DataSource Controls :: Adjusting Column Through Sql Query

May 27, 2010

I am looking to display the value of a column and divite it by 1.175and display only the result do you know how to adjust the value of a column through a select statement in SQL?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Adjusting Gridview Column Width?

Oct 3, 2010

I populate a gridview dynamically which has differen column numbers depend on requirements. My goal is to adjust column width dynamically. I have tried several methods and events, then RowCreated event of GridView looks best one to do. My code is as below. When
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DataSource Controls :: SQL Query With Complex Column?

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DataSource Controls :: Query A Nullable System.DateTime Column?

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Am I going to be able to query (using LINQ to SQL) a database field with a type like the following "public System.Nullable<System.DateTime> Spouse_DOB"?

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Is it because this DateTime column allows a NULL value (since everyone isn't married in my database)?

Error 1 'System.Nullable<System.DateTime>' does not contain a definition for 'Month' and no extension method 'Month' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Nullable<System.DateTime>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
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38 26
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Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to do a lookup in a table with a value stored in an xml column.

I tried this several ways but I can't get it to work.

Here is some code:


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DataSource Controls :: Select Query Not Working / Getting An Invalid Column Name Error?

Jul 9, 2010

i have the following select staement which deosnt work, can anyone advise me whats wrong with it:

string _name = ddl_Name.SelectedValue.ToString();
string cmd =
"SELECT ID, Telephone FROM User_List WHERE Name = '' + _name;

i keep getting an invalid column name error? and i know the syntax next to _name isnt correct. how are the single quotes meant to go?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Query A Table That Contains An XML Column And Bind The Data To A Gridview Object

Jun 21, 2010

I have tried to query a table with an xml column by using XQuery and I can't get the Select to work.

All my knowledge/understanding of the subject comes from this MSDN article:


so I am probably overlooking something minor:

I tried this query Select col1, Phone.Query('element CellPhone {I am not sure about what goes here} I tried {data('Phone/cellPhone} from aTable Where Phone.Exist('/Phone/cellPhone/text()[contains.,"412-8977"]') = 1 This syntax is definitely not fun.

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DataSource Controls :: SQl Query - Generate Another  Computed Column That Will Contail The Result Of GrandTotal/Total?

Jun 30, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Query To Search "non - English Characters" With Column

Apr 29, 2010

I am using this code to find titles depending on user criteria:


The search is non-english charachters, and it has some problems. when you looks for "Marker" and in database you have this title: "Markers" it won't find it..... This search just not good enough and I am looking to replace it urgently....

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DataSource Controls :: SqlDataSource And Parameters Query / Trying To Accomplish Is Building Dynamic Query

Aug 22, 2010

1. I have a GridView on my page and it uses sqldatasource with parameterized query. What I want to do is, on page load (where nothing has been selected so no parameter supplied), I want it to query everything (something like SELECT * FROM [this_table]) but since my SelectCommand is something like

SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [this_column] = @someParameters AND [that_column] = @someParameters.

Can I play around with default value to achieve something like that but how ? Now, when the page loads, it doesn't show anything (No Gridview).

2. On my page, I made something like (username, gender, address, and more) and one single search button. That means, no single control enable auto postback. What I am trying to accomplish is building dynamic query

(if username specifed -> SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [username] LIKE @username).

If both username and gender are specified (SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [username] LIKE @username AND [gender] = @gender) and you know the rest. How can I do this using GridView and SqlDataSource ? To my knowledge, I can only specify one SELECT statement in a sqldatasource.

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DataSource Controls :: Update Query Not Working When Using Query Builder To Configure Table Adapter

Jan 15, 2010


This query works perfectly on the query analyser.

But when configuring the Table adapter ,I try executing the query and i get 0 rows affected.

What could I be getting wrong in this case.

NB:Existing GalleryID has been supplied.

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DataSource Controls :: Can't Find Query's / By Right Clicking On Database Created A Query In Server Explorer?

May 17, 2010

By right clicking on my database i created a query in server explorer. But where are this query stored can't find them back. I should aspect that their is a folder query's like there is a folder tables but this isn't the case.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Convert Sql Query Into Linq Query

Mar 10, 2010

select Groupid,GroupName,onorusername from palgroup where groupid in (select distinct Groupid

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DataSource Controls :: Accessing FK From A Query Via Entity Query

Jan 21, 2010

I've got a query such as

Dim MediaQuery =
From m
In dB.DOWNLOADS _Where m.ID = id _Select

which returns a record from the database. One of the fields in the record is a FK to another table. I need to read this value to be able to set a dropdown based on the ID but I can't work out how to access it. For a standard record I can just do the following txtTitle.Text = MediaQuery.FirstOrDefault().TITLE

However with the foreign key it doesn't work like that. I've tried drpGroup.SelectedIndex = MediaQuery.FirstOrDefault().DOWNLOAD_GROUPS.ID where DOWNLOAD_GROUPS is the FK field but it returns Object reference not set to an instance of an object. If you're simply wanting to read some values from a single db record in the entitiy framework and one is a foreign key how should I go about getting the value?

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid With Adjusting Vertical Scroll Bar

Oct 21, 2010

here my requirement is datagrid scrollbar which is smaller than the datagrid height... I need little scrollbar at top vertical possition...

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Forms Data Controls :: Adjusting Gridview Width Tried Many Ways?

May 7, 2010

adjusting Gridview width tried many ways?





