Dependencies Not Injecting - No Method Working

Jan 11, 2010

I am trying to create an ASP.NET MVC application, using Spring.NET to inject dependencies. The application has three tiers: Controller, Service, and Data. I have defined the objects in the file "~Resourcesobjects.xml". My first object, UserAccountController, requires the injection of two Service-tier classes: UserAccountService and DepartmentService. So, the definition in objects.xml looks like this:

<object id="UserAccountController" type="App.Controllers.UserAccountController, App">
<constructor-arg index="0" ref="DepartmentService" />
<constructor-arg index="1" ref="UserAccountService" /> </object>
<object id="UserAccountService" type="App.Service.UserAccountService, App">
<property name="UserAccountDao" ref="UserAccountDao" /> </object>
<object id="UserAccountDao" type="App.Data.UserAccountDao, App" />
<object id="DepartmentService" type="App.Service.DepartmentService, App">
<property name="DepartmentDao" ref="DepartmentDao" /> </object>
<object id="DepartmentDao" type="App.Data.DepartmentDao" />

Webconfig contains this:
<sectionGroup name="spring">
<section name="context" type="Spring.Context.Support.WebContextHandler, Spring.Web"/>
</sectionGroup> </configSections> <spring> <context>
<resource uri="~/Resources/objects.xml" /> </context> </spring>

I would prefer to use Property injection rather than constructor, but currently neither method is working.

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Asynchronous C# Method Calls In Page Working On Debug, But Not Working On Live Site

Jan 25, 2011

OK Here is the situation:

I have a web app with a table of statistics on our salesmen's customers, and each row has a sparkline graph showing the general trend of the sales data for the last 12 months. Each page shows a particular salesman's customer list, and some of them can have an enormous number of customers = an enormous number of rows = an enormous number of sparklines (e.g. one in particular has 125 and takes 15 seconds to load).

For this reason, jQuery sparklines could not be used - they completely pinned the CPU of a user accessing a page with a lot of sparklines with IE.

So I moved on to using the Google Chart API, which worked much better, except for two issues: 1) it's on a secure site, and the Google Chart API URL is only served over HTTP (solved by using a small wrapper script to download the graph dynamically and re-serve it from our secure server); and 2) on a page with 125 sparklines, it was still very slow due to the number of requests (even when the 0-9 server prefixes are used to maximize the # of available connections).

So my next step beyond this was to try to make each of the "download/grab/re-serve image" method calls asynchronous - and it worked!

...but only on my dev box running in debug mode.

When I pushed it up to the live site, it was faster, but it left some of the images unloaded, which is of course unacceptable.

So here is what I was hoping some SO hotshot would know:

1) Why are my asynchronous method calls working while debugging, but not working on the live site?

2) Is there any easier way to get a large number of sparklines of some sort to load quickly on a secure server without making me want to tear my hair out?

2a.) Does anyone have any experience using the ASP.NET Chart Library? Is this something I should investigate?

2b.) A co-worker suggested I make my own sparkline routine using a 1x1 CSS background image and varying the height. The problems are a) it is completely un-extensible in case we want to make changes; b) it seems hacky as hell (leaves about a bajillion DIVs per sparkline in the markup); and c) I have no idea if it will be fast enough when there are 100-200 of them on one page - what are your thoughts on the feasibility of the 1x1 sprite approach?

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Injecting Today's Date In Javascript?

Feb 15, 2011

When the page loads, I want a variable inside my JavaScript to hold today's date. So far I have this:

<script type="text/javascript">
var TodayDate = <%Eval('System.DateTime.Now') %>;

It massively bugs.

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Injecting JavaScript Outside An Update Panel?

