Forms Data Controls :: Fetch Data Through Sql Server In Table?

Apr 14, 2010

i have a database and database have 3 tables... i want the table data show in asp:table not in grid view....

like in frid view we a doing simple wizard mode to fetch data from database... But in my query i want show data in <asp:Table> ..

data from sql
server table>


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DataSource Controls :: Fetch Some Data From Sql Table

May 9, 2010

I have a small problem I want to fetch some data from sql table. Table looks like as

sno acno amnout cash
1 A-100 5000 withdrawal
2 A-101 7000 Deposit
3 A-100 8000 Deposit
4 A-101 6000 Deposit
5 A-101 1000 withdrawal

And i want to records something like this:

acno Deposit withdrawal
A-100 8000 5000
A-101 13000 1000

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C# - How To Fetch A Set Of Rows From Data Table

Mar 13, 2010

I have a dataset that has two datatables.

In the first datatable I have EmpNo,EmpName and EmpAddress

In the second datatable I have Empno,EmpJoindate, EmpSalary.

I want a result where I should show EmpName as the label and his/her details in the gridview

I populate a datalist with the first table, and have EmpNo as the datakeys.

Then I populate the gridview inside the datatable which has EmpNo,EmpJoinDate and EmpAddress.

My code is some what as below


Now I have a problem, I have to bind the Details of the corresponding Employee to the gridview. Whereas the above code will display all the details of all employees in the gridview.

If we use IEnumerable we give a condition where(a=>a.eno=EmpNo), and bind that list to the gridview.

How do I do this in datatable.

I modified the program as below

Igor, instead of datarelation,(my TL did not approve of it) I used IEnumerable


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Fetch Data From Two Table - Proper Results Not Get?

Mar 24, 2010

I want to fetch data from two table buut i m realy confused.

just i want recent two users in my site but problem is there that two users releted information stored in other table .

I also used join query to fetch that data but proper result not get .

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Databases :: Fetch The Data From A Table With Alias Name In Oracle?

Aug 11, 2010

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example: select f1 'Field Name1',f2 'Field Name2' from sometablename;

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SQL Server :: How To Fetch The Last Inserted Record In A Particular Table

Dec 13, 2010

In oracle we can do this by using rowid.

select * from tableName where rowid = (select max(rowid) from tableName);

but i don't know equivalent of rowid in sql server.

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Forms Data Controls :: Fetch Data From Textbox Dynamically In A Gridview?

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How to fetch data from textbox inside a gridview

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Forms Data Controls :: Fetch Child Gridview Data Keys?

Mar 8, 2010

I am trying to delete a row of the child gridview through a link button template field but how do I fetch the datakeys of the child gridview ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Fetch Image And Data From One Datalist To Another?

Apr 3, 2010

Im doing selling properties website with and just begin to use datalist

I have 2 pages, first is datalist that show all available properties with brief information, 2nd is another datalist that show full description about a particular property that the user wan to view.

I got few questions here:

1) I set the selecommand on the property name, but instead of viewing it on the same page, i wan to redirect to the details page to show all the informtion. How do i do that in the code behind? I include an onclick event to use Response.Redirect in the property name which is a linkbutton, but result in "XML page cannot be displayed" when click on it.

2) My primary key is set to imageID which to indicate the particular property details to show when user wan to view the full information. But how do i assign the image ID to the session?

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Forms Data Controls :: Fetch Data From Nested Gridview?

Sep 27, 2010

fetch data from Nested gridview checkbox on Click button event which is present outside the gridview. I did try by creating an object of child gridview on button1_click but cannot fill the value from Gridview2 into my int i. Below mentioned is the Code i am using. The database I am using is Oracle. ==== Code =====

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection();


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Forms Data Controls :: Table Server Control State Keep Losing Its Data?

Jun 22, 2010

i read the tutorial on msdn,what i want is to basically make astructure like of gridview, but not gridview.i want that when a post back occurs by any control the table does not lose its data, it preserves its a result i am not able to add rows to the table in an increment fashion, everything gets destroyed on postback.


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SQL Server :: Fetch Data From Xml In The Sql Query

Oct 26, 2010

i'm trying to fetch data from xml in the sql query.

DECLARE @xmlDelete xml
@xmlDelete =
<row FSFF_FeesItemID="185" FSI_ID="104" />
<row FSFF_FeesItemID="187" FSI_ID="104" />
<row FSFF_FeesItemID="187" FSI_ID="105" />
r_set AS
AS [id1]

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How To Fetch Data From Server Without Extending Session Timeout

Jan 13, 2011

Are there any ways in to fetch data from the server without extending the session timeout? This needs to be done every few minutes without user interaction until the page is closed.

