Forms Data Controls :: FormView EditItemTemplate DropDownList Loaded From Codebehind Via Stored Procedure?
Sep 3, 2010
I'm attempting to load DropDownLists from the C# codebehind as the FormView switches modes to Edit and displays the EditItemTemplate. I present the data in a FormView ItemTemplate using text boxes. When the user selects Edit, I have been attempting to load the EditItemTemplate dropdownlists by creating a dataset and binding it to the control, without success.
I've successfully loaded them in previous projects from within the .aspx code using <asp:ListItem> and within the C# code behind using Control.Items.Add(new ListItem), which are essentially the same thing of course . This project is different in that I want to get the data from a stored procedure on a MSSQL server.
In my latest attempt, I can see the data in the datasets. I'm getting "Error connecting to database.'eitRace' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items.Parameter name: value"
I include the code below. If someone could point me to an example I would be greatful. There has to be an elegant way of accomplishing this.
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ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Get_OpenCostCode]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
(@UserId NVARCHAR(50)) [Code]....
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<asp:GridView ID="gvOrder" runat="server" DataSourceID="ods1" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
style="margin-top: 11px" CssClass="pnlOrdercss" ScrollBars="Both"
BorderColor="Black" BorderWidth="1px">
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My code behind:
And, here's my stored procedure
Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[123]
@MatterToCloneID varchar(15),
@ClonedMatterID int OUTPUT,
@ClientIDOUT int OUTPUT,
@ExistingClientIDOUT int OUTPUT
@ExistingClientID int,
@PendingClientID int,
@BillingAddress varchar(200),
@BillingCity varchar(200),
@BillingState varchar(100),
@BillingZipCode varchar(20),
@BillingCountry varchar(200)
SELECT @ExistingClientID = ExistingClientID, @PendingClientID = PendingClientID,
@BillingAddress = BillingAddress, @BillingCity = BillingCity, @BillingState = BillingState, @BillingZipCode = BillingZipCode, @BillingCountry = BillingCountry
FROM tNewMatters
WHERE MatterID = @MatterToCloneID
Set @ClientID = @EClientID
Set @PendingClientID = @PendingClientID
Set @BillingAddress = @BillingAddress
Set @BillingCity = @BillingCity
Set @BillingState = @BillingState
Set @BillingZipCode = @BillingZipCode
Set @BillingCountry = @BillingCountry
INSERT into tNewMatters
(MatterName, ClientID, PendingClientID, BillingAddress, BillingCity, BillingState, BillingZipCode, BillingCountry)
('Enter Client Name', @ExistingClientID, @PendingClientID, @BillingAddress, @BillingCity, @BillingState, @BillingZipCode, @BillingCountry)
Select @ClonedMatterID = scope_identity()
Select @ClientIDOUT = @ClientID
Select @ExistingClientIDOUT = @ExistingClientID
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Function padZIP(ByVal zip
Dim tmpStr
String =
If tmpStr.Length = 4
Then tmpStr =
"0" & tmpStr
Return tmpStr
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Text='<%# padZIP(container.dataitem("Zip")) %>'
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that i have here is ID-column which contains a linqdatasource taking a where parameter from a dropdownlist and they are both in the same edit-template field.
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DropDownList ddlAccountingPeriod = e.Row.FindControl("ddlAccountingPeriod") as DropDownList;
this throws a null exception as the dropdown is not present in the ItemTemplate.
Is there a way to check whether it is itemtemplate or edititemtemplate.
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how to convert the oracle Stored Procedure to sqlserver2005/2008 Stored Procedure.
right now i am enhancing the project that project already developed the oracle Stored Procedure. now our company is using sqlserver 2005/2008.
how to convert the Oracle Stored Procedure to sqlserver 2005 Stored Procedure
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Dec 9, 2010
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