Jan 8, 2010

I have an aspx page with four UpdatePanels. Incidentally, each UpdatePanel corresponds to a JQuery UI tab. What I am trying to achieve is a JQuery UI modal dialog OUTSIDE the UpdatePanels that can be called from server-side code running INSIDE any of the UpdatePanels. So, inside the first UpdatePanel is an asp:Button which runs some server-side code. When an error ocurrs, I want to be able to inject some JavaScript that will call the modal dialog to display the error message. Here is the code I am using:

Dim script As String = "showPopupMessage('{0}');"
script = String.Format(script, errorMessage)
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me.UpdatePanelBizInfo, Me.UpdatePanelBizInfo.GetType, Guid.NewGuid.ToString, script, True)

The showPopupMessage function on the page looks like this:

function showPopupMessage(msg) {
$('#<%=Me.LabelPopupMessage.ClientID %>').text(msg);

When the code runs to inject the JavaScript, nothing happens. I am assuming it has something to do with the fact that the error ocurrs in the code running inside an UpdatePanel. Upon inspecting the resulting HTML, the JavaScript is there. What am I doing wrong?

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MVC :: Injecting The Session Into A Wrapper Class

Aug 13, 2010

I've seen how to Fake the SessionState object in MVC using Scott Hanselmans MvcMockHelpers, but I'm dealing with a separate problem.What I like to do is create a wrapper around the Session object to make objects a little more accessible and strongly typed rather than using keys all over. Here is basically what it does:

public class SessionVars{ public SessionVars() {} public string CheckoutEmail { get { return Session[checkoutEmailKey] as string; } set { Session[checkoutEmailKey] = value; } }}

So that I can just do this in my controllers and views:

SessionVars s = new SessionVars();s.CheckoutEmail = "";

Now the problem comes in when I want to write unit tests, this class is tightly coupled with the HttpSessionState. What I can't figure out is what is the right class to accept/pass so that I can pass in a FakeHttpSession into the SessionVars class. I've tried so many things with this, and this (below) will compile, but it can't cast the HttpSessionState into the IDictionary. I've tried ICollection, HttpSessionStateBase.

public class SessionVars{ public SessionVars() : this(HttpContext.Current.Session) { } public SessionVars(ICollection session) { Session = (IDictionary<string, object>)session; } public IDictionary<string, object> Session { get; [code]...

I'm missing something big here. I feel like this is possible and that I should even be that far off.Furthermore, I'm confused as to whether I should use the IHttpSessionState, HttpSessionStateBase or the HttpSessionStateWrapper. What is the abstract type that I'd use for the session object inside my SessionVars class? What is the type that I pass into the constructor?

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Injecting Table Row Inside Repeater Item

Apr 8, 2010

I am trying to inject inside repeaters items, the problem is that the row is generated in a wrong location. If you try this simple example, you will see that the rown is generated under label '2' as it should be generated under label '1'. Why does it happen? And how to fix that?

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
int [] array = {1,2,3,4,5};
rpt.DataSource = array;
protected string _extraRowHtml;
protected void rpt_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item ||
e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
int tmp = ((int)e.Item.DataItem);
_extraRowHtml = tmp == 1 ? "<tr><td class="topicsRow" colspan="100%"> Topics </td></tr>" : string.Empty; ;
<asp:Repeater ID="rpt" runat="server" onitemdatabound="rpt_ItemDataBound">
<table cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0">
<tr style="height:50px">
<asp:HyperLink ID="lnkTitle" runat="server" Text='<%# Container.DataItem%>'/>
<%# _extraRowHtml %>

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Chained Base Class Properties Not Injecting

Apr 2, 2010

I am successfully injecting base class properties with with just a class that inherits from a base abstract class. Lets say Class MyClass : MyBase, and I am successfully setting a property like this:

<object id="myInstantiableClass" type="myAssembly.MyClass myAssenbly" abstract="true">
<property name="MyBaseClassProperty" ref="anotherObjRef"></property> </object>

Where MyBaseClassProperty is a property on the base class. Now I have another abstract class between the old base class and the instantiable class and I am trying to set properties on both the abstract classes. So MyClass : MyNewBaseClass and MyNewBaseClass : MyBaseClass. I have an additional property on the new base class (MyNewBaseClassProperty) and I am trying to inject it like this:

<object id="myInstantiableClass" type="myAssembly.MyClass myAssenbly" abstract="true">
<property name="MyBaseClassProperty" ref="anotherObjRef"></property>
<property name="MyNewBaseClassProperty" ref="someOtherObjRef"></property>

The property on the old base class is being injected but the one on the new one is not - and I am not getting an error or anything (so I am pretty sure my config is good), that property is just null! I am on (not MVC) and the class MyClass is a user control (ascx).

