FileUpload Control Inside Gridview (ajax Updatepanel)
Mar 11, 2011
I've got a fileupload control inside of a gridview so that each row (item from the database) can have an attachment associated with it. I've got a button next to the fileupload control (besides the default browse... button to select the file) to actually take the file and upload it to a file server. This works great if I use this button "Upload". However, underneath my gridview I have another imagebutton that is outside of the gridview, its just sitting on the form / page. The idea of this "Update" button is when end users make changes to the grid I can simply loop through the grid and update the values they have entered to the database. This also works great.
Now here is my issue assume a user has 3 rows in the grid view. On 2 of these rows he decides to add an attachment but he never clicks the "Upload" button he only uses the standard browse button to select the file. Now instead of clicking the "Upload" button that is on the grid view he ends up clicking the "Update" button outside of the grid thinking that it will save his attachments. So I decided to write code to grab the fileupload control from the grid using .FindControls("NameOfFileUploadControl") in my Update button loop where I loop through all the rows. Then I check if myFileUploadControl.HasFile property to see if there exists a file and if there does upload the file then continue with the code.
The issue is when I click this "Update" button .HasFile always returns false even though I can see the text string of the path in the fileuploadcontrol textbox (the standard one next to the browse button). Is it because this goes back to the page load event and checks if it is a post back? What causes this and how can I fix it? Im adding some code because im still confused with this
Protected Sub SaveGrid()
For Each Row As GridViewRow In Me.gvLineItems.Rows
Dim f As FileUpload = CType(Row.FindControl("fuAttachment"), FileUpload)
'todo: this part is not working
If f.FileName.Length > 0 Then 'returns 0 always
'this returns 0.
end if
if f.HasFile() then
'this also returns false
end if
End Sub
This method gets called on a click of a button. The fileupload control is in an of a gridview that is wrapped inside of an UpdatePanel:
<asp:FileUpload Width="90px" Font-Size="xx-small" ID="fuAttachment" runat="server" />
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Dec 1, 2010
I am using FileUpload control inside UpdatePanel, but cant get it working and keep getting error : "Object reference not set to an instance..." on line: If fuAvatar.PostedFile.FileName <> "" Then I have checked several forum and people mentioned that we need PostBackTrigger but i just cant get it working and keep getting the "Object reference not set..." error. My FileUpload control is inside a panel and along with another control, and the upload occurs when user click on Finish button.
And my codebehind is:
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Jul 24, 2012
Following is my html designÂ
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="up1" runat="server"><ContentTemplate>
<asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload1" runat="server" />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="Button1_Click" Text="upload" />
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>Â Â </ContentTemplate></asp:UpdatePanel>
if (FileUpload1.PostedFile !=null) {
//my upload code here....
without update panel it works fine.after place all control inside update its not working. How to fix this...
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Feb 26, 2010
I use a tabcontrol with 2 tabs. In the second tabpanel as seen in the code I use a Fileuploadcontrol to upload Images from a users computer.
The problem is that I need to surround the tabcontrol with an updatepanel as I dont want a fullpage postback when switching between these 2 tabpanels. In this code I have the tabcontrol inside an updatepanel but the problem is that the Fileupload controls does not seem to work inside an updatepanel.
How will I solve this problem as I dont want a fullpage postback when switching between the tabs ?
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Jan 8, 2010
I have put my gridView inside an UpdatePanel with Timer control for auto refresh.The gridView has a linkButton column which is bounded to referenceNo column from database.
On click of this link button i want a panel to get visible. This Panel contains details corresponding to the referenceNo shown in differnt controls (mostly texboxes). Do i necessarily need to put the panel inside the Update Panel.If not how do i do it?
I have tried putting panel outside UpdatePanel, but it doesn't show panel on clicking the linkbutton nor does the values are updated inside this panel (if panel's visibility is set to true by default for testing purpose).
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Sep 21, 2010
I want to uplaod my images into the works fine if my images are inserted into the database on postback,but when i put my FileUpload control in UpdatePanel the FileUpload.PostedFile property shows NULL.remember my scriptmanager tag is in master page.
here is the code:
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">
View 2 Replies
Nov 23, 2010
I have a FileUpload Control on the page with validation and it is working smoothly.
Later there is an important demand to have it partially updated so we enclose it with UpdatePanel.
