Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Binding The Usercontrol On Button Click?

May 5, 2010

1. When executed I have a "Add Building" and "Click here to add tower" on the page.

2. When clicked on "Add Building" a editable gridview appears when I enter the text and say update.

3. When I click on "Click here to add tower" another button "Add Tower" is displayed on the


4. On this "Click here to add tower" event I have called the usercontrol, where the usercontrol has a editable gridview and a button called "Add Tower".

5. When I click on "Add Tower" a editable gridview should be displayed but the editable gridview is not displayed ,it disappears.

6. Postback is happening ,so I am not getting where and how to handle the postback and even the viewstate


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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Loaded Usercontrol Won't Fire Button Click Event

Dec 24, 2010

I have a dynamically loaded usercontrol

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ucEditPanel.ascx.cs"

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Forms Data Controls :: Add Dynamically TextBox And DropDownList In Gridview On Button Click

Oct 8, 2010

I have Gridview and Button Control on Form.i want to Add Dynamically TextBox And DropDownList In Gridview on Button Click Wich is placed outside of Gridview.

When i click on Button -> One TextBox and One Dropdownlist which contains values bydefault 1,2,3 should bind to gridview. Button is placed outside Gridview.

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UpdatePanel Dynamically Loaded Web UserControl Will Disappear After Clicking Any Button Inside The UserControl?

Mar 17, 2011

I've a ASP.Net page (Default.aspx) which will load UserControl (ucontrol.ascx) dynamically into an UpdatePanel. By using UpdatePanel, we believe we're able to prevent the entire page to be posted-back.

My problem is, within the UserControl, we have some form controls, such as inputs and buttons; after the UserControl is loaded, clicking on any button inside the UserControl will cause the UpdatePanel to be blanked. During the investigation, I found that, breakpoints within the Button1_Click() in the code-behind for the UserControl is never reached. Please reference to the code below, this references to [REFERENCE]1.


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Web Forms :: Hide UserControl Inside The User Controls' Button Click?

Nov 25, 2010

I created simple web usercontrol ABC with Yes/No button.In Current pages submit Button Click it popup's ABC user control. ABC user controls Yes button Click it executes some serverside function.But I want to close/hide this user control after the Yes button Click ( like confirm box in javascript).But its not hiding after setting the visible property to false. Is there any way to implement this...

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Dynamically Binding An Event Within A Usercontrol?

Sep 27, 2010

I am trying to bind a click event to a button within a usercontrol at runtime. The code I have written works form a plan old webform but the event is just not binding with in the control.

Here's my code. First the page:


When I run the app the myEvent from inside the control is never hit but myevent on the webform is hit when I click its button.

Can anyone tell me how I can bind the user controls button dynamically from with in the user control?

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Forms Data Controls :: Create Textbox Dynamically In GridView And Retrieve The Value In Button Click Event?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a dropdownlist("ddlTemplate") control and a gridview("gvPlanning") control with 1 BoundField column, 1 TemplateField column and remaining columns will be generated dynamically from database.In TemplateFiled Column i have 3 image buttons viz: Edit, update and cancel.Gridview will be populated based on the selecteditem of dropdownlist.

if i click on edit imagebutton, i need to add textboxes dynamically in all the columns of that row except first 2 column. And if i click on Update imagebutton i need to retrieve the textbox values.we can add template field column for textboxes also, but why i am sticking to this method is.. the number of columns changes depending on the selecteditem from the dropdownlist. Eg: If i select india from dropdownlist the number of columns in the gridview would be 4 and if i select UK from dropdownlist the number of columns would be 9 likewise.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Formview - Update Personal Class When Change Textboxes And Click Update Button?

Apr 3, 2010

I have the follow form view:

Text='<%#Bind("PrimerNombre") %>'></asp:TextBox>
Text='<%#Bind("SegundoNombre") %>'></asp:TextBox>
This formview is bound in this way:
protected void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e)
Persona _persona =
List<SILPA.AccesoDatos.Generico.PersonaIdentity> persona =
FormView1.DataSource = persona;

When the page is shown, the textbox are filled correctly, this textbox are filled with the "primernombre" and "segundonombre" properties from the persona class. After this, If I change the textbox, and after click the update button, I need to update the persona class with the changes from the textboxes, then I call a ActualizarPersona method for updating the database. How can I do for update the persona class when I change the textboxes and click the update button? I try this method protected void FormView1_ItemUpdating(object sender, FormViewUpdateEventArgs

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Data Controls :: Populate Nested GridView Dynamically On Click Of Button

May 3, 2013

I followed the article Nested GridView Example in ASP.Net using C# and VB.Net ..... It is a great article and very simple to follow. I easily modified it to suit my needs and added several more levels to the nested GridView.I am a Programmer and I have never used or JQuery before.

The data I am using is very large and with the "OnRowDataBound" events, the Page is Pre loading all the data into the gridviews and the Plus/Minus images are just displaying/hiding the nested gridviews. The question is "How to make the nested gridviews populate dynamically?" I want to have the nested gridviews to databind when the plus image is clicked.

I added the below code to the Plus image click Function to execute the server-side "BindData" Function. however I don't know enough about ASP or Jquery to get the GridViewRowData to send to the server-side function.

