Web Forms :: Dynamic Injecting HTML Code With Controls?
Jan 1, 2011i need to dynamically add HTML codes that contains some asp.net controls.
View 4 Repliesi need to dynamically add HTML codes that contains some asp.net controls.
View 4 RepliesI am in trouble in to remove malicious code from our so many site , develope in asp.net andn in asp.
Most of the time hacker inject the code in Body tag at onload evenet and also at the end of html tag using Java Scriprt.
how to prevent it by programing a code in asp.net or in java script or by other...
I have an Image control in a ListView's ItemTemplate.
I want the ImageUrl property to say:
in place of the bold text above.
I cannot, however, get the syntax right. I keep getting "syntax is not well formed" errors.
correct syntax for this, or, if I'm barking up the wrong tree altogether, the correct method.
I am using formview control to generate invoice. But instead of printing html view it is printing html code in PDF. I am doing like this:
I'm trying to add an DropDownList to a DetailsView by code, because i'm writing a solution that let's the user select an table and view your records and edit them, some of theese tables, have a foreign key column and the user must have to select some item in the list.
Below is my sample code:
the code above is working correctly, when the user click in the buttons New or Edit , the DetailsView opens correctly, showing the DropDownlist, but when the user click in the buttons update or insert , an error occurs, the viewState cannot be loaded:
Failed to load viewstate. The control tree which viewstate is being loaded must match the control tree used to save viewstate during the previous request. For example, when controls are added dynamically, the controls added during a post must match the type and position of the controls added during the initial request.
I Am working on Shopping Cart Website. I Want To Pass Product Amount And Transaction Id To Bank.
MY code In Design Page Is
<input type="hidden" name="Amount" value='100'/>
If I pass Amount (100) Here Then It Works But I Am using Server Control Label1 For Show The Amount Now I want to Pass Label's value at the place of value
I want To Do Like
<input type="hidden" name="Amount" value='Label1.Text'/>
Request.Form("Amount").Value = Label1.Text'
I am working on a project in ASP.Net MVC3 and this model of development is quite new to me, but I think I am starting to get the hang of it.
In my project, I am creating a dynamic array of <input type="check"... Checkboxes. From my understanding, when sending form data it should be processed in the Controller using <form method="post"....
So my question is: what is the best way to go about consuming a dynamic amount of HTML objects sent in the post data? What I am doing right now is looping through all the controls sent VIA: post and parsing the dynamic ones by the ID name. This method seems highly suspect in terms of coding practice. It does work, but I am wondering what the "norm" is for this sort of proceedure?
i want to insert some html code like
but it is not inserting
I'm using System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient wherein the Mail body is HTML.
I need to populate this mail body with few dynamically generated grids.The grids are populated with datasets.
I use a datalist to display one record from a database
one field contains html tags
I bind it to a label in the itemtamplate
but i wont work , the formated text do not appear
It works with a detailsview , but it wont work with a datalist
I want to call a function present in code behind from front page (html : source code)
i want to use like this:
Source code
<a href='<%# linkAlpha("B").ToString()) %>' title="B" id="B_List" runat = "server">B</a>
Code Behind
protected string linkAlpha(string value)
// /market-research/<%#Eval("customname")%>/
string str = "";
if (Request.Url.DnsSafeHost == "localhost")
{ // /market-reports/<%# Eval("customname")%>/
str = "Alpha_Category.aspx?q=" + value.ToString().Trim();
// Response.Redirect("Alpha_Category.aspx?q=" + value.ToString().Trim());
// str = "/market-reports/" + value.ToString().Trim() + "/";
str = "/Alpha_Category.aspx?q=" + value.ToString().Trim();
return str;
how to generate HTML code from the code behind?
I would like to build a form that generate an html code inside a for loop.
I will let the user enter the photo name and No. of photos
Then I will generate an HTML code like this:
<a href="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(1).jpg" target="_blank"> <img src="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(1).jpg" alt="" width="345" height="247" /> </a> <br /> <a href="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(2).jpg" target="_blank">
<img src="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(2).jpg" alt="" width="345" height="247" /> </a> <br /> <a href="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(3).jpg" target="_blank"> <img src="http://www.mzinj.org/images/gallery/Photo%20(3).jpg" alt=""
width="345" height="247" /> </a> <br />
depending on the No. of the photos the code will be duplicated in the loop
Then I will display the result of the loop in label or in a textarea to let the user copy it any where
The problem is that while compiling my code it considers the HTML code as a part of the behind file and gives errors on the single quote, the double quote and on the parentheses
I am creating some dynamic textboxes through javascript, when postback is happening i am loosing the controls. I can't use Ajax instead of postback and i can't create dynamic controls from code behind.
View 2 RepliesI have the following client side code in .aspx page within a datalist itemtemplate that takes questions from the database like this:
The output is like:
1) What is your age group?
- Option 1
- Option 2
- Option 3
- Option 4
The ID's of the radio buttons are dynamic ("Q" & QuestionID). If there is no answer to a question then the GetVisible function returns false and the containing panel is hidden.
