Error When Attempting To Add MVC Classes Into Application?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a large project to which I want to add MVC functionality. I have added the necessary references into the project (System.Web.Mvc (v 2.0), System.Web.Abstractions (v 3.5) and System.Web.Routing (v 3.5) and amended all the required files (Global.asax (routing requirements), the web.config, project (Controllers and View folders) and created a basic HomeController and ViewPage.

When I run the application and attempt to go to the controller via {serverpath}Home I am getting the error "An unhandled exception has occurred - Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified." I've tried browsing the net but the error is too vague; is there a good way to identify exactly why the assembly cannot load?

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Web Forms :: Classes Of Web Application - Server Error In '/' Application?

Jul 21, 2010

i have classes of my web application only the default one work if i for example click a link to go to another class i get this error for each class this happens . But only on the web server WHy ?

Server Error in '/' Application.

Parser Error

Description:An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'WebApplication2.Login2'.

Source Error:[Code]....

Line 1: <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Login2.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication2.Login2" %>Line 2: Line 3:
Source File: /Login2.aspx Line: 1

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C# - Classes In A Web Application Dll Crash?

Jun 23, 2010

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The web application works fine in Visual studio. However, If I compile the app in a dll, and try to reuse its middle layer in another web project, All the classes that have a static variable crash. Code like:

public static string myString = "Something";

However if I convert it to a property like this:

`public static string myString {get{return "Something";}}`

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Web Forms :: Get A List Of All Classes That Inherit From BasePage In The Web Application?

May 13, 2010

I need to get a list of all of these webforms.

As the subject reads, how can i accomplish this ? All my webforms inherits from a class called "BasePage". It can also suffice with only getting a list of all the webforms in the application, regardless of base class since i can check inheritance later in code.

Reason i'm asking is because i'm building my menu and i'm implementing security enforced user visibility based on what pages there are in the webbapplication, and what roles each page demands, and display these to the user in the menu.

Using sitemaps are insufficient, i need to provide much more info for all the pages i have on my system.

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GetAllPagesVisibibleToUser(MembershipUser user)
DoesUserHaveAccessToPage(MembershipUser user, BasePage forPage)

I'm also planning on implementing this technique on WebUserControls.

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Web Forms :: Shared Functions And Classes Error

Oct 4, 2010

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"utilities.vb" and put it in the APP_CODE folder. There is a function I have in there that pulls a person's image based off of their MemberId.


And I can call this function from my page using utilities.FcnGetMemberImage(). Ok, so all good so far until it complains about...

"Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class"

when referring to the Server.MapPath()

But the problem is that if I don't make it a Shared Function, I can't access it from my other pages. But if I do make it a Shared Function, it throws this error. The fix is supposed to be that I either don't share the function, or

"add the shared keyword to the member declaration", according to Microsoft at

But I'm not exactly sure how to "add the shared keyword to the member declaration" or what this means exactly and how this might affect other parts of my code?

Or is there a better way to work around this dilemma?

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Visual Studio :: What Is The Difference Between Designer Classes And T4 Template Generated Classes

Jan 11, 2010

I am new to LINQ. when we drag tables we get a dbml file and designer file.

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Once we have them then we can start using our LINQ Queries.

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Classes And Namespaces - Error CS0101 Namespace Already Contains Definition

Nov 29, 2010

I keep getting the error: Error message: CS0101: The namespace '<global namespace>' already contains a definition for 'checkvalue'. Then, I rename the Inherits from the @page directive in both the .aspx and .aspx.cs pages and it works! My website has only 2 pages, and both use the same class (same class name, exactly same syntax) but it has been copied and pasted and the 2 aspx pages (and aspx.cs pages) are not referencing each other. In other words, both aspx.cs pages (called page1.aspx.cs and page2.aspx.cs) has the class

public class CheckValue
return true;

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<%@ Page Language="C#" CodeFile="page1.aspx.cs" Inherits="_1" %>

and my code behind

public partial class _1 : System.Web.UI.Page

and for my second page

<%@ Page Language="C#" CodeFile="page2.aspx.cs" Inherits="_2" %>

and my code behind

public partial class _2 : System.Web.UI.Page

I don't use the .resx file. Why does this error happen some times, and not other times?

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C# - Class Structure With LINQ, Partial Classes, And Abstract Classes

May 17, 2010

I am following the Nerd Dinner tutorial as I'm learning ASP.NET MVC, and I am currently on Step 3: Building the Model. One part of this section discusses how to integrate validation and business rule logic with the model classes. All this makes perfect sense. However, in the case of this source code, the author only validates one class: Dinner.

What I am wondering is, say I have multiple classes that need validation (Dinner, Guest, etc). It doesn't seem smart to me to repeatedly write these two methods in the partial class:


This doesn't "feel" right, but I wanted to check with SO to get opinions of individuals smarter than me on this. I also tested it out, and it seems that the partial keyword on the OnValidate method is causing problems (understandably so). This doesn't seem possible to fix (but I could very well be wrong).

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Jan 25, 2010

I have been trying to figure this out and can't... I have seen this code used before but for some reason it will not work in this situation. I have a GridView and I want to truncate cells where the field length is greater than 18 characters and then show the entire contents in a tool tip. The tool tip works fine but I can't get the field contents to truncate. When I run in debugger the tc.text always shows as . but when the page renders there is content in these cells, content over 18 characters. The code never errors out it just never sees the contents as anything but "" and therefore never truncates the field contents.


