SQL Server :: Use A Conditional Split To Extract The Right Columns To The Right Table?

Oct 12, 2010

I have a package which imports several files on a regular bases . For the import I use a staging table. Now I want to split that stagingtable into two other (existing) tables with keeping the relation ( third table??) . In each record there is a dealerID which has to be injected also in the other two tables (the splittables).

How can I use a conditional split to extract the right columns to the right table? I only see that i can enter a expression for each column, but in fact i only want to split the table by "fingerpointing" the right columns. is that possible? And how should i put the relation between them in 'relation' table?

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Regex.Split Extract Only First Number Form A String

Oct 6, 2010

I am using the following code for extracting a number from string 'sentence'.

Regex.Split(sentence, @"D+");

For Ex: This is test , message contains 192837 and the message ends here.

This output would be 192837.

Now, Let say: sentence is: This is test, 2736 message contains 293743 and message ends here.

This output would be 2736293743.

But, I want only 2736. i.e The first number in a string omit rest all others.

How to deal with this?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Split Columns In Gridview

Oct 9, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2010 where I have a gridview that displays many columns and because of that the user has to scroll horizontally in order to view the rest of the columns. Is there a way to split the columns so that each row will contain some columns and some columns underneath them? For example, I have 10 columns where each row will show 5 columns with their headers and the other 5 columns below with their headers.

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SQL Reporting :: How To Split Matrix Columns In A RDLC Report

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I am using matrix in RDLC report to bind the result set.

how can I split matrix columns so that I can display in different pages?

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SQL Server :: Columns To Rows - Table

Nov 13, 2010

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col1 col2 col3 -- Columns
Y N 1 -- Data

but i want

colname val
col1 Y
col2 N
col3 1

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SQL Server :: Update Two Columns In The Same Table?

Dec 25, 2010

I have tow colums

nickname, and name, and I allready filled them with information, like this

nikname = gino

name = longinos

What I want now is both to have the same information

nikname = longinos

name = longinos

I thought of somethig like this

Customer set name
= nikname
where custID
= custID

but it does not work, and I can't think of something good

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Forms Data Controls :: Split Columns In Design Of Gridview?

Jul 14, 2010

I need to display data in gridview like this.
here Budget01...budget12 : Year1
Budget13...budget24 : Year2
Budget25...budget36 : Year3
Budget37...budget48 : Year4
Budget49...budget60 : Year5

my table(Budget) is having data like this

GLLink AccType Budget01 Budget02 ..... Budget13 Budget14
1 Expense 0 200 ....... 0 4000
2 Current Liability NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL

I need to display Budget01...budget12 as 1 year in one row,Budget13...budget24 : Year2 in another row..in gridview

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SQL Server :: Pushing Columns Of One Table To Another After Filtering

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Forms Data Controls :: Details View - Too Many Fields - Split Into Two Columns?

Aug 16, 2010

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SQL Server :: How To Select All Columns Of Table But To Distinct By One Column

Dec 29, 2010

How can i select all columns of table but to distinct by one column? i am tryin to figure it out without success, i know how to make distinct (select distinct column from table, but i need all the values from the table and to distinct by Delcompany.

my line is:


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SQL Server :: Search A Word In All The Columns Of A Single Table?

Sep 17, 2010

How can I search a word in all the columns of a table?

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SQL Server :: Copying Few Rows With Selected Columns From One Table To Another

Mar 29, 2011


t1c1 t1c2 t1c3
1 1 jim
2 2 ruth
3 4 paul
4 8 sam
5 16 NA

Table2 ( Need this)

t2c1 t2c2 t2c3 t2c4 t2c5
10 1 1 jim 2010-02-03
10 2 1 ruth 2010-02-03
10 4 1 paul 2010-02-03
10 8 1 sam 2010-02-03

The tricky part I have to perform is to copy rows( only t1c2 -> t2c2, t1c3->t2c4 columns) untill I see NA(Not applicable string) in t1c3 to Table2 putting (10 in t2c1, 1 in t2c3, current date in t2c5 columns for all rows).

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SQL Server :: Proposal - Payment System - Set The Table And Columns?

Jul 25, 2010

I have data for the payment system:
- Credit card number (Visa, Mastercard, etc ...)
- Paypal
- Moneybookers
- NETeller
- Etc ...

how to set the table and columns.

Current proposal:
Column AttributeName, in which I have text (credit card number, name on credit, email, etc ...)
Column Value, in which I have data about a particular attribute.

I wish that all data is stored in one table.I do not wish for any payment system, use the new table, as for example:

tbl_creditcardnumber, tbl_paypal, tbl_moneybookers, tbl_neteller ....

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SQL Server :: Creating A Temp Table And Populating It's Two Columns Manually?

Feb 2, 2011

I am creating a temp table and populating it's two columns manually and the rest of the table from the data returned by the stored procedure. When I added the first column called custno as @CustNumber, it allowed me to add it fine and the rest of the columns were filled by the stored procedure as expected. I then needed to add another column called RepeatCustomer the same way but it keeps saying:

Msg 207, Level 16, State 1 Invalid column name 'Repeatcustomer' So eventhough I have added Repeatcustomer column it's not seeing it. Any one has seen this error before or know what's wrong with this code. Note when I parse the query it's fine, it only fails upon the execution.


