Forms Data Controls :: Populate Radiobuttonlist From Database?

Mar 22, 2011

New to asp. I'm trying to figure out how to populate a radiobuttonlist with selections from a table in a database. I honestly have absolutely no idea how to do. There will be different products in the database that need to be pulled to different radiobutton lists.

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Populate RadioButtonList With Values From Database

Oct 30, 2010

I have a gridview with a RadioButtonList I need to populate. It is as such"


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Web Forms :: Populate RadiobuttonList From Database?

Sep 22, 2010

I am using:


This solution doesn't work though. It doesn't leave the option of choosing anything from the list. Plus I would like it if it were a Radiobutton instead of a Dropdown. The field in the database is varchar(50).

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Forms Data Controls :: Radiobuttonlist Inside Datalist Itemtemplate/bind The Radiobuttonlist Dynamically From Database

Feb 2, 2011

I have a radiobuttonlist inside a datalist itemtemplate and i need to bind the radiobuttonlist dynamically from database I have tried to bind it inside itemdatabound event of datalist but it the result is always duplicated according to the fields in teh database.

for more information:

the database has two columns one for questions and the other is for choices , for the first question with id lets say 1 there are 4 choices, when the radiobutton is binded the result appears to be 4 times duplicated ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting Selection In RadioButtonList According To Data From Database

Dec 23, 2010

I try to set the selection in the radiobuttonlist accordingly to data retrieved from the database.

This is not working (the mydata.gender contains "Mail")

mygender = myfatality.gender

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdown Won't Populate Values From Sql Database

Oct 6, 2010

Ive been strugglng with this one problem for a while now. I have an application as: SelectCommand="SELECT [CategoryID], [Name], [UserId] FROM [Categories] WHERE ([UserId] = @UserId) ORDER BY [Name]">
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="CategoryID" QueryStringField="ID" />
</SelectParameters> [code]....

the dropdown list control will populate values from the database but when i live those 2, it won't populate any value from the database. When i remove only the
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="CategoryID" QueryStringField="ID" />
and live ([UserId] = @UserId), i get the error : Must declare the scalar variable "@UserId".

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate Radiobuttton List From The Database?

Jan 17, 2011

I have 5 radiobutton list in the form . i want to populate from it from the database.I have one table which has 5 Coloumn ( productname,group,id ,value,decscription) .Accrodindg to grouto i want to popluate all radiobutton list which display the product name.after populate all radiobutton list user select whatever list items i want to save using session in to new table.and which r the columns i make it for new table so i can save it user selction in databse..

my table veiw is like this

productname group id value decription

abcd g1 1 1 XXXX
bcdef g1 2 2 XXXXX
efgh g1 3 3 XXXXX
ghi g2 4 1 XXXX
dgjks g2 5 2 XXXX
ghidsg g3 6 1 XXXX
ghi g3 7 2 XXXX
fsdfghi g4 8 1 XXXX

so on upto g5 ..... my first raiobutton just populate group= g1 productname only for second raidobutton list just populate group=g2 productname only soon.

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieving Data From Database To Populate CheckBoxList - C#

Feb 24, 2011

I am somewhat new at C# so forgive me if I have something listed wrong. This is what I got:

I am working on a school project designing a car dealership website. I have an inventory list that allows you to edit any car in the inventory. When you click on the edit button it takes you to the edit page and populates the controls with selections from the database. I have an options table that stores the VehicleID and Option ID. When the page loads it fills all the DropDownLists for the vehicle info with the data and selects the correct item according to the database selection but the CheckBoxList does not select the items that are on the Options table. I checked the query in SSMS and it returns the correct data. I have stepped through the method and it works till the "(currentCheckBox != null) if statement. It doesn't throw any errors but it also doesn't select items when the page renders.

I thought it might have been something with the page life cycle since databound controls don't render until the end but the DropDown's I have fill and selects the correct item according to the database.

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate GridView With Data From Database And Other Options?

Jan 20, 2011

I need to create a gridview to show in each row, some columns from the SQL Database, and in other columns I want to have text fields, buttons and DropDownLists!

This GridView is to display the users of the web application.

First columns are name, email, and other stuff that can be easly queried to the SQL database.

Then, I need to have a column with one text field, and some buttons, in the text field the AdminUser should be able to insert some text and then click in a button to change the email/pass from the user represented in that line.

The other field I need, is a DropDownList that shows by default the Role of the user of the row, but we can choose another role and apply it, with a button in the same cell!

If I create a code-Behind query and populate the GridView, I don't know how to insert textbox's, button's, DropDownList's

If I create the GridView with the wizard, I can had TemplateFields, but I don't know how to associate the query with the BoundFiels where should be the name/email of the users.

Other problem, is that, even If I get to construct my GridView with sucess, How can I reference the row? So I can apply the changes?

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Data Controls :: Display RadioButtonList In GridView With Data Populated From Database

Mar 10, 2013

How to generate Radio button list based on data fetched from server in front of gridview,i am facing problem in generating a particular no. of Radio Buttion list as per the data fetched.

