Folder Creation Doesnt Seem To Work?

Apr 1, 2010

Last year we created an application that creates folders for the records on our network drive. Everything worked til the new year.. then we had to update the code to create a new parent folder for the year, since then every other month it seems that the month folder gets created, but the individual folders under that month do not.


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JQuery :: Doesnt Work In IIS Project?

Nov 15, 2010

After a long process of configuring IIS in ...In iis project the jquery doesnt work ...but when i run the same in works



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Simple IIS7 Url Rewrite Doesnt Work?

Nov 19, 2010

In my local enviroment it just works. Iam no IIS Admin so ....

i try the following

My domain "" goes to my url provided by my hosting service (

I want that this url goes to the root/mysite/ virtual directory but i want that the url stays on "". So i defined the following rule, but it doesnt work for me.

here is my web.config that is placed in the root directory (generated by the IIS7 Remote Administration UI)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Web Forms :: A Link Target Doesnt Work?

Mar 20, 2010

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OpenLB Doesnt Work, When Click On It, Get A Error Pop-up?

Mar 5, 2010

The following two controls on my page:

<asp:LinkButton ID="OpenLB" runat="server" >Open</asp:LinkButton>
<asp:HyperLink ID="OpenHL" runat="server">Open</asp:HyperLink>

I set them during page load like this:

OpenLB.PostBackUrl = @"file:\webdocuments-emailsdoc1.docx";
OpenHL.NavigateUrl = @"file:\webdocuments-emailsdoc1.docx";

OpenHL works, it opens the word file.OpenLB doesnt work, when I click on it, I get a error pop-up that says:

Windows Internet Explorer Cannot find
Make sure the path or Internet address
is correct.

It looks like the url is different or something, how can I fix this?

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WCF / ASMX :: Want To Use Https, Endpoint Binding Doesnt Work

Sep 3, 2010

I am very new to WCF, I have read a lot and seen several presentations about it. I can get the basicHttp endpoint to work on my server but when i wanted to use https, I found that that endpoint binding doesnt work. I think through my research that the wsHttp binding is what i need. I can get the client to work but the service gives me a few different errors when I try to call the ssl endpoint.

Currently i get the following error:

The requested service, '' could not be activated. See the server's diagnostic trace logs for more information.

Below I have included the web.config for my service project which is hosted at: the service is called:Person.svc


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SQL Server :: Trying To Build Dynamic Statement But Doesnt Work When Put Together?

Jan 3, 2011

If i split the statements up they work fine individually.But what im trying to accomplish is to pass in the column name that i want to select from my table.. ill pass it from the page as well as 1 other parameter.

I was looking and found some queries that will return the column name from the table but figured this may work.when i execute this,it returns the actual value in my SET @column in the below code if i run it, it will just return the value "VideoLevel"

BUT if i change it to the example below that,it works..



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Forms Data Controls :: MSChart Control Doesnt Work On .net?

Dec 15, 2010

I would like to install my asp .net site on a free host. what do I need to install in order that the mschart control will work on the host.

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at the moment I get an error about it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Sorting In Gridview Doesnt Work?

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I have tryed this sorting code here in first post but it doesnt work. any tips?

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ASPxTreelist Server Side Node Selection Doesnt Work?

Feb 2, 2011

i'm trying to select/unselect aspxtreelist nodes that meet the criteria.when user click a row and it fires an event which handled by server side eventhandler.When i debug the code everthing ok.selection works but on the browser side selection remains same as before eventrised.

protected void grid_FocusedRowChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


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MVC :: Want To Do Some Validation To The Data And Then Return A Error Message To The Page It Doesnt Work For Me?

Mar 10, 2010

I got a view that uses the ajax.beginform tag.This works great but if I want to do some validation to the data and then return a error message to the page it doesnt work for me.Here my code :


And the actionResult :



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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Updating Through Sqldatasource Doesnt Work?

Jan 1, 2010

this is the code

Inherits="_Default" %>


View 2 Replies

C# - Monitoring A Folder For New File Creation Without Using FileSystemWatcher In .net?