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Injecting A Web User Control With Ninject In WebForms

Dec 16, 2010

I have an aspx page that I would like to have injected a reference to a user control. The user control is stored in a seperate assembly and loaded at runtime. After injected the user control it should then be loaded into the control collection of the page.

Everything seems to be working fine expect the point of adding the control to the page. There is no error but the UI for the control doesn't show.


protected override Ninject.IKernel CreateKernel()
var modules = new INinjectModule[] { new MyDefaultModule() };
var kernel = new StandardKernel(modules);
// Loads the module from an assembly in the Bin
return kernel;

and here is how the external module is defined in the other assembly:

public class ExternalModule : NinjectModule
public ExternalModule() { }
public override void Load()

The debugger shows that when the app is run, the Load on the external module is being called, and the dependency gets injected into the page.

public partial class admin_MainPage : PageBase
public IView Views { get; set; }

At this point when trying to add the view (here a user control) to the page, nothing is shown. Is this something to do with the way the user control is created by Ninject? The loaded control seems to have an empty control collection.

inside aspx page

var c = (UserControl)Views;

// this won't show anything. even the Control collection of the loaded control (c.Controls) is empty
var view = MultiView1.GetActiveView().Controls.Add(c);

// but this works fine
MultiView1.GetActiveView().Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = "Nice view you got here..." });

and finally the view/user control:

public partial class controls_MyCustomUserControlView : UserControl, IView

It contains just one label:

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="MyCustomUserControlView.ascx.cs" Inherits="controls_MyCustomUserControlView" %>
<asp:Label Text="Wow, what a view!" runat="server" />

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AJAX :: Injecting Javascript Via Append Into PopupControlExtender?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a page with a grid view that the user can hover over an image within the row and it will retrieve additional information from the database and show it in a panel called by the PopupControlExtender.

I then wanted to add a bing map showing the location within the same panel. This also works correctly EXCEPT I can't seem to get the map to show automatically. If I add a Mouseover or click event it works, but no matter what I try (inline, function, etc.) I can't get it to show when the panel shows. The user has to take action for it to appear which is not what I want.

Here is the section of code with the bolded section the code that is problematic:

Again - I just want the Mouseover requirement removed so that the map will show without further input

[System.Web.Services.WebMethodAttribute(), System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptMethodAttribute()]
public static string GetDynamicContent(string contextKey)
string[] strArrayVal;
string CK;


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Injecting UrlEncoded String Into Page - Firefox Vs Chrome

Jan 11, 2011

It seems the following markup is rendered differently in Firefox and Chrome, and I'm not sure how to prevent it:

<%= HttpUtility.UrlEncode("+") %>
<%= "<a href='#' name='" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("+") + "'>stuff</a>"%>

In Firefox it looks like:
%2b<a name="+" href="#">stuff</a>
In Chrome it looks like:
%2b<a name="%2b" href="#">stuff</a>

Is there a way around it?

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Injecting HTML Code With Controls?

Jan 1, 2011

i need to dynamically add HTML codes that contains some controls.

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Forms Data Controls :: Syntax For Injecting ID Into ImageUrl?

Dec 9, 2010

I have an Image control in a ListView's ItemTemplate.

I want the ImageUrl property to say:


in place of the bold text above.

I cannot, however, get the syntax right. I keep getting "syntax is not well formed" errors.

correct syntax for this, or, if I'm barking up the wrong tree altogether, the correct method.

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Injecting Lower Layer Dependency In Presenter In MVP Application?

Jan 27, 2010

I recently read Phil Haack's post where he gives an example of implementing Model View Presenter for ASP.NET. One of the code snippets shows how the code for the view class.