Suppose if i fethed 20 records then 20 radio button lists should be generated.

and the values like a or b or c should be submitted in the tables.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Manually Populate A Listview Control Without A Database Connection

Oct 10, 2010

I'm currently developing an application w/ VB as the code behind. I have a page that shows all the user name currently assigned to the system. The problem now is that the page does not communicate directly to the database. Instead, I use HTTPrequest to get all the user names from a different sever. Now I want to populate the listview control w/ the response that I got (and not directly from the database).

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Use Dropdownlist Selection To Populate Textbox With Database Field

Feb 15, 2011

I would like the user to select an item from a drop down list. Next to the drop down is a textbox or label control. From the ddl selection I would like to populate the textbox or label from a database with a corresponding field from the database the dropdownlist was populated from. On selectindexchange event I can populate the textbox with the Unique id from the value, but I need to input a different field into the textbox. Can I use some sort of variable to assign the Textbox.Text = ?

View 6 Replies

Data Controls :: Select RadioButtonList Item By Matching Its Text Part From Database

May 25, 2013

I use below code for binding CheckBox  from database

if (_dr["Radiator"] != null && _dr["Radiator"].ToString() != "") {
RDBSH.Checked = true;

I want bind RadioButtonList from database like above how I can do it?

<asp:RadioButtonList ID="RBL1" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal">
<asp:ListItem Text="North" Value="North"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="South" Value="South"></asp:ListItem>

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Populate A Radiobuttonlist In Code Behind?

Oct 7, 2010

I am populating a radiobuttonlist in codebehind:



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Data Controls :: Populate CheckBox In GridView From Database?

May 7, 2015

Using Checkbox I m inserting gridview data into database. But I couldn't fill checkbox checked from database.

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Data Controls :: Populate IList Object From Database In C#

May 4, 2012

how  to populate a ilist object with data frm a sql table in code behind

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Data Controls :: Populate Pie Chart From Database JSON Data Using JQuery AJAX?

Jan 21, 2014

I need to display the data as pie chart,bar charts(2D,3D) here data is JSON data. any nice articles using jquery or java script free plugins ?

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Data Controls :: Populate (Bind) Data From Database In DetailsView Control?

May 7, 2015

product id,product name,price resp as label and textbox.

actually product details fetching from database based on product id .

my requirement is based on product id how to fetch data and fiill the details in textboxes . fetching one product at a time.

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Web Forms :: Populate DDL Using Data From Database?

Feb 19, 2011

I have a simple ASP.NET assignment to complete. We are supposed to create a simple database with one table. That table should contain records that contain a question and 3 possible choices. We need to populate a DDL with the 3 possible choices. But, as far as I can tell, you can only populate a DDL with a FIELD of values, not select values from one row.

Is it possible to get select values from a row of data in a databse using an AccessDataSource and populate a DDL with them?

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Data Controls :: Populate TreeView With One Parent And One Child Node Pair From Database

Sep 20, 2015

How to populate or bind TreeView from one table use SQLSERVER database in ASP.NET & C# table include


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Data Controls :: Populate Menu And SubMenu Dynamically From Database Using Repeater Control

May 18, 2013

I am using Asp.Net web-application. How exactly to create UL menu with ListView control such as :

<ul> <li> <a href="#">Item #1</a> <ul> <li> <a href="#">SubItem #1</a> </li> </ul> </li></ul>
MenuId SubMenuId MenuName MenuUrl

1 0 Home Home.aspx
2 0 Administration Administration.aspx
3 2 Add User AddUser.aspx
4 2 Add Organizaion Add Organizaion.aspx
5 2 Add Program AddProgram.aspx
6 2 Add Activity AddActivity.aspx
7 0 Search Search.aspx
8 0 Utilities Utilities.aspx
9 0 ContactUs Contact.aspx

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Data Controls :: Bind (Populate) Multiple TextBoxes From Database On DropDownList Change

May 7, 2015

I have a one combobox and 3 textboxes and one sql datasource.

When I select the name in the textbox I want to show the values in the relevant textboxes. For instance, in the combobox when i select the Name of the employee the relevant information about this employee is shown in the 3 textboxes, i.e. age, cell #, extension.

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Web Forms :: Populate Controls From Database?

Jan 13, 2011

Im new to I have mostly used asp classic in the past. I was wondering if there is a way to populate textbox and dropdown list controls from a database without having to use one of the data controls that ship with

Im using MSSQL Server 2005 and VB.

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Data Controls :: Bind And Populate Multiple Select (MultiSelect) DropDownList With CheckBoxes From Database Using JQuery

May 7, 2015

I am refering below url:


how to select items in dropdownlist if i bind it from database.

Once i select some items and save in database , after that i want items selected when page reloads that items bind in dropdown.

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Save Radiobuttonlist Data Into Database When They Are In Disable Position?

Sep 14, 2010

iam using 2 radio buttonlist controls in web application

they are


Initially SECOND radio button list is in disable position.

when i was click on yes of FIRST radio button list, then SECOND radio button list is enables otherwise it is in disable mode only.

here my problem is when i am inserting data into the database the disable radio button list gives error as

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

code written for inserting is

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=STS2SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=STS;Integrated Security=True");
string sql;
sql = "insert into Table1(";


i want NULL value if i am not select SECOND radio button list

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