Web Forms :: How To Use The Relation In Datatable To The Rdlc

Oct 22, 2010

How can we use the relation in datatable, to the rdlc?

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Is there any solution to this ? or my approach is wrong ?


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Forms Data Controls :: Many To Many Relation In Grid Control

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I'm trying to add a product to one or more categories, but I'm going nowhere slow.

Table layout:




I been trying everything to add a product to a category, but without luck. I would have though this was the "right" way:


On my "Create" product page, the product is created but I just can't find a way to link a product to one or more categories. It just skips back to the Create page, even though I have put a Redirect in the Controller.

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Column A.id

Column A.SomeValue

Table B (relation table)

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Created data model is: TableFirst.TableSecond and TableFirst.TableSecond1
Question is: Every time when i create my entity TableFirst.TableSecond will have same relation in behind (IdTableSecond) and TableFirst.TableSecond1 (IdTableSecondAgain)
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MVC :: Relation Integrity LINQ To SQL On Deleting Parent Rows?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a MVC project wich uses LINQ to SQL as a data layer.

For example, I have a tables ProductGroups and Products. Product is a child of ProductGroup, so to get name of ProductGroup, in aspx-page I use constuction like Model.ProductGroup.Name.

But when I delete a ProductGroup there is appear a NullReference Exception in presentation page.

While I was using just DataSet and manual SQL-queries, the rows, there was not every joined-element present, simple were not put in query result.

I know that before delete Parent row I have to delete all children rows, it's correct way.

1. Is there a way to ignore rows which has null-elements without manual checking through "IF"?

2. Is there simple way to delete all dependencies without manual enumerating every related tables?

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C# - Defining Status Of Data Via Enum Or A Relation Table?

Aug 20, 2010

I have an application which has rows of data in a relation database the table needs a status which will always be either Not Submitted, Awaiting Approval, Approved, Rejected Now since these will never change I was trying to decide the best way to implement them I can either think of a Status enum with the values and an int assigned where the int is placed into the status column on the table row.

Or a status table that linked to the table and the user select one of these as the current status.

I can't decide which is the better option as I currently have a enum in place with these values for the approval pages to populate the dropdown etc and setup the sql (as it currently using to Approved and submitted for approval but this is dirty for various reasons and needs changed).

Wondering what your thought on this were and whether I should go for one or the other.

If it makes any difference I am using Entity framework.

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Jun 27, 2010

How to display Master-Child relation in two separate grids.


Products table: (Master table with productid as primary key)
Productid, ProdDesc

Item table: (Child table with productid as foreign key)
ItemId, ItemDesc, Productid

On selecting a row in Master, all rows related to that productsid should get displayed in the child grid. We need to link the two events.

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Oct 14, 2010

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