DataSource Controls :: Way To Design A Tbale For Employees Attendance

Jan 13, 2010

designing a tbale for employees attendance which will have empname & the no of days

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i have an List<String> lstrings which contains a list of strings. If i want to write a linq query on a list<Employees> employees to filter for in {lstrings} var lquery = (from e in employees where e.Title =="ASP.NET" && e.Name.Contains(lstrings) select e); Im trying to filter the employees using a list of strings which match with the employee.Name

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DataSource Controls :: How To Create A Daily Attendance Register

Sep 28, 2010

i'm trying to design an attendance register for pupils in a class for a term (3 months). I wanted to create columns for each day throughout the 3 months in the students table of the database but i feel this is too ambigous. The register will be marked either 'presence' or 'absence' everyday by the class teacher. there will be a gridview with 3 columns (ID, Name & Current date). The current date will have checkbox to mark presence or absence.

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Forms Data Controls :: Create Attendance In .net

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DataSource Controls :: Can Synchronize The Design Of Two Databases

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What is the easiest way to transfer design changes from one database to the other without altering the data (assuming that the design changes are compatible with the existing data in the target database)?

Any proposed solution would have to be available via Visual Web Developer 2008 Express or SQL Server 2008 Development Edition.

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DataSource Controls :: Database Design Tip Required?

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I am building a page that displays a product's details, with the information being called from an MSSQL database.I would like to be able to have a variable number of features listed for each product, so for example, Product A has a list of 3 features, Product B has a list of 7 features, Product C has 2 features listed etc.I would like to avoid having a lot of NULLS in my database, and would prefer not to restrict the number of possible features listed.Is there a common way to tackle this problem? Is it simply a case of setting up a table just to store features?

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Forms Data Controls :: Display The Attendance In Datewise Using Pivot Table?

Jun 3, 2010

I'am developing a attendance software of employees with visual studio 2005 and sql server 2005, in which i have to display the attendance in a gridview withname and date as follows,

NAME (Date)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .... ... 31
P- Present
A- Absent

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DataSource Controls :: How To Create A LINQ DataContext Class As Per Database Design

May 5, 2010

I want to create a LINQ DataContext Class as per Database Design. I getting a problem in some cases.

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Here Table Name Is HardCoded But I my case my Table Name A Changed as Finicial Year Change.So How I Give The TableName As RunTime

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DataSource Controls :: Having To Detach SQL Database After Changing And SQLdatasource In Design View?

May 14, 2010

everytime I modify an SQLdatasource using VS wizards, I have to dettach the mdf in VS's server exporer, then hit refresh in the browser, then get the applicaiton is offline error message please remove some pia file, but i usually just count to 12 and then hit refresh again and the page renders properlyhad scoured the forum on more than one ocasstiion, think it has something to do with the Admin rights within SQL, Ive tried the SQL server surface configuration tool, and add administrator stuff, but not sure if i should add (user to provision) something like the thing, or network services or ??also cant figure out where to view which administrators are actually on SQL server,

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Forms Data Controls :: Store Attendance Status Based On The User Selection?

Jan 26, 2010

I am currently trying to implement a small class attendance system, where the student names are taken from a database, stored in a List<Student>, and bound to a Repeater control. Each row of the Repeater contains two columns: The first is the student's name, and the remaining column contains a RadioButtonList with three ListItems (Present, Absent, Sick).Now, once the user presses "Submit", I want to be able to store their attendance status based on the user selection. However, after submission, the SelectedIndex is always 0, no matter what option is selected.

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Data Controls :: Mark Attendance Of Students (Present Or Absent) In Database Using GridView

Mar 18, 2013

In my website there is 1 module in which i m fetching data(Student name, Roll no.) of students from the student master table into gridview... and in that gridview there is 1 checkbox column...

I want that when i will check the checkbox of those students who are present...dat checked students and name should be get entered into another table in database where there wil be present written in front of checked students and absent written in front of unchecked students.....

I tried a lot but I am not getting it.....

From the above table(student info) i wil fetch data in gridview and will mark attendance in the gridview

In the above sample gridview in the student name column the name of the students is fetched from student info table, when I will check the checkbox and select the date and click on the button the students who are checked will be stored with a status present and those who are unchecked are stored as absent in  another table

The following is the table(example) is  where the data is to be stored in the same manner. It means that total two tables are there in the database.

From 1 table i fetch data of students info in gridview and in another table i wil save the attendance marked in gridview....

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DataSource Controls :: Table / Database Design Theory - Return Faster Queries

Feb 5, 2010

In general terms, which way will require more server processing power and which way will return faster queries... if there is even a difference. The client's database is still on the dev MS SQL server but is essentially but the client has decided they want to collect two more fields of information. Both fields are going to be collection text data and probably varchar(300) will be sufficient for the column data types. Would it ultimately be more efficient to

Add two additional columns in the main table so the data is entered directly into each record, or Add an additional table (or two) with a foriegn key to the primary table that holds the info for each new field The SELECT statement for the main table could be modified to either add the new columns (a.NewColumn1 and a.NewColumn2) or it could contain nested SELECT statements that pull in the data from the other tables. Custom daisy-chained Insert or Update statements would be no problem and a cascade Delete relationship would take care of any deletions. I'm just trying to figure out which would be better from a performance standpoint?

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DataSource Controls :: Design Pattern For Pass (master/detail) Data Retrieval?

