Forms Data Controls :: Copying ListView Items To A DataTable?
Oct 28, 2010Is there a way where I could copy all the asp:ListView ItemTemplate Items into a DataTable?
My ListView Items contain TextBoxes and Labels.
Is there a way where I could copy all the asp:ListView ItemTemplate Items into a DataTable?
My ListView Items contain TextBoxes and Labels.
im trying to copying specific record from one datatable to another datatable i used below code
public System.Data.DataTable selectspecificdatarow(System.Data.DataTable dtg, int count, int startindex)
System.Data.DataTable dtn = dtg.Clone();
for (int i =startindex; i < count; i++)
its taking too long time in cloneing is there any better way to do this task which is Time effecent
It always displays ONLY 10 items although there are 30 items in the datatable. If i use GridView ALL the 30 items are displayed just fine.
I have a function that constructs a datatable from a file that the client uploads. And I want to bind that datatable to a listview but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong... Say, the datatable is like:
FirstName LastName
John Smith
Here's how my aspx looks like:
In my names.aspx.cs file, I do: lvNames.Datasource = dt; //dt is a datatable
When I run my aspx page, the listview is empty, is there something obvious I'm doing wrong?
have a grid view with chkbox column and sme other columns ,whn i clk on the submit btn the page redirectsto next page and in the new page load i need a grid view of previous page but only with the items i checked and some extra columns .
View 8 RepliesHow can i get the number of a listview records (or the index of the last record) from within the ItemDataBound event ? I would like to hide one of the controls in the last record, how can i know if the item is the last one ?
View 2 RepliesI am looking for a way to set a listviewitem backcolor programaticaly based on a value of a datafield.
View 4 Repliesi build some shopping cart. I have Datalist that display products from SQL table (id, productName, productPrice) and "Add" button. After the user click the button the product appear in the GridView (im using Session DataTable) until now all fine and work greate! in every product i need to add 2 checkboxlist from SQL tables (its some extra to the product). How can i get the items the user was checked and put them with the product name in the same datatable coloumn? the aspx code:
this is the code behaind:
I am using 2 listview. One is attached to the datasource and other is not. So in order to show the headers, I filled in the emptydatatemplate.I have a command on the 1st listview "Add", on clicking of which I should remove the item from that listview and add it to the 2nd listview.the datasource of the 1st listview is a stronglytyped list.Kindly help me, how to achive the moving of items from one listview to another and what should be the setting of the 2nd listview to show the headers.
View 1 RepliesThere is a page in my project named Messages.aspx that shows the messages received [but obviously], using the ListView control.
I want that the user should be able to see the body of the message on the same page [Messages.aspx] just by clicking the subject of the message, which is ofcourse a link.[Messages.aspx?msg_id=some_id]. Hence the user would actually reload the same page to read the contents of the message.
Now what I want is that I should be able to write some code that would change the <LayoutTemplate> and the <ItemTemplate> of the listview during the runtime. [in the page_load event of course]
Previously the listview would look like this:
After the clicks any message to read it and the page gets loaded, I want the layout of the listview to look like this.
i have the following problem. i'd like to use a listview with paging for mulitple selection of items in a list. The selection is no problem. I do have f.i. a list which holds the key values.
List<Int64> selectedList =
As soons as the user makes a selection or removes a selection the list will be updated accordingly. Also hold this list info when changing pages of the listview.
This list can be stored either in a session or a viewstate.
My question is how can i retrieve the information of the list back into my listview and thus displaying the selection the user has made when he jumps from page to page.
Below my listview.
In my project I have a listview which I am binding from code behind. Now I would like to add a droppdownlist for each item in listview. So my question would be:
Is there a way to populate my dropdownlist whit data which I have in a List?
Here is a bit of code to show how my listview looks like:
I have a listview which has a complicated Item template that contains a repeater, an objectdatasource and some other controls. On the first run I am only showing 10 Items of the listview. The user has an option to show 10 more ListView Items. If user clicks on show older items; the listview shall add another 10 items. how to go around this since my list view already has a datasource and I don't want to rebind the whole listview all over again. Instead; I just want to add another 10 items.
