Error Handling When Inserting A Null Value Using C#

Dec 2, 2010

i have a webpage built in c#. it always a user to create a new record in a db table. there are there are two input fields, text and score. text cannot be a null value so if the user doesn't input text onsubmit, the page errors out. i want to throw in some simple error handling code in the code behind page. i've tried including an if/else on_inserted method but ran into some java script errors.


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DataSource Controls :: Inserting Via GridView And Sqldatasource - Null Error.

Jan 24, 2011

I am not able to figure out why I am getting the null error at SqlDataSource10.Insert(); I tried running through break points and i checked the Insert statement and it has all the required values .. but I get error saying it cannot insert null into NrNarrativeDays. I am working off a sample at this link..


Datasource and Gridview code is below


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SQL Server :: Handling NULL...Field Not Updating When NULL?

Nov 6, 2010

i am using the following in a stored procedure.


[Code]....Handling NULL...Field not updating when NULL?

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SQL Server :: Inserting Null Value Into Foreign Key Table With Allow Null Enabled?

Oct 2, 2010

I have 2 table Table A, Table B.

Table A - Parent Table

ID - Uniqueidentifier not null(PK)

Table B -Child Table

ID - uniqueidentifier null(FK, TableA)

I have a stored procedure to insert data into Table B, but when I tried to insert a null value into column ID of table B, this error came up:

The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_tableB_tableA". The conflict occurred in database "database name", table "table A", column 'ID'.

The statement has been terminated.

The insert statement in is like so:

sqlcommand.parameter.add(New Sqlparameter("ID", Nothing))

I am guessing adding nothing to the null value column is the problem, but i don't know how to fix it... The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_tableB_tableA". The conflict occurred in database "database name", table "table A", column 'ID'.

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Linq To DataSet - Handling Null Values?

Jan 30, 2010

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I stole the following Extension Method from StackOverflow:


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DataSource Controls :: NULL Value Returned From Database And Handling It

Feb 14, 2010

I'm developing a website using 2.0 . I have retrieved a record from database through the query.

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionstring);
String SQL = "SELECT * FROM Table where attribute1 = value";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SQL, con);
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

Sometimes, there is no record matching this query and so null value is retrieved. My question is how to find that the null value is returned. Since If (no record found i.e NULL) certain actions needs to be done and if (records found i.e NOT NULL) ceratin different actions needs to be carried out.

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MVC :: Radiobuttons Inserting 0 Instead Of Null If No User Input?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a group of radiobuttons. The field they are 'bound' to is of datatype tinyint (sql server), byte .NET. It is set to NOT accept nulls in the database column (col1) and no default value has been set for the column, or indeed, anywhere else.View code as follows:

<ul> <li><%= Html.RadioButton("col1", "1")%></li> <li><%= Html.RadioButton("col1", "2")%></li> <li><%= Html.RadioButton("col1", "3")%></li></ul><%= Html.ValidationMessage("col1", "*") %>
If the user doesn't select any of them, I would expect null to be that the model would attempt to insert into the database. I would therefore get a validation error that I can display to the user, prompting them to choose one of the options.owever, instead of null, the model inserts a 0 into the database. As this does not fail, no error is raised. Can anyone think why? Blowed if I can.I am not setting the default value to 0 anywhere, not in the mvc app or the database

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DataSource Controls :: Inserting Null In Smalldatetime Column?

Mar 8, 2010

i want to insert null in smalldatetime column, when user doesn't select any date from the calender control i want to insert null in the databse, i am using typed dataset in my application.

here's my code


it gives me the exception "SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM."

View 1 Replies

DataSource Controls :: How To Prevent Inserting NULL Records Using SP

Feb 13, 2010

I have this "SP" that will insert one record to Table 1 and multiple records in Table 2 ...

I just need a way to prevent null values to be inserted in Table 2 ? here is how it looks in my table 2

ID Col1 col2 Col3

i don't want to insert the second record ... how do i do that using existing "SP" ?

here it is my SP :