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page, IPostEditView
PostEditController controller;
public _Default()
this.controller = new PostEditController(this, new BlogDataService());

However, here the view constructs the instance of the BlogDataService and passes it along to the presenter. Ideally the view should not know about BlogDataService or any of the presenter's lower layer dependencies. But i also prefer to keep the BlogDataService as a constructor injected dependency of the presenter as it makes the dependencies of the presenter explicit.

This same question has been asked on stackoverflow here.

One of the answers suggests using a service locator to get the instance of the BlogDataService and passing it along to the presenter's constructor.This solution however does not solve the problem of the view knowing about the BlogDataService and needing to explicitly get a reference to it.

Is there a way to automatically construct the presenter object using an IoC or DI container tool such that the view does not have to deal with explicitly creating the BlogDataService object and also injecting the view and service instances into the presenter's constructor. I prefer to use the constructor injection pattern as far as possible.

Or is there a better design available to solve the problem?. Can there be a better way to implement this If i am building a WinForms application instead of a ASP.NET WebForms application?

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Security :: Prevent Injecting Malicious Code In Site By Hackers?

Jul 14, 2010

I am in trouble in to remove malicious code from our so many site , develope in andn in asp.

Most of the time hacker inject the code in Body tag at onload evenet and also at the end of html tag using Java Scriprt.

how to prevent it by programing a code in or in java script or by other...

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ADO.NET :: Contains() Method Not Working In Linq To Entities

Mar 8, 2011

I am building a web application in asp.Net 4.0 and entity framework. I am trying to retrieve a list of products based on a collection of id's. I first gather all the id's in a collection and then pass it to the linq query. I am trying to get a functionality similar to the IN clause in SQL. The problem seems to be with the Contains() method in the Linq to entities query. Here is my Linq code:


I got the above Linq to entities method from here: [URL]

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JQuery Method Not Working Second Time?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a JQuery Method. When I click on button "btnSelectDisclosure", a popup appears but only once. Not for next time.


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(VB) Extension Method Not Working As Expected?

Sep 5, 2010

I have the following Extension Method

Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Namespace Extensions
Public Module IntegerExtensions
Public Function ToCommaDeliminatedNumber(ByVal int As Integer) As String
Dim _input As String = int.ToString
Select Case int
Case Is > 99999 : Return _input.Remove(_input.Length - 3) & "k"
Case Is > 9999 : Return Math.Round(Double.Parse(int / 1000), 1).ToString & "k"
Case Is > 999 : Return String.Format("{0:N0}", int)
Case Else : Return _input
End Select
End Function
End Module
End Namespace

And in one of my classes I'm using user.Reputation.ToCommaDeliminatedNumber I am importing the Extensions Namespace into the Class, but the error I'm getting is...'ToCommaDeliminatedNumber' is not a member of 'Integer?'. I do have other Extension Methods for Strings and Dates that work exactly as expected... I'm just at a loss on this one.

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MVC :: Controller Method For Create Not Working

Oct 27, 2010

I'm very new to MVC so this is a simple issue, just can't seem to find any information on why it's happening so turning to the forums. Edit works, delete sort of works (that's another issue in itself), and details works, but create causes an issue. I've debugged the form being passed in and it's always null with default values. It's almost identical code to my edit so I'm not sure why edit works and create won't. I'd show code for the view but since it's working for edit I'm currently ruling that out as the problem. "Colleges" in this populates a dropdown in the view. Here's the code:


View 6 Replies

C# - Controls.remove() Method Not Working

Apr 26, 2010

I have a web app where the user can create dynamic textboxes at run time. When the user clicks SUBMIT, the form sends data to the database and I want remove the dynamic controls.

