Dynamically Set The Option Values?

Mar 29, 2010

I have 2 different lists: EmployeeNames and Names. I read the values in Names and that of EmployeeNames.

If EmployeeNames exists in Names, I must not add that value to "ToSelectBox" but to "FromSelectBox".

If EmployeeNames doesn`t exist in Names, I must add that value to "ToSelectBox" but not to "FromSelectBox".

How can I do that dynamically?

I have 2 option values as follows:

<select id="fromSelectBox" multiple="multiple" >
<% foreach (var item in Model.EmployeeNames) { %>
<option value="<%=Html.Encode(Item.Text)%>"><%=Html.Encode(item.Text)%></option>
select id="ToSelectBox" multiple="multiple" >
<% foreach (var item in Model.Names) { %>
<option value="<%=Html.Encode(Item.Text)%>"><%=Html.Encode(item.Text)%></option>

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Int32 Id
String Name
String ColorCode

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Jul 12, 2010

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the problem is that i m getting the rowcount=0 of the table tblUdf inside which i added the table rows and controls inside the table cells.

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The textbox is found, but there is no value. It's like I just wrote over the textboxes with new ones in the previous block. If I remove the previous block of code no textboxes are ever found.

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Web Forms :: How To Retrieve Values From Dynamically Added Controls

Feb 18, 2011

In My page i have a ajax Combolist Box in which if i select any no it generates some controls

here is my code





Now i want to retrieve all the values Entered By the user in the textBox on btnSubmit_Click

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Jun 2, 2010

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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Jun 11, 2010

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Dynamically Generate Multiple RadioButtonList And Capture Their Values?

Oct 12, 2010

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I know how to get it to work with a workaround that I used back in Classic ASP days ... in which I essentially just spit out the HTML dynamically and keep track of my controls using systematic IDs. Which is nothing more then an Primary Key appended to a string constant i.e. String.Format("Dynamic_{0}", myChildRecordPKValue) so my HTML looks like this:


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Nov 8, 2010

I create textboxes in codebehind based on user choice from a dropdown. The user then fills in thevalues of those textboxes and clicks a linkbutton to save the values. When I try to access those textbox values, they are null.

aspx code: <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" id="TextBoxesHere" />

VB Code:

Private Sub CreateTextBoxes()
Dim ct As Integer = ddlAYIntervals.SelectedValue
TextBoxesHere.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<br><table id=""NewIntervals""><tr><th>Interval Name</th><th>Start Date</th><th>End Date</th></tr>"))
' now, create n TextBoxes, adding them to the PlaceHolder TextBoxesHere.........

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get The Values Of Checkboxes Which Are Dynamically Created

Feb 8, 2010

I am new to asp.net. I am trying to display some data from a database table using dynamic table in my page. I want to add checkboxes to a field in the database and would like to perform several tasks based on the values checked. The checkboxes are tied with the primary key field of the database. Here is the code snipet :


Now I have a button in my page. The functioanlity which I desire is on clicking that button I should be able to extract the values of checked checkboxes and perform some function.

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Web Forms :: CheckBoxList Dynamically Populated How To Retrieve Values During Postback

Apr 30, 2010

I have a form with 2 sections. The first one contains some radio buttons. The second one contains a checkboxlist. When we change the selected radio button then it modifies the elements in the checkboxlist. For this I setted the radio buttons with autopostback, and in the code behind (in OnLoad) I populate the CheckBoxList depending on the selected radio button.

This work fine.

The problem is that I also have a button at the end of my form which post the data of my form in another page (with PostBackUrl). Then in that page I would like to retrieve the values of the checked checkbox. But I can't find how to do that. In the Request.Form I don't see anything.

I searched on the web but I didn't found really a solution.

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