DataSource Controls :: Check If The Particular Values In A Table Exists?

Jan 5, 2010

how to check if the particular values in a table exists?

if it is not existing i need to insert that values in the table?

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Data Controls :: Check If Table Exists In Database Or Not

Apr 27, 2016

I need to check whether table named 'CSE' is existing in database or not. if it exists, i want to drop the table 'CSE'.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Check If Record Exists

Jan 6, 2010

Just have a problem, I want people to join a mailing list, I just have a textbox and button. When a user enter's their email address, the address and time are inserted into a database. However, if the same email is added again I would like for a message to appear saying the record already exists.

Can someone show me how to do this, here is my current code:


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I have 2 tables:

- Salesmen with Pk.SalesmenID
- Appointments with Fk.SalesmenID and busy(bit)

How can I check if every salesmen has at least one appointment

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How To Check A SQL Database Table To See If A Record Exists?

May 10, 2010

I have a SQL database that creates a record for every document uploaded by the user to the server. I want to check this table before a user uploads a document to ensure they don't upload a file with name that already exists.

I know how to make the connection and make the SqlCommand to query the table for an existing record. But I don't know how to check the record count from the sqlCommand I made.

Does that make sense?

Using myConnectionCheck As New SqlConnection(myConnectionStringCheck)
Dim myCommandCheck As New SqlCommand()
myCommandCheck.Connection = myConnectionCheck
myCommandCheck.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Req_Docs WHERE Doc_Name =" & DocName
End Using

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DataSource Controls :: Test If Table Exists In Database Using SQL?

Jun 9, 2010

I need to somehow test if a table exists in a database. If it does not then I need to create the table. How can I test for existence of a table using SQL? It seems like some type of SQL logic is needed?

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Web Forms :: Check If Record Exists In Table And Prompt User

May 27, 2010

Using C#.NET and VWD 2008 Express

I'm looking for a hand with:

When inserting, i would like to check if the record exists in the table, then if it doesn't, insert it, else either redirecting to a different page, or showing a message box saying "Record already exists" ...

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Mar 10, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Check For Image Name Existence In Table(ListAutoImage)?

May 15, 2010

Trying to check for Image name existence in Table(ListAutoImage) and if found then

Update the Table(ListImageCounter) SET Image Counter + 1 and if not found do nothing.

Not sure how to wright this...

FROM ListAutoImage
WHERE AutoImage=@AutoImage)


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DataSource Controls :: Using Values Selected From A "check Box List' In A SQL Select Query?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a table called 'Customer' that contains customer information. One of the fields is named "CustomerType". Each record in the 'Customer' table will contain the value of either "C", "I", or "O".

I have a form that contains a "check box list" named "Type". There are 3 values in the "check box list". The values are "C", "I", and "O". The user can select one or more of these values. I have a button on the form named "btnRunQuery.

When the user clicks on the button "btnRunQuery" I want to exectute a query that selects the records contained in the "Customer" table where the value in the field "CustomerType" equal the values the user selected in the "check box list". Example: If the user selected "C" and "O", then I want the select query to select all records that contain either "C" or "O" in the field "CustomerType".

I assume that what I need to do is to capture the values that the user selected in the "check box list" and put them in a variable. Then I need to format the "Where" statement in the query and add a "Parameters.AddWithValue" command.

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DataSource Controls :: Storing Values In A Table

Jun 9, 2010

how can we store the value which i entered in a textbox to table dynamically.

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DataSource Controls :: Insert Values From One Table Into Another?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a table with a lot of records - it has a column called CallID I have another table with no records, but one that also has a CallID column I want to insert all the values from the CallID column in the first table into the CallID column of the second table.

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DataSource Controls :: Multiple Values Into The Same Table?

Feb 6, 2010

I am creating an online employment application, and instead of creating a table with 20 columns for job duties that may or may not receive values, I simply want to create 3 columns

EmployerName (Name of Work history Employer)

I want to create a form on a page with 10 textboxes so the applicant can type in some job duties they had at that job.

Is there a way in C# or SQL to then cycle through and insert the textbox values as separate rows?

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Forms Data Controls :: Check If A GridView Exists?

Dec 9, 2010

I have a page with a simple textbox, when an OrderNo is entered in te textbox the page is populated with 2 or 3 gridviews depending if the order has items reserved or on back order.

GridView1 has data about the order, like status, payment details.

GridView2 has data about orderitems, each row displays an item from the order with stock and order quantities

GridView3 has data about backorders, each row displays an item from the order with quantity reserved and quantity on back order. As is no data for GridView3 if order is not on backorder I thought that I can enclose my code inside an if block

if GridView3 isnot nothing then

'getting some data from the cells in GridView3

but the code still executes.

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Data Controls :: Check Whether Value Exists In DropDownList Items

May 7, 2015

how to check whether a dropdownlist contains particular value for the below codei have a value name

if(mydropdownlist valuecontains the value "manogar") {
} else {

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Data Controls :: Check If Particular Value Exists In DataTable (DataSet) Using C#

May 7, 2015

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DataSource Controls :: Checkboxlist / How To Fix The Table So Values Are Stored OK

Jan 16, 2010

I need to fix the table so values are stored ok.

Now I think I should have the values of music feature set by default to 0

What should I modify in the below table. as well as profileid should be a foreign key constraint.


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DataSource Controls :: Set Up SQL Table Columns To Have Multiple Values?

Mar 9, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Adding Values To A Table In A Form?

May 17, 2010

I guess the code is totally right and doesn't require any change in it,, however am getting an error which says "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '11/11/2010' to data type int."check the attached file ..


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How To Check Login Values Against The Name And Pswd Stored Db Table

May 29, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Text Values From Sql Table Using An XML List?

May 6, 2010

Some ids are pulled out from the XML field of a certain User Profile . Those ids have their text values stored in a SQL table.

What is the best way to map that xml list to the SQL table in order to populate a dropdown list which contains ids from the XML list and text values from the SQL table?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Get Query To Return Values From Xml Column In Table

Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to do a lookup in a table with a value stored in an xml column.

I tried this several ways but I can't get it to work.

Here is some code:


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Data Controls :: Check (Validate) If Record Exists In GridView When Adding New Row?

May 7, 2015

I would like to check if a particular value already exist in the database Gidview row. If the value already exist, tell the user that he has already entered the record and don't save. otherwise save the record. In my case I want to check the "Random number".

 <asp:TextBox ID="txtRandomNumber" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

Maybe it could be done with a foreach loop statement.

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DataSource Controls :: Copy Data From One Table And Insert With Extra Values?

Jan 27, 2010

Is there a way to copy a row from one table and insert to another but at the same time insert extra values to destination table?Let's say source table Item has values:


Destination table ItemHist:


I want to copy row from source table where itemid is 25, insert it into destination table and add extra values: ChangeDate, ChangeReason, ChangedBy. I tried:

INSERT INTO ItemHist (ItemID, ChangeDate, ChangeReason, ChangedBy, ItemType, ItemModel) VALUES (ItemHist.ChangeDate=GetDate(), ItemHist.ChangeReason="why not", ItemHist.ChangedBy="me")
SELECT ItemID, ItemType, ItemProducer, ItemModel FROM Item WHERE ItemId=25

but obviously it didn't work ("The name 'ChangeDate' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted.").

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