DataSource Controls :: Calculate The Slope Of A Dataset?
May 19, 2010
I have a certain report I want to make where I want to calculate the slope of a dataset(turnover column) following the formula:
SumXY-MeanY*SumX / SumXX-MeanX*SumX
In order to do that the X-range has to be an integer from 1 to the last datarow. In my report I get this exact number with the rownumber(nothing) formula. But it seems I can't calculate with it in the expression for the slope because it gives errors:
=(rownumber(nothing)-Avg(Fields!TurnOver.Value)*Sum(rownumber(nothing)))/ ((Sum(rownumber(nothing)*rownumber(nothing)-avg(rownumber(nothing))*sum(rownumber(nothing)))
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