Data Controls :: GridView Printing With Paging And Page Break With Hiding Column?

Feb 25, 2016


using above code i am able to print gridview directly without hidden fields.after added to hiddenfields to gridview , hiddenfield values are visible for printing.after i am using gridview.colums[i].visible=false column not visible while printingproblem is after print the gridview not visible whatever my columns set visible false.Example:at printing time i am set checkbox visible false, after printing i want reload same page with checkbox but check box not visible after printing gridview

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Forms Data Controls :: DataGrid Page Break On Printing?

Aug 19, 2010

I have this problem with DataGrid printing.

I have a page which contains somo labels and a DataGrid.

When i try to print the page, only 1st page contains the verticle and horizontal lines of the grid. The rest of the pages do not contain any lines.

Second thing, between pages while printing there are some word break of a line. I dont want this line break.

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Web Forms :: How To Add Page Break To Gridview Printing

Feb 15, 2012

How add Page break to Gridview Printing 

My gridview  size is 10 pages 

And I want to  print gridview with page break so that my page will get displayed without any row breaking on two pages.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Rows With Multi Lines Break In Half At Page Break?

Mar 15, 2011

One of my apps is to document aircraft inspection at mil sites. The discrepancy report for any one tail number can be many pages long. The description of the discrepancy in a gridview cell can be several lines. Therefore when the gridview hits the bottom of the physical page, the print spooler frequently splits the gridview row leaving part on one page and the rest at the top of the following page. I have done my due-diligence in research before posting but maybe I'm using the wrong words. I found something on CodeProject but it is too complicated for me. Does anyone have a simple solution? I use C# and am not very sharp with Java script.

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Printing Content Of A Page While Hiding Some Controls

Oct 15, 2011

On my page, I have some dropdowns along with labels above the dropdowns containing the currently selected items.I also have a grid bellow the dropdowns reflecting the resulting data corresponding to the selected dropdown values.

I need to allow the user to print the grid as well as the label controls while excluding the dropdowns from my resulting printed page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Hiding A Column In A GridView?

Sep 23, 2010

I am having some trouble hiding a column in my GridView. For some reason when I do the following:


It hides the column correctly but also leaves an empty gray column at the end of my grid which is about 5px. Ideally I don't want to remove the column but hide it, but if I do remove it is it possible to remove the binded that column represents?

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Forms Data Controls :: Hiding First 2 Columns Of A Gridview But Keep Column Location The Same?

Oct 25, 2010

using 2005

I have a gridview with columns (pseudo-code):


what I would like to do is to only show the AuthorFirstName and AuthorLastName columns for the first row of each author. I am easily doing this with:


However the issue that I'm seeing now is the formatting what happens is that after the first row that the Author names are hidden but then the BookTitle and YearPublished become the new cell(0) and cell(1) respectively which means that book and year are displaying underneath the author names columns. so my goal is to do 2 things:

1 have BookTitle and YearPublished render under the correct headers and

2. For the second row and after I would like the cell to appear the same as the background, I dont want the user to be seeing what looks like an empty cell or textbox there.

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Forms Data Controls :: Hiding A Column In Gridview - Index Out Of Range?

Jul 27, 2010

I have been trying to hide a column but make use of the value in another function but the function i am trying to hide it give me and error at the embolded line. System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

Public Sub FetchDetails()
Dim valtable As DataTable = New DataTable()
valtable.Columns.Add("WATCH PERIOD")
valtable.Columns.Add("DAY ENTRY")
Dim seltext As String = "SELECT [Watchlistname], [Watchlisturl], [Watchlistdate],[listid] FROM [Watchlist]"
Dim madap As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(seltext, Connection())
Dim mdset As DataSet = New DataSet()
Dim i As Integer = 0, pager As Integer = 0
madap.Fill(mdset, "WATCHLIST")
Session("tab") = mdset.Tables("WATCHLIST")
For Each arow As DataRow In Session("tab").Rows
Dim valrow As DataRow = valtable.NewRow()
valrow("LINK") = arow("Watchlisturl")
valrow("WATCH PERIOD") = arow("Watchlistname")
valrow("DAY ENTRY") = arow("Watchlistdate")
valrow("listid") = arow("listid")
'Dim str As String = ChrW(8358)
gridWatchlist.DataSource = valtable
gridWatchlist.HeaderRow.Cells(1).Visible = False
gridWatchlist.HeaderRow.Cells(2).Text = "WATCH PERIOD"
gridWatchlist.HeaderRow.Cells(3).Text = "DAY ENTRY"
gridWatchlist.Columns(4).Visible = False
End Sub