View 7 Repliesi'm currently learning .Net and i can get data out of a database and display in a listview. But how can i access data items in the code behind and format, change, whatever i want to them then display in the list view? Is it even possible?
Maybe an example of what i'm trying to do would be to concatenate a address from the dataset and in a variable sAddress and then attach sAddress to a label in the list view, or add to colums of the dataset together and then show in a label in the listview.
i have a datable and like this i have searched a datarow from the datable on the basis of some primary now i want to add that searched row to another datatable.
DataTable findRows = (DataTable)ViewState["dt"];
List<int> selectedList=(List<int>)ViewState["selectedList"];
DataTable temp = new DataTable();
foreach (int id in selectedList)
DataRow dr=findRows.Rows.Find(id);
now i want it to add to datatable temp how can i achieve this?
have an annoying problem. i'm trying to update single items in a databound listview. but when i click the update button it gives me the cannot insert NULL value. it doesnt seem to read anything from the textboxes which i have databound from the database. even though text is clearly shown...
i have setup my update statement and parameters, it uses the Update command name and ItemUpdating event. i catch the data from the textboxes by using e.ItemIndex and use the text assigned to the parameters in a SqlCommand.
The thing i'm aiming for too is that when an item is updated it stays on the page where the item was updated, (i was using response.redirect before but it went against my aim since the whole page reloaded)
Highlight color on duplicate items in listview in vb2005
View 1 Repliesusing 4 and vs 2010 I have a listview that displays data from a database. I have to configure it to display all column data where present, however, not all columns have data, with the result that blank spaces get rendered where this data would normally be displayed.
The code:
So, for example, some of the individuals that exist in this table might no longer be associated with a specific department, institution or have data in the "Address2" column.
This is what i want to do with my website. I want to pull data from an access query and and load it into a listview table. The user will sort through the data on the website and remove the rows she doesn't want. After the user is done, they will click a send button that will email the data to the appropriate party.I have read the access query data into a data table. I have the list view table built, but I am unsure how bind the data table into the listview table. Is this the best route to go? Will binding the datatable to the listview table allow the user to delete rows out of the datatable?
Protected Sub btnView_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnView.Click
Dim query As New QueryBuilder.SelectQuery("qryVendorReport")
'Fill data table with vendor information
Dim sample As String = ""
Dim results As New DataTable
results = (db.fillTable(query.toSelectQuery))
how to bind the results datatable to lvdatasource. I tried a few different ways to do this with no luck. Maybe the syntax I trying to use is incorrect.
Here i want Do project with Angular js..
View 1 RepliesHow to delete the row if checkbox is checked using listview of with c# ....
View 1 RepliesI'm displaying a bunch of items in a ListView. Each item has a button that the user can click if he/she is not interested in the item. What I want to do is this: if the user clicks the button, I want to remove that item from the list but I don't want to necessarily make a datadabase trip for each and every item the user clicks. I'd rather make one DB trip and take care of all the items user has clicked. However, as the user clicks them, I'd like to remove them from the ListView.
View 2 RepliesIn my "insert tempate", I formatted fields, moved them around so everything looked and acted as needed. My Question) Anyway of taking that work (including the field formatting) and copy to the "edit template" ?
VS 2010 - Language: VB
I have a gridview based on a sqldatasource that has some colums from which two colums showing the data of two fields: field1 and field2. field1 is an ID which should not be updated and therefore it is readonly=true. The sql-query from the sqldatasource is:
SelectCommand="SELECT field1, field2 from anyView"
What I want is, that when a row is updated, then the value from field1 should be copied to field2 The update-query is:
UpdateCommand="UPDATE myTable SET field2=@field2 WHERE field1=@field1"
My idea was, that the @field2 paramter gets the value from the query string out of field1:
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="field2" QueryStringField="field1" Type="Int32" />
But this does not work. Is there an easy way to copy the data from field1 to field2 when updating the row? In addition, is this possible, even if field2 ist not shown in the gridview (i.e. field2 is selected in the query but is not a field in the gridview but should be updated with value of field1).
If I am passed a datatable and I cant change the column there anyway to set an existing column to a Primary key so I can easily Find() the row I am looking for?
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