Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic CheckBox Inside GridView Not Firing Events
Nov 8, 2010
I've been reading up on the problems with dynamically created controls and how they have been solved. The posts I have come across are creating the controls in a panel or some other open place. I can't seem to get my checkbox to fire the event from inside a gridview. below is the code behind from inside the GridView PreRender event.
..And the Checked Event..
So after all this, nothing happens. I get the postback flash but my command inside the checked event doesn't fire.I tried putting the dynamic creation of the checkbox in Page Load with no effect.. I think because I can't place the checkbox inside the GridView under page load.
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Similar Messages:
Apr 9, 2014
On grid RowDataBound based on some condition i've added imagebutton dynamically. parallelly i want to add event for this button click. here is my code snippet.
protected void GV3_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
TableCell cell = new TableCell();
ImageButton bttn = new ImageButton();
That message popup box comes, but i'm unable to catch that click event. while click on a row i want to delete that row, so want to create event dynamically. for that i've used this following dynamic click event
bttn.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(b_Click);
private void b_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//delete record
but this above code also not working.
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Jan 23, 2010
I want to raise an checkbox check-changed event but its not firing :( . It Dosent raise even an command event.
My Requirement :
My Requirement is that i have a Datalist with header checkbox in headertemplate and a child checkbox in itemtemplate and a gridview control. Checking and unchecking will update the gridview control.
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Aug 16, 2010
I have an UpdatePanel with a GridView. This GridView has a template column that is a DropDownList. The problem is that the SelectedIndexChanged event does not fire for the DropDownList. Here is the code:
The codebehind:
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Feb 10, 2010
It works on Internet Explorer but I have few users who started to use apple's snow leopard and event is not at all firing on those browsers.
I believe some browsers have different JavaScript implementation
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Oct 9, 2010
If there's a better way to accomplish what I'm attempting I haven't found it yet. That being said, I have create a gridview like the one here,[URL]And with some minor tweaking it working great for all my fields, checkboxes, etc. The issue is my last column is another gridview, and I'd like it to function the same. that is, a dynamic gridview inside of a dynamic gridview. I get that I have to create it initially with null values or it won't show up. I guess what I'm having trouble figuring out is instead of go will null data in the parent gridviews column, do I place my blank child gridview. Do I create and bind the child gridview first, or second. Generally just not sure. Also, as far as storing the data from the child gridview goes, will each one need it's own datatable?
View 5 Replies
Sep 2, 2010
I'm trying to fire the RowCommand event on a DataGrid control. I've previously done that, but not in this precise case.
Actually I'm working on someone else code so I can't really change the structure of his page excepted if it's really necessary.
The code of the page is heavy, so I've summarized the problem in a small project and the page behaves the same way too.
Basically I have a GridView which I bind to a DataSet. According to those data, I sometimes need to add, at the end of a row, a "Details" button (a LinkButton).
By pushing this button, I want to show a second GridView containing those details.
Let's add to this that the columns number of the first GridView is variable, those LinkButton need to be added dynamically.
The first GridView is generated without any problem and when my mouse is over one of the LinkButton, I can see that the link is something like "javascript:__doPostBack('dataGridView$ctl02$lnkDetail','')". When I click on this link and debug step by step : Page_Init, Page_Load, OnPrerender, RowDataBound but no RowCommand, and I don't know why!
In the exemple, I've explicitly set the EnableViewState to true from what I've read here and there, but nothing's changed.
And the code of my .aspx :
View 3 Replies
Jan 8, 2010
So I've got a databound grid view within a UpdatePanel.
the user can change the data within the gridview then click a save button to update the data within the database.
However in order to know which rows have been changed I have a textChanged event associated with each textbox, but the event isn't being fired.
Here's the ASP code:
View 1 Replies
Jun 4, 2010
I have a user control called ucTriStateButton. It raises an event when it is clicked, called TriStateButtonClicked. If I put this user control on a page, it works fine. Here is the declaration on the .aspx page:
When the button is clicked the method tsbTest_TriStateButtonClicked executes correctly.
The problem is when I put the user control in template field of a GridView.
There is no way to hook the event handler to the control in Page_Load because I cannot get a reference to tsbMorning. So I did it in the RowDataBound event handler of the GridView, where I also do a bunch of other row-specific stuff. Although this builds and runs, the event is never actually subscribed to and so never gets fired.
So the question is - how can I handle an event from many instances of the same user control within a GridView? I am calling the same bit of code regardless of which user control is actually clicked. I only need to know that one was clicked.
View 3 Replies
Mar 23, 2010
I want to create dynamic gridview with checkbox as first column(template).
I have created all thing and its working fine. But the checkbox checked value gets cleared on post back.
This is my template class and adding template field to gridview as below
View 8 Replies
Jul 8, 2010
i am using link button inside my gridview .
it is firing in IE but not working in mozilla.
View 2 Replies
Mar 22, 2010
I am creating an array of checkboxes :
1. chkresponse = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox[cnumber + 1];
for (int
i = 0; i < cnumber + 1; i++){
chkresponse[i] = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox();
chkresponse[i].CheckedChanged +=
new EventHandler(chkresponse_CheckedChanged);
chkresponse[i].AutoPostBack =true;
2. thereafter adding them to a panel
3. then added the checkedchanged event:
void chkresponse_CheckedChanged(Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
{Label1.Text = "response";}
but the event is never fired. the panel is insdie an updatepanel.
View 5 Replies
Feb 3, 2011
In a gridview I have a TemplateField containing an imageButton defined as:
<HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />
<asp:ImageButton ID="imgName" ImageUrl="./img/img.png" runat="server" style="cursor: crosshair;" OnClick="imgName_Click" />
Now the odd thing at run-time is, whenever a client-side mouseover event is triggered, the app does a full postback. That happens only in firefox.
