Web Forms :: Handle Shifting In Attendance?

May 26, 2013

I have attendance system in asp.net which takes employeeid, timein, timeout and date. It is working fine.
Problem arise dealing with night shift. In that case employee will timein on 1-jan-2013 at 9:00 pm and timeout at 2-Jan-2013 3:00 am.

How to deal with that.

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sp:TemplateField> or in <HeaderTemplate> or <ItemTemplate>

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<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
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<div id="divAll" runat="server" style="visibility:visible;">


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Databases :: Employee Attendance With In/out Times ?

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Create table emptime
EMPCODE VARCHAR2(5),[code]....

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Data Controls :: Mark Attendance Of Students (Present Or Absent) In Database Using GridView

Mar 18, 2013

In my website there is 1 module in which i m fetching data(Student name, Roll no.) of students from the student master table into gridview... and in that gridview there is 1 checkbox column...

I want that when i will check the checkbox of those students who are present...dat checked students and name should be get entered into another table in database where there wil be present written in front of checked students and absent written in front of unchecked students.....

I tried a lot but I am not getting it.....

From the above table(student info) i wil fetch data in gridview and will mark attendance in the gridview

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From 1 table i fetch data of students info in gridview and in another table i wil save the attendance marked in gridview....

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I need to create a dynamic form using the already existing DB entries, from 3 different tables. I am trying to do this by inheriting ViewModel class, which is comprised of all the model instances (or List of instances of unknown count) within it.

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Web Forms :: What Value Can Pass For Window Handle

Jun 24, 2010

I have a 3rd party ActiveX control built in VB6 which I need to use in an ASP.NET web application. But as the ActiveX is using window handles as parameters to method calls, I am not sure how to do that in a web browser as we do not have windows controls and hence no handles in web applications.

The ActiveX provides methods like: long AddObject (long * obj_handle, long window_handle, BSTR dev_name, short obj_id)

what value can I pass for window handle?

As a workaround, I created a Windows Forms Control Library project, placed this VB6 ActiveX control on it and provided wrapper public methods which internally calls methods of ActiveX control. Which solves the handles problem as now I can supply the window handle. This Windows control works fine when placed on a Windows Forms client. Now I placed this winform control on asp.net page like this:

But the browser (IE) does not load the Winform control and shows empty area with a small icon probably because it is unable to load the dependent assemblies as MyWinFormsProject.dll is referencing ActiveX assemblies.

Now the issue is I can specify only 1 dll above so how to specify multiple assemblies. For this I used ILMerge and merged the dependent assemblies and MyWinFormsProject.dll to create a single dll named as MyMergedProject.dll and used it like this:

But still it does not solve the problem and IE shows empty area and does not load the winform control.

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