Displaying Several Pages In One Page?

Jan 31, 2010

I would like to make a dynamic page that presents several pages in a single page. Using frames is well known technique for this, but many web professionals are advising to avoid frames - it has many problems with different browsers and different window sizes.

Do you know any other technique that can display several pages in one?

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C# - Displaying Two Web Pages On One Page

Sep 17, 2010

i am not saying its difficult but i would like to know what way is used professionally. what i do is declare iframes from html code and assign a scr to it, but the problems are switching the html code each time for declaration the size of frame does not change/ adjust with the page in it, scroll bars do appear but thats not it

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SQL Reporting :: Isn't Displaying In Different Pages

Jan 21, 2010

I have made a report its working after deployment, but the problem is that the report is not displaying in multiple pages, i have 30,000 records which is displaying in single page, due to that report is get hanged up. I have tried all the options at report layout parts but no hope.

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Configuration :: Pages Getting Downloaded Instead Of Displaying?

Sep 12, 2010

aspx Page is getting downloaded as wml page, instead of displaying.Here's the Link,http://sms2everyone.com/sms-in/ascii-sms/I have searched a lot on this Topic. And added following code

Response.Cache.VaryByParams["id"] = true;

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MVC :: Routing Displaying Different Pages With The Same Url With Optional Parameter?

May 27, 2010

I would like to have two different welcome pages for a site.How could I handle this? I've looked at routing but I'm not sure if global.asax.cs is the correct place to place this into.

www.mycompany.com should display generic information. Displaying view Home/Default.aspx
www.mycompany.com?id=1 should display welcome customer x. Displaying view Home/Welcome.aspx

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Security :: Displaying Userid On Static Pages?

Feb 4, 2010

I am working on a web application using C# wherein my task is to display the userid of the logged in user on all of the html pages. I have kept track of the userid using session on the aspx page and it works perfctly fine on all of the user controls and aspx pages throught the application. I have checked the post back state and the session works well.

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Web Forms :: How To Displaying Source Code On Aspx Pages

Jul 11, 2010

I need to display c#, vb.net or any source code on a web page. The source code that will be displayed should indented, colored as we see in any IDE. I am not sure how would i achieve this. Is there any in-built control available in asp.net that i can use to display the code or can someone tell me how can i achieve this.

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Displaying Custom Error Pages In Mvc 2.0 On Production Site?

Dec 1, 2010

i have developed a production site in godaddy server.Now i want to display a custom error page if there is any error occurs in the site.i have made following changes in the web.config file ,

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="/Areas/User/Views/Shared/Error">
<error statusCode="403" redirect="NoAccess.htm" />
<error statusCode="404" redirect="/Areas/User/Views/Shared/Error" />

But now if error occurs the server will display his default error page for 404 page.Now i want to display my customised error page.Please tell me the entire steps to implement this in asp.net mvc 2.0.i,e is there any coding i have to write in then controllers or in the global.asax.

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Configuration :: IIS 6.0 Not Displaying Default.aspx Pages After Updating Site To .NET 4.0?

Jul 21, 2010

I just recently upgraded a site from 3.5 to 4.0. After editing the web.config, creating a new app Pool in IIS, configuring the site to use 4.0 and the new app Pool, I can no longer browse to any default.aspx page without explicitly typing 'default.aspx'. This site was originally written for .NET 2.0, upgraded to 3.5, and finally updated to 4.0 a few days ago.If I try to browse to http://[mysite]/ I see the following error:
Server Error in '/[mysite]' Application.The resource cannot be found. Description:TTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.Requested URL: /Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.1However if I browse to http://mysite/default.aspx, everything works fine.

If I undo all the changes made to the web.config, and revert the site back to the app Pool used for 2.0/3.5 the site loads and runs fine. Restarting IIS will solve the problem for an hour to a day, but the issue will always come back. Other sites running on our sever which were not originally made in 2.0, but 3.5, have upgraded to 4.0 without this issue.

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Web Forms :: Master Pages - All My Pages Inherit From The Base Page Class

Jun 21, 2010

Currently I'm doing common functionality required throughout my site inside of my masterpage. What I want to do is move this functionality to a BaseClass so All my pages inherit from the Base Class. However, I'm not sure how to set this up interms of c# code with regards to Using a Base Class and then having a masterpage applied to my aspx pages that i create.