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Create Table From A Business Object With Conditional Layout?

Apr 16, 2010

I need to generate a table from a List(Of Students). My Student class has properties for AcademicYear, TeachingSet, Surname and Forenames, is sorted in that order and also properties for ID and start date. The table should nest TeachingSets within AcademicYears and then the students within the TeachingSets, as shown in the table I've mocked up at http://www.ifslearning.ac.uk/files/student-table.jpg

Using a repeater I get
08-10 students B74394 Mzejb Bsppn
08-10 students B74395 Lbuifsjof Bvti
08-10 students C68924 Epoob Cmpblf
08-10 students D41468 Ipxbse Dbwfz

But I need to have

08-10 students
- B74394 Mzejb Bsppn
- B74395 Lbuifsjof Bvti
- C68924 Epoob Cmpblf
- D41468 Ipxbse Dbwfz

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Table Colspan Span All Columns Regardless Of # Of Columns

Mar 5, 2010

I'm creating a table in an asp.net code behind dynamically, and I want to have a footer row that only has 2 cells. The first should span all the columns in the table-1. Is there some way other then keeping track of the # of columns in the table manually for me to set the colspan to be # of all the columns in the table-1? Preferably a HTML or CSS solution?

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Averaging Columns In A Table - Ignoring Certain Columns

Feb 21, 2011

I've the following code which successfully makes an average for all the columns from a table. What I need to do though is ignore certain columns in this equation.

Dim totalNumber as Double = 0
Dim count as Integer = 0
For x = 0 To xyz123.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
Dim current as Double = 0
If Double.TryParse(xyz123.Tables(0).Rows(0)(x).ToString(), current) AndAlso current <> 0 Then
count += 1
totalNumber += current
End If
Dim averageRating as Double = totalNumber / count

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Databases :: Extract Data From Table Into A View?

Jan 30, 2011

I want to extract data from table into a view. MEans i have datatime field with value '12/31/2010 12:00:00 PM' in a table .

I want to change the field format in view to Date like '12/31/2010'.

Iam using oracle 10g.

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Web Forms :: Split String From Listbox To Enter Data In Table

Sep 22, 2010

Split String from listbox to enter data in table


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DataSource Controls :: Split A Table Into Mutltiple Rows In Sqlserver?

Mar 9, 2010

I am using asp.net3.5,sqlserver2008. I have retrieving data from Accounts,BUDGETS like this.

select a.AccountLink,a.Master_Sub_Account,b.* from Accounts a inner join BUDGETS b
on a.AccountLink=b.GLLink where a.AccountLink=1
output of my query...
AccountLink Master_Sub_Account GLLink AccType Budget01 Budget02 Budget03


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Forms Data Controls :: Extract An Integer Value From Table And Use It In An If Statement?

Apr 27, 2010

I happen to have used datasets and hence data tables in most of data access approaches.

This time arround i want to exctract the integer value and use it in the if statement for testing.

I however face a problem in the fact that though i can select the particular cell in a table i still get a table adapter which is not what i need and is not covertible to int value.

See the code below:


How can I extra this particular xFiled value and return and integer value rather than a data table?

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Data Controls :: Get List Of All Columns Of Specific Data Type From A Table In SQL Server

May 7, 2015

Here Am Using This Query to 

WHERE (TABLE_NAME = 'TableName')

But Am getting Total Records instead of i need Specific Columns.....

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Table That Has Some Columns And Rows Want This Table To Have Borders That Are Visible Inside It??

Sep 1, 2010

i have a table that has some columns and rows i want this table to have borders that are visible inside it i want every column an row to be closed in borders how can i do that?

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Visual Studio 2005 - Extract Rows From DataBase - Replace Fields - Insert Into Another Table

Mar 8, 2010

I work with Visual studio 2005 and Sql server data base. I extract 1 million rows from a database and I put the rows in a Sql table. With a simple direct extraction, in a few minutes I complete the operation:

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(query, cnSql)

But, if I must select and modify some fields between extraction and introduction, it takes a lot of time!
I work in this way. I extract rows from Dbase, Table1, and I put all into a Collection using dataReader:

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(query, cnSql)
Dim coll As New Collection
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
I replace some fields with the string "YES".
Dim toRepl As String = ""
If dr.HasRows Then
Do While dr.Read
toRepl = dr(5).ToString
If Len(toRepl) <= 3 Then ToRepl = "YES"
.................. ..............
collCount = collCount + 1
End If
Now, I insert all into a SQL Table2:
Dim a As String = "", b As String = "", c As String = "" etc.
For i = 1 To collPrel.Count Step 6
a = collPrel.Item(i).ToString
b = collPrel.Item(i + 1).ToString
.............. ...............
f = collPrel.Item(i + 5).ToString
queryIns = "INSERT INTO Tab (name, adress, etc)
VALUES ('" & a & "', '" & b & "', '" & c & "', etc. )
Dim cmdIns As New SqlCommand(queryIns, cnSql)
cmdIns.CommandTimeout = 600

This way to work goes right but it is necessary a lot of time for completing the operation.

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SQL Server :: How To Extract Data From Adobe Pdf Form To Sql Server Database

Feb 23, 2011

I want to extract data from pdf form to sql server database. But I don't know how do achieve it?

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