Additional context, as requested:

The pages in my webapp needs to poll the server every few minutes to check for a particular condition (emergency maintenance scheduled for 30 minutes time, in this instance). When the condition is true, the page will display a message to the user. When the condition is false, nothing needs to happen.

As I understand it, postbacks to the server reset the time until the session expires. We do not want the session to be extended/refreshed/reset/whatever the word is every time the page polls the server. I need a way to poll the server automatically without resetting the session timeout.

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Forms Data Controls :: Fetch GridviewData On Next Webpage

May 13, 2010

I have a query on datagrid .../(using 2.0 Version C# support by Linq Method) I use datagrid and one of column i place a dropdownlist (DropDownList1) and I fillup the data from DataGrid1_ItemDataBound After filling the data I want to select the value and pass to varibale via a hreaf to another page but no such value to be select. How to fetch value of dropdownlist on to next webpage.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Fetch Images In Gridview

Mar 15, 2010

I am going to create a site like youtube therfore.I want to fetch some images from particular folder and put that in the gridview and I want to give them link so i can play the videos which are in my harddisk.

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Forms Data Controls :: Fetch Count Of Products?

Apr 12, 2010

Im haveing three tables T1 ,T2, T3. T1 contain root node for tree view, T2 contain child node and T3 contain product.Im populating the tree view from T1 and T2. Now I want count of products in each subcategory in front of each child node(T2). The products are being uploaded by user.Plz help how to achive this.The code to populate the tree view :

if (!IsPostBack)
//Fill the treeview control Root Nodes From Parent Table


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Data Controls :: Need A Stored Procedure To Fetch Combined Data From Multiple Tables

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i have a details table which include detailid, custname, address, classification , pincode, telephone, remarks and classification table contain classification id & classification.i want to insert detailid & corresponding classificationid to a new table detail_classification. How to write stored procedure for that?

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Data Controls :: How To Fetch Data On Selected Index Of Dropdownlist

Apr 27, 2016

how can i fetch the data from different tables stored in database on the value selected of dropdownlist..for ex.


then the data from that table will be fatched from the databse and entries are displayed in gridview.


then the data from that table will be fatched from the databse and entries are displayed in gridview.

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Data Controls :: Fetch Data From Database And Display As XML In Browser?

May 7, 2015

how to put sql database table to webpage in xml file format

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Forms Data Controls :: C# - Fetch The Linkbutton Text From Datalist?

May 20, 2010

i am using datalist control. in that, i have linkbutton in itemTemplate. i want to get the linkbutton value to textbox is in outside of datalist when i click the link button. below my design code there.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtKeywords" runat="server" Width="297px" AutoCompleteType="Search"/>
<asp:DataList ID="dlRelated" runat="server" Width="228px" RepeatDirection="Vertical">
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkbtnRelatedLinks" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("ProductServices") %>' OnClick="lnkbtnRelatedLinks_Click"></asp:LinkButton>

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Data Controls :: Get List Of All Columns Of Specific Data Type From A Table In SQL Server

May 7, 2015

Here Am Using This Query to 

WHERE (TABLE_NAME = 'TableName')

But Am getting Total Records instead of i need Specific Columns.....

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Forms Data Controls :: Fetch SelectedValue Of RadiobuttonList Inside Gridview

Mar 8, 2011

I have Gridview inside that i have RadioButtonList,Which is working perfectly. It also bind correctly.

Problem is when user navigate page,the value which was slected in previous page is not apper again.

Gridview is enabled with paging.

I want to save data on SUBMIT button which is outside gridview. So when user clicks this button it should get ALL selectedvalue of radiobuttonlist inside gridview INCLUDING paging and save it to database.

I have tried following code on Button_Click but its not working properly.


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Forms Data Controls :: Fetch Id Of Nested Datagrid In Datalist Control?

Nov 15, 2010

I have Datalist control in my application which contains one Gridview control as a child control in it. Now at the time of giving datasource to the child control, it gives object reference error.Note:I am binding the child grid at the time of ItemDataBound Event of Datalist controlMy code looks like :

Protected void Datalist1_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e)
DataSet dsTest;


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Connect A Lst View To The SQL Server Table

Dec 10, 2010

I have a table which contains 2 lables,1 checkbox and i1 to connect this to a list to write Eval code in the Text property of list view.

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