$("[src*=plus]").live("click", function () {
$.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "Main.aspx/BindData", data: '{}', contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", error: function(err) { alert("err");}, success: function (msg) { // Do something interesting here. alert("ok") } }); $(this).closest("tr").after("<tr><td></td><td colspan = '999' width = '100%'>" + $(this).next().html() + "</td></tr>") $(this).attr("src", "images/minus.png"); });
Server Side "BindData"


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Data Controls :: Dynamically Change DropDownList Item Text On Button Click

May 7, 2015

To change particular value in a dropdownlist dynamicallyfor exampleif i have a value as Apple in dropdownlisti should chk if that particular values is present or not then dispaly it as "redfruit"

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Add Rows To GridView On Button Click Using JavaScript And JQuery

Feb 21, 2014

I have a grid with 3 templetefield columns. Above that i have a checkbox list collection. i want to add no of rows equal to no of checkbox checked from list.

If I check 3 checkbox then 3 rows should be added to grid dynamically without postback.. I am trying to do it using javascript.

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Generate And Add Rows To Table With TextBoxes On Button Click

Jul 17, 2015

How to create a table in the code behind to display data from the database by creating a new table etc. How I could target existing HTML in my aspx file as opposed to creating a new table in the code behind?

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Create GridView With X Rows And Y Columns On Button Click

Oct 21, 2015


by using above thread its working great..

i want below rows and columns pattern

Rows 3, Columns 4 in my query..

     1   2   3   4 -- Header

A    1   2   3  4

B    1   2   3  4

C     1   2   3  4

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Display Data From Other Table Inside Repeater Item Template On Button Click

Jun 6, 2013

 i'm using a repeater with an hyperlink and i'm displaying some data from a table x and when the link is clicked i want to add some from the displayed data in another table y..I used a datasource for selecting information , should i use another datasource for the insert command or what to do ..



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User Controls :: Refresh A GridView Inside UserControl On Button Click

Apr 9, 2013

I have a Page (created using master page) it has a UserControl and i want to reload the UserControl on button click (button in page outside the UserControl). I do not want to reload entire page. I want to reload just the UserControl.ASPX: 

<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" id="UpdatePanel" updatemode="Conditional">
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger controlid="Button1" eventname="Click" />

<uc2:GetUserScraps ID="GetUserScraps1" runat="server" />

I am not sure what to do on code behind.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Loaded UserControl - Receiving Click Event To Parent Page

Oct 9, 2010

In a page , when I click a button 'showDialog' I am loading the user control dynamically in a dialog. I am linking to the event in the user control as explained below. The parent page is not receiving this event.

UseControl1 gc = dlg.LoadContent(:UserControl1.csx);
gc.CausePostback += new EventHandler(execute_CausePostback());}
In UserControl class after clicking the submit button
raise event CausePostBack();

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Web Forms :: Button Click Inside Usercontrol Is Not Working?

Dec 30, 2010

Cannot understand why its happening.. My button click event inside my user control is not working. I am calling this control inside my web page.

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Web Forms :: Handling Button Clickevent In Usercontrol That Is Being Loaded Dynamically?

Nov 2, 2010

I have ASPX page named ArtifactReporting.aspx where I have 3 linkbuttons. For each button I have 3 different UserControls to be loaded dynamically. So I have written for each click

UserControl uc = (UserControl)this.LoadControl("<ASCX page name>");

Now in one of the ASCX page I have a server side button. When I click on the button, the content of the ascx is going off, which is correct, because the page post back is happening and in Page_Load I have not written anything that will load the ASCX page.

how to go about this? I need if I load an usercontrol dynamically, I should be let the users carryout operation that usercontrol.

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Web Forms :: How To Validate TextBox In UserControl On Button Click In Page

Jan 17, 2010

I have a usercontrol which has few textboxes and associated validators. (This is for holding common form fields which i include at multiple place.)

This usercontrol doesnot have any buttons.

The user control is included inside a page. The page has other textboxes and a submit button.

How do i ensure the the forms in usercontrol is valid when i click the submit button outside on the page?

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Web Forms :: UserControl - Keep Some Image Button Saying Add ,edit,delete On Click ?

Jul 6, 2010

how to write or is it possible to have a usercontrol

which is having Div which contains customized grid and below grid i want to keep some image button saying add ,edit,delete on click of add it should be carried to next page

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Web Forms :: Adding Multiple Instances Of Usercontrol On Button Click Event

Aug 13, 2010

As you said that for storing use data table and make property in the .ascx.cs file but I have problem that I m not able to get that property in the .aspx page. How to add multiple instances of web usercontrol on page on button click event?

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Forms Data Controls :: Nested Grid Dynamically Fill When Parent Grid Button Click Then Expand Child Grid

Jan 16, 2011

i have one grid and one button when i click on that button then it expand and showing another grid under the row of parent grid how to do that.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Dynamically Change Values Within A Data Binding Expression

Jun 8, 2010

I have a repeater control populated with data binding expressions like in the expression below...


I want to be able to redirect a user to default link if the LinkURL value is empty, that is for each data item, there will be a check if the LinkURL field contains a value. If not, a default value will be supplied.

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AJAX :: Loading UserControl Containing Button Dynamically Using JQuery

Jun 25, 2013

Yesterday i asked from u 'Adding-WebUserControl-to-the-page-or-panel-by-client-side-code'.

from scratch it do'snt work properly. but today I downlowded again. its work rightly.

but it just show one control on it (just show lblMessage).

How Can i shows any number of controls on the WebUserControl. ex: button, picture, ...?

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Images Dynamically In Datalist For Creating Gallery?

Aug 2, 2010

i wanna creating a gallery in my website by using datalist,

but i getting images statistically,

i wana get it dynamically,

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