View 1 Replies
Aug 30, 2010
I have taken checkbox inside gridview. And also one linkbutton. When i click on linkbutton to check whether this checkbox is checked or not.
I have some code snippest.
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Nov 29, 2010
I have a gridview with two checkbox columns (Freeze & Display) with 10 rows, when i check the Freeze checkbox in 5th row, then all the rows from 1st to 5th row will get checked, and then "Display" checkbox will get automatically checked and get disabled for the first 5 rows. Then when i uncheck the 3rd row Freeze checkbox, then the row below from 3rd to 5th row should get unchecked. Is this functionality can be implemented.
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Mar 8, 2011
I have 2 gridviews, grvSource and grvDestination. In grvSource, I have a checkbox and username to select the user. In grvDestination, I have an imageButton (imgRemove) and username. On checking the user in grvSource, I move the user to grvDestination. Clicking on imgRemove, move the user from grvDestination to grvSource. This is the requirement.
Since the checkbox does not have commandname, it will not trigger the rowCommand event. So I added a hidden linkbutton in grvSource. In rowdatabound I wrote a javascript to trigger the linkbutton click which will trigger the rowcommand event. In the rowCommand event, i check the commandname and move the user from grvSource to grvDestination.
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Oct 4, 2010
I have a nested listview (orders with products)I want to add functions to update products and option to add new products update func works fine. wheni try to insert new record, itemcommand and iteminserting events are not firing. Im registering dynamic script using the below code
string clientIDs = "'" + IlblProductID.ClientID + "," + ItxtProductID.ClientID + "," + ItxtCategory.ClientID + "," + ItxtType.ClientID + ","
+ ItxtPrice.ClientID + "," + IddlInstallType.ClientID + "," + "empty" + "," + ItxtQty.ClientID + "'";
imgPicker.Attributes.Add("onclick", "LoadLookupScreen(" + clientIDs + ")");without the above code, itemcommand event works fine. when i add this script register itemcommand event was not firing
View 2 Replies
Aug 27, 2010
I have created dynamic control with both server and client side events.. if i set client side event server side event is not firing.. I have created the link button which will validate and do some necessary actions.. Validation is working but click event of link button is not firing .. if we remove the client side event , server side event is firing.. how to avoid this.. I want both events..
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Nov 5, 2010
I have a gridview that's inside a .ascx control that's dynamically embedded into another .ascx control, which is then called by a web form. The gridview will initially bind, but when any paging/sorting/command events are then triggered, I can't get any breakpoints inside the events to kick off. Additionally, when I look at the code-behind in the now-blank page, I see the old data sitting there.
what on earth is going on here? For edification, the .ascx page with the control is excerpted.
Parent .ascx control:
View 1 Replies
Jan 9, 2010
I have created a gridview and added a headertemplate field inside templatefield. Inside header template field I have added a button and a condirmbutton extender. confirmbutton extender uses modelpopup with ok cancel. This works fine but with one problem. I want this popup to open on button click only if user has checked atleast one checkbox from gridview. So far it shows this modelpopup everytime even user hasn't checked anything.
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Sep 8, 2010
I have a checkbox placed inside a gridview:
<GridView><asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Driver"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBoxDriver" AutoPostBack="true" OnCheckedChanged="GridView_Persons_SelectedIndexChanged" ValidationGroup='<%# Eval("ID") + "-" +((GridViewRow)Container).RowIndex %>' CssClass="CXDriver" runat="server" Checked='false' /> </ItemTemplate> </GridView>
For example: A listViewItem 1 has 3 drivers are checked, A listViewItem 2 has 2 drivers are checked.
Therefore, if changing the selectedIndex of the list, the checkbox indexChanged event will be fired.
How could I disable the autopostback of the checkbox during the listview item changed.
View 5 Replies
Sep 6, 2010
I have a datagrid in aspx page.Inside of datagrid i am using around 15 controls such as Button,dropdownlist and text box
controls.Once the datagrid binds then the events in the aspx page not firing.Issue occured when the number of rows greater than 500.The number of rows less then its works fine.
"Platform i am working on ASP.NET1.1"
View 2 Replies
May 7, 2015
I am adding columns dynamically to gridview as [URL] ....
I am adding checkbox and trying to add handler but it is not getting fire
AddHandler lnkView.Click, AddressOf ViewDetails
AddHandler Chk.CheckedChanged, AddressOf ViewDetails
View 1 Replies
Apr 9, 2010
I've googled a bit for the exact order of all gridview events relative to and where inbetween page events. The only Microsoft article: [URL] is not very clear. I'm especially interested in the gridview row_command event relative to page events.
View 4 Replies
Jan 25, 2011
I'm having difficulty trying to create and persist controls inside of a gridview during postbacks. I have an unbound Datagrid control which is created with x number of rows and y number of columns during the Page_Load event.
During the RowDataBound event of the GridView, I create a placeholder control and then I create a label and add the label to the placeholder
On the first page load when navigating to the page, the grid dispays perfectly and the labels are created with no issues and I can see the "1" in every single cell of the Gridview. I basically need the labels in the cells to store an ID when the cell is clicked (the click event works with no issues, wired it all up with javascript) and Since the Cells to not exist prior to "Building the matrix" method, How can I persist the Label controls inside of the tablecells between postbacks so I can assign and read values from them.
I've read a number of online posts from 4guys from rolla and they demonstrate how to persist a handful of controls dynamically created in a staticly defined PlaceHolder conrol outside of the complicated setup of the gridview and have failed at adapting them. The golden rule seems to be to 'recreate' the controls during Page_PreInit during the postback, but I can't seem to get it working.
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