another method, i create another transaction for 2th method with a ReadCommitted isolation level but it just fails and return a timeout error and also, the DoTransaction cause the entire table inaccessible, how could i apply a row-level lock ?


View 5 Replies

DataSource Controls :: DataSet TableAdapter Sometimes Not Generating Transaction Property?

Apr 21, 2010

I've got an odd problem and can't figure out what's causing it. We've got 2 different DataSets in the same project and I'm seeing different generated code from the MSDataSetGenerator. Both projects are .NET Framework 4.

In one DataSet, I can open the .Designer.cs file and there's a line like:


This essentially exposes a Transaction property to any partial class I create so I can do with it what I want (by setting it to something).

In the other DataSet no matter what I try to do, this Transaction property never gets generated. I've right-clicked on both DataSets and chose "Run Custom Tool" to get them to regenerate (I've even tried deleting the .Designer.cs file before doing this) and they both get generated the same.

I tried to make sure all the properties of the DataSets were the same. Both are using .NET Framework 4.0 and VS2010.

The file that does not generate the Transaction was from a .NET 1.0 web site that has continually been upgraded through different .NET versions. Right now it's at 4.0 but I don't know if that would have anything to do with it.

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DataSource Controls :: Transaction Count After EXECUTE Indicates A Mismatching Number Of BEGIN And COMMIT Statements?

May 27, 2010

I have a stored procedure which is part of the aspnetdb but i am using my own database and therefore these stored procedures are added on my sql server locally.So i uploaded the databases to my hosting company 1and1 and created the stored procedures and tables as those in aspnetdb but i get the error as in the title. this is a standard stored procedure which lives in the aspnetdb database but not sure why this is happeningthe code is below which is for aspnet membership createuser a standard stored procedure


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Flush Separate Castle ActiveRecord Transaction And Refresh Object In Another Transaction

Jun 15, 2010

I've got all of my ASP.NET requests wrapped in a Session and a Transaction that gets commited only at the very end of the request. At some point during execution of the request, I would like to insert an object and make it visible to other potential threads - i.e. split the insertion into a new transaction, commit that transaction, and move on. The reason is that the request in question hits an API that then chain hits another one of my pages (near-synchronously) to let me know that it processed, and thus double submits a transaction record, because the original request had not yet finished, and thus not committed the transaction record.

So I've tried wrapping the insertion code with a new SessionScope, TransactionScope(TransactionMode.New), combination of both, flushing everything manually, etc. However, when I call Refresh on the object I'm still getting the old object state. Here's some code sample for what I'm seeing:

Post outsidePost = Post.Find(id); // status of this post is Status.Old
using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionMode.New))
Post p = Post.Find(id);
p.Status = Status.New; // new status set here
// refresh doesn't get the new status, status is still Status.Old

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Calling Variable In Different Subs?

Sep 21, 2010

How do i call a variable in different subs on the page? I know I need to create a Private_Sub....? But I don't know the how to complete it. For example, I have the following code in a Button Click event. But I also need xamount in a different Button Click for the same page. Like I said, I believe I need something like a Private_Sub or Protecetd_Sub (not sure which one and why) with a made up name to reference Private_Sub subXAmount, but I don't know how to complete it and then reference it.


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VS 2008 Passing A Variable Between Two Protected Subs?

Aug 31, 2010

I hope this is simple but I can't find any information when searching Google about passing a variable between two Protected Subs.

When I use the fileUpload tool within my webform I need to take the filename chosen and use it in a different Protected Sub

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Configuration :: Store Global Subs And Functions?

Aug 6, 2010

the best place to store Subroutines and Functions for global access for a beginning programmer:

-As a .dll file (class library) in the bin folder?

-As seperate classes under the App_code directory?

-or just all together in the code behind on a blank page?

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Web Forms :: How To Use Public Variable For All Subs In A Code Behind Page

May 9, 2010

I'd like to know how to declare a variable in my code behind page that I can use in all the subs of my code behind.

I tried in after the Partial Class declaration to declare a "Public String" :


and to use it in my subs but when I use it from a sub to another I loose the value affected in another sub.

Is there a way to use a Public variable from a sub to another (I'm actually using a session variable in order to do it and I'm not sure it is the best way)

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GetStartUpDetails Is A Structure In The Business Objects Layer In Page Subs?

Jun 22, 2010

If I do thisPublic PageDetail As CoreBO.GetStartUpDetails = PageCoreBLL.InitialSetup(DomainName)


Where GetStartUpDetails is a structure in the Business Objects Layer In my page subs is their a performance differance between writing

sub xx
Dim test as pagedetails.structure1
response.write (test)
end sub
or just response.write (pagedetails.structure1)

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Data Controls :: How To Check Transaction ID From SQL Table In ViewState GridView

Jan 5, 2014

how to write a code to check the Transaction ID from SQL Table in view state gridview for each row data ?

For Example, select transID from Table.Current ID is 14481. 

So now when i add in the view state grid view, it show the same trans number

Is it any method to write the + values in add row function in c# to increase the values ? as below is the c# code.  

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;


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Data Controls :: How To Stop Transaction While Inserting Record If Duplicate Value Found In DB

Nov 7, 2010

I have a formview and inside it there are two textboxes taking integer as input.I put a condition that if both textboxes are empty then user should be notified that "Please put value in any one of the textbox".It is working very fine.From database side DBA checked that if user input any integer value in any one of the two textboxes and if it is already found in database then there is no insertion.The problem is that everything is working fine and i checked in the database that the record is also not inerting due to duplicate check but user is getting message that "Record inserted successfully."How to stop this message and how to notify user that you have entered duplicate value and transaction should also not been done. Means all inputs should be there rather than clearing textboxes that could be done when "Record Inserted."

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ADO.NET :: How To Check SQL Transaction Log

Jan 7, 2011

We can catch the error log information by use EXEC xp_readerrorlog. I am just wondering is SQL have other types of log for us to reference information

I didn't wrote trigger for my tables... one table was missing, would it possible to know when the table was be deleted by some kind of transaction log?

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C# - How To Format A Transaction Id

Feb 25, 2010

What is the best way to format a transaction id?Conditions Max 15 characters: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -All transaction must be unique -Can contain both numerical and alphabetical characters -May contain Year, month, day

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Transaction & Disconnected Mode

Jan 2, 2010

disconnected mode and's give to me ERROR message

Quote.ExecuteReader requires the command to have a transaction when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction. The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized
PHP Code:
da.InsertCommand = cb.GetInsertCommand

my code is:

PHP Code:
Dim con As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DBCon").ConnectionString)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("insert into Customer (customer_id, customer_name, note) values (@cid, @cname, @note)", con)
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter("select * from CustomerPhone", con)

| [code]....

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Commit Transaction In SQL Server

Dec 10, 2010

table 1
Table 2
my stored procedure

when ever i m passing the wrong the value in second table while updating its not updating the table but the problem it is inserting the value in first table i want the whole trans should proceed if success if not rollback

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SQL Server :: How To Check Transaction Log

Sep 23, 2010

I know these 2 commands

sp_who and sp_who2 → knowing who are updateing

DBCC log (DB_NAME,4) → I can't really understand these information..

just wondering does there exists a log file, so we can check who have updated database from it?

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