Aug 31, 2010

I have to create a windows service which Monitors a specified folder for new files and does someprocessing on it and moves it to other location. I started with using FileSystem Watcher. But my boss doesn't like FileSystemWatcher and wants me to use polling on Timer or any other mechanism other than File System Watcher. I am confused right now. It would be great if anyone could point me to some examples for how to monitor Folders without using File System Watcher in .net environment.

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AJAX :: Cascading Drop Downs, C# LINQ, No Errors In Code But Doesnt Work?

Jan 25, 2011

i followed this tut for cascading drop downs, but i changed the sql connections for my linq datasource. VS2010 is showing no errors in my code and the page loads fine too, but the two drop down lists are emptycan anyone scan there eyes over it and see if theres any reason why it shouldnt be working?my code is the same as the tuts apart from it uses LINQ instead of SQL


View 3 Replies

AJAX Doesnt Work / Click On Button "Button1" / Should Execute But The Whole Page Submits?

May 10, 2010

I have a very simple AJAX example that doesn't work.It is from the Microsoft tutorials on AJAX.

When I click on button "Button1" AJAX should execute but the whole page submits.

Here is the code:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="1111.aspx.cs" Inherits="_1111" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" Namespace="System.Web.UI" TagPrefix="asp" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
DropDownList AutoPostBack SelectedIndexChanged EventArgs Sort ... Since you will be using AJAX to process your SelectedIndexChanged event, set the AutoPostBack property of the DropDownList to false. ...
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true">
<asp:Label ID="label2" runat="server"></asp:Label><br />
<asp:Label ID="label3" runat="server"></asp:Label><br />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="label1" runat="server"></asp:Label>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="Button1_Click" Text="Button 1" />
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="Button1" EventName="Click" />


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
public partial class _1111 : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
label1.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
label2.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
label3.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
label1.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();

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Factory Method Pattern Clarification - Allow The Client To Delegates The Product Creation (Instance Creation) To The Subclass

Mar 29, 2010

My understanding of Factory Method Pattern is (Correct me if i am wrong) Factory Method Pattern "Factory Method allow the client to delegates the product creation (Instance Creation) to the subclass". There are two situation in which we can go for creating Factory Method pattern.

(i) When the client is restricted to the product (Instance) creation.

(ii) There are multiple products available.But a decision to be made which product instance need to be returned. If you want to create Abstract Method pattern

You need to have abstract product Concrete Product Factory Method to return the appropriate product.

public enum ORMChoice
//Abstract Product
public interface IProduct
void ProductTaken();
//Concrete Product
public class LinqtoSql : IProduct
public void ProductTaken()
Console.WriteLine("OR Mapping Taken:LinqtoSql");
//concrete product
public class Subsonic : IProduct
public void ProductTaken()
Console.WriteLine("OR Mapping Taken:Subsonic");
//concrete product
public class EntityFramework : IProduct
public void ProductTaken()
Console.WriteLine("OR Mapping Taken:EntityFramework");
//concrete product
public class LightSpeed : IProduct
public void ProductTaken()
Console.WriteLine("OR Mapping Taken :LightSpeed");
public class Creator
//Factory Method
public IProduct ReturnORTool(ORMChoice choice)
switch (choice)
case ORMChoice.EFM:return new EntityFramework();
case ORMChoice.L2SQL:return new LinqtoSql();
case ORMChoice.LS:return new LightSpeed();
case ORMChoice.Sonic:return new Subsonic();
default: return null;
Creator c = new Creator();
IProduct p = c.ReturnORTool(ORMChoice.L2SQL);

Is my understanding of Factory Method is correct?

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App_Code Folder Does Not Work?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a question. When I create my website using vwd 2008 express, I can not create App_Code folder, actually there's no selection for App_Code folder when I right click on my website(only Theme, App_Resources, App_LocalResources, App_GlobalResources and disabled App_Data).

I try to add new folder and name it App_Code, then put a class in there. But I can reference to it in my code behind.

Is there something wrong with my VWD installment or this is not supported by Express version?

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Web Forms :: Set Writepermissions For Folder In Properties Dont Work?

Mar 23, 2010

I wonder what the right way is to set write permission on a Folder.I am in the properties for the folder I want to set write permissions to. The folder is named "Folder1"Now when I click the "SecurityTab", I can see a listbox there wich grayed out checkboxes for "Allow" and all of these are Checked, then to the right I have unchecked checkboxes for "Deny".I wonder if this is correct now, that "Folder1" has write permissions because this line execute that access is denied to "Folder1" ?

