DataSource Controls :: Error Participate In The Relation?

May 29, 2010

I have 2 table in my db kategori(category) and alt_kategori(subcategory). it have a relation kategori to altkategori.I can add kategori but i cant add altkategori i take this error participate in the 'KategoriAlt_Kategori' relationship. 0 related 'Kategori' were found. 1 'Kategori' is expected.

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Similar Messages:

DataSource Controls :: How To Create A Self Association Relation For An Organization Chart Data Tree In Entity Framework

Mar 6, 2010

I,am trying to create a self association relation for an organization chart data tree in Entity Framework,after trying different ways for prevention of exceptions like 3007 and etc. I found that when I put my foreign key in my POCO near Parent and Items navigation properties its work.but I think this is not correct that we have both ParentID scalar property and Parent navigation property. review this and tell me is it correct or not.I'm using VS 2010 RC and ofcource .net framework 4.0 RC


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Entities In 'SqlServerContext.Foos' Participate In The 'FK_Foos_Bahs' Relationship

Mar 24, 2011

I keep getting the following error message when i try to save a poco entity, using Entity Framework as the OR/M :-

Entities in 'SqlServerContext.Foos' participate in the 'FK_Foos_Bahs' relationship. 0 related 'Bah' were found. 1 'Bah' is expected.

the error message makes sense -- but that is NOT what I modeled :( (or am trying to model). It's saying that if I wish to save a Foo, then I need 1 instance of a Bah. A Foo can exist without a Bah. The relationship should be 1 <-> 0-or-1 .. not 1 <-> 1.

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AJAX :: Do Toolkit Extenders Participate In Server Side Validation

Oct 29, 2010

If I use the extenders (for example mask edit) in place of some of the built in validators such as RegularExpressionValidator for exampe, will Page.Validate() still be called automatically and perform server side validation using the extenders?

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DataSource Controls :: SSIS Job Failed With Error Error Code: 0x80004005 OLEDB Error

Jun 6, 2010

Executed as user: MACSTEELUSA.COMsa. ...9.00.3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 8:00:17 PM Error: 2010-06-02 20:00:18.56 Code: 0xC0202009 Source: CRM_ORACLE_ARSUMMARY Connection manager "SourceConnectionOLEDB" Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Oracle client
and networking components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of the Oracle Version 7.3.3 or later client software installation. Provider is unable to function until these components are installed.". End Error Error: 2010-06-02 20:00:18.58 Code: 0xC020801C Source: Data Flow Task Source - Query [1] Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireCon... The package execution fa... The step failed.

Tasks Taken:Went to this folder checked for tnsnames.ora file but it is in good shape.


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Forms Data Controls :: Many To Many Relation In Grid Control

Feb 6, 2011

I have 3 tables: People, Fruits and a table named People_Fruit which connects People to Fruit tables. in table People_Fruit we enter records which determine who loves which fruit. People_Fruit is at "Many" side of both People and Fruits table. at this link you see this in a WinForms project: [URL]

I want to show people in a ASP grid. when the user click on a person's record he sees all record of fruits table regardless of whether the person loves it or not. there is a CheckBox column which its value determines if the person loves the fruit or not. user can check or uncheck the checkbox. If user checks the checlbox PersonId and FruitID must be entered to the People_Fruit table and if the user uncheck the checkbox the correspond record must be deleted.

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DataSource Controls :: Insert An Items To The Sql Gives Error Application Server Error '/ WebSite6'

Apr 15, 2010

im working with visualstudio 2005 and sql server 2005 c#,and i tried to insert an items to the sql but it gave me this error

Application server error '/ WebSite6'.

The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_StudentToCourse_Students".The conflict occurred in database "TopseaUser", table "dbo.Students", column 'id'.

The statement has been terminated.Description: The exception is unhandled occurred during the implementation of the current web request. the stack trace for more information about the error and where the source code.
Details exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_StudentToCourse_Students". The conflict occurred in database "TopseaUser", table "dbo.Students", column 'id'.The statement has been terminated.

This error: Line 243: sql_comm.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ studentId", Convert.ToInt32 (id));

Line 244: sql_comm.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ CourseId", Convert.ToInt32 (ListBox3.Items [j]. Text.ToString
Line 245: sql_comm.ExecuteNonQuery ();

Line 246: split_listbox2 ();

Line 247: sql_conn.Close ();

Source File: c: Documents and Settings Ronen My Documents Visual Studio 2005 WebSites WebSite6 SiteMembers CourseSignUp.aspx.cs line: 245

this it the code :[Code].... !

View 7 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Syntax Error In Insert Into Statement / VWD Showing Error

Mar 24, 2010

I have written some vb code that inserts whatever has been written on my page into an Access database. Only problem is VWD throws up an error saying that the syntax of my SQL statement is wrong. I am 95% sure that this statement is correct because when I saw the statement in Text Visualizer and tried that statement in MYSQL the data went in perfectly.