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Endpoint Not Found When Attempting To Access Service Via

Oct 2, 2010

I get "Endpoint not found" when attempting to access my service via the browser at


I get "Error: Cannot obtain Metadata from http://localhost:10093/Services/Service1.svc" when attempting to access the same address from the wcftestclient.

If I place a breakpoint in the service implementation it is hit, so I assume the svc file is setup correctly:

<%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true"
Factory="CommonServiceFactory.WebServiceHostFactory,CommonServiceFactory" %>

Here is my config:


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Dec 26, 2010

First, I am new to VWD 2010 and attempting to create a data driven website.

I am attempting to return a value from an sql server stored procedure and store that value in a variable. I have searched here and online and tried to follow the examples that I found. However, I have not been successful in making it work.

Here is my stored procedure:


Here is my VB code behind where I am attempting to get the return value:


I know that I have a good connection because I am using the same connection string from my WebConfig file and it is working in other instances.

Below is the error message that is being displayed.

'The formal parameter "@monRegAmt" was not declared as an OUTPUT parameter, but the actual parameter passed in requested output."

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MVC - Local Resource / Attempting To Override The DisplayNameAttribute?

Jan 17, 2010

I am having an issue when attempting to override the DisplayNameAttribute in ASP.NET MVC to provide a localized string. The code itself is straightforward and similar to that in another Stackoverflow post link text

The code works for global resources but not so well for local resources. I have a registration screen and used the Visual Studio "Generate Local Resource" command to create my local resource file. The generated file is named Registration.aspx.resx and the App_LocalResources folder is created relative to the actual Registration.aspx page - as one would expect.

However, when I attempt to get the localized string using:


I receive the following error message.

Could not find any resources
appropriate for the specified culture
or the neutral culture. Make sure
was correctly embedded or linked into
assembly "FullAssemblyName" at compile
time, or that all the satellite
assemblies required are loadable and
fully signed.

Using reflector, I can see that the file is actually Registration.aspx.resources and not Registration_aspx.resources - the underscore/period being the subtle difference


I have toyed with the code quite a bit but no matter what I do, the file being requested is always different than that copiled in the assembly. For instance, if i rename Registration_aspx (in the generated Registration.aspx.designer.cs class i get the same error but this time the path is "...App_LocalResources.Registrationaspx.resources"

Has anyone run into this? Is there any way I can ensure that the resource found in my assembly has this underscore?

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C# - Attempting To Edit An Item That Doesn't Exist?

Feb 2, 2011

I currently have this controller function:

public ViewResult Edit(int id)
//get user from id
var user = _adminRepository.GetUser(id);
return View(user);

This currently gives me an error on my view page if I attempt to edit an item with an id of 100, when there is no user with an id of 100 in the database. What's the best practice for handling this? Send them to a Create page, or show a friendly error message? Should that redirect functionality be within the controller function?

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AJAX :: Attempting To Use Any Of The Control Toolkit Is Failing?

Sep 15, 2010

Attempting to use any of the control toolkit is failing for me. It seems to be failing on the official site, as well. All of the examples are broken, with a javascript error on the page. Here is an example:[URL]

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C# - Catch SqlException When Attempting NHibernate Transaction?

Mar 22, 2011

I need to see an errorcode produced by a SqlException - however, I can't get one to fire. I use NHibernate and have a SQL UNIQUE CONSTRAINT setup on my table. When that constraint is violated, I need to catch the error code and produce a user-friendly message based off of that. Here is a sample of my try/catch:

using (var txn = NHibernateSession.Current.BeginTransaction()) {
try {
Session["Report"] = report;


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Web Forms :: Attempting To Change The Image For Button In Code?

Aug 11, 2010

I have this piece of code for a mailing list signup control.


How can I modify this so I can use a path to a new image for the button.

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Errors When Attempting To Publish Aspx Files Via Webdav

Mar 16, 2010

After I installed the .net framework 3.5 to my iis box (which didn't have any previous version of .net fraemwork), I'm not long able to upload the aspx page via WebDav with MS Expression Web. I got the "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden " error message.

Also I got this error "Server Application Unavailable" when trying to open the aspx page. my iis box is not a domain controller nor a backup domain controller.

I have enabled the webservices extention - "ASP.NET v2.0.50727" and "WebDAV";

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Visual Studio :: Attempting To Debug Remote Outside Network?

Feb 1, 2011

I am attemting to remote debug my application in a outside server I have the IP and the the user. I am using in my server msvsmom.exe 64bit version 10.3.30319.1. In my computer I have visual studio 2010. I had opened all the port required in the MSDN docimentation in the server and host. I copied my web application in the server.

When I am trying to connect from my VS2010 in "Attach to Process" using in qualifiers this format with the real information :

I have this error: "Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor named" The visual Studio Remote Debugger does not support this edition of windows"

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Visual Studio :: Attempting To Check Out While Build Is In Progress

Jan 22, 2010

i m using VSS 2005 and VS 2005. on one machine i installed VSS 2005 and create project. on second machine i opended my project using project source safe, it ask me for user detail and i enter details. i got the complete project. problem is that when i try to run project i got following error. "An editor or project is attempting to check out a file that is modified in memory, which will result in saving it. Saving files during the build process is dangerous and can result in incorrect build outputs in future. Do you want to continue with the check out?"

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Security :: Attempting To Build Custom Membership Provider?

Jul 23, 2010

I've been able to create it. Now I'm confused where to the type from in the video at 21.39

This is the video:

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