Apr 18, 2010

design pattern that works well with Visual Studio data tools against an MS SQL server; to retrieve a subset of an object's fields for all rows, and then on-demand retrieve the remainder for one row. I.E. just the small summary fields that I will serialize to a master grid view, then the larger properties including a large blob that I will render in a detail view. The performance hit from retrieving the large blob with the master result list would be too great.

The data shape is static, and I can define two separate data classes to match the specific summary vs. detail information returned. However that sounds anti-pattern-ish, to define the data classes specifically to suit the presentation layer. It also presents another problem, how to translate from the summary item to the detail item in an object-oriented way?

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DataSource Controls :: Database Design - Display Results On A Web Page Via The Grid View

Mar 10, 2010

Not sure if this is for SQL or .net! I have 3 tables which looks like

ID Name
1 Jon


ID Number Job
1 1 IT
2 1 Web
3 1 Admin

ID ContractType
1 Temp
1 Perm

An inner join makes one table with 3 rows (I excluding the ID from table 2 for the join) which is saved as a view

ID Name Number Job ContractType
1 Jon 1 IT Temp
2 Jon 1 Web Temp
3 Jon 1 Admin Temp
4 Jon 1 IT Perm
5 Jon 1 Web Perm
6 Jon 1 Admin Perm

I want to display these results on a web page via the grid view. However, I don't want to show the user 6 times! I want to show the user name once, the contract type once and each Job! What is the best way to do this? Is there a fault with the database design already? I assume the easiest answer is to not join them in a view but query each section 3 times from the website but I'd rather 1 connection only!

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Web Forms :: Round Half Day Leaves To Full Day In Employees Leave Management System

Nov 22, 2015

All do ASP.Net program using VB.Net languange.

May I know how to do math rounddown formula in my program?


Every 4 days unpaid leave, deduct 1 day


3 unpaid days = deduct 0 day

6 unpaid days = deduct 1 day

10 unpaid days = deduct 2 days

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Why Rad Controls Design Is Not Visible At Design Time In Solution

Feb 27, 2011

I installed Rad Controls. Using that controls, I designed my application pages. At design time, the design is not visible. It shows the following error:

RadTabStrip1Failed to create designer 'Telerik.Web.UI.RadTabStrip, Telerik.Web.UI, Version=2010.1.415.35, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=121fae78165ba3d4'

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Databases :: Employee Attendance With In/out Times ?

Sep 26, 2010

I have a one table with the empno, employee time in & time out, data, employee can go out & come in fequently in a day.I want to know that how much time every emp have attend in the company per day.I want to know that how much time every emp have not attend in the company per day(once he enter at morning and he come out in the end of the day)I am enclosing data defination in txt file along with the data in the MS Excel file.The Table Like this

Create table emptime
EMPCODE VARCHAR2(5),[code]....

Note: INOUTTIME this will only time like 03:45Am, 15:30PM

CARDDATE this will only Dae like 25-09-2010

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Web Forms :: Handle Shifting In Attendance?

May 26, 2013

I have attendance system in which takes employeeid, timein, timeout and date. It is working fine.
Problem arise dealing with night shift. In that case employee will timein on 1-jan-2013 at 9:00 pm and timeout at 2-Jan-2013 3:00 am.

How to deal with that.

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Want To Select Some Employees And Then On Clicking Say "submit" Button?

Apr 30, 2010

I was going through the options available in datagrid. I saw edit,delete options etc.I just wanted to know how can check boxes be used i datagrid.My idea is when i create a datagrid and fill it with values say employee_details and in cases where i want to select some employees and then on clicking say "submit" button i want to select the employe_id(primary key) of only the checked items of datagrid and then update this in some other table.

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Security :: Create Online Attendance System?

Jul 18, 2010

I have tried using createuserwizard and login control.But i m not able to customized them according to my i created my own user registration webform and login control with the records getting stored in sql database.I dont know whether its a correct way of using its working.Now I am creating a online attendace system which lets user to enter username, logged in and logged out time of each day in thedatabase .The problem is that my user logins in the morning and closes the website and again logins in the evening and exitsthe website.So how to perform this task since i am using a same login form to enter both login time and logout time?Is this possible?my table has colums id,username,logintime,logout timeThe thing is I am using a login from created earlier to enter the username,logindateandtime,logoutdateandtime fields in the databasein which logintime and logouttime gets values from system.

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Crystal Reports :: Generating Weekly And Monthly Attendance Report?

Apr 27, 2016

how can I generate weekly and monthly attendance report calculating total attendance for each student that I have in mu database table?

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Web Forms :: HRM / PayRoll Salary Deduction On Basis Of CL And Daily Attendance Maintenance?

Mar 5, 2010

I have developed an online HRM package ...

I need to maintain daily attendance of every employee ...

Salary is given on 1st of every month , minimum CL for an employee is 12 days in a year. After 12 days , if he or she absent more than 12 days of CL , then deduct from his or her salary amount to be paid next times.

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Security :: Customizing The Login Control To Incorporate TimeIn And TimeOut For Attendance?

Dec 10, 2010

I have forms authentication for my application which uses aspnet_membership database. I want to further expand this to include recording the time in and time out fro keeping an attendence record of the users.

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Web Forms :: Generate Employee Attendance Reports SQL Server Database 2005

Mar 12, 2012

How can generate employee attendance Reports in table bu sql server database  2005 and 2005 i'm not using crystal reports

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Visual Studio :: Design View Is Not Able To Pull In The Application For Design?

Feb 23, 2010

can't connect to sql 2005 express sp1 and vs is also sp1. 2) Which my guess is because of the database connection not being able... design view is not able to pull in the application for design, it's as if there is no theme and css just white background and black print.

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