Dynamically Created Gridview With Button In Footer Template
Mar 25, 2011
I have created a gridview dynamically from scratch and added it to my aspx page. This works fine, but i have a button in the footer of on of the columns, which when clicked on makes the gridview disappear and doesn't fire the onclick event that it should. This should obviously not be the case. My question is why does the event not fire and why does the gridview vanish? Bear in mind i have never created aa gridview in the code behind before, so excuse me if i am being dense
Code creating columns
Dim gvTownships As New GridView
Dim tmpCategory As New TemplateField
tmpCategory.ItemTemplate = New cGridViewTemplate(DataControlRowType.DataRow, "Category")
tmpCategory.HeaderTemplate = New cGridViewTemplate(DataControlRowType.Header, "Category")
tmpCategory.FooterTemplate = New cGridViewTemplate(DataControlRowType.Footer, "Calculation")
gvTownships.AutoGenerateColumns = False
gvTownships.ID = cmbChoice.SelectedItem.Text
gvTownships.ShowFooter = True
gvTownships.CssClass = "mGrid"
gvTownships.RowStyle.Wrap = False
gvTownships.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "mgrid"
gvTownships.HeaderStyle.Wrap = True
gvTownships.FooterStyle.CssClass = "mGridtf"
gvTownships.AlternatingRowStyle.CssClass = "alt"
gvTownships.GridLines = GridLines.Both
'add columns
gvTownships.DataSource = dstSuburbTowhShip
Code to add button to footer
Sub InstantiateIn(ByVal container As System.Web.UI.Control) _
Implements ITemplate.InstantiateIn
Case DataControlRowType.Footer
If columnName = "Calculation" Then
Dim btnCalculate As New Button
btnCalculate.Text = "Calculate"
btnCalculate.CssClass = "button"
'add handler
AddHandler btnCalculate.Click, AddressOf btnCalculate_Clicked
End If
Case Else
' Insert code to handle unexpected values.
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub btnCalculate_Clicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim btnCalculate As Button = CType(sender, Button)
Dim gvRow As GridViewRow = CType(btnCalculate.NamingContainer, GridViewRow)
btnCalculate.CommandArgument = "Calculate"
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
I have used the above grid view in my application ... Its working good, no problem.
Upon clicking the Addnewrowbutton, it uses to create a new row dynamically.
What i need is, new row should also be created dynamically, upon pressing enter key in the last textbox on a particular gird view row. User always can't go and click addnewrowbutton every time to create new row. Instead of it, user can press enter in the last textbox on a particular grid view row to create new row.
My problem is as follows. I have a custom GridView control where I generate the Template fields for each column. I'm using someone elses class that extends the Itemplate and returns lables for ItemTemplate, and TextBoxes for EditTemplate.
I need this in order to implement bulk edit for the gridview where users press button Edit and all fields become textboxes, they can then change the values, and click Update button at which point I need to be able to retrieve the values from the TextBoxes in these Template Fields.
What I have tried thus far: when user clicks Edit button, my dynamic code builds the columns and specifies that the Template field is an EditTemplate, it then adds these columns to the grid view. The gridview shows the textboxes with all values retrieved from sqldatasource.
When I press the Update button, the page does a postback, as I can see Page_Load event fire, I check for a flag that I previously set when the Edit button was pressed (I store it's value in View State) and call the Update method.
In it I iterate throught the gridview rows collection, check that the RowType of each row is DataRow and call GridView.UpdateRow(i, false), passing each rows index to the UpdateRow method.At this point I have tried everything I can to find the values stored in the textboxes, but I cannot find any of the textbox controls.
I've tried using the current row's FindControl method and specifying the name of the textbox field,I've tried using Request.Params method where I can tried passing the client id, as it seen in the View Source of the page such as this
Still no luck, I've tried going up an down the Row's cells, controls collections, it seem to list the counts for rows correctly, the same goes for the amount of cells for each row, but at no point was I able to actually locate any controls such as textboxes or anything else and retrieve any values from them.
I need to access the controls dynamically created template fields at run time in datagrid in post back event. Is there any way to retrieve the values in post back event? Or else give the ideas to acheive my requirement. I need to create no of rows and columns as text box as per user input. After fill the values to text box , i need to access the values in submit button.