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Page Layout Is Not Displaying Properly In QA Machine But Is Displaying Correctly In Dev Machine

Apr 21, 2010

ASP.Net Page layout is not displaying properly in QA machine but is displaying correctly in Dev Machine. What could be the issue? We are using ASP.Net 2.0

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Restricting Certain Pages -- Redirect On Every Page? Or On Master Page By Viewing Current Page In Url?

Feb 6, 2011

Per different user mode, some pages should not be accessible by users unless they have a valid session key.In your opinions -- would it be better to have a list of acceptable pages in the master page, and check if the current page is valid for the current user? Or handle this on every child page?I'm thinking master page, just want to hear what your input would be.

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MVC :: Handling Unauthorized Page User Requests By Displaying A NoAccess Page?

Apr 12, 2010

I have implemented a custom ErrorController with NoAccess Action returning the View "~/Error/NoAccess" (not inside the Shared folder).

I have also modified the web.config file and add a custom error "<error statusCode="403" redirect="~/Error/NoAccess" />" node.

Each time i enter to an anauthorized page, i get redirected to the logon page (even though i am already logged on). I would to modify the default asp.net mvc authorization functionality and each time a user tries to enter a page that is not authorized to get an "NoAccess" page instead of redirecting to the login page.

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Displaying Custom Error Page From A Nested Master Page Using Mvc

Oct 27, 2010

I am showing Custom Error in my page.. if somehting happend wrong. but if the same error occured in my subview master page I am not able to show the Custom error page on Entire page its showing me that Error page under subview master page. Please I am attaching the Screen shot. how to show the Error page on entire page if something happend in any where submaster or other page.. Here is the code that I am using in web config file to show custom Error page..

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Home/Error">
<error statusCode="403" redirect="~/Home/Error" />
<error statusCode="404" redirect="~/Home/Error" />

master page I have all the js files and Css files links and I have submaster page for mainmaster page.. sub master page have three tabs each tab has grid control.if something went wrong I can able to show the Custom Error page but its showing me in submaster page.. not in main master page.....but if something hapend any where I need to show CustoM Error page in main master page..

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Configuration :: Not Displaying The Custom 404 Page Instead It Display The IIS6 404 Page

Dec 3, 2010

I set my web.config with a custom error for 404 and 403 response but when I try to navigate my page (not exist page). It displays the default IIS6 404 page instead of my custom page...


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Web Forms :: Master Page Layout Not Displaying On Content Page?

Mar 27, 2010

I am new to ASP.NET development and I am running into an issue using master/content pages. I have a master file that basically defines all of the layout for my site. The only thing that the content pages are supposed to display is some very basic text/images/html, made available by one ContentPlaceHolder control in the master file.

My problem is in the display. When I view the content page, none of the layout that should be inherited from the master page is displayed -- I end up with just a 'blank' page. What seems odd, is that if I look at the Design View in VS 2005, the content page appears to show the layout that is defined in the master. Here is a sample of the source for the master and one of the content pages...

Master Page: content_pages.master
<%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="content_pages.master.vb" Inherits="content_pages" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
... links to CSS & Javascript files here (removed for simpler display in this post) ...
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div id="content_holder">
<div id="content_background_top"></div>
<div id="content_background_middle">
<div id="header">
<div id="menu">... Menu Item Code (removed for simpler display in this post) ...</div>
<div id="gray_fade_bar"></div>
<div id="site_page_main">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PageContent" runat="server"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder>
<div id="footer">Footer Text Here</div>
<div id="content_background_bottom"></div>

Content Page: locations_odessa.aspx

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/content_pages.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="locations_odessa.aspx.vb" Inherits="locations_odessa" title="Untitled Page" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="PageContent" Runat="Server">
Page content will display here.

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Creating Search Page And Displaying Results On Different Page?

Apr 1, 2010

I have created a search page using Visual Web Developer and Access as the database. Instead of displaying the results from the search in Gridview on the same page what would be the coding to pass the results to a new page titled "Search Results".

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Page Is Parsing Through Previous Pages PageLoad Event And Loading New Page?

