Forms Data Controls :: Change The Image Url Of An Image Button In Gridview

Jan 7, 2010

I am trying to change the image url of an image button in my gridview. I cannot seem to be able to do this in the code behind. Is there a way I can do this through the image buttons controls?

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing Image In Image Button Column In A Datagridview?

Oct 21, 2010

Just wondering if anyone has ever managed to find a way to have a datagridview image button column in a template field which display different images on different rows depending on some data element in the row. Our application needs to display a series of fees charged against an account column which will be either less then 500, 500 to 1000 or >1000. Some of those fees are charged at a full rate, others at a partial rate, and some are not charged at all. The user would like to see a simple 3-state graphic which would convey the simple info: full-charge, partial-charge, or no-charge. Sounds easy enough but I've not yet managed to find a way to do this. Every time I attempt to modify the individual cell's graphic it seems to want to change the graphic for all the rows.

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Forms Data Controls :: Assign The Image URL From MS Acsess To Image Button In C#?

Jun 21, 2010

I am new to .NEt, I am doing a classifieds website and tried to save the image in server,in a seperate folder and stored that address in MS access databse.when I wanted to display that image in a gridview,its not showing the image.

In the seperate column when Ia m trying to see the image location using bound field,its displaying C:websitesAzangouser_images j.jpg, but where as its not showing the image in the item template field.


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Forms Data Controls :: Change Image In Gridview After Binding?

Sep 27, 2010

I have a need to change the image (bound) in a gridview after it has been databound. Basically i need to assign a photo to a record and I want to change the image url for that row. I can change the text in any of the cells of the row but I can't seem to find property for the imageurl.his is what I do to change the text(cell 5).

int index = int.Parse(Session["NSI"].ToString());
GridViewRow row1 = GridView1.Rows[index];
row1.Cells[5].Text = "just some text";

But now I need to change the image url for cell 0something along the lines of ...

row1.Cells[0].ImageUrl = "~imagesphotos12345.jpg";

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Forms Data Controls :: Add New Image To Gridview Button

Feb 2, 2011

What i would liek to do is add a new image to my image button if a cell in the gird has the word no, I want to change the image button to somehting else and add a tooltip to it. Heres what i have but I get a blue underline under button and the tooltip does not seem to work.


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Forms Data Controls :: Display Default Image When Image (file) Not Found GridView - ImageField

Mar 26, 2010

I have a page which displays details and a pictures of employees. The details are stored in a SQL database and the images are on the server. How can I set a default Image to display (e.g. an Image saying "Awaiting Image") if an employee picture is missing?

I can't use NullImageUrl as the Images are not stored in the database. I can't use the solution found on [URL] as an ImageField does not accept an ID attribute.


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Delete Button Using Image

Jan 28, 2011

I was trying add a custom delete button image to a gridview's commandfield, like:

The delete event does not seem to fire with this code, however, and after googling a bit

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert A Snippet To Change A Hyper Link 'insert' To A Button Image?

Nov 21, 2010

How do I insert a snippet to change a hyper link ' insert' to a button image?

Here is the front page code:


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Data Controls :: Change Image On MouseOver In GridView ImageButton

Mar 13, 2014

I have template feile of link button and in that i use img tag to set image and i want to chnage img tag image on mouse over

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="DELETE">
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkDeleteTask" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" OnClick="lnkDeleteTask_Click"><img src="IMG/delete-26.png" alt="" width="18" /></asp:LinkButton>

I want to change this image on mouse over

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Data Controls :: Change Image Of LinkButton When It Is Clicked In GridView?

Jul 28, 2013

I have News Table in my database

Date News NewsTitle Id
2013-4-15 News1 Title1 1
2013-4-20 News2 Title2 2
2013-5-25 News3 Title3 3

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Image Button's Query String Getting Messed Up?

Oct 22, 2010

i put this in a grid so that only one of the rows would have the txt box in it, it works ok ie the txtbox only shows up for the row with 1005 as the ID, but for some reason the query string for each row for the last element in the row, ie an AddToCart image button i have at the end of each row in the grid is not coming out right, ie the query string is missing when the page posts back for all but the last row of the grid which coincidently is the row with the 1005 ID, (the rendered code is shown way down, i apologize for the length of it ) here is the problem line. NOTE when i take the code out of the gridview on row data bound event then the page post back fine and the query string is there, but when i put the code back in the row databound event for the grid then the query string vars and values do not get posted back.


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Forms Data Controls :: Remove Image Button From The Gridview Then Generate The Excell Sheet?

Nov 12, 2010


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Data Controls :: Change Image Of ImageButton Inside GridView Conditionally Based On Row Value?

