Forms Data Controls :: How To Update EditItemTemplate According To Selection Of Another EditItemTemplate
Mar 24, 2011
I have a gridview and it has two EditItemTemplates. I want to update the items inside the second dropdown (EditItemTemplate) when I select an item from the first dropdownlistbox (EditItemTemplate). I want to update dropdownlist2 when I select an item from dropdownlist1. How can I do this?
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Nov 10, 2010
I have a gridview which uses an EditItemTemplate and an ItemTemplate for an 'Effect' column. The ItemTemplate simply displays the bound data using a label control. The EditItemTemplate defines a databound DropDownlist control which contains all the possible selections.
The gridview also contains a bound 'State' column which gives the State of each row. I have already been able to access this field in the gridview_RowDataBound event, so far using the value to decide whether to re-colour a row or not. What I would like to do is use this value to determine whether to use the ItemTemplate or the EditItemTemplate for each row.
Effectively I want to be able to decide whether to display just the data (For an Approved row) or display the DropDownList and allow the user to make updates (For an In Work row). I have searched for information on this issue online but have not found a lot, so I presume that my approach is not possible.
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then I add a TemplateField to this DetailsView:
when I hit the "Edit" link the textbox enabled is true and I am able to change the text, but after I hit the "Update" link nothing was happened and also the data of 'fName' is not change!
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May 8, 2010
I have a Formview which contains a radiobuttonlist control in the EditItem template. I want to access the radiobuttonlist control and change the selected item client side using javascript.I've tried various combinations of document.getElemetByID and getElementsByName etc. but with no luck.Does anyone know to get to a radiobuttonlist controls in a FormView Edititem template using javascript?
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Apr 28, 2010
I have a formview which binds to a table where one of the fields is an integer zip-code field. I want to pad the zip with a leading zero in the edit template when the zip is something like "02134". How do I edit the bound data without "breaking" the two-way binding?
I wrote simple function to add the zero and return a string:
Function padZIP(ByVal zip
Dim tmpStr
String =
If tmpStr.Length = 4
Then tmpStr =
"0" & tmpStr
Return tmpStr
and I can call it in the itemtemplate fine:
Text='<%# padZIP(container.dataitem("Zip")) %>'
but, trying to do that in the edititemtemplate breaks the binding?
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I create dynamicaly a gridview and with to also create the EditItemTemplate dynamically.
This is how I add dynamically columns to my gridview.
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Mar 21, 2011
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Mar 10, 2010
I have a gridview and it has two ItemTemplates for editing, which replace a label with a dropdownlist. The dropdownlists are databound in the RowDataBound function as shown below. It works just fine except for rows which are in the Alternate rows (as defined by the auto format selection.) In essence, the ItemTemplate is replaced by the EditItemTemplate properly bound; but the AlternatingItemTemplate is replaced by empty dropdownlists. Is this a known feature? Is there a workaround?
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Jun 15, 2010
I am handling the row databound event. I need to bind a dropdownlist which is present only in the EditItemTemplate.
So it is throwing:
DropDownList ddlAccountingPeriod = e.Row.FindControl("ddlAccountingPeriod") as DropDownList;
this throws a null exception as the dropdown is not present in the ItemTemplate.
Is there a way to check whether it is itemtemplate or edititemtemplate.
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her want to search textbox in edititemtemplate
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Mar 28, 2011
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Apr 10, 2010
When i Updating my gridview and i modify the value of dropdown the update is all ok, but if i not modify the dropdown and leave the selected value after the update i see another value, the first of listitem of my dropdown.
This is my code:
Sub GrdUpdate(ByVal sendere As Object, ByVal e As GridViewUpdateEventArgs)
Dim ID_ricette, NomeRicetta As String
Dim NomePortata As DropDownList
Dim NomePortataSel As String
If Not e.NewValues(0) Is Nothing Then
ID_ricette = e.NewValues(0).ToString
NomeRicetta = e.NewValues(1).ToString..........
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Jan 27, 2010
How to write code in to control the Dropdown which is inside FormView EditItemTemplate. FormView named "frmFaultsReg" DetailsView named "lstStatus" Actually what i want to do that there is a textbox inside FormView EditItemTemplate and ItemTemplate to insert Closing date. lstStatus has a value PENDING and CLOSED. If a user select CLOSED from lstStatus then the date textbox named "ClrDateTimeTextBox" should show current date time and to insert into database and if user again selects PENDING from lstStatus then the date textbox should show empty. I think the postback of lstStatus should work but lstStatus is inside the FormView thats why I am unable to hook it.
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Aug 16, 2010
Using Visual Web Developer Express 2010 with ASP.NET 4.0.
I have a FormView and I want to set a default value from the database. I can't get it to bind to the value in the database. My FormView looks like this:
The EditItemTemplate does not even load when I click the edit button on my FormView control, but I don't get an error message either.
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Mar 11, 2010
I have an ObjectDataSource with a number of parameters. These parameters are binded in my FormView EditItemTemplate and the ItemTemplate. My Stored Procedure column names in my ItemTemplate are different to the Bind properties used in the EditItemTemplate. This is obviously throwing an exception when I update a record.
Instead of using Bind("Columne Name") in my EditItemTemplate how do I use a ControlParameter to reference a TextBox in the EditItemTemplate?
I may be wrong but I'm trying to use the PropertyName=Controls but i do not know how to reference the Textbox in the EditItemTemplate.
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Mar 2, 2011
I have two embedded dropdown lists in Gridview control. One gives you business channel options and the other represents products depending on the business channel selected.I am trying to use different data sources for product dropdown list depeding on what the user selected from the business channel drop down list. How could I do this. Here is my current code:
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Feb 24, 2011
I have DataList control and I want to assign to it's edititemtemplate some User Control. The problem is I can't find when I should databound UserControl to data, as my UserControl doesn't have static look (it renders different depending on some property values and datasource).
I was try to simply set my user control in edititemtemplate
<uc:MyUserControl id="myUserControl1" runat="server" />
and then bind it to data in ItemDataBound event handler, but it remains empty
if(e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.EditItem)
var p = (Pair)DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(e.Item.DataItem, "Key");
((AnnouncementUserControl) e.Item.FindControl("userControl1")).RepeaterDataSource =
_templateWorker.ReturnTemplateByAnnouncementId(Convert.ToInt32(p.First), true);
how can I databound my control, or another approach which will make me avoid this problem?
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Feb 26, 2010
I have a gridview and I do Add, Modify and Delete operations. I am comfortable adding and modifying any text or date value. Now, I have a dropdown list to be displayed. I need to add and modify. The contents in the dropdownlist is fixed. Below is the code. I know there is a problem in my
HeaderText="Leave Type">
What is that I need to have code for EditItemTemplate
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Sep 30, 2012
web in code+sql database
i hvae a database named anil and TABLE NAMED COURSE_IN fields are (gridview with regnumber,name,dtjoin, qual, OY, OTY,VDA) and another table course with (OY, OTY,VDA) fiedls. my grid view displays adata from databse with edit facility.
one dropdownlist out side grid selected value is displayed in gridview
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DataTextField="ENTRY_COURSE"
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowSorting="True"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" CellPadding="4" DataMember="DefaultView"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource2" ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="None"
style="font-family: Arial; font-size: small">
<FooterStyle BackColor="#990000" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
<RowStyle BackColor="#FFFBD6" ForeColor="#333333" />
[Code] ....
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