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Insertvalues
@newParentName NVARCHAR(100),
@NewJobTitle NVARCHAR(100) ,
@NewDepartment NVARCHAR (100) ,
@NewCompanyName NVARCHAR (100) ,
@NewURLAddress NVARCHAR (100) ,
@NewOfficePhone char(15),
@NewFax char(15),
@NewMobilePhone char(10),
@NewEmailAddress nvarchar(50),
@NewChiledGroup NVARCHAR(100) ,
@Newchiled_jobTitle nvarchar(100),
@Newchiled_department nvarchar(100),
@Newchiled_phone char(15),
@Newchiled_mobile char(10),
@Newchiled_email nvarchar(50),
@NewChiledGroup1 NVARCHAR(100) ,
@Newchiled_jobTitle1 nvarchar(100),
@Newchiled_department1 nvarchar(100),
@Newchiled_phone1 char(15),
@Newchiled_mobile1 char(10),
@Newchiled_email1 nvarchar(50)
-- add parents group
INSERT INTO parents_group (Name,JobTitle,Department,CompanyName,URLAddress,OfficePhone,Fax,MobilePhone,EmailAddress)
VALUES (@newParentName,@NewJobTitle,@NewDepartment,@NewCompanyName,@NewURLAddress,@NewOfficePhone,@NewFax,@NewMobilePhone,@NewEmailAddress)
--obtain inserted id
SET @NewParentId = scope_identity()
-- insert into childe table
INSERT INTO childe_group
(groupId , chiled_name,chiled_jobTitle,chiled_department,chiled_phone,chiled_mobile,chiled_email)
(SELECT @NewParentId,@NewChiledGroup,@Newchiled_jobTitle,@Newchiled_department,@Newchiled_phone,@Newchiled_mobile,@Newchiled_email)
(SELECT @NewParentId,@NewChiledGroup1,@Newchiled_jobTitle1,@Newchiled_department1,@Newchiled_phone1,@Newchiled_mobile1,@Newchiled_email1)

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Configuration :: Error Handling - Crendentials To Send Email When Server Error Occurs?

Nov 14, 2010

When a server error occurs for whatever reasons (YSOD), the server will send a message via SMTP class. In my case, my company employs microsoft exchange and uses NTLM authentication for all domain users. I am authenticating users via NTLA windows integrated authentication. My question is, is it possible to utilize this authentication data, and pass it to the system.web SMTP username/password authentication scheme to send an email to me (the web developer) when the error occurs? I am pretty sure my company requires a username/pwd to send emails via SMPT on the ms exchange server.

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Forms Data Controls :: Default And Null Values When Inserting?

Nov 18, 2010

have a form where I insert record via DetailView control. I have some string fields. For each string field (nvarchar in sql) I have defined the Default Value in the SQL SERVER (2008) as ''. Also I have added to each InsertParameter of the DetailsView a DefaultValue="".Yet still, if the user enters no value for one of the string fields, NULL is inserted into the table.

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Forms Data Controls :: Handling A Null Value In Textbox FormView (on Button Click To Calculate Totals)

Mar 17, 2011

I have a rather large formview that asks for a variety of input values (physical totals vs pos report totals). I have created vb code to calculate the differences and subtotals of various types prior to inserting the data so people can check for entry errors.

Its a closing reconciliation form. Here's the problem: If they forget to enter 0 in a field that doesn't have any totals, a big ugly error message displays. I would like to avoid this. I can tell them until I am blue in the face to remember to enter 0 and not leave any blank fields, but realistically its going to happen and I need to handle it in the programming.

I have been struggling to either default the values to zero to start with, replace a null textbox with 0 before the calculate runs...but I can't get anything to really work. What is the best way to handle this?

Here is the aspx page:


And the code behind page with working "Calculate" as long as fields are not left blank (I took out all the test code that made it not work at all)


Finally, the error message I am getting is the following:


I can't seem to find the right combination of programming to account for the "" string to be 0 so that it will add or subtract values in my calculate. I have my sql table setup with default values of 0 so if a field is left blank it will be entered into the database as 0 and not null. It is really just for my inserting of a reconciliation and the running of Calculate Totals to double check their work prior to inserting into the database.

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MVC :: Error Handling For Int, Double In MVC?

Jun 2, 2010

I have all my errors handling up and going but now I wish to change the error messages that they display for empty integers.I have been going through my codes but I can't to change that. For now, the error message for all numeric values are "A values is required" and I wish to change it to "<TextBoxName> cannot be empty".

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MVC :: Handling Edit Error Using O-M ERD?

Feb 20, 2011

I'm developing my 1st MVC app using nerddinner as sample, appreciated approach. but when I come to handling error in Edit Post action using a partial class of Entitie2(include the FK) and adding roleviolations to a propertie it work just I don't know how I could validate input for a propertie in the other Entite(N:1)?

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.net - C# And Error Handling Best Practices?

Apr 2, 2011

Possible Duplicate: Best practices for exception management in JAVA or C# I am using class libraries and I try to put maximum code in class libraries so that it can be reused in other projects.Please advice me where I should put try catch blocks in class library functions or in front end forms (aspx pages) ?

