Forms Data Controls :: Accessing UserControl That Is Inside A FormView ItemTemplate?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a UserControl inside the ItemTemplate of my FormView and I need to access it in order to get an event fired off. As the UserControl is inside the template, my event cannot see it!

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing Textbox Inside ItemTemplate Of Gridview?

May 17, 2010

I've been searching all day for a solution to this, but nothing has worked.

Here's my scenario: I'm binding the gridview to a datatable. One of the columns is a textbox that will accept user input.

When a "submit" button is clicked, I need to loop through all the rows, get the textbox's text, and add them all together. Simple, right?

I've tried the following (this is on the "submit" button's click event):


The itemtemplate looks like this:


The txtDays.Text property is ALWAYS empty. UNLESS I assign it a value w/in the control. But then it's ALWAYS that value. I need to get the value of what the user enters.

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing A Check Box Inside Of A Formview?

Jul 2, 2010

I have added a table to my FormView Edit template for structure and a button that pops up a form for information.

When the button is clicked I want a check box in neighboring cell to become checked. But I am having problems in the VB code behind, establishing the name of the check box to change its state. Its something like this....

FormView1.ItemTemplate.(CheckBox1.Checked = True)

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Forms Data Controls :: FindControl A Label Inside A ListView ItemTemplate Inside A GridView ItemTemplate On Button_Click?

Jan 17, 2011

I have something like this:


This does NOT work. What's wrong here?How do I accomplish my goal? I MUST use the Button1_Click event for this one.

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing Inside Formview Edit Template

Jan 6, 2010

I keep getting a null reference when I try to access a listbox inside the EditItemTemplate of a formview. I check the mode before accessing the control (Formview1.CurrentMode) to make sure it is in edit mode and even set it manually to edit mode again! But formview1.findcontrol("blah") returns null. Formview1.EditItemTemplate does not have a FindControl method, not sure what else to try.

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing Master Formview Data From A Nested Detail Formview?

Sep 10, 2010

I would like to ask if it is possible to access data on a master FormView from a nested detail FormView.

I have a main form (master) with several tabs (detail) and would like to display a label with text from main form that is hidden by the tab at the moment of editting. My asp page looks like this.


Is it possible to get the value of the label CompanyTextLabel from CompanyTextBox using just ASP.NET expressions or something similar without writing c# code in .cs file?

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Data Controls :: Unable To Access Label Inside ItemTemplate Inside OnRowEditing Event Of GridView

May 7, 2015

I have gridview in my page that users can edit their data in gridview... and in this gridview I define label that I want when users click on Edit button it change label3.text:

below is code:

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" CssClass="DGridView1"
        AutoGenerateColumns = "false" Font-Names = "Tahoma"
        Font-Size = "9pt"
        HeaderStyle-BackColor = "#e0e0e0"
        OnPageIndexChanging = "OnPaging" onrowediting="EditCustomer"
        onrowupdating="UpdateCustomer"  onrowcancelingedit="CancelEdit"
         GridLines = "Both" OnRowDataBound = "OnRowDataBound"

And .cs:

protected void EditCustomer(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e) {
Label Label3 = (Label)GridView1.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].FindControl("Label3");
Label3.Text = "neda";
GridView1.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;

but here when I click on EditCustomer it doen't change label3.text 

View 1 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Using Usercontrol In EditTemplate In Formview

Jul 24, 2010

In almost all cases, my edit template and insert template in the formview are the same.

So instead of copying pasting the same markup, i decided to put it in a user control. The display works fine, however, the databinding doesn't work anymore. It works fine if I put the markup directly in to the formview template.

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Populating DropDownList Inside A ListView Inside A FormView

Jan 16, 2010

I have the following (abbreviated) code:

<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="ItemID" DataSourceID="LinqDataSource1">
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCategory" runat="server" SelectedValue='<%# Eval("Category") %>'
DataSource="<%# GetCategories() %>" DataTextField="Text" DataValueField="Value" />
<asp:ListView ID="lvParticipants" runat="server" DataSource='<%# Eval("Participants") %>' >
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCountry" runat="server" SelectedValue='<%# Eval("Country") %>'
DataSource="<%# GetCountries() %>" DataTextField="Text" DataValueField="Value" />

When the FormView is in Edit mode, ddlCategory is populated as expected by calling GetCategories(), which returns a List of categories. However, when the ListView is in Insert mode, ddlCountry is empty. I put a break point in GetCountries(), but it never gets called. If I change the name of the method, I get an error. So it recognizes the method at compile time, but does not call it at run time. I'm guessing this is an embedded binding issue of some kind, but I'm hoping someone can save me a lot of time by pointing out the solution.

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Forms Data Controls :: Hyperlink Inside An ItemTemplate?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a DataGridView with a ItemTeplate column, which has a HTML hyperlink (<a href....>) inside. When a user clicks on a link, a popup with a TextBox is showed to the user. Then the user can type a data. With this data, I must update the hyperlink's text in which the user clicked. All using javascript. The problem is that I don't know how to find the Hyperlink because there will be so many hyperlinks as rows in the DataGridView and they will have the same Id.

How can i find the hyperlink using javascript?

