DataSource Controls :: Select Query Not Working / Getting An Invalid Column Name Error?
Jul 9, 2010
i have the following select staement which deosnt work, can anyone advise me whats wrong with it:
string _name = ddl_Name.SelectedValue.ToString();
string cmd =
"SELECT ID, Telephone FROM User_List WHERE Name = '' + _name;
i keep getting an invalid column name error? and i know the syntax next to _name isnt correct. how are the single quotes meant to go?
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What Contract Number Are These Documents Related To?
<asp:DropDownList ID="lstContractNumber" runat="server"
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<asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsdContractNumbers" runat="server"
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Jun 25, 2010
For example:
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I get the data I was expecting and the column does exist?
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May 9, 2010
protected void Button19_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlDataSource conn = new SqlDataSource();
conn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Database2ConnectionString1"].ToString();
conn.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text;
conn.SelectCommand = "SELECT FROM table1 (a, b)VALUES(@a,@b)";
conn.SelectParameters.Add("b", TextBox2.Text);
int rowsAffected = 0;
rowsAffected = conn.Selectt();
catch (Exception)
Label1.Text = "Error";
finally {
conn = null;
if (rowsAffected != 0)
Label1.Text = "Data saved";
well it returns error no overloading method for select (P.S. same code work fine for insert)
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FROM tblDataObjectVersionPropertyValueText
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ORDER BY DataObjectVersionID DESC
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DECLARE @dataObjectVersionId INT
SET @dataObjectVersionId = SELECT TOP 1 DataObjectVersionID
FROM tblDataObjectVersionPropertyValueText
WHERE PropValue like CAST('00010281' AS ntext)
ORDER BY DataObjectVersionID DESC
Error message:
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SELECT'.
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error: Invalid command sent to ExecuteXmlReader. The command must return an Xml result.
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db = (
cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(
xmlReader = db.ExecuteXmlReader(cmd);
db = null;DbCommand cmd =
null;XmlReader xmlReader =
* from emp");DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(cmd);
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Bitter Gourd
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Mar 19, 2010
i have used one query like this
Select skillReq from tblPostJobs where SkillReq like '%Silverlight 2.0%'
it is working fine. But while giving
Select skillReq from tblPostJobs where SkillReq like '%Silverlight 2.0,C#%'
It is not filtering data from database. It is only checking starting and ending Character.In my database some keyskill are like that 3.5,4.0,C#,Sql server 2008,Silverlight 2.0,3.0.
My requirement is to check each word in "SkillReq" text.
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Feb 17, 2010
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yYear = DropDownList1.Text
Using connection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=CHRIS-PCSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TorGHL;Integrated Security=True")
Dim cmd As String
cmd = "SELECT BarDetails.*, MenuHeadingId AS Expr1 FROM BarDetails WHERE (MenuHeadingId = 2)" & "WHERE " & yYear & " BETWEEN " & "(" &
StartYear & ")" & " AND " & "(" & EndYear & ")"
Dim dapubcb As New SqlDataAdapterDim sqlcomm
New SqlCommand(cmd, connection)
dapubcb.SelectCommand = sqlcomm
Dim dspubcb As New DataSet("BarDetails")
dapubcb.Fill(dspubcb, "BarDetails")
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Jan 8, 2010
I want to create an application where I need to enter date to the ms access database.
I am a bit confused regarding how to make the user to enter date. The options avaliable are:
a. Shall I use a textBox?
b. Shall I go for 3 drop down lists?
or something else.
Some more questions:
1. what date format shall i use? (dd-mm-yyyy, dd-mmm-yyyy, etc, etc or anything else)
2. What datatype shall i use to store the date in the database?
3. What SQL query shall i use to retrieve the data between 2 dates?
let me know if there are multiple options available regarding this application.
I want to make this application as easy as possible for the user.
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Oct 29, 2010
I have a stored procedure where i am creating a run time query.
Stored procdure compiled successfully. But when parameter is passed its have an error.
Its have a Error like this.
Invalid format specification: '% (RTRIM(LTRIM(baln))) % '.'.
when i am trying to execute it with bold parameter.
exec USP_GetRedemptionBYPlayer 'baln',null,null,null
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Feb 9, 2010
Mmy data table has four columns. How can I get only selected columns name?
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