I have been trying to get rid of the html and replace these with asp:radiobuttons but it is not possible to set id's from databinding.. only simply. I was trying something like:
<asp:RadioButton ID="Q<%#Eval("ID")%>" runat="server" Visible='<%#GetVisible(Eval("OptionA").Tostring())%>'
Text='<%#Server.HtmlEncode(Eval("OptionA").ToString())%>' />
Here is the function that provides data:
but I'm finding it impossible to work with the html controls, i.e get their .text value from codebehind, or adding events!
better way to replace the html with suitable asp.net web controls or from the codebehind and output it. Or point me in the right direction?
I can't write in english well, but I must try to have an answer for my problem.I have a problem that I have not found a solution, regarding the integration of C # code in the HTML code .aspxI want to do a loop on the
<ajaxToolkit:TabPanel of <ajaxToolkit:TabContainer to have several tabs by a few existing data in a DB table.
Here is a moceau of my code:
This code gave me this error:
Message d'erreur de l'analyseur: 'TabPanel_<%= idMagasin %>' n'est pas un identificateur valide.Translation: Message parser error: 'TabPanel_ <% = idMagasin%>' is not a valid identifier.I removed idmagasin like this:
System.ArgumentException: Une entrée avec la même clé existe déjà .
System.ArgumentException: An entry with the same key already existsThe result is that I found a great problem to insert a C # code in the HTML code .aspx unlike others languages like PHP.
I am trying to create a composite control - A textbox, gridview and a button. When I create the grid dynamically, I use my function GridViewDataBind() that will basically create the gridview at runtime and bind it with data. In this method, I add a blank column (first column for expand/collapse image), databound columns (using custom Itemtemplate), a placeholder, then a new html row/cell and a child gridview. I want to know how can I add these html rows/cols to my gridview. Here is the code:
Not sure if the approach is right and if I was able to explain my problem?
I have the following code the form of a datalist,
<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" BorderColor="black" CellPadding="3" Font-Names="Verdana"
I am using gridview to bind my data since GridView could not load more than 2000 records and also it takes long time to load the data. I decided to go with XSLT transformation. Here is the problem .... I am able to transform 6290 kb of data ( into a html table formated like grid view ) with in 5 seconds but to assign that HTML table back to the innerHTML of a div tag is not responding...
What is the best method to push large amount data(HTML Code) from c# into aspx web page?
PS: I used DIV innerHtml and also Literal Control but both are very slow if the size of the table increases.
i want to nkow ik i can write a html code in the code behind if yes show me how?
View 3 RepliesI'm using CRv9 and want to make use of Google Charts API for generating QR code on fly (in asp .net) and display it in the Crystal Report in a PDF format.I have spent the whole day looking for solution with no luck. The way we output the report is we use .rpt file, feed it with data and use Response.OutputStream to feed to browser. No CrystalReportViewer control hence CSS solution is not an option.
Now, I got as far as added an OLE Object from file with Link, which I would be overwriting every time the new QR code is generated. I apreciate that CR requires it to be a bitmap, so I was planning to download and convert the google's generated PNG file to BMP, that's not an issue. The problem is that Image in the report does not update after I replace the file. Meaning, it displays the original image, which was added as an OLE Object.
If I open this report in CR designer, the image gets refresh/updated and I'd have to save changes to the report to see this new image next time I generate a PDF file.The question is really how to achieve a dynamic image in Crystal Reports 9? Remember, Picture object did not have a Graphic Location property until vXI, so I cannot use that.
Manipulations with DataSets is not an option either as we're not giving report a datasource, instead we just map the fields with FormulaFieldDefinitions.
sample qr code url: https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl=Hello%20world&choe=UTF-8
have made a asp.net table which on run time gets populated with labels, literals, data, formatting etc.form1.innerhtml says page doesnot have literals only.i need to extract this asptable generated at runtime, as html code so that it can be eported to a word file..(as word easily supports html) and the browser is also displaying html so how to get the html?
View 2 RepliesMy user filled a textbox with a text that was copied from Microsoft Word. This is a part of the text .
This system is - AUTOMATIC - and it is restricted
Look the symbols before and after the word AUTOMATIC. When I try to write this on a dynamically generated html page using the code bellow, i got this on the screen:
This system is â€" AUTOMATIC â€" and it is restricted
Code used to print the SQL Field:
The - symbol is not a minus symbol, but is a Word minus (-) symbol...
I am using C#.NET and ASP.NET
I am trying to create an HTML button that can use a C# server side delete function. since I don't know how many results I will have at the page, the control is created dynamically when the end user searches for current Messages: [CODE] CmsContactUsContent += string.Format(" "" + "" + "
View 3 Repliesi have assigned few values to 10 dynamically created text fields
eg : string abc = "<input type="text" id="field"+i+" " />";
above string i have displayed in front end thrgh response.write i.e by assigning string abc to viewstate. also i am tryin to genetrate above input fields from database , so i have to make it dynamic in a loop. so when a user updates any of those dynamically created fields i need to retreive those values in a loop
something like this :
field1.text , field2.text ......so on till fieldn.text ....i want to assign these values to array
like :
string[] arr1 = new string[nooffields];
arr1[i] = fieldi.text;
I am trying to create an HTML button that can use a C# server side delete function. since I don't know how many results I will have at the page, the control is created dynamically when the end user searches for current Messages:
CmsContactUsContent += string.Format(" "<input type='image' value='delete' id='del{8}' runat='server' onClick='DeleteItem' img src='/MaromyDotNet/img/AdminIcons/note.png' style='width:16px;'/>" + [code].....