Then problem comes up when user browse file and press upload button, no file is uploaded.
Is it we cannot do partial rendering with FileUploader ?
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Apr 5, 2010
Having a bit of trouble here. I know that if you want to use a fileupload control inside an AJAX update panel then you need to create a trigger for the control that performs the uploading postback to the updatepanel, but the problem is, I have an update panel that contains web usercontrols. I therefore can't add a trigger to the control(FileUpload) directly because it exists in the web control.
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Oct 4, 2010
i am doing Fileupload using 3.5 with ajax.In that i am using Usercontrol MainPage.ascx Page:In this page i am using UpdatePanel inside Fileupload control. Demo.aspx:In this page also i am using Updatepanel. i am drag MainPage.ascx usercontrol inside this UpdatePanel which is in Demo.aspx. Question: When i drag the Mainpage.ascx Usercontrol on Demo.aspx. Here i am getting the Fileupload.HasFile is getting null .If anybody knows Plz.
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Aug 24, 2010
I have an ASP.Net webpage which I intend to use for letting the user(not the real users, but content manager basically) insert and edit the records in a table using a FormView. This FormView is inside an UpdatePanel, as I'm also using cascading dropdownlists to let the user select some values. Now, this FormView also contains 4 FileUpload controls, and as you might know that these fileupload controls require a full postback since most browsers do not let Javascript access the disk. So, this problem would have been solved by doing something like:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="InsertButton" />
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="UpdateButton" />
Edit: Forgot to add that the fileuploading takes place in the OnUpdating and OnInserting events of the SqlDataSource. The Problem: Since the InsertButton and the UpdateButton reside inside the Formview, I cannot directly access their ID's through markup. And MSDN says that: Programmatically adding PostBackTrigger controls is not supported. A workable solution for me was to set the UpdatePanel's PostBackTrigger as the whole FormView itself:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="FormView1" />
But now due to a bit of change in requirements, this solution(if you call it a solution) is not acceptable.
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Feb 5, 2010
I have a gridview control which displays columns Name,Comments,Image. when click on an image i am need to open a modal popup extender which will be assigned to panel that contains a textbox,fileupload control,upload,cancel. And now problem is when i press the update button the button_click event i am not able to find the file inside the fileupload control where as i can find text inside textbox. My code is as follows:
<asp:GridView ID="gdvMngTeam" runat="server" CellPadding="4" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="None" Width="100%" DataMember="ID"
<FooterStyle BackColor="#507CD1" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
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Jul 31, 2013
In my WebForm I hv used an accordion and this accordion is in an UpdatePanel with UpdateMode="Conditional" .
In that accrdion , in last pane i hv a fileupload - when i select a file and click upload button then always the fileupload control has no file and it returns false everytime .
I have written trigger in UpdatePanel also still it doesn't work. Without updatepanel fileupload control works properly, this problem arise after i use UpdatePanel...
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="Acc_UpdatePanel" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<div id="acc" runat="server" style="position: inherit; height: auto;">
<div class="clear">
<div id="basic-accordian" style="border-radius: 4px;">
[Code] .....
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Sep 14, 2010
I have a custom control created to autofill the box as typed in. Its working great. But if I put the control inside an Update Panel, it works for the full postback but if partial postback happens (because of the update panel), it does not work.
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May 28, 2010
I started a new project using VS2010. I have a menu control connected with an XML datasource inside UpdatePanel, Menu control works fine, problem is the styling. using a StaticHoverStyle Css works only after the page reloads, when I click a menu entry, the entry is selected but StaticHoverStyle does not reflects the menu items anymore (of course when I hover the items) Same behave with both Net versions 3.5 and 4. When I remove the UpdatePanel the StaticHoverStyle comes back to life ( post back occurs ).
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Aug 5, 2010
I should probably say I love these forums, I've been viewing for some time and have found loads of valuable information. I'm having a problem with my project, I have an updatepanel containing several items (Two Daypilot Schedulers and a Literal Control). I have set it to conditional and have it update whenever bookings are added/modified in the schedulers. This all works perfectly! I then have a literal control which contains div items with onmouseover= parameters. The control basically contains a list of pending booking requests. On Page_Load I call a method which populates the list...which works fine.
