Forms Data Controls :: How To Refer To A Control (label) Which Is On A Formview (in Edit Mode)
Jan 14, 2010How to refer to a control (label) which is on a Formview (in Edit mode). The formview is on a Multiview...
View 3 RepliesHow to refer to a control (label) which is on a Formview (in Edit mode). The formview is on a Multiview...
View 3 RepliesIn web config file I have add key values specified.
In the formview I have labels on edit , item and insert mode that I want to display all the time by getting those values from web config. I'm able to do that with no problem but when I change the modes between edit to insert or item view, I lose those label values until I hit the "select" twice from the Gridview, those values re-appear. Below is the snippet of the code. What do I need to do to retain the category values all the time?
I am simply trying to get a querystring value and pass it to a textbox in a formview with the default view set to edit mode.
Protected Sub fv_Detach_Engine_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles fv_Detach_Engine.DataBound
If fv_Detach_Engine.CurrentMode = FormViewMode.Edit Then
Dim tbx_IDProfileAccount As TextBox = TryCast(fv_Detach_Engine.FindControl("tbx_IDProfileAccount"), TextBox)
If tbx_IDProfileAccount Is Nothing Then
tbx_IDProfileAccount.Text = Request.QueryString("IDProfileAccount")
End If
End If
End Sub
This is what i have using VS and VB: formview that is bound to a sqldatasource. In the formview i set up three panels and the visibilty is controlled by three buttons. I want to be able to click the edit link button and have the panel that is visible in readonly mode be the one visible in editmode
View 6 RepliesI'm trying execute code only when FormView is in Edit mode ---but the code following line this is being executed even in read-only mode.
If formname.CurrentMode
= FormViewMode.Edit
there are 2 pages (SummaryGridviewPage.aspx and FormviewPage.aspx) there are insert, item and update templates in the FormviewPage 1st case - there is no problem to insert new record, select and update action in the FormviewPage
2nd case - However, there is problem when i select a record in GV and direct to FormviewPage for edit this code is added in Formviewpage to open the record at readonly mode, no problem
Private Sub RF_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
If Session("RecordID") <> "" Then ' to check New or Old record
SqlDataSourceRF.SelectParameters.Item("New_ID").DefaultValue = Session("RecordID")
End If
End Sub
however, no record if go further from readonly to edit mode then Code is added to the Edit button
Protected Sub BtnEdit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
SqlDataSourceRF.SelectParameters.Item("New_ID").DefaultValue = Session("RecordID")
End Sub
Now edit problem is solved but when go back to the 1st case (new record, and then edit) Now new record can be inserted, and then show it in readonly mode. but then try to go to edit mode, no record show i think BtnEdit_Click code is conflicted with the built-in "Edit" command Could anyone show me some info how formview retrieve specific record in a proper way?
I have a combobox that is used as a control for Formview, so when the user selects a name from the combobox the data in formview displays in edit mode. However, some if the data that is displayed in formview needs to be empty. For example if the Date is being pulled in, it needs to be empty or null in edit mode.
View 4 RepliesI'm having a hard time solving what should (I think) be an easy problem. I have a formview defaulting to Editmode. One of my data fields is a binary image. How can I change the editItem template to allow a user to upload a new image into the binary image field?
View 2 RepliesThe following code successfully displays a record in a FormView and sets the FormView mode to 'Edit' when the user clicks on a LinkButton within a Repeater, however the record is not Updated. If I don't change the .SelectCommand and call .DataBind, I'm able to update the first record that is displayed. Naturally that's a moot point because the idea is to be able to update the record that the user selects in the Repeater.Because of the design of the FormView and Repeater, the record *must* be updated via the FormView. Updating the record via the Repeater is not an option.
I have a table in my database called "Profiles". This holds data on Female and Male personal characteristics.On my aspx, I have a formview in edit mode which is binded to an object data source with a GetDataByUserId Select methodwhich retrieves data from the "Profiles" Table via a DAL.The "Profiles" table has some columns which relates to females only and some just males and some are generic to both.See example below
UserId - / of Type GUID
GenreId / of Type BOOL.
Hip Size (For females)
Dress Size ( For Females)
ChestSize (For Men )
TrouserSize (For Men)
Weight ( For both )
When the User logs in , they go to an update Page which has the Formview in Edit Item Mode and contains drop down Lists whichare binded to the Users Selected Value. The DDL are in turn bound to their related table such as HIP, Dress, Chest, Trouser etc.bjectiveIf a female user logs in I just want to show them the (Hip Size) DDL and DressSizeDDL in the Edit item template of the formview and not the ChestSize DDL or TrouserSize DDL.At present the GetProfileByUserId returns all colums from the tableMy question is how do I do this and just show DDL which are relevant to the Female or Male Only. In some cases the usermay not have selected an item in the previous form so they could also be NULL.Am i on the right path by writing a Select Query that checks to see if the User is Male or Female by checking the Genre column in Profiles first.Do I also need 2 panels, 1 to hide Female DDLS and the other to Hide MaleDDLs subject to logged in user genre.
In my application i'm using gridview to which i'm binding data dynamically by writing a select query in code behined file (all column's are autogenerated) now i want to change gridview cell to edit mode from label to textbox or dropdown on clicking of gridview's cell.How can i achive this in code behined file.
View 4 RepliesI've been spending two days on this. My page formview is in a tab container and I need it to update, insert and display data. Insert and display are ok as long as the default mode is Insert. The problem here is edit mode, it's able to get values from the db(oracle) and display them in edit mode, but when I click save, any values I typed out on the textboxes do not get captured. When I call on my db update class, it just sends old db values. Here is the process: formview shows data selected from gridview, then an update button is clicked to edit the data. there is also a SAVE button to send updated data to db. Example: description textbox = "test", then I type out a different value, and in debug mode, the textbox.text still shows "test" after clicking save.
I have a basic list view, in the edit mode I have a dropdown list, and a checkbox, I want it so that if you choose "yes" from the drop down box the check boxs becomes enabled. I know I need to find the control but I keep getting object refrence error with this code.
the listview renders its layout / item