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing UserControl That Is Present In The EditTemplate Of The ListView

Jun 1, 2010

I am having trouble trying to access a UserControl I created and placed inside the EditTemplate of the ListView. How is it done? I've tried to access it at the ListView's ItemDataBound, ItemEditing and Databound with the following code with no luck:

ucEditTask = DirectCast(lvTimeEntry.FindControl("ucEditTask"), UserControl)

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Forms Data Controls :: Radiobutton Inside Datalist ItemTemplate

Feb 1, 2011

I have a radiobutton inside an itemTemplate in datalist , and i'm binding this radiobutton dynamically from database, the problem is that all the radiobuttons generated are selectable at the same time which is wrong. (Multiple radiobuttons selcted at the same time)

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing Control In Header Template Formview?

Jul 4, 2010

i am try to access control Label in header template of forview i have tried following code but it doesnot worked.

Label l =(Label) frmuserDetail.HeaderRow.FindControl("lblUserName");
Label l=(Label)frmuserDetail.FindControl("lblUserName");

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Forms Data Controls :: Linkbutton Inside ItemTemplate In Safari And Firefox

Aug 5, 2010

I have an ItemTemplate inside a listview with a linkbutton wrapped around three table rows. The linkbutton is supposed to make the whole rows clickable but this only works in IE. Does anyone have an idea about why? The link works if I move the rows out of the linkbutton and write some gibberish text instead, but that's not what I want.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Show ItemTemplate INside EditItemTemplate Of GridView

Nov 19, 2010

How to Show ItemTemplate iNside EditItemTemplate Of GridView

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Forms Data Controls :: Can't Get Imagebutton Inside DataList ItemTemplate To Work

Aug 13, 2010

I have an img control that I am trying to replace with an image button.

I am using both for testing purposes. The img control generates the image, the imagebutton doesn't work


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Forms Data Controls :: Formating A Currency Inside A Itemtemplate Of A Gridview?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a gridview and one of the field is a templated one and I have a decimal value that I want displayed as a currency so I tried this code here but doesnt work.

<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text='<%# eval("DealValue").ToString("C") %>'></asp:Label>

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Forms Data Controls :: Access A Control Inside A Listview Itemtemplate?

Mar 29, 2011

on my page, there are two listboxes,


Based on the selection of SchoolID in listviewSchools, the ListviewStudents will be filled with the data.

SchoolIDLabel is in the ItemTemplate of the ListviewSchools. The following works for insertitemtemplate

Dim txtTitle As TextBox = CType(ListView1.InsertItem.FindControl("txtTitle"), TextBox), but i can not Access a control inside the ItemTemplate of a listview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Textbox In ItemTemplate Inside Gridview, Unable To Get The Value?

Aug 21, 2010

I have a itemtemplate inside a gridview.

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Enter OTP">
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server"


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Forms Data Controls :: Selecting The Index Of A Listbox Inside An ItemTemplate?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a listBox that is bounds its content from the database. This control is inside an itemTemplate. When the item template is boudned, I want to select the corresponding value.

I have this ugly single line of code:


What it does is to select the right value to a ListBox that is databinded with values inside a DetailsView

here is the rest of the code:

<asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateRows="False" DataKeyNames="ID" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource4"
EnableModelValidation="True" ondatabound="DetailsView1_DataBound">
<asp:ListBox ID="lbATechAuthCheck" runat="server" Width="100%" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource2" DataTextField="status" DataValueField="id"></asp:ListBox><asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:myConnectionString
%>"SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Status]"></asp:SqlDataSource>

Is there an easier way to achieve the same thing perhaps without any code behind?

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Forms Data Controls :: LinkButton OnClick Inside ItemTemplate Of A DataList Not Firing

Apr 14, 2010

Very new to ASP.NET (using C# behind) and am having trouble figuring out the following scenario. I have a DataList that is populated (code below) and wanted each cell to be clickable. When the cell is clicked I wanted to know the unique ID for that cell. In my code behind, my OnClick method looks like this:


However I never get there. It seems as if the linkbutton always refers to some javascript callback function and just reloads my form. Am I using the wrong control for what I want to do? From this click I want to look up more information from the Key (will roll up the datalist or set visible to false, then supply the new data on the same page)DataList:


<asp:DataList ID="listSearchResults" Border="1" BorderColor="Black"

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Forms Data Controls :: Get The Label Value Inside The Gridview ItemTemplate And Convert To String C#?

Sep 1, 2010

<asp:Label ID="LabelSubUpdateID" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("UpdateID") %>'></asp:Label>

Get the Label value inside the Gridview ItemTemplate and convert to string C#?

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Forms Data Controls :: Textbox Text Inside ItemTemplate In GridView Clears After The Update Button Is Clicked

Nov 10, 2010

I have a GridView with two templatefields, one with a DropDownList and the other with a TextBox, both loose their values once I hit the "update" button. Is it any way I can make the controls keep the values?

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Forms Data Controls :: Use UserControl Inside An EditTemplate Of A ListVIew?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a ListView showing just a list of concatenated strings obtained from different field of the objects of the datasource.

A LinkButton (with CommandName="Edit") in each row Event handlers for OnItemDataBound and OnItemEditing

A UserControl in EditTemplate.

Now the problem is, I don't know how to use Bind expression in the UserControl. I mean, how to populate this usercontrol when the linkbutton is clicked? (I tried capturing the control in theOnItemEditing handler. But FindControl returned null, as that handler is called before going to edit mode.)

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid Paging Inside Usercontrol?

Apr 4, 2010

I have a usercontrol with a datagrid that is used throughout my web application. The datasource is passed in a public method from the master page to this usercontrol, as the data selection is different on each page where this usercontrol is used.But by doing this, I'm having a problem with paging, as the datasource is lost after postback. I can't do the data selection in the usercontrol itself as the dataset is passed as a parameter.

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