Jun 25, 2010

In my Home page I have a link to my Details page. When I click on the link it goes to the Details page Page Load Function like its suppose to, but when it finishes it goes back to the Home pages Page Load Function. Then loads the Details page. So it parses the old pages Page Load Function for somewhat no apparent reason, because in the end it loads the Details page. This only happens when I click on the link to my Details page. When I click on other links to other pages, it doesn't do this. For some reason only my Details page. I went through the code to see what could be causing this but have no clue. I included below the complete .aspx.vb for my Details page. What could be causing this? Again this ONLY happens when going to my Details page.


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Displaying Text Entered On 1st Page Onto The 2nd Page?

Mar 17, 2010

This is my 1st ASP.Net project.

I have created a new ASP.Net project in Visual Studio 2008. I have 1 textfield and 1 Submit button. When I type some text and hit Submit, the text gets displayed on the same page below the TextBox and Submit button.

How do I display this text on a new page. I tried using Add New Item > Web Form. This creates a new webpage (Default2.aspx) What needs to be done to display the text entered on Default.aspx to be displayed on Default2.aspx ?

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Web Forms :: Displaying A Page Over Another Page?

Aug 25, 2010

I have a requirement something like On clicking a link on a page another page will open dymanically on that page only.the page will be like module popup where clicking a certain link download of documents will take place with out postback.The page can be iframe which can be manipulated with java script to place in centre

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Displaying Sql Data On A New Page?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a dropdown on an ASP page where user can select a product, I then want them to be redirected to a new page displaying the information to the chosen product. What is the easiest way I can do this?

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C# - Printing A Page Without Displaying It?

Jul 27, 2010

I have a page from which the user will be able to print. However, the page which will get printed is not the one the user is viewing, but rather a new one I'd like to generate on the background and (possibly) only show the print dialog for it.

Just to make things clear:User is on "View.aspx" and clicks my Print button (not the browser's one).The Print button loads the content of "Printable.aspx" and displays a print dialog for it while the user is still on "View.aspx".

FYI, what I'm trying to avoid is to have the "Printable.aspx" open in a new window and then show its print dialog.

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Displaying Video On A Web Page?

Jun 12, 2010

I have to display the Video on my own Asp.net web Page . Can any body have experince of thistask before kindly share the ideas mean what are the steps to play the video on Asp.net Page.Which control i have to use for displaying the video ?

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ADO.NET :: Displaying Linq In Web Page

Sep 18, 2010

I have gotten as far as joining tables successfully (three of them, no probs) and have placed the data in a "var course_units", which is then passed to the view with the statement:

// Create the view model
var viewModel = new CourseViewMapViewModel()
Categories = categories.ToArray(),
NumberOfCategories = (course_units.Distinct()).Count(),
Course_Units = course_units.ToArray(),
Weekly_Hours = weekly_hours.ToArray(),
Total_Hours = total_hours.ToArray(),
//Return the view
return View(viewModel);

Each element in the array holds 5 values, namely "National_ID", "SIN" etc. Now the first question: When I display an array element, the coloumn header gets added, which I don't want. How do I get it to not display it? My current ASP.NET looks like this:

<% for (var x = 0; x < t; x&#43;&#43;)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {%>
<table border="0">
<%: Html.Encode(Model.Course_Units.GetValue(x)) %>
<%: Html.Encode(Model.Total_Hours.GetValue(x))%>
<%} %>

The idea being that a <td> will display all of the values in Course_Units, one array element at a time. The current output is: { National_ID = ICAB4225B, SIN = D0057, Unit_Name = AUTOMATE PROCESSES, Acronym = SCR1, Core_or_Elective = Core IV }

Second question: If I wanted to select just the "National_ID", how do I do that? I've been searching the internet for a couple of hours now, no luck, more blame on me being a complete newbie, I think.

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Web Forms :: Ad Displaying Ad In New Page?

Aug 30, 2010

i used ad rotator to show ads in my project , i calculated the number pf clicks in separate page , my coding is as below

if (Request.QueryString.Count > 0)
oAds = new OMSAdManagement();
int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString());
oAds = SiteBase.GetAdsbyAdID(id);
if(oAds.MaxNumberofClick !=0)
if (oAds.NumberofClick < oAds.MaxNumberofClick) SiteBase.UpdateAdClicksbyAdID(oAds);
oAds.IsActive = false;
string st = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();
Response.Redirect(st, false);

i want to redirect to same page after updating the number of clicks , and wand to show adds in new window, but i cant do the both , only one line is workin this string st = Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(); Response.Redirect(st, false); or this Response.Write(""); not the both how can i solve the problem.

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