However, whenever I call the UpdatePanel.Update() method (say, when a booking is added), the schedulers update but the literal control does not. I have gone through the debugger and found that the LiteralControl.Text property is correctly set to the new updated list just before calling the Update() method. So basically it all works perfectly apart from the literal control not updating along with the schedulers in the UpdatePanel.
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Dec 4, 2010
I have a CheckBox that is located inside a SelectItem Template. The CheckBox has Autopostback= true. Located outside the list view is a label. When the CheckBox is checked, I would like to trigger an the Updatepannel that includes the label. Instead I get an error message "'CheckBox1' could not be found for the trigger in UpdatePanel 'UpdatePanel3'. The code snippet is as follows: Markup:
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Dec 15, 2012
Question for Print functionality in ASP.Net GridView control artical. I tried you code in my project, when click print current page, nothing happens.
So I download your code into my test web project "WebSite1", greate, it works.
Then in your CS.aspx page,
I added (which is the case of my project of using AJAX).
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">Â Â Â Â Â Â Â </asp:ScriptManager>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">Â Â Â Â Â Â Â <ContentTemplate>
<div>Â Â Â Â Â Â Â <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"
.......................... gridview stuff gose here .........................
</div> etc etc to close all the tags.
Now run, click print button nothing happens, no any error.
Can you see why put updatePanle for AJAX causing problem ?
I also have to pur EnableEventValidation="false" at top of the page to avoid
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Feb 2, 2011
Gridview Page value inside UpdatePanel
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Apr 28, 2010
I have a GridView and DetailsView in a Master/Detail relationship inside an Update Panel.The GridView displays a set of records, and when a Select button in the GridView is clicked, the detailsview displays the record for edit.Initially the focus is on the GridView, and when the Select button is clicked, I want the focus to be on the first TextBox inside the DetailsView. This happens only when I remove the UpdatePanel from the form. If the Gridview/Detailsview pair is inside an updatepanel, the focus never goes to the DetailsView.How can I make the focus on the DetailsView inside an UpdatePanel
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Mar 27, 2011
I have a DateTime in my MasterPage.aspx that is outside of UpdatePanel1. There are two Hyperlink controls inside UpadatePanel1 to navigate or to move to the other pages. Full code of MasterPage.aspx is below.
If the user clicks Hyperlink to navigate or move to the other page, the DateTime will change. It means that my MasterPage.aspx render the whole page when the user clicks Hyperlink. I do not want this behavior. I want my MasterPage.aspx only render the ContentPage and the
Hyperlink inside UpadtePanel1. Controls outside UpadtePanel1 like DateTime should not be rendered again. Please advise the code to achieve my example goal.
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May 7, 2015
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<div style="width: 100%; padding-top: 1em">
<img src="Abme/img/rating.png" alt="view" height="25px" width="25px" style="float: left" />
[Code] ....
My ajax rating panel
protected void OnRatingChanged(object sender, RatingEventArgs e) {
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connStr);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Insert into rating(rating,postid) values(@rate,@pi)", con);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@rate", e.Value);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pi", Request.QueryString["ID"]);
[Code] ....
The rating value get inserted to database async but updated rating is not displayed after update. I have to refresh page in order to display updated ratings.
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Apr 17, 2014
I have implemented Sorting technique on Gridview but whole page is reload I have put in update panal but it's not working
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Jan 27, 2010
I am using UpdatePanel, and I include a gridview inside the updatepanel, I want the grid to be refreshed when button1 or button2 of gridview being pressed. But now when I click the button, the gridview disappeared and look likes the whole aspx is refreshed. I just want to refresh the gridview inside updatepanel. But now the gridview is disappeared. The following is
my source code:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel4" GroupingText="Enroll student" runat="server" > [code]....
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Jan 26, 2011
Altough questions somehow similar to this have been asked for a number of times, but the question is still unsolved. Here is the question: I have a gridview which is contained in a tab container ajax control which itself is inside an updatepanel. Gridview works excellent and its corresponding methods are fired accurately, but when I enable paging, (e.g.) after I click on page 2, the gridview hides itself. here is my PageIndexChanging method:
protected void GridView1_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
GridView1.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
Why paging causes gridview to stop working correctly? What can I do?
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Feb 8, 2011
This is Vijay Reddy Chennadi. I have a problem with validation summary, which is not working properly inside a gridview (which is in an updatepanel).
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