Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Paging Not Going To Next Page?

Jan 4, 2011

I have a Gridview all setup and even though I have the paging working it takes select the page twice in order to switch the page. Basically my code is as follows:


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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: GridView Paging - Paging Links Not Use JavaScript?

Nov 18, 2010

Is there a way to use the GridView paging and having the links not use JavaScript. So that when you click on the page number 5 (for example) that link is a hyperlink.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Last Page Number In Gridview Paging?

Dec 30, 2010

I want to display the paging format like 1 2 3 4 5 ....... 20 in gridview pagnation

here total number of pages count is 20.

if user clicks on the 20,then the page no 20 will be display..

and the user cilcks on .....,the next five pages has to display with last page number like 6 7 8 9 10 ....... 20

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Paging On Change Page Number?

Jan 12, 2011

So my problem is as followes:

i have a gridview in another gridview (gv2 inside gv1).

in codebehind, at pageload i have: [Code]....

witch gives me a number of total records in the gv2 to a label. something like a coment number label.

my problem occures when i press the page button (allowpaging = true) on the first gridview. it acts kinda like this:

it makes the second gridview.visible = true; doest string the number of rows, and the label.text = "";

i've tried to make a code like this:

if (Ispostback)
foreach ...etc..
foreach ....etc...

Also the gridview 1 and 2 the datasource is an SqlDataSource.

but that didnt work . also tried some things in pageindexchanged and pageindexchanging but still no efect :(. and also tried with enableviewstate = false / true on both gridviews with diferent combinations, but still no luck.

the code works only when i have allowpaging = false, or when im on the first page of the gridview (for the first time) is that the number of coments is pasted into the label.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Maintain Gridview Page (paging) While Webpage Get Redirect

Feb 10, 2011

I have a two webpages,in my first webpage i have gridview with 8 pages(paging) and four coloumns.In fourth coloumn i have a link button to redirect tosecond webpage ,now i am in gridview 4 th page(paging) then i clicked the link button and move to second
second webpage.

second webpage contain one button that will redirect to first webpage.if i come from second webpage to first webpage the gridview paging get reset.but i want to be on gridview 4th page(paging).

View 10 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: GridView Paging / Highlight The Actual Number Of Page?

Jan 3, 2010

is there any way how to highlight the actual number of page where I am ? .... somethink like this: < 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 >

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Paging On Gridview But When Click On A Page It Doesn't Work?

Feb 26, 2010

I'm trying to set paging on my gridview but when i click on a page it doesn't work. It return a blank page. Here's my code:


Behind code:


View 9 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Code For Persisting Checked Rows In Gridview And Showing On Next Page During Paging?

Mar 2, 2011

I want to create a gridview with checkboxes. (only

1) persist checkbox rows in paging in not c#

2) add the checked rows to datatable datasource and show on next page in paging

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Data Controls :: Gridview Paging Is Taking Some Time (15-20 Seconds) To Go To Next Page

May 7, 2015

I had implemented the Ajax timer control to update Gridview data(along with Progress bar inside Gridview) after some interval of time.Below is the full code:


<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server">
<%--style & Script for progress bar in Gridview --%>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<link href="css/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" />

[Code] ....


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!this.IsPostBack) {
} }
protected void BindGrid() {
string query = "SELECT * FROM Table";

[Code] ....

It is working fine except that the Gridview paging is taking some time(15-20 seconds) to go to next page.

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Data Controls :: Loop Through All GridView Rows And Not Only Current Page When Paging Enabled

Oct 9, 2013

I currently have a GridView control on my aspx page with paging enabled and I need to loop through the entire row collection/count to process the selected records. With my current code, it will only loop through the current page of GridView row.

foreach (GridViewRow data in grid.Rows)
//here is my code

View 1 Replies

Data Controls :: GridView Printing With Paging And Page Break With Hiding Column?

