DataSource Controls :: Encrypted Connectionstring And Store At Web.config File?
Jan 19, 2011
I encrypted my connectionstring and store at web.config file. Then I bind Gridview with sqldatasource control, cannot bind because of sqldatasource don't know the(encrypted) connectionstring.
I want to setup the connectionstring of the SqlDatasource of a dropdown list at runtime, eg. Page Load event. I have install MySQl ODBC driver, System DSN name as "MySQL_Employee" If I have an entry in Web.config:
<connectionStrings> <add name="mysqlConnection" connectionString="DSN=MySQL_Employee;UID=john;description=connection to employee database;server=empServer;database=employee;port=3306;" providerName="System.Data.Odbc"/> </connectionStrings>
My aim is to make the web.config not readable by external users, but my application should be able to access it. Is there any way to do this?
I have tried the following way, but how to set the application to use string instead of web.config?
I want to encrypt my web.config file so that others do not open the file using any editor like notepad. But my application should be able to use the same web.config file. I could encrypt the web.config file and decrypt it inside the application and I saved the entire web.config to a string file. Now I want to use this string variable instead of web.config(now in encrypted form, which cannot be accessed by the application).
how can i encrpt database password and store to Visual Studio's connectionString areaalso, i would like to know how can i set all config in config file and how the program can read.
Is it better to store images directly in a database or to just store the name of the file in the db and display that file? I would think that just storing the filename of the image would keep the db size low...
I have a encrpted web.config file. How to decrypt this file. Because I need to update connection string information in that file. So i need to decrypt the existing encrypted config and update the connection string then again I have to encrypt.Did not work below command. getting error(Decrypting configuration section...Failed to decrypt using provider 'RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider'. Error mess age from the provider: Bad Data.)
aspnet_regiis -pdf "connectionStrings" <physical path of the we b.config file in server>
I know this might be a very basic question, but maybe thats why im having problems finding the answer. Right now I'm creating database connections in my source files by doing something like this:
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=...Password=...); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(String.Format("SELECT * FROM Table;"), con); con.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
But this means that if I choose to change databases it will be a major pain in the ass. Do you guys know how to use the connection string from a web.config file instead?
for maintain security, i encrypted my password and store in database like following
Dim PWD As String = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(txtPassword.Text.Trim(), "SHA1").Trim()
but problem is suppose user forget his password and need to know then how can i decrypted the password and send to the user?is there any other suitable way to handle password?
Even with https enabled, you can write a password to the event log in code-behind. Any way to keep that password encrypted in code while you're checking it against a data store?
(using Login control)
(couldn't add comment to Andrew's answer, so I'm putting it here) NTLM uses the username/password of the machine the user is logged into right? For this, I was thinking using ActiveDirectory on the server as the data store. It would have a diferrent un/pw than what the user is currently signed in to their machine as.
I am trying to store data from an XML file to a table in my database, but I keep getting the same error.
This is my code from the cs file:
And this is my error:
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Areas'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Areas'.
The statement has been terminated.
In my XML file I have both existing rows and new rows for the database table. I'm guessing I have to do something to sort out the the rows that are not already in the database, but so far I have been unsuccessful to figure this out.
I want to maintain different user authorization lists for different environments. I know that connectionstrings can be broken out in an external file with configSource, but how would I do this for the following?
I have a connectionstring in my web.config <add name="HeimkinoVerbindungszeichenfolge1" connectionString="Data Source=SERVER;Initial Catalog=Heimkino;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=*******;"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
This itself is working when using eg the SQLDataSource for a Gridview or similar.
Now I need to access this DB with different scripts and work with that database.
Eg I need to run this comand in a page_load against the DB
to remove old events from the database
For other pages I need something like
for some userauthentication things this should just create a recordset I can work with then.
Is there a way to realize this using the connectionstring in the web.config (and if so, How???)
If this will not work, how can I run such queries?
My 4.0 framework application references that DDL and retrieves data from it. I want create a Entity Framework 4 DataContext within my DDL with the ConnectionString from the App.config. (I do not want to pass the connectionString from my application in every single method. (I'm using ObjectDataSources))
However, this line inside my DLL throws a NullReferenceException.
I need to add a dropdown box to my login page that allows the user to change the connectionString to a different string, e.g. "LDAP://"
In C# code behind how do change the connectionString value?
More info:
The problem I am having is that there are 4 other web.config settings call that one connectionString. For example:
How to run application with encrypted web.config ,is it possible note that ASP.NET application have a database with encrypted connectionstring and a "cannot read connection string " message is generated