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DataSource Controls :: Accessing Specific Column In Database With Column ID With Table Adaptor

Jan 6, 2010

I'm currectly tryin to access a specific value in my database in a specific column. I'm tryin to use the primary key of the table to access the actual value in the row of that ID.

The current code:


Just iterates through the table and looking for any row with the boolean 'checkin' value is True, then it takes the 'id' value of that row and stores it into an array. Is there a way that I can access a another entry, and only that entry, in the table with the 'id' stored in the array?

Like if my data base contained and int, primarykey, `id` value, a boolean, `checkedin` value, and a `time` value, is there a way to access, lets say, the row with `id` equalling 3 and and the checkIn value from that row?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Select Column Value From Grid And Hide A Column

Oct 19, 2010

I'm trying to retreive a column value from gridview5 to use it in a query to display resuls in gridview, Also how do you hide a column in the grid?

Where (p.Link_ID Like GridView5.?


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DataSource Controls :: Move 1 Column Values To Another Column In Datatable?

Mar 31, 2010

i have a datatable with several columns and rows. now i want to copy the last column fully (all rows) and create the new column with that values.

it means last column values sholud be moved to new column (now this is the last column).

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Forms Data Controls :: Additional Column On Gridview With SQL Query

Nov 18, 2010

i want to add a column on to the end of the gridview that runs an sql query based on that ID i.e! select * from thistable where id = (0). so basicaly i want to bind a sql query as a column!! how would i do this?

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Data Controls :: How To Display Custom Sub Query Column In DataList

Nov 5, 2013

I want to know how to count items/products using stored procedure in C#.Example : I am using repeater control to display Categories.

Categories-------------Shoes : 2Paint : 7Skirts : 204Abaya : 1Burka : 6-------------------------------

I have Written stored procedure "GetItemCount" but how to call it in c# code i do not know. It is working fine Query showing result as per my desire.

SELECT id, category, ( SELECT COUNT(id) FROM entry_table WHERE = entry_table.cat_id) as cnt FROM category

Check screen-shot [URL] .....

-------------------<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink2">

<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container,"DataItem.Category")%>   ( <%# count here %> )</asp:HyperLink>

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Forms Data Controls :: Updating The Datasource / Mark All The Values In The Binding Column Of Datasource If Checkbox In Headertemplate Is Checked?

Sep 29, 2010

I am creating a custom gridview control which has a custom CheckBoxTemplateField column (deriving from TemplateField class). This template field column has custom Checkboxheadertemplate (implementing ITemplate) and CheckboxItemTemplate (also implementing ITemplate). In InstantiateIn method of both templates (header as well as Item template), I am adding a checkbox control which has Autopostback = true.

My requirement is:
I want to mark all the values in the binding column of datasource if checkbox in headertemplate is checked. I dont want to mark only rows visible on grid. I WANT TO MARK ALL ROWS IN DATASOURCE. I want to do this in _CheckedChanged event of checkbox in header template.

Problem I am facing: When I check/uncheck the checkbox in header, it postbacks. so in OnCheckedChanged event, gridview's datasource is null. Secondly, in any event of gridview, I could access only those rows of datasource for which corresponding rows are visible in gridview through Gridviewrow.DataItem property. But I want to set it for all rows in datasource.

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DataSource Controls ::character To Column Name Then A New String Random Will Auto Insert Into Column Random?

Dec 15, 2010

I create a table as picture below :

when I insert any character to column Name then A new string random will auto insert into column Random (picture below) I had used Trigger but It was error !

I want to column Random use to code :

DECLARE @myid uniqueidentifier
SET @myid = NEWID()
insert into table_1 values(@myid, substring(CONVERT(varchar(255), @myid), 1, 5))

but It must auto like column Number (column Number is Identity)

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Forms Data Controls :: Enable Delete Column At Gridview When Having Specify Query?

Sep 15, 2010

have trouble to add delete column to gridview when using specific query.I have PK set up at the table, I need add specific query to display dataat gridview:

SELECT [PID], [GID], [TID], [SID], [NEWSID] FROM [TableOne] WHERE ([NAME] = ?)

After builder this query, I click advanced button. However, generate insert, update, and delete Statements is not enabled.

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SQL Server :: Stuck On Update Query / Identify That The First Letter In A Column In T1 Corresponds To One Letter In The Middle Of A String In A Column In T2 For Instance?

Nov 30, 2010

Heres the situation: I need update a column from my table (T1) from two other columns in a different table (T2).

My constraints are:

That I have to match the first 4 letters of a column in T2 to one column in T1 I have to identify that the first letter in a column in T1 corresponds to one letter in the middle of a string in a column in T2 For instance:

My Table (T1):

Order Type Combined
0090 0001 YYXX 1YY
0091 1001 YYXX YYY
0092 1002 XXXX 2XX

Table 2 (T2):

Order Value
00900001YY XX
00911001YY XX
00921002XX XX

The Combined column in T1 is what i'm trying to complete. The T1.Place column contains the first character that I want to check for.

If it's a "1" then I want to make sure the 5th letter in T2.Order is a "0" If its a "Y" then I want to look for a "1001" If its a "2" then I want to make sure the 8th letter is a "2" in T2.Order
If all that matches then I was the last two letters in T2.Order + T2.Value to be combined and put into the appropiate spot in T1.Combined

Here's what I have:


I know it's a little complex, but i'm really stuck on it and any help would be greatly appreciated.

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