Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Creating Gridview Template - Linkbutton Click Not Working?
Aug 25, 2010
I have written some code to dynamically generate template columns for gridview which works well. However, each cell in the gridview has to be a linkbutton, which when clicked does a db update and redirects to a specific url with some parameters in it.
I have attached a click event handler to the linkbutton in the InstantiateIn method but the event does not seem to fire.
//Dynamically creating the Grid
protected void btnAnalyze_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
I would like to call a method and pass a value to it on a link button autogenerated from the database in a templatefield inside a datagrid. I don't know much about delegates
running the website and viewing the page source, I have realised that there is an OnClick event created for the linkbutton, however, this may be generated anyways. By running my solution using VS debugging, I can see that my method won't fire by clicking any of thos generated linkbuttons.
I need to generate a gridview with dynamic columns, on each cell I need a button that inserts-deletes a relationship in a database. The relationship is of course between what is represented by each column and row. I decided to use a gridview and create templatefields which I add programmatically to the table. I successfully got to that point but when i decided to raise a click event from the buttons or a rowcommand from the gridview I could not do it. I´m looking into doing this with button fields right now but I´m curious on how this can be accomplished?
I am using an IComparer to do the sorting of the gridview and binding it to a list of objects. It used to be that the linkbutton in the first template field was being done like this:
The sorting worked just fine when it was like this, but I would prefer not to use a querystring value. The problem with using the linkbutton is that the sorting appears to work (there are only two rows in my test case and they change places), but when the linkbutton is clicked on it is in the same order before the sort took place. After each sort the gridview's datasource is reset to the newly sorted list of objects and the databind method is called.
<%@ Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="secureds_deals.master" %> <%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="cc1" %> <script runat="server"> Protected DealId As Integer = 0 Protected DealName As String Protected StartDate As Date Protected ContractDate As Date Protected ClosingDate As Date Protected SubmitRole As String Protected Status As String.......
I have a database of cars manufacturers and their car models. I want to have buttons above the GridView, each button listing a manufacture. When the button is clicked, the Gridview will filter the data to only show the models by the manufacturer clicked. I don't want to use a listbox or combo box, it has to be 3 rows of individual buttons or links.
I am using and I was able to do this with the dropdown box, but it is not as clean as having a row of buttons.
I utilized the "Enhancing the GridView (Inserting a New Record from the GridView’s Footer)" tutorial as an example to add a new record to the Access Database through the footer. Put a break at the RowCommand, but that never happens and the data that I put into the cells in the footer just sit there when I click the ADD link. I have included the portion of the code in CourseBuildDetail.apsx that deals with the TAB that contains the GridView, along with ObjectDataSource and the code that should be triggered when the Add link is click - CourseBuildDetail.apsx.cs. So - what am I missing - example works great.
am binding a gridview to datatable ...and now i want to add a linkbutton/hyperlink as one of the columns in gridview (similar to checkbox field) adding the Lbtn inside a template field ,but i want that column to come as last column ..but its coming as first column,,,how to acheive that??
moreover ,whn i clk on eack linkbutton a pop-up window has to come with submit and save and close buttons and functionality(is it better to use linkbutton or hyperlink??) using vs 2005
I have been searching for some time on the net for guidance on this question. Finally thought I will ask here...
I have a gridview that needs to be generated from code behind. There is a column with a name field and the remaining columns give the different user-ids linked to that id. Like this:
-- NAME, ID1, ID2, ID3......
The Name column will be populated from a table that has the Name as well as number of ID's associated with that name. eg [Name1][3]
I need to display linkbuttons that link to user-id related documents in columns 2 to n for each name.How do I dynamically add linkbutton columns from code behind?
I need to get access to the page index of the gridview so I can correctly get some data from a coresponding array to set the cell's contol properties correctly. Below is what I've got so far. The ExcelObject is a class that houses both the data read in from an sutomer submitted excel file and a matching 2 dimensional array of characteristics that I use in this case to set the CssClass property. My problem is that when I enable paging for the gridview I don't get the proper datasource row index when the data is read by the databinder.eval; what I'm getting is the current row of the gridview being generated.
 i'm using a repeater with an hyperlink and i'm displaying some data from a table x and when the link is clicked i want to add some from the displayed data in another table y..I used a datasource for selecting information , should i use another datasource for the insert command or what to do ..
i have gridview with linkbutton.when i click linkbutton it should call javascript function which returns value would be input for database functions. how do i capture javascript function retun value(i am using Registerclientscriptblock)? and that should be input for database function. Inshort i need to call two function from link button click - one javascript function,one function which will update value in database. output of javascript function will be input for database function.
function Getlogitudelantitude(address) { return "35.3434343,-74.334343" } Linkbutton_click(object sender,Eventargs e) { register javascript function .. which should return value string s = "35.34343,-74.334343" then call database function(s) - does database operation } }
Im into a situation, where, I need to embed linkbutton to gridview to display one field (TITLE) from database. It was done as I've added it in the itemtemplate. Now my situation is bit refined; I should add a text box and another linkbutton which should be disabled on page load and when ever I click that linkbutton which is displaying (TITLE) should make the textbox and another linkbutton visible by displaying corresponding values from the database in the textbox.
I am currently building a system that allows the administrator of our website to update the RSS feed by adding new items, editing current ones and deleting old ones. I have put all of the fields into a template view, because this way, they provide the functionability that I need.
Anyway, because the bodies of the RSS feed will be quite large, I want to be able to have a link in a column, which sends the admin to a page called NewsDetails.aspx?<guid>. <guid> here means the ID tag that I have named 'guid'. When I hover over the link, the correct url appears in the status bar (i.e., but when I click on the hyperlinks, they don't navigate to the page, but simply refresh the current page.
I want to create columns in gridview dynamically based on rows in a table and each gridview colum should have a checkbox. When I Click the save button, I want to save the checkbox state. How Can I do this ?
I've an item template inside a grid which has a <asp:LinkButton/> inside it. I assign the text for the link button as
<%# Convert.ToString(Eval("Tags"))%>
Tags can have a string with multiple tags in it delimited by space. For eg. "sports", "sports cricket", "sports cricket sachin" are the examples of some possible tags.
I want to create a button for each tag inside the string. How can i create the controls (server control - linkbutton) dynamically during runtime inside the grid item template?
I am requested by my manager to develop a web page called staff deployment plan that will involve two GridViews, that is the Parent GridView and Child GridView. The Parent GridView will display two columns which are EmployeeNames and WorkingDays - the working days column is a heading of Child GridView and the child gridview displays columns as current working days for example: the month of November 2014 has 20 working days excluding weekends and public holidays in South Africa, so the columns for child gridview are like this:
3 Nov, 4 Nov, 6 Nov...etc
The problem that am experiencing now:
Is to add LinkButton for each column on the Child GridView and to create command event for each linkbutton inside a child gridview (remember this child gridview is inside a parent gridview) and the link button when is click it should display a popup window.
I have to taken Template field value "EmpNo" in Gridview, When I click every employee no then its display in label How. I use RowDataBound event but RowDataBound event not read Template field.
I have a file upload control, in edit template and footer template and I want to store its path in database, but I am unable to get the path of from File upload control.
On my webpage, jobs.aspx, I have a gridview which is populated from my database. I would like it so that when a row in the gridview is clicked, the ID of the row from my database can then be passed through as a query string to a second webpage, details.aspx, where more information about what was clicked on will be displayed.
I'm confident about being able to pass the query string, I just need help with getting the corresponding row's data ID from my database and making the gridview click-able, which will be the interaction which specifies which ID to be retrieved.