Feb 25, 2016


using above code i am able to print gridview directly without hidden fields.after added to hiddenfields to gridview , hiddenfield values are visible for printing.after i am using gridview.colums[i].visible=false column not visible while printingproblem is after print the gridview not visible whatever my columns set visible false.Example:at printing time i am set checkbox visible false, after printing i want reload same page with checkbox but check box not visible after printing gridview

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Forms Data Controls :: Paging Parent Gridview Until Nested Gridview Selection Is Made?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a parent gridview5 with child gridview 6, today i deployed it to our dev server and on that server we have alot more records, so for the nested gridviews i need to enable paging on the parent gridview5. Doing so works fine, until i make a selection within the child gridview6, once any selection is made, and i try to page the page throws an error, i have the following bound to the parent gridview5.



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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Sorting, Paging And DataBinding / When Control Causes A Postback GridView Is No Longer Sorted?

Jan 10, 2011

I'm trying to extend the GridView control to enable sorting and paging for any situation.

When using my control I am fetching data from a database and filling a DataSet with it, then binding the GridView upon every page load. My first question would be, is this the correct approach?

To sort the GridView I am overriding the OnSorting method which stores the sort expression and direction in the ViewState, then creates a DataView and utalises the Sort method to sort the underlying data. It then sets the Data Source to this DataView and rebinds the GridView.

Paging is handled by OnPageIndexChanging which simply sets the PageIndex property and again rebinds the GridView.

My problem is; when any control causes a postback my GridView is no longer sorted, presumably because it is persistently rebound. If I don't rebind it then the GridView is empty on postback since the data isn't automatically stored in the ViewState. I have considered saving the data source in the ViewState but I would assume that this is bad practice for large amounts of data? - also DataViews are not seralisable.

The only solution I can think of currently is to override OnDataBound and sort the data every time. This results in a double sort when paging triggers a postback which seems inefficient. Code illustration of this below,


I'm looking for the cleanest 'best practice' solution as this is a learning exercise more than anything else.

View 12 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Add Paging To GridView

Jun 23, 2010

GridView: Applying style to certain columns. I add GridView1_RowDataBound() and have the following line:At that time, my GridView did not need to use Paging. Now after I add Paging to my GridView (AllowPaging="true" and I have AutoGenerateColumns="false"), there is an exception for my

GridView1_RowDataBound() as:
ArgumentOutOfRangeException was unhandled by user code
Specified argument was out of range of valid values.
Parameter name:in

How to add Paging to my GridView while I need to have word-break to some of my text columns....

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Use Paging In Gridview

Aug 24, 2010

how to use pageing in gridview.

i have a grid there we set pageing =ture but when i click index 2 nothing diaplay my code is

void ImageButton1_Click(object sender,
ImageClickEventArgs e)string date =
"select srl_no,pmw_timestamp from t_tube_auto_inter where to_char(to_date( PMW_MALFUNCTION_START_DATE,'dd-mm-yyyy'),'yyyymmdd') between to_char(to_date( '" + TextBox1.Text.ToString()
+ "','dd-mm-yyyy'),'yyyymmdd') and to_char(to_date( '" + TextBox2.Text.ToString() +
"','dd-mm-yyyy'),'yyyymmdd')";//ORDER BY PMW_MALFUNCTION_START_DATE " + TextBox1.Text.ToString();
//between '" + TextBox1.Text.ToString() + "' and '" + TextBox2.Text.ToString() + "'";
dt =
GridView1.DataSource = dt;
GridView1.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
DataTable dt =
DataTable();DataAccessLayer.FillData(date, contest);if(dt.Rows.Count>0)protected
void GridView1_PageIndexChanging(object sender,
GridViewPageEventArgs e)//GridView1.DataBind();

View 1 Replies

GridView Paging Not Displaying Data After Switching Page

Nov 15, 2010

I'm having a bit of trouble with Paging within a GridView grid I have set up. I have added the paging but whenever I click on the next page or the last page buttons, the page refreshes and displays blank (i.e. no gridview but my regular search parameters are displayed.

I was trying to search for a solution throughout the web and came across someone that looked to have the same issue. He moved all of his queries into the Page Load method, and the paging seemed to work. I cannot do this because I have 2 different buttons: Search and My Order, both of which perform different queries based on if a date has been selected or what the search is on (Order Number, License Number, Description, Status, etc).

My paging method looks as follows:


From what I can tell this is an issue with no longer having the data set when making the paging call. Is there anythign that I can do?

