C# - Dynamically Change ConnectionString In Web.config?
Aug 9, 2010
I have the following in my web.config
<add name="ActiveDirectoryConnection" connectionString="LDAP://ActiveDirectoryDomain1.com" providerName="System.Web.Security.ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider"/>
I need to add a dropdown box to my login page that allows the user to change the connectionString to a different string, e.g. "LDAP://ActiveDirectoryDomain2.com"
In C# code behind how do change the connectionString value?
More info:
The problem I am having is that there are 4 other web.config settings call that one connectionString. For example:
<activeDirectorySecurityContextSettings connectionStringName="ActiveDirectoryConnection" defaultADUserName="ReportUser" defaultADPassword="password"/>
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This itself is working when using eg the SQLDataSource for a Gridview or similar.
Now I need to access this DB with different scripts and work with that database.
Eg I need to run this comand in a page_load against the DB
to remove old events from the database
For other pages I need something like
for some userauthentication things this should just create a recordset I can work with then.
Is there a way to realize this using the connectionstring in the web.config (and if so, How???)
If this will not work, how can I run such queries?
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Oct 26, 2010
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Sep 4, 2010
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My ASP.net 4.0 framework application references that DDL and retrieves data from it. I want create a Entity Framework 4 DataContext within my DDL with the ConnectionString from the App.config. (I do not want to pass the connectionString from my ASP.net application in every single method. (I'm using ObjectDataSources))
However, this line inside my DLL throws a NullReferenceException.
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Feb 4, 2011
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Mar 7, 2011
i want to get all connectionstring defined in web.config
var dk = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings;
problem .i am define 2 connectionstrings in web.config but upper code return me 3 connectionstring
dk[0] = LocalSqlServer (dont know where to come )
dk[1] = connection1 (Define by me )
dk[2] = connection2 (Define by me )
so how i can get only 2 connection from Web.config
View 6 Replies
Mar 15, 2011
I know this might be a very basic question, but maybe thats why im having problems finding the answer. Right now I'm creating database connections in my source files by doing something like this:
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=...Password=...);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(String.Format("SELECT * FROM Table;"), con);
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
But this means that if I choose to change databases it will be a major pain in the ass. Do you guys know how to use the connection string from a web.config file instead?
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Aug 12, 2010
As mentioned in this tutorial (http://www.asp.net/webmatrix/tutorials/5-working-with-data), I tried using my own connectionstring from web.config.
I got this error: "Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0."
The tutorial suggests to use: Database.OpenConnectionString("SmallBakeryConnectionString") method
Instead you should use Database.Open("ConnectionStringName").
Ref: http://cytanium.com/forums/yaf_postsm18_Connection-string-problem.aspx
The API Document is missing Database.Open method and also Database.OpenConnectionString info needs to be modified.
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Jul 7, 2010
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<add name="mysqlConnection" connectionString="DSN=MySQL_Employee;UID=john;description=connection to employee database;server=empServer;database=employee;port=3306;" providerName="System.Data.Odbc"/>
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Jul 24, 2010
am having problems creating this;1. How to create a add a connectionstring to my web config fileThis is the connection string I have entered
Datasource=.SQLWEXPRESS; attachDb filename=c:inetpubwwwrootdevelopment_ecommerceApp dataextratime.mdf;integrated security=true; user instance true
I have tried to enter this as well
<add name="development_Ecommerce" connectionString="Data Source=smbc-652263fbfaSQLEXPRESS;Inital Catalogue=extratime; Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
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Dec 3, 2010
i have a class library and i want to use it in difrent web form application.
i created a linq data class and i drag and drop the table of my local database in it.
now i want to use this class library in my web form application with a database in server with difrent database name but with same tables and also the connectionString Name is the same.
in my class library i call myDataContax("MyConnectionStringName")
my question is when i use a connectionstring with the same connectionString Name as my Class library ConentionString Name but with difrent database name it will work or not?
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Feb 1, 2011
<table style="width: 100%; background-color: #B5C7DE">
i have this table and want to change the background-color to be yellow if the server used int he SQL connection string is not 'pheddv20'i am adding c# code to the page load event to check for this and run the dynamic logic. the connection string is held in the web.config as is typically seen...whats the code look like for this type of action?
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May 25, 2010
I'm trying to set up a simple content management system for two different sites, which are both stored on the same server (my own, not hosting, if it matters:)).