View 7 Replies

Force Page Break In HTML When Opening And Printing Multiple Records?

Jan 20, 2011

So I have a repeater control that lists a bunch of information for each staff after another. Problem is when I try to print this list I have staff records starting out in the middle of the page. I would like to solve this issue by forcing a page break at the beginning or end of each record/repeater item. How can I accomplish this?

<bunch of html>
</bunch of html>

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Column Width Changes On Paging?

Feb 11, 2011

Gridview columns are created programmatically and when displaying the gridview first time it looks great. But click on a number to go to another page in gridview the column size changes and looks terrible, but correct data is displayed.How do I fix the formatting problem?

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Printing The Gridview In Page?

Aug 10, 2010

i am printing girdview on clicking on button


Public Shared Sub PrintWebControl(ByVal ctrl As Control, ByVal Script As String)
'dim StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
Dim stringWrite As IO.StringWriter = New IO.StringWriter(sb)
Dim htmlWrite As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter = New System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(stringWrite)
If TypeOf ctrl Is WebControl Then
Dim w As Unit = New Unit(100, UnitType.Percentage)
CType(ctrl, WebControl).Width = w
End If
Dim pg As Page = New Page()
pg.EnableEventValidation = False
pg.EnableViewState = False
pg.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = False
If Script <> String.Empty Then
pg.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(pg.GetType(), "PrintJavaScript", Script)
End If
Dim frm As HtmlForm = New HtmlForm()
frm.Attributes.Add("runat", "server")
Dim strHTML As String = stringWrite.ToString()
End Sub

I get the error at line: pg.RenderControl(htmlWrite);

I tried setting the Enable Event Validation to false on the page but that didnt work..

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VS 2008 - Bind Data To Gridview / Hiding And Unhiding A Column

Mar 1, 2012

Right now when I bind data to my gridview, I have a column MemberNo that I use in the RowDataBound in another column for creating a link. Anyways, in the DataBound event i hide the MemberNo column. But I also have a routine where I need to loop through the rows and use the MemberNo. Can I unhide the column MemberNo to use for this routine and then hide it again? I assume I cannot use the data if it is hidden right?

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Data Controls :: Printing Gridview Header In Each Printed Page

Dec 3, 2012

How to print the GridView headings in each page, in case the gridview returns about 100 records and we wish to print all of those, with page heading in each page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Hiding Gridview Results In Page Source?

Apr 28, 2010

Working on a site where a user does a search, it takes the input from the user and then runs an SQL command to return the data in a gridview for the user to see. I also have a button where the user can see all the results from the DB (this will be taken out later but for now the DB is pretty small) This is all working fine, but the problem I am having is that when you look at the page source the gridview populates everything in tables on the page. This makes it really easy to just copy and paste and get everything from my database. How can I go about displaying the information to the user in a gridview, but hiding the table information in the html page source?

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Forms Data Controls :: Paging On A Different Column Than The Sorting Column

Sep 26, 2010

Situation: SQL database, Linq to SQL class a ASP.NET page with a LinqDataSource and a gridview. The table has a ID field, a date field and a Serialnr field. In my Grid I like to Page on the datefield but to sort on the serialnr field ( or a selectable other field). Is that possible? Standard the paging is always done on the sort field and when you select a different sort field the page jumps back to the first page., and paging is then done over that sorted column.