View 18 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Only Certain Rows From The GridView While Paging

Jan 13, 2011

I have a GridView with edit/delete column, label column and DropDownList column. I have a textbox outside the GridView and I want to choose only those rows from the GridView which have for the second column the same value as the value of the textbox while paging.

I wrote code, but I got 0 rows as a result, which is not true.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Paging Not Working...

Mar 27, 2011

i have problem with gridview, gridview paging not working.. i feel so confused about it. coz i think i already using the right code.

this is my code :





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Forms Data Controls :: Paging Not Working For Gridview

Jan 28, 2011

I have 3 gridview in my homepage..each one dealing with many rows.

I'm allowing paging in all 3 but its now working

Here's one of the codes:


View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Paging And Caching?

May 11, 2010

Background of what I have implmented so far:

I've used datagrid view to show a list on records on page, the list contains huge number of records so paging was required. Since the amount of data was huge it was not advisable to bind the grid with complete data. So, I used custom paging and tweaked the sql statements to get page wise data. Now whenever user clicks next or previous data for current page is fetched from the database and gridview is binded with that much data only.

Now I had to add a checkbox column to the grid so that user can select multiple items on multiple pages and perform an operation (for example send email to selected people in the list). I achieved this by making a template column with checkbox control and keeping a boolean column in the datatable which is binded to the gridview. I've also kept a collection selected checboxes so that the state is maintained on every postback.

I've also used ajax so that user cannot see postback happeneing. Everything works just perfect.Here comes the problem:

Now say I have 5 pages of data to be displayed. I select 3 people from first page and move to next page, this will cause fresh databinding and previous data will be lost.Now I go on and select 3 more people from page 2Finally press the send mail button What is expected here is that the mail should be sent to 6 people but details of only 3 people are available because grid is rebinded.

What is the best way to cach data of selected rows in this case. The number of columns is around 20 out of which I show only 10 columns on screen and others are kept hidden. The values of hidden columns are used while sending the emails.

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Forms Data Controls :: To Get Paging Buttons Into Gridview ?

Dec 27, 2010

We have a page the we have to write where users are shown 'pages' of data from our database they then select the row they want and we take them into another part of the application where they can work with the data.

When we use the built in paging (in the gridview) it is just too slow, as there is too much data.

We have written paging into our stored procedure that gets the data to work around this. The stored procedure works just fine and it is quite fast.

How can I get 'paging' buttons into my gridview when I am not using the built in gridview paging?I can keep it simple if I have to (next and previous only) but it would be better to have a 'first', 'previous', 'next', 'last' type buttons.

I cannot seem to figure out how to get these buttons into the gridview however.

some sample code (preferably vb) that would show this? (or something similar)

Built in paging is not an option.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Custom Paging?

Jan 26, 2011

As a part of requirement, I need to bind a table data to the Gridview, but the data content in the table is too large. I need not want to bring in all the data into the dataset, rather I need to bring only the rows that are needed to be displayed(Eg, if the page size is 10, i need only 10 records to be filled in dataset

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Forms Data Controls :: Paging In A GridView WebUserControl?

Jan 24, 2011

i am create GridView in WebUserControl and and set the AllowPaging="True"din my page is running but the number of page GridView when chose nuber page 1 or 2 or 3the link java

why 'ctl00$MainContent$
the correct sentences
Server Error in '/' Application.

The GridView 'GridView1' fired event PageIndexChanging which wasn't handled.Description:An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.Exception Details:System.Web.HttpException: The GridView 'GridView1' fired event PageIndexChanging which wasn't handled.Source Error:


Stack Trace:


View 7 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Customized Paging For Gridview?

Sep 1, 2010

am using vs 2005 and sqlserver my database table (name : users) there are more than 10 lac records.i have to display the user details in a grid.if i wrote the sql query as " select * from users" then it is throwing the "System.OutOfMemoryException"So i wrote the query using rownumber (i mean first it will get inly specified no of records ex:25 )so it is displaying only that 25 recordshow to give paging in this situation...?y requirement is in the grid i want to get and display first 25 records with the paging asirst Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next Last

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Forms Data Controls :: Custom Paging With Gridview?

Feb 27, 2010

I want a custom pager something like that;

Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... Next

It needs to hold ten page number and current page index is needed to be highlighted. So how could I do that?

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