Oct 17, 2013

if (!IsPostBack) {
string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~/PMRF/"));
List<ListItem> files = new List<ListItem>();
foreach (string filePath in filePaths) {
string ext = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
foreach (GridViewRow gr in GridView1.Rows)


i want the image of image button to change according to file extension . But its not working.

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Set Image URL At Runtime For Image Control Inside GridView

Jul 31, 2013

How can I make image control through C# coding in gridview column?? and then display image in it.

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Data Controls :: Display Default Image (NotFound) When Image Does Not Exist In GridView?

Aug 30, 2012

i have gridview in my page

<asp:TemplateField ItemStyle-Width = "25px" HeaderText = "" ItemStyle-Height="18px" HeaderStyle-Height="18px" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="left">
<asp:Label ID="lblType" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("price") %>' ></asp:Label>

i want if there wasn't any data in database, I want to display not found message

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Data Controls :: Display Alternate Image If Image Is Not Present In GridView

Mar 15, 2013

How can i but alternate Image if No image retrieve  in image Control  ? 

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Data Controls :: Display GridView Selected Row Image In Image Control

Dec 3, 2013

My file path in which I have stored image will be like this "C:Documents and SettingssureshDesktopRegIR_NEWRegIRinDebug....Images8-Q-IMG.jpg".

This file path will be diaplayed in Gridview and I have made "Auto Generate Select Button - True" in Gridview.

Is it possible to get the image in image control by using this file path on the click of "SELECT" option in gridview.

My running this application on a remote server.

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Data Controls :: Display Image In Image Control When LinkButton Inside GridView Is Clicked?

Aug 18, 2015

i have added a hyperlink in the gridview and i am displaying the image names in the grid as hyperlinks

when i click on the hyperlink in the grid, the related image has to be displayed in the same page but in another div which is next to gridview

but for me ,image is displaying in another page

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Data Controls :: Display Image In GridView With Path In Database With Image Enlarge Option?

Jan 12, 2013

<asp:ImageField DataImageUrlField="photo" > <ItemStyle Width="50px" Height ="50px"
HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Middle" ></ItemStyle>

i need to display image from database in gridview.  i have the above html and a select query executed from code behind which displays the image.

i am storing the image path in the database table and image in a folder.

Queries related to above

1. image size not able to set

2. the gridview image column will display image if the column data is not blank. but if its blank i have 2 default images  male image and female image

so if the field is blank i need to display one of the default images depending on the gender selected
3. if the image is clicked it should show enlarged image as popup 

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Data Controls :: Image Button Inside GridView Not Working In IE 10

Aug 26, 2013

I have a gridview which has a image button for deletion purpose in every grid row.I have placed the grid inside update panel.In IE 10(interet explorer 10) when i click on this image button it throws webpage error:

Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Input string was not in a correct format.

and data does not delete.But in other browsers no exceptions thrown and code is working fine without any error.

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Data Controls :: Display Row Details And Image From GridView On Button Click

Nov 27, 2013

I read your "Retrieve images using a file path stored in database in ASP.Net" article posted on June 18. And got the image in the gridview. I have made the "Auto generate select button - True" in gridview. On the click of the select button i want the image to be displayed in "Image" control and also the other details other than image to be diaplayed in textbox. I can get other details in textbox but cannot get image in "Image" control.

NOTE: I am not sure whether I need to use "Image" control available in the toolbox of VS2010.

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Data Controls :: Image Button Command Argument Is Blank In GridView

May 7, 2015

I use imagebutton in gridview that when I click on it, it delete row of gridview..below is code...

protected void DeleteCustomer1(object sender, EventArgs e)
ImageButton IMGDelete = (ImageButton)sender;
private void DeleteProduct(ImageButton IMGDelete)
using (SqlConnection conn = General.GetConnection())


but when I click on imagbutton it didn't do any thing..I put break point and checked @ID value that was "_page" and I checked  IMG Delete. Command Argument value was "".I used .CommandArgument  for Linkbutton in other page I don't know is it right to use it for imagebutton?

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Data Controls :: Display Employee Image On Button Click In GridView

Dec 24, 2013

Gridview has follows

Faculty Name          Image
Ramesh Suresh

I want in Gridview when user clicks the Ramesh in gridview, I want to display the Ramesh image in the Image column.

Similarly when user clicks the Suresh in gridview i want to display the Suresh image in the image column. For that how can I do using ...

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Controls :: Change Button Image Of TinyMCE Spell Checker Plugin

Dec 12, 2012

I want add a image button beside textarea control and bind Toggle Spell Checker event to image button when clcked the image button.Is it possible to do that?If yes. How to achieve that?

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Web Forms :: Change Image Button Picture?

May 2, 2012

I have 2 image button in my page



I want when click on Imagebutton1 both of my image button picture  (Imagebutton1  and imagebutton2) will be change .

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