Databases :: Extract Data From Table Into A View?
Jan 30, 2011
I want to extract data from table into a view. MEans i have datatime field with value '12/31/2010 12:00:00 PM' in a table .
I want to change the field format in view to Date like '12/31/2010'.
Iam using oracle 10g.
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This time arround i want to exctract the integer value and use it in the if statement for testing.
I however face a problem in the fact that though i can select the particular cell in a table i still get a table adapter which is not what i need and is not covertible to int value.
See the code below:
How can I extra this particular xFiled value and return and integer value rather than a data table?
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Sep 6, 2010
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But it returns null(object not initiated) How to solve this?
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Oct 28, 2010
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I wrote a class to complete data access works (unfortunately, I didnt use nhibernate or other data access tools :((
I edited the class to use System.Data.Odbc objects rather than System.Data.SqlClient.
It works fine in selecting data but not manipulating data. when i try to insert new data it adds null data for all fields in the table.
in debug mode, i noticed that it might be caused by OdbcParameter but not sure.
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Oct 12, 2010
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How can I use a conditional split to extract the right columns to the right table? I only see that i can enter a expression for each column, but in fact i only want to split the table by "fingerpointing" the right columns. is that possible? And how should i put the relation between them in 'relation' table?
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Oct 21, 2010
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Sep 3, 2010
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example: select f1 'Field Name1',f2 'Field Name2' from sometablename;
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Jan 21, 2010
I am building a little app to upload a picture and various downloads for different file types for the photos, but I also need be able to select the catergory they will go into. So I have two tables one that stores the catergory names and one that holds the paths to the photos and downloads the tables are related through the catergoryID.
What I need is those catergories to show up in the photo's and downloads table so that when I go to upload the photos I will be able to select the categories.
I have also built the DataSet and the Business Logic.
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Mar 8, 2010
I work with Visual studio 2005 and Sql server data base. I extract 1 million rows from a database and I put the rows in a Sql table. With a simple direct extraction, in a few minutes I complete the operation:
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(query, cnSql)
But, if I must select and modify some fields between extraction and introduction, it takes a lot of time!
I work in this way. I extract rows from Dbase, Table1, and I put all into a Collection using dataReader:
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(query, cnSql)
Dim coll As New Collection
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
I replace some fields with the string "YES".
Dim toRepl As String = ""
If dr.HasRows Then
Do While dr.Read
toRepl = dr(5).ToString
If Len(toRepl) <= 3 Then ToRepl = "YES"
.................. ..............
collCount = collCount + 1
End If
Now, I insert all into a SQL Table2:
Dim a As String = "", b As String = "", c As String = "" etc.
For i = 1 To collPrel.Count Step 6
a = collPrel.Item(i).ToString
b = collPrel.Item(i + 1).ToString
.............. ...............
f = collPrel.Item(i + 5).ToString
queryIns = "INSERT INTO Tab (name, adress, etc)
VALUES ('" & a & "', '" & b & "', '" & c & "', etc. )
Dim cmdIns As New SqlCommand(queryIns, cnSql)
cmdIns.CommandTimeout = 600
This way to work goes right but it is necessary a lot of time for completing the operation.
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Mar 25, 2011
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i have Cleared the RowFilter of this Default View.
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Mar 28, 2011
Im coding in VB Im looking to transfer data from a gridview to a table. In the grid view i have enabled Selection, and on the code behind, as i need help getting started selecting the attributes adding it to a table. The grid is being populated from a table however i would like to take the information selected and store it in another table, which will have some more attributes. i have found a way which will add the row by an sql query from one table to another however i would like to give the user the option to select and add data to the table.
And i was thinking i could use this SQL query in the code behind but im not sure how to add it to the code behind of the select.
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Dec 22, 2010
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Aug 19, 2010
When adding a stored procedure into the Entity Data Model I can select whether the procedure returns a scalar, a (new) complex type or one of the entity types I already defined.I mean assuming I have a view like this
CREATE VIEW FilteredFoos as SELECT Foo.* FROM Foo join ... WHERE ...(that is a view that implements some involved filtering, but returns all columns from one table) how do I add it to the project so that I can use the entity set, but get the Foo objects, not some new FilteredFoo objects.
var foos = myDB.FilteredFoos.Include("Bar").ToList();
foreach (Foo foo in foos) { ...
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Jul 12, 2010
I run queries in my stored procedure and pass values to it as a perameter e.g.
SELECT p.Profile_Id
FROM Profile p
WHERE (p_Gender = p.gender_id)
now is there a way that i can get the actual query executed with paramaters value like this:-
SELECT p.Profile_Id
FROM Profile p
WHERE ('M' = p.gender_id)
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Aug 24, 2010
You'll have to excuse my ignorance, I'm coming at this from a front-end perspective, and don't really know how to deal with data views in ASP.NET.
Basically, I'm trying to change the layout of some repeated data from a straight table, to something more design-heavy. It's the same data, just re-organised slightly. The current ASP.NET code looks like this:
However, I want to replace all of this, such that each 'row' of data renders like this:
How is this done? Can I just edit the code above, or would I need to do something more advanced in terms of not using a data grid and using some other control instead? Is it something that can be done in just a .aspx file or would it need to be done in C# and compiled?
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