Directory.Move(Server.MapPath(sourcePath), Server.MapPath(destPath));

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AJAX :: Controls Work In Subfolders But Not In Root Folder?

Jan 8, 2010

EDITED To make issue more clear. I have also discovered this same issue with validatorcallout extensions used in a usercontrol in a root page and a subfolderpage

I have a strange issue I cannot figure out. I have a usercontrol that is used to display news story details. One of the requirements is to be able to email the story to someone. In this control I have included a modal popup to do contain the email form. What is really strange is that if the control is used in a page in a subfolder themodalpopup works as designed but when the control is in a page in the root folder while the usercontrol still works, themodalpopup control stops working.



This control gets placed within a masterpage via a base MasterPageClass when there is a storyid in the querystring object


When the master page resides at the root level the popup doesn't work but in anyother folder it does work.

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Security :: URL Routing Doesn't Work For Files In Admin Folder

Jun 24, 2010

I am using URL routing in application (not MVC) . I have Admin folder in my aaplication which has admin related aspx pages with seperate web.config. I have seperate login form for admin users which is placed in admin folder itself. My issue is whenever I hit [URL] (which I want to go to login form for admin)- it tries to authenticate and goes to login url mentioned in web.config of root folder.

Note: Admin folder has anonymous access in root config file. Also I have set default document in config of Admin folder. I have added following line in global.asax so that routing doesnt work for files in admin folder;


I am really confused what is the issue? What I am missing?

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Visual Studio :: The Intellisense Doesn't Work At The App_Code Folder Level

Feb 22, 2010

My problem is that the intellisense is not enabled within the App_Code folder, so to twick this problem I initially create a separate folder where I develop my classes then I move them to the App_Code but, but I'm convinced that this is not the right practice so how to configure visual studio 2008 to enable intellisense at the App_Code folder

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Configuration :: Java Applet - IIS Web Server Public Folder Doesn't Work Anymore

May 26, 2010

I am trying to write an webpage which contains an applet. Everything works fine when I run this in a development folder, but when I move it to the IIS web server public folder it doesn't work anymore. I don't get any error message. The browser doesn't repaint the applet area Here is the source code:

//web page
<script src=""></script>
var attributes = { code:'ImageApplet.class', archive:'ImageApplet.jar', width:864, height:1000} ;
var parameters = {jnlp_href: 'image-applet.jnlp'} ;
deployJava.runApplet(attributes, parameters, '1.4');
public void init() {
public void buildUI() {
JButton jumbleButton = new JButton("Jumble");
jumbleButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
add("South", jumbleButton); }

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Visual Studio :: Make VWD Work Entirely In The "2008" Public Folder?

Jan 6, 2010

VWD 2008 Express. Windows 7 (64 bit). I want all my work and settings for VWD 2008 to be stored in the public (shared) documents folder. There are settings under Tools>Options to specify where projects and templates are stored, that is part of the answer. However, whenever I open VWD it always creates a "Visual Studio 2008" folder in my personal Documents folder where it apparently stores some settings. How can I make VWD work entirely in the "Visual Studio 2008" public folder for everything and NOT create the personal folder?

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When Publish Website To Local Folder And Access On Local Pc, Java Script Files Did Not Work

Mar 29, 2011

I created a website using VS2010. When I run the website using built-in web server, everything works fine. The website recognizes javascript and aurigma uploader. When I publish the website to local folder and tried to access using IIS 5.1 on local pc,
the java scipt files did not work. I was getting yellow triangle sign at the bottom of the page indicating the object is expected. I tried to look online but i could not find any answer. I have included jquery and javascript file in the header section of master

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JQuery :: Menu Does Not Work For Pages Which Are In A Separate Folder Pages

Oct 24, 2010

I have added a jquey menu in my master page its working fine for those pages which are at the same level as master page.

But this menu isn't working at all for all of those page which aur in Editor's and Admin's folder. In these pages menu is displaying as simple html menu and unfortunately no jquery effect is shown on it.

I'm very confused why this menu isn't working for the pages which are in a seprate folder while the master page is added at the root level outside of all these folders.

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