The controls are created in the following code:

Table tb = new Table();
tb.ID = "tbl";
for (i = 0; i < myCount; i += 1)
TableRow tr = new TableRow();
TextBox txtEmplName = new TextBox();
TextBox txtEmplEmail = new TextBox();
TextBox txtEmplPhone = new TextBox();
TextBox txtEmplPosition = new TextBox();
TextBox txtEmplOfficeID = new TextBox();
txtEmplName.ID = "txtEmplName" + i.ToString();
txtEmplEmail.ID = "txtEmplEmail" + i.ToString();
txtEmplPhone.ID = "txtEmplPhone" + i.ToString();
txtEmplPosition.ID = "txtEmplPosition" + i.ToString();
txtEmplOfficeID.ID = "txtEmplOfficeID" + i.ToString();
The Remove section of the code is:
Table t = (Table)Page.FindControl("Panel1").FindControl("tbl");
foreach (TableRow tr in t.Rows)
for (i = 1; i < myCount; i += 1)
string txtEmplName = "txtEmplName" + i;
string txtEmplEmail = "txtEmplEmail" + i;
string txtEmplPhone = "txtEmplPhone" + i;
string txtEmplPosition = "txtEmplPosition" + i;
string txtEmplOfficeID = "txtEmplOfficeID" + i;

However, the textboxes are still visible.

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How To Use Cache Dependencies In MVC

Oct 22, 2010

How to use cache dependencies in MVC?So far, I follow the caching tutorial ( but what if changes occured in the database and the page is still cached. [:(]

How to clear cached pages when new data is inserted?

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Master Page Has Runat=server On The Head Tag Element - It Is Injecting A Stylesheet Using Themes

Jul 15, 2010

master page has runat=server on the head tag element, it is injecting a stylesheet on the page for some reason and I am not doing it explicitly.

Is it a themes setting that is adding the stylesheet? How can I disable it for this master page?

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AJAX :: Hide() Method Not Working For Modal Pop Up

Jan 1, 2011

I have a modal pop up that I'm trying to hide after an insert has been performed. This is usually very easily accomplished by calling the hide() method. I have a close button in the same modal pop up that does this correctly. I can't seem to get this to work with another button or item inserted event of the data source or the data control though.

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MVC :: Unity Container Dependencies

Mar 1, 2011

After about 30 Minutes the whole Unity Container is away, that means that all my Dependencies rises null exceptions, because they can't get resolved.



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MVC :: Dependencies On Non System.Web Assemblies?

Mar 8, 2011

When looking at ASP.NET MVC 3 and WebPages (the 'simple' web application framework used by WebMatrix) I noticed that these frameworks take a dependency on assemblies and/or namespaces that do not fit the familiar naming style for ASP.NET:

- Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure
- WebMatrix.Data
- WebMatrix.WebData
- Microsoft.Web.Helpers

Most if not all assemblies/namespaces up until and including ASP.NET 4 and ASP.NET MVC 2 are called *System.Web.** Why did they do it? Is this 'a trap' or is that too cynical? Some context (from the [Mono 2.10 Release Notes][1]):

> Although ASP.NET MVC3 is open source
> and licensed under the terms of the
> MS-PL license, it takes a few
> dependencies on new libraries that are
> not open source nor are they part of
> the Microsoft.NET Framework.
> At this point we do not have open
> source implementations of those
> libraries, so we can not ship the full
> ASP.NET MVC3 stack with Mono.


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Calling Action Method In MVC With JQuery And Parameters Not Working

Dec 27, 2010

I'm trying to call an action method in an MVC application using jQuery. Basically what I want is to take the value of a couple of input fields and call the action method by clicking a button, passing the values of the input fields as parameters. But I only get the value of the "number" parameter, not the "year" parameter.

function selectWeek() {
$('#selectWeekButton').click(function (event) {
var number = $("#selectWeekId").val();

I checked the url with an alert, as you can see, and it seems to contain both values fine. But when I check the value of the year parameter in the action method it is null.Here are the input fields:

<span>Vecka: </span>
<input type="text" id="selectWeekId" />
<span>År: </span>
<input type="text" id="selectYearId" />
<input type="button" value="Välj vecka" id="selectWeekButton" />

And the beginning of the action method:

public ActionResult Edit(string number, string year)

I know that this looks like a strange thing to do instead of just binding fields, but the reason is that these input fields and their values is not the main purpose of this View. They're just there to select another week in this timesheet application. And besides, I'm going to replace the input fields with a jQuery calendar eventually, so I will still have to do something like this.

So what's the easiest way to do this, and why isn't it working as it is?

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