Databases :: How To Split Values From A Column Using Sql

Nov 28, 2010

I am developing web application using csharp and MS SQL as database. There is a column in table that is storing values which as numbers and letters. Letters are in front like JK26262, JK26263,JK26263.

Now I want to select numbers only from a table column and leave letters. In other words I want an select statement that will select values as follows:


How can Iachieve this?

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I have field_1, the data format store in the field is about "Mary, Amy, Billy, Ma"

how can i extract the record that the field_1 has Mary.

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I would like to extract exactly Mary. or can i split the field_1 by ',' in sql?

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DataSource Controls :: Split One Data Column Into Many?

Aug 4, 2010

I've a database table contains survey questions and answers. But the problem is both 'question' and 'answer' are saved in the same column(like below).

SubmissionDate Submission
2010-02-15 14:53:59.657 ***What's your pet's name?*** Lili ***Tell us about yourself*** I'm a teacher
2010-02-15 14:53:59.657 ***What's your pet's name?*** Lucy ***Tell us about yourself*** I'm a five star cook

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SubmissionDate What's your pet's name? Tell us about yourself
2010-02-15 14:53:59.657 Lili I'm a teacher
2010-02-15 14:53:59.657 Lucy I'm a five star cook

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May 31, 2010

I have table that's contains 2 columns Name and IDs (VarChar(10)) values are stored as

Name IDs

Test1 Test2 1

Test2, Test3 2
Test3 Test4 3
Mohd Farooq 1,2,5

My requirement is to display as below
Name IDs
Test1 Test2 1
Test2, Test3 2
Test3 Test4 3
Mohd Farooq 1
Mohd Farooq 2
Mohd Farooq 5

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I would like to know if someone can please help me with the followingI would like to create a bulk entering textbox...every sentence seperated by a line break should go in to the Database as a new column.....Im gonna use SqlDatasource for the inserting..How can I get all the sentences to break up at the linebreak and then get inserted in a separate database column?

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is it possible to also set the property to be seen via the desing mode , just as it works for other (built in) controls? maybe a different method to implement the same scenario?

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I have gridviwe having 2 columns:

1) DocNumber 2)Title

query select docnumber,title from tbl_docs.


Now the issue is that that every document doesn't has document number. I want to make invisible the docuNumber column of the grid viwe if all values in the docNumber retrieved are null.for example:

docnumber tite
null Document 1

null Document 2

null doucment 3

null document 4

if returned result match above where all docnumber are null then make the gridviwe docnumber column ivisible eslemake the greidviwe column visible.

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INSERT INTO customer(customer_name, customer_city) VALUES (@customer_name, @customer_city);

But when trying to execute the function, it says "customer_name can't be null"

i thought maybe it just waiting for the values to be sent from .aspx page, but yet again, i get the same error message.

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Now my problem is the "date" field. If Excel sheet having column name "Date" then i got the error. i could not use the Column index because its also not fix. How can i ignore the upper case charactors in column name ?

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Apr 1, 2011

I want to update multiple column of a table using subquery ...My sample code is shown below


its throwing syntax error...I dont know where i commiting mistake.

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Aug 30, 2010

I am doing Import/Export. While export i want to disable some column in excel sheet, so during upload or import same primary key I can use, instead of user modify such column.

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Nov 12, 2010

i need to download a file directly from a table's BLOB column .

i used this procedure, but i got the error:

SQL> exec download_blob;
begin download_blob; end;
ORA-06550: line 2, column 7:
PLS-00905: object IFRSCD.DOWNLOAD_BLOB is invalid
ORA-06550: line 2, column 7:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

The code is:


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Databases :: NoNullAllowedException: Column 'idNames' Does Not Allow Nulls

Apr 12, 2010

environment: VS2008, MySQL 5.1.45, .net Connector 6.2.2

Error msg:

NoNullAllowedException: Column 'idNames' does not allow nulls.

The MySQL DB has on "idNames" (Primary Key) a tick-mark for: primary Key, Not Null, Auto-Increment Also: I can add/retrieve records via the 'MySQL Query Browser'; I see the data via VS2008 'Preview Data'!

As said in the comment below; when the 'idNames' is explicitely given the rows.add works fine. So it seems that I miss something around the 'auto-increment' business!


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May 3, 2010

I tried to query an excel file which contains a lot of customers' information but my problem is most of those don't have a specific column names. E.g. it's in the following format. (Excel File)

Info1 blur blur
Info2 blur blur
Info3 blur blur

So, when I query using SqlDbDataAdapter, in my DataTable, info1 blur blur becomes column header. e.g. it's in the following format. (DataTable)

Info1 blur blur
Info2 blur blur
Info3 blur blur

I been working on it so that it actually goes down one row and Change the column name in the DataTable into some appropiate name. Something like the following format.

Name1 Name2 Name 3
Info1 blur blur
Info2 blur blur
Info3 blur blur

Is there any way that I could work around it rather than actually going back to change the excel files ? Because I have like 1,000 excel files in that kinda format and seriously giving me headache now.

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Feb 23, 2010

(int) faultsGroup is 0 or 1 but i always get this error: Column 'FaultGroup' cannot be null Does anyone tell me why? Syntax looks ok.


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