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Forms Data Controls :: Hiding A Column In Datagrid?

Jun 24, 2010

I had a datagrid and I was hiding columns. This was working fine to show just the columns I wanted.


And then I realised I wasn't paging the data so I ticked that on then above code no longer worked. The Count was equalling 1 with the paging ticked on. Why would that be?

I also used the classic formatting and when I sort the columns the classic formatting goes funny, how can reapply the sorting to make it look classic?

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Forms Data Controls :: Hiding Temple Column In Grid View If Empty?

Dec 15, 2010

I have a grid view which is made up of bounded and template columns. I have a check box which i select to show all/ show non empty columns.

My issue is hidding the template columns. I have the following code:


My issue is with the piece of code


How do I find the ID of the label in grid view column for the template column?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Paging Not Going To Next Page?

Jan 4, 2011

I have a Gridview all setup and even though I have the paging working it takes select the page twice in order to switch the page. Basically my code is as follows:


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Php - Hide All Buttons In IE6 Without Hiding All Inputs In A Printing Stylesheet?

Apr 21, 2010

Whats the easiest method of hiding all buttons but not all inputs (say drop down lists, text input boxes) in CSS that works with IE6. The purpose of this CSS file is for printing (using the media="Print" tag in the HTML).

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Paging - Paging Links Not Use JavaScript?

Nov 18, 2010

Is there a way to use the GridView paging and having the links not use JavaScript. So that when you click on the page number 5 (for example) that link is a hyperlink.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Last Page Number In Gridview Paging?

Dec 30, 2010

I want to display the paging format like 1 2 3 4 5 ....... 20 in gridview pagnation

here total number of pages count is 20.

if user clicks on the 20,then the page no 20 will be display..

and the user cilcks on .....,the next five pages has to display with last page number like 6 7 8 9 10 ....... 20

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Paging On Change Page Number?

Jan 12, 2011

So my problem is as followes:

i have a gridview in another gridview (gv2 inside gv1).

in codebehind, at pageload i have: [Code]....

witch gives me a number of total records in the gv2 to a label. something like a coment number label.

my problem occures when i press the page button (allowpaging = true) on the first gridview. it acts kinda like this:

it makes the second gridview.visible = true; doest string the number of rows, and the label.text = "";

i've tried to make a code like this:

if (Ispostback)
foreach ...etc..
foreach ....etc...

Also the gridview 1 and 2 the datasource is an SqlDataSource.

but that didnt work . also tried some things in pageindexchanged and pageindexchanging but still no efect :(. and also tried with enableviewstate = false / true on both gridviews with diferent combinations, but still no luck.

the code works only when i have allowpaging = false, or when im on the first page of the gridview (for the first time) is that the number of coments is pasted into the label.

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Data Controls :: Gridview Paging Is Taking Some Time (15-20 Seconds) To Go To Next Page

May 7, 2015

I had implemented the Ajax timer control to update Gridview data(along with Progress bar inside Gridview) after some interval of time.Below is the full code:


<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server">
<%--style & Script for progress bar in Gridview --%>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<link href="css/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" />

[Code] ....


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!this.IsPostBack) {
} }
protected void BindGrid() {
string query = "SELECT * FROM Table";

[Code] ....

It is working fine except that the Gridview paging is taking some time(15-20 seconds) to go to next page.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Maintain Gridview Page (paging) While Webpage Get Redirect

Feb 10, 2011

I have a two webpages,in my first webpage i have gridview with 8 pages(paging) and four coloumns.In fourth coloumn i have a link button to redirect tosecond webpage ,now i am in gridview 4 th page(paging) then i clicked the link button and move to second
second webpage.

second webpage contain one button that will redirect to first webpage.if i come from second webpage to first webpage the gridview paging get reset.but i want to be on gridview 4th page(paging).

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Paging / Highlight The Actual Number Of Page?

Jan 3, 2010

is there any way how to highlight the actual number of page where I am ? .... somethink like this: < 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 >

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