I have pasted the code below:

strSQL = "INSERT INTO User (UserID, FirstName, LastName, Password) VALUES "

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DataSource Controls :: Getting Error / A Network-related Or Instance-specific Error Occurred While Establishing A Connection To SQL Server.

Apr 22, 2010

Following is the error I am getting while accessing some of the pages on my website.

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.
(provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

It is trowing an exception and giving the about mentioned error.

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DataSource Controls :: Get Error A Network-related Or Instance-specific Error Occurred While Establishing A Connection To SQL Server?

Feb 28, 2010

i get error A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)

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DataSource Controls :: Error Handling At Datasource Level

Jun 19, 2010

I have a website which displays news information. It displays the titles at the default (home) page and when click it shows the full story.

I use object datasource to load the news titles.

Now, sometimes the database server lose its connection or changes to the database and it affects the whole website because error is reported at the Application level. I would like the Home page to still show but the section where the news titles usually appears will now show an error message that the database is down (Refer below my part of my code).

How can I achieve that?? I tried to do that at the page_error level but it displays nothing. I don't want to pass the error to application level, I want to handle at datasource load/binding level so that it display this error message at the news section and other home website information can still be shown.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Insert Data Into Two Relation Tables

Oct 14, 2010

I need to insert data into two relation tables, the parent table have an ind colum, which is an auto inser number , how can I get this auto number and insert it into the child table , in asp I see somthing like MyId = ExecuteIdentity(Mysql ), How Is in asp net 1.1 with Vb

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DataSource Controls :: SQLExpress Database File Auto - Creation Error "Server Error In '/EBUSINESS' Application."

May 10, 2010

I used visual studio 2008 and sql server 2005(for database) in my website project. After finishing my project i used publish to web option and got the files into an folder. I have installed .NET framework ,IIS, i have also set the remote connection ,firewall setting etc. But when i run i.e., In the IIS manager when i click browse it gives me the following error. Can anyone pls tell me what went wrong in this. My code works fine when run on visual studio 2008. Server Error in '/EBUSINESS' Application.

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MVC :: How To Add Product To Category (Many-to-many Relation)

Feb 16, 2011

I'm trying to add a product to one or more categories, but I'm going nowhere slow.

Table layout:




I been trying everything to add a product to a category, but without luck. I would have though this was the "right" way:


On my "Create" product page, the product is created but I just can't find a way to link a product to one or more categories. It just skips back to the Create page, even though I have put a Redirect in the Controller.

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ADO.NET :: Can Select A Value Across The Relation Table

Nov 14, 2010

I need to get across relation table on linq quiry..

Table A


Column A.SomeValue

Table B (relation table)



Table C


Column C.SomeValue

Now i need to get a table with A.SomeValue and C.SomeValue

How do I linq it?


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Relation Between JQuery And Javascript ?

Feb 12, 2011

explain the relation between jQuery and JavaScript ? Since JavaScript is frequently used while in between jQuery code.

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ADO.NET :: Relation Between Tables Doesn't Work?

Sep 26, 2010

I have such entities

Then I tried to retrieve node type from Node this way - Nodes node = Entities.Nodes.First(); string nodetype = node.NodeTypes.Name; but for some reason node.NodeTypes equalls null despite fact that there is some records in NodeTypes table.

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Web Forms :: How To Use The Relation In Datatable To The Rdlc

Oct 22, 2010

How can we use the relation in datatable, to the rdlc?

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ADO.NET :: Make Relation Between Two Datatables In Dataset?

Aug 3, 2010

want to make relation between two datatable based on one column

this column is present in both datatables but name is diffrent and values are same


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C# - How To Make Relation Between Tables Which Are In Same Dataset

Jan 2, 2010

I have one dataset in which there are 40 tables. Now i want to make a relation between these tables and show important data in grid. How do i do this?

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Development On MVC Storefront Project - Relation?

Jun 24, 2010

I see that there is no Check-Ins on ASP.NET MVC Storefront code since Feb 7th. And on this question, Orchard project link is given with the answer. Is there any relation between these two projects?

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C# - Bind Data From 2 Different Tables Which Has No Relation?

Aug 14, 2010

I would like bind grid view with 2 different tables that has no relation.

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MVC :: Model Like TeachersSubjects To Define Relation?

Jul 4, 2010

I am newbie,I used to write in Python and Django.I have very small app with two models:

and in database I have also created TeachersSubjects table with 2 fields as foreign keys (TeacherID, SubjectID).So my question is: what should I do now? Should I define another model like TeachersSubjects, or are there any other ways to define this relation?(I prefer to stay with handwriting classes, rether than Visual Studio magic.

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C# - How To Bind Treeview In Web From Table Having ParenId Relation

Mar 4, 2011

how to bind treeview in web from table having ParenId relation?

my table structure... Id, Name, ParentID.

I want to show Name as Node Text.

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How To Show Chekboxlist In Parent / Child Relation

Feb 17, 2011

How i can show CheckBoxList in parent/child relation. I want to show CheckBoxList of in parent/child relation.

for example:


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