Which currently uses a 2 character code from a radio button list as its value. It is used as a parameter for a stored procedure. Somewhere else on the page I have a combobox called cbTripPick with that 2 character code embedded within its text property. I wish to use that 2 character substring as the control parameter instead of the above. Can I do something like this ?
PropertyName = "some function or expression or eval that will give me the 2 char. value from the cbTripPick control"
Size="2" />
Is it possible to declaratively set the propertyname to some dynamic expression which will get me what I want? Or should this all be done programmatically?
I have a SqlDataSource that calls a stored procedure and it works fine. If I add a <ControlParameter> tag to add an additional argument, then the query never fires and the databinding never occurs.
This works:
When I add the ControlParameter, the databinding no longer occurs:
The ControlParameter refers to a valid object on the page.
I have a gridview tied to a sqlDataSource. I want to filter it using FilterExpression of SqlDataSource. The controlParameter that I want to use is dropdownList SelectedItem.Value. This value is an integer. I am getting this exception: System.Data.EvaluateException:{"Cannot perform '=' operation on System.Int32 and System.String."}
Some of you might know that I am currently working on a simple blog (thread with full details here). There is a slight problem however ! After achieving the post filtering, the blog doesn't show any posts, unless; I click on of the categories. I was hoping that the blog would show ALL posts at first, and THEN if a user clicks a Category, the filtering would occur. So I went over the code again, and there was this:
The DefaultValue="0" caught my eye, so I changed the number to "1" and I got all the posts in the [ General ] category, I tried "2" and I got the posts from the [ Programming ] category ..etc So I was thinking how I'd go about solving this problem, because (initially) I want the posts from ALL categories to show. Is it possible to add more than one defaultValue ? for example: DefaultValue = "1,2,3"
I have tried the above and it gave me errors, so obviously it doesn't work that way, but is there another way of adding more default values ? Or could you think of a different way to make all the posts show ?
I have a gridview connected to sqlDS and a dropdown Dropdown contains a selection Last 30 days, 60, 90,180 etc... How to write a Where Statement that reflects this? If I want to view the last 60 days of records
WHERE RecordDate >= TodaysDate - 60 days, but as a parameter WHERE RecordDate >= TodaysDate - @SelectedValue days
i have two sqldatasource controls. one i use to display data in textbox's ,filter'd by a select parameter in page behind code. Once checked, i want to copy this data to the other datasource ,by selecting checkbox.Then display this data in detailsview control.
At present the two datasource controls declared , render data to the page simultaneously during pageload. I want to first check data in textbox's from first source, before second datasource is rendered to screen. note, both are filtered by a page variable. i wish to leave the textbox datasource control in situ, as other controls and code depend on it.The other detailsview datasource is my problem?
I have asked similiar question before where I have two control on the page header says "username" and "gender". User can select both the control or either one and the page will execute searching based on the criteria supplied. So if username supplied
SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE username = @username and if gender supplied SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE gender = @gender and if both supplied SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE username = @username AND gender = @gender
I know this sounds not very complicated but in my case, I am having like more than 10 controls up there. It is something likeusername, gender, age, date of brith, title, father name, frst name, last name, blur blur blur and it's a lot then I started to lost. if i were to use if else caluse on code-behind and produce query, it would end up writing a lot of if-else and if i use stored procedure (with if-else) then my stored procedure would contains a lot of if-else statement. I am fairly new to this concept and if I'm on the wrong track, please correct me. Is there any better way to save my hair without actually going through each if-else statement to build the query ?p.s. I'm using GridView and SqlDataSource command to display the result back on .aspx page.
I am trying to check whether a username exists in my database before inserting the new row & display a message to the user if it does.
On my SqlDataSource my InsertCommand looks like this:
InsertCommand="IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserName = @UserName) BEGIN INSERT [Users] ([UserName], [FirstName], [LastName], [City], [State], [Country], [CompanyName], [Active], [PasswordHash]) VALUES (@UserName, @FirstName, @LastName, @City, @State, @Country, @CompanyName, @Active, @PasswordHash) END"
This works as expected: If the username is unique, the row is created.
If the username already exists, the row is not added.
The problem is, if the row already exists, the insert is rejected but the user is not notified.
So my question is, is there a way I can notify the user?
Maybe something like: InsertCommand = "If Not Exists (select....) Begin Insert...Else Notify User Somehow End This is a basic database, I'm not using the built-in membership provider nor will be.
i use below sqldatasource for search within a gridview and it is working fine.i just add this control and set gridview datasource id to sql datasource id .but i need the same in codebehind dynamically.i need like this becuase i need to search in three textbox but before i use one textbox. so could someone show me a example how i add a sqldatasourse in code behind and set filter parameter for search from a gridview.
Which one is better for me to store urls of my products images while i was trying to bind images with gridview. provide me some code snippet to bind images to gridview with XMLDataSource.
If I have a SqlDataSource like this one, is it possible to add a DataRelation in the sqldatasource? Or do I need to create a DataSet and add the Relation in CodeBehind?
I have an SqlDataSource query that should use an input parameter for multiple integer values, like:
select * from table1 where TableID IN (1,2,3,4,5)
select * from table1 where TableID IN (@IDValues)
How do I do that ? Default parameter settings won't work, returning "invalid integer value" . I suppose that parameter should be passed as some kind of array that SQL recognizes as multiple integer values , but what's the correct way of setting this ?
i want to ask how to i set variable in asp:sqldatasource in sqlcommand in asp.net c#.... This is my code
asp.net <dx:ASPxListBox ID="lsAssignToko" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource6" TextField="NAMA" ValueField="ID" AutoPostBack="true" EnableCallbackMode="True" SelectionMode="CheckColumn" OnSelectedIndexChanged="lsAssignToko_SelectedIndexChanged"> <Columns> <dx:ListBoxColumn FieldName="ID"/> <dx:ListBoxColumn FieldName="NAMA" /> </Columns> </dx:ASPxListBox> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource6" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Ora2010 %>" ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Ora2010.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand="SELECT ID, NAMA FROM REF_TOKO WHERE ID IN ( :inTOKO ) ORDER BY NAMA"> <SelectParameters> <asp:SessionParameter Name="inTOKO" SessionField="inTOKO" Size="200" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> c# string dummy = ""; string data = ""; string inTK = ""; string inTOKO = ""; //string inTOKO1 = ""; int pot; for (int i = lsToko.SelectedItems.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { string tok = lsToko.SelectedItem.Text.ToString(); data = lsToko.SelectedItem.Value.ToString(); dummy = dummy + "" + data + ","; int index = lsToko.SelectedItem.Index; lsToko.Items.RemoveAt(index); } if (lsToko.SelectedItems.Count <= 1) { inTK = dummy.Length.ToString(); pot = int.Parse(dummy.Length.ToString()) - 1; inTOKO = dummy.Substring(0, pot); } Session["inTOKO"] = inTOKO;
the problem is where in my variable inTOKO consist of couple of value... Example while variable inTOKO = one value success but while value inTOKO = two value error inTOKO = 1101111 => success inTOKO = 1101111,1211321 => not success
I have an editable grid where user can add/edit data. They also have the option to load previously entered data from last month. When the user then clicks save, i want to readd this newly modified data as a new record for this month. So basically I want to call the insertcommand, but it does not work. My 'save' method just 'updates' the records.
Providing sqldatasource, grid and save method <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSourceLoadActivities" runat="server" [code].....