Development On MVC Storefront Project - Relation?

Jun 24, 2010

I see that there is no Check-Ins on ASP.NET MVC Storefront code since Feb 7th. And on this question, Orchard project link is given with the answer. Is there any relation between these two projects?

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Feb 16, 2011

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Table layout:




I been trying everything to add a product to a category, but without luck. I would have though this was the "right" way:


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Table A


Column A.SomeValue

Table B (relation table)



Table C


Column C.SomeValue

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How do I linq it?


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and in database I have also created TeachersSubjects table with 2 fields as foreign keys (TeacherID, SubjectID).So my question is: what should I do now? Should I define another model like TeachersSubjects, or are there any other ways to define this relation?(I prefer to stay with handwriting classes, rether than Visual Studio magic.

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TableFirst : [Id,IdTableSecond,IdTableSecondAgain];TableSecond[Id]
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Dec 21, 2010

i am working on a social networking project using MVC2 visual studio, currently i am working on these two tables , post & comment. Each post can have many comments.i have created a post controller along with the related view , and it work well , now i want to add under the post a comment view, where a post can have many comments , i can add the comments on different view , but i need to have a post and under it to add many comments, so how i can do so?

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MVC :: Relation Integrity LINQ To SQL On Deleting Parent Rows?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a MVC project wich uses LINQ to SQL as a data layer.

For example, I have a tables ProductGroups and Products. Product is a child of ProductGroup, so to get name of ProductGroup, in aspx-page I use constuction like Model.ProductGroup.Name.

But when I delete a ProductGroup there is appear a NullReference Exception in presentation page.

While I was using just DataSet and manual SQL-queries, the rows, there was not every joined-element present, simple were not put in query result.

I know that before delete Parent row I have to delete all children rows, it's correct way.

1. Is there a way to ignore rows which has null-elements without manual checking through "IF"?

2. Is there simple way to delete all dependencies without manual enumerating every related tables?

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