Both sites are basically the same, built upon a similar (but seperate) xsd (Typed DataSet) file, and read data from different databases using the tableadapters in the xsds.
Obviously, i have the same xsd setup in my management system application that need to hook up to the relevant database (after user authentication) and use the tableadapters to access the data and allow the forms in the management system to modify the data.
When i had a single site, the connection string was stored in the web.config file and after logging in to the management system, all forms could access the database.
Now i have two site and i need to setup the connection string in the xsd dynamically after user validation based on the relevant site to edit.
My question is, how do i set the xsd's connection string dynamically (after user logs in, the function returns the specific connectionstring and stores it in a Session variable)
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Mar 16, 2011
i just came up with the reading, Writing and adding values dynamically in web.Config in asp.net. Have many ideas in mind, but i just wana know what is the best way of adding values in web config dynamically.
for example in my case i have to add
<identity userName="someDomainUser" password="password" impersonate="true" />
in tag in web config from code behind.
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Nov 12, 2010
I have created a code which updates the sessionState timeout on certain conditions, but when I run this code, it asks for saving the web config file. I think its because writer.flush() or writer.close() code. Can anyone help me on how to save the web.config file @ runtime. ??
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May 6, 2010
I have a custom section on my Web.config as follows:
How can I redefine this section on Web.Release.config?I need to change all values.
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Sep 29, 2010
I have a web-application with more than 5 themes. Each themes covers a completely different style for different customers. whenever we publish a new version of our application we send it for all of customers.
We specify theme in web.config file in <Page> tag. like
<page theme="Theme1" /> // or Theme2 for second customer.
with this approach we easily change the style of application from each other without writing codes which needs a new publish for each one.
With changing the theme="Theme1". nothing change and we didn't write a code in application , so why changing theme don't change the theme and we need a new publish?
we want to change it in web.config or somewhere else and with changing it the theme change without needing a new publish for each one.
Update :
I Publish Once and then copy the published version for each customer (5 times) then in each web.config file I change the theme="CustomerTheme". but only the theme which was active in publish process is usable in all of 5 versions and other 4 themes are un-usable Actually the main question is that why changes in Web.Config need a different publish while it is XML and do not need a complie. I should Add this note that, App_Theme include all of 5 themes so that all of them Compiles and are ready to use
This is the way I publish the application
Photo Link
Update 2
here IFound the exact problem reported by someone else. he resolve the problem but I can't underestand how he resolved this Issue.
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Jan 4, 2010
Is there a way to use a generated file as a configSource for a web.config section?
In web.config, I tried a simple:
<webParts configSource="webpartsConfig.aspx" />
where webpartsConfig.aspx just spits out XML when accessed normally, but not as a configSource. (The literal source code is included as-is, giving an error.)
Motivation for this solution: I have different configuration variables locally and online, and I don't want to juggle multiple config files.
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Mar 23, 2010
Is there a way I can dynamically register an IHttpHandler in C# code, instead of having to manually add it to the system.web/httpHandlers section in the web.config.
This may sound crazy, but I have good reason for doing this. I'm building a WidgetLibrary that a website owner can use just by dropping a .dll file into their bin directory, and want to support this with minimal configuration to the web.config.
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May 24, 2010
The basic idea is we have a test enviroment which mimics Production so customErrors="RemoteOnly". We just built a test harness that runs against the Test enviroment and detects breaks. We would like it to be able to pull back the detailed error. But we don't want to turn customErrors="On" because then it doesn't mimic Production.
I've looked around and thought a lot, and everything I've come up with isn't possible. Am I wrong about any of these points?
We can't turn customErrors on at runtime because when you call configuration.Save() - it writes the web.config to disk and now it's Off for every request.We can't symlink the files into a new top level directory with it's own web.config because we're on windows and subversion on windows doesn't do symlinks.
We can't use URL-Mapping to make an empty folder dir2 with its own web.config and make the files in dir1 appear to be in dir2 - the web.config doesn't apply. We can't copy all the aspx files into dir2 with it's own web.config because none of the links would be consistent and it's a horrible hacky solution.
We can't change customErrors in web.config based on hostname (e.g. add another dns entry to the test server) because it's not possible/supported. We can't do any virtual directory shenanigans to make it work.
If I'm not, is there a way to accomplish what I'm trying to do? Turn on customErrors site-wide under certain circumstances (dns name or even a querystring value)?
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