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ADO.NET :: InsertAllOnSubmit Error Handling?

Oct 26, 2010

I want to do a bulk insert of data from a tab-seperated file into a MSSQL database using Linq to SQL. I have put all the inserts lined up on InsertAllOnSubmit(). Now, can anyone tell me if an exception occurs in one of the inserts, do the previous inserts rollback or the process stops or it skips that insert?

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C# - Error Handling In Controllers With MVC?

May 4, 2010

Does it make sense to do error handling and logging inside actions methods or handle the OnException method inside the controllers. One way means writing try/catches in all the action methods even when there is nothing to be done to recover from the error. Handling this at the controller level would allow logging and redirection to an error handler page without writing try/catches inside all the action methods.

Which method makes the most sense? Here is example code of try/catches in an action method.

public ActionResult Delete(int id)

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Web Forms :: Microsoft JScript Runtime Error On Page - "null" Is Null Or Not An Object

May 17, 2010

m getting this error again and again. i m also using the ajax modalpopup extender in my page ..

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Web Forms :: Microsoft JScript Runtime Error - "null" Is Null Or Not An Object

May 13, 2010

My site was woking fine, now i noticed that i get an error "Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'null' is null or not an object" when i checked the view source, i saw the following system generated code

<script type="text/javascript">
var Page_ValidationActive = false;
if (typeof(ValidatorOnLoad) == "function") {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ValidatorOnLoad();
function ValidatorOnSubmit() {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; if (Page_ValidationActive) {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return ValidatorCommonOnSubmit();
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; else {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return true;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; WebForm_AutoFocus('txtMailAddress');// --> IS THIS RIGHT???? out side the braces???

and a reference to this line below

<IFRAME id="__hifSmartNav" name="__hifSmartNav" style="display:none" src="/m2qa/WebResource.axd?d=fvL5WUdiCo1B4KvdiJfkfg2&t=633546432952161750"></IFRAME>

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Create An Error Handling Class In C#?

Jan 25, 2010

I've been tasked with creating a class that will handle errors in my Web application. I'm told the goal is to have a separate .cs file that can be called to handle any errors that come along. I have no idea where to begin, and I've googled but I don't think I'm googling the right thing because I'm not really finding anything.

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Error Handling In ASHX Code?

Mar 15, 2011

I created an ASHX file and use it to handle async file uploads.Since the site might not be hosted on our servers, I want to check for write permissions and delete permissions and supply the end user (site content editor in this case) with an error they can deal with.

Im using uploadify for the upload, Im not sure, but I`m guessing this complicates the return of a message that can be shown on the page, but maybe not.

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MVC :: Handling Error Using Action Filter?

Jul 14, 2010

I need to create application wide error handling mechanism. I was evaluating Action Filter for that matter. But- Action filter will just exectute against actions/controller- what about error at custom view engine or Extension method for HTML helper.: to handle them i need to implement traditional mechanismCan anyone suggest best common approach which can handle error for all Controller, View, Model or custom helpers if any.

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Configuration :: How To Disable IIS Error Handling

Mar 1, 2011

I use Custom errors in my web.config. It works for urls like , but when I write something like : (I have Application_BeginRequest dealing with it on global.asax) on the live server, IIS bypasses my application and shows its own error page.

How can I disable IIS error handling and redirect where I want to?

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Access :: Insert Records Into Access (not Inserting Null Values)?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a SQL database. I am getting a datatable from SQL. In SQL Query the table is having null values in the output. But when it is coming to the front end, the null values are replaced by empty values.

So in the front end in the datatable i am having empty values in some cells. I am trying to insert this datatable into access. For this i am using following code...

OleAdpData.InsertCommand.Connection = OleConn; // OleConn is the OleDbConnection
OleAdpData.Update(dtData); // dtData is the datatable

It is inserting the datatable to access database. But it is inserting the empty spaces as present in the datatable. I want to insert NULL into the cells in access datatable where the cells are empty. Where should i add my logic for this.

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CustomError Handling In MasterPage Error Page

Dec 22, 2010

I redirect Errors to Error.aspx

<customErrors defaultRedirect="error.aspx" mode="On">
error redirect="error.aspx" statusCode="500" />

and the problem is that there is also second error in ErrorMasterPage of Error.aspx

<script Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/ErrorMaster.Master" runat="Server">

and CustomError can not handle the second error while its like a loop ( it will redirect to error.aspx and Masterpage of Error.aspx has Error.


Login.aspx(has Error) -> Error.aspx -> ErrorMasterPage.Master (has Error) -> Show Yellow Page

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