Forms Data Controls :: Changing Image In Image Button Column In A Datagridview?

Oct 21, 2010

Just wondering if anyone has ever managed to find a way to have a datagridview image button column in a template field which display different images on different rows depending on some data element in the row. Our application needs to display a series of fees charged against an account column which will be either less then 500, 500 to 1000 or >1000. Some of those fees are charged at a full rate, others at a partial rate, and some are not charged at all. The user would like to see a simple 3-state graphic which would convey the simple info: full-charge, partial-charge, or no-charge. Sounds easy enough but I've not yet managed to find a way to do this. Every time I attempt to modify the individual cell's graphic it seems to want to change the graphic for all the rows.

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But it does not work. Image is like Previous. Note that ImageOperations.ResizeFromStream() method resizes and saves the image to a specefic folder. actually I should trigger a Postback to Update the Update Panel but How to do that. I usedUpdatePanelNew.Update(); but it does not work!

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Image In A Gridview Column?

Mar 30, 2011

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<asp:imagefield dataimageurlfield="IMG"
dataimageurlformatstring = "~/images/ab.jpg"/>

but it is not displaying anything, however aspx page is working fine, it is showing a field but no image and it is blank, same is the case with IMG1 column as well

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<ItemStyle Wrap="False" />


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Here's the code for my GridView:

The ImageField needs the Drag Handle image in it.


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I have following datalist ,to display employee id, name, email .....  datalist have column with link button  text " Get Details"  and fontcolor "black" ,  onmouseover of the particular  row i want change the color of linkbutton or the image of  linkbutton ..

<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="1"DataKeyField="EMPID" 
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<asp:Label ID="EMPIDLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("EMPID") %>'>


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Dynamically Generate Image On Image Map Or Image Button?

Sep 30, 2010

Here is this thing which to me looks possible, but when I searched over the net I couldnt find anything.

I want to create a page where I can upload an image using any upload function and then display it. Now after diplaying it I want to select the hotspots for an image map. The coordinates of image map values are stored in a database.

Basically I want that to create image maps and hotspots I dont use any offline software, this work is successfully completed and working perfectly, but i want generate one identification where i click the hot spots position in image or CSS file Generate for user identifications, So how can i solve this problem.

I hope You are clear in that what I am looking for.

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Jan 19, 2010

I am having one column in each row of my radgrid in which i want to show an image. I am getting values from database saying 1,2 for that particular column and for each of these values i want to show different images for different values. For Example if i am getting 1 from database i want to show "roseImage" and for 2 i want to show "lotusimage",

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I want to show the value by adding a new column into Grid.

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Jun 17, 2010

I have a GridView control in my aspx page with a column that represents logging levels. Instead of displaying the word, e.g"Info", "Debug", "Error", etc. I want to display an image from a file. It seems like I may be able to do this with a template but I have been unable to find any examples of exactly how I would do this.

If "Info" then display "images/info.gif
If "Error" then display "images/error.gif

Here is my code snippet


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Sep 17, 2010

I bind the Image to Grdview Column like below


Now how i add the clik event to image control and open the image in New window any Idea?

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