I am using a Gridview to Edit, Delete, and Insert (thru the footer). I am tryng to usr required field validationg a column called qty .When I insert a record through footer validating is working fine.(Add button in footer template)
But when I edit a record and it is validating both footertemplate and edititemtemplate.
I need to do a total on one of the fields from the datatable but im not sure how to do it as i am not defining the itemtemplate for the column as its dynamic
I am using a web form in vs2010 and in my form am having a gridview with button on footer. I have written the code to create a new row while click the button. If I click the button i got the following error
"unable to cast object of type 'system.web.ui.webcontrols.textbox' to type 'mysite.textbox"....
Below is the button click code.
private void AddNewRow() { int rowIndex = 0; if (ViewState["CurrentTable"] != null) { dtCurrentTable = (DataTable)ViewState["CurrentTable"]; DataRow drCurrentRow = null; if (dtCurrentTable.Rows.Count > 0)
Does anyone have a good vb example of adding an "onClick" event to a button that is dynamically added into a templatefield of a gridview. MSDN just says to use the addhandler statement with no other good info for a 'dynamic' scenario:
I have a accordion control inside an update panel. As I loop through the Products table and the Details table in the code behind, I'm creating the accordion panes that will display the data. There's an "Add to Cart" button created for each product (each accordion pane), and I'm asigning an EventHandler for that button, but it never fires... Here's the code where I'm creating and adding the button to the page:
And here is the code event that is suposed to fire:Private Sub addToCart(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CommandEventArgs)
i created dynamically a table with in a function... this table is added to a panel. and this panel is in ajax updatepanel... statically i have given no of rows as 3, for that table... in page_load my table with 3 rows is created.... but i cannot identify this table in another button click event...
I'm dynamically creating a table on my page with rows and controls. It looks like a gridview but it's not (it should've been, but too late now, seriously). I have a first name, last name, date of birth, etc. I want each row to have a button to add rows underneath it. So I create an event handler each time I create a new row and assign it to the click event of a button contained in the row. But it's not getting called.
Is it correct that the event handler doesn't stay established because the buttons are dynically created and are lost when the page posts back?
My page contains a button [Button1].I've dynamically created a new button [Button2] in the Button1_Click event and and assigned event handler also.But when clicking on Button2, Button2_Click event is not fired.I think its because the page looses dynamically created Button2 after post back, since it is created in Button1_Click event.Is there any way to maintain Button2 on page and raise Button2_Click event ?
I have some code that I am working on that uses an UpdatePanel and some dynamically created buttons to perform functions. The problem is that the dynamically created buttons aren't working the same as my test static button, which is behaving exactly as it should be.
So I was wondering if someone would be willing to simply post an example (in VB.NET or C# please) of the following:
An UpdatePanel has a Label and a Placeholder inside of it
The Placeholder has a dynamic button added to it
Clicking on this button will make the Label say "Hi" without performing a full page postback.
If I can just get that much to work, I am sure that the rest of the code will be fine. I just can't seem to get my dynamic buttons to act like my static ones do in an UpdatePanel.
I am creating two buttons within the StoryGet() method, first when the page loads. When one of the buttons is pushed, lets say the left one - I want to call another method - "ButtonLeft_Click"
Ive used this same solution in other sites and it worked. With this solution, click event never fires.
If I move the StoryGet() call from Page_Load to PageInit() the button event fires, but because this event also calls StoryGet() the method runs twice, which I don't want.
I tried adding this to page_init so the original StoryGet() method only gets run the first time the page loads unless the method is called directly but then the page loads, but the button click event doesn't run again
if (!this.IsPostBack) { piccount = 0; StoryGet(); }
Their is placeholder inside update panel to which i add my dynamicaly created a div which contain a link button (dynamically created). When i click link button div get disappear and link click event is not fired
I have a grid view in Ajax UpdatePanel. In a column of a grid view I have a button call btnAddNewRecord. I need to fire btnAddNewRecord.Click event once I click on that.
im creating a button control in page int and im assing a click event for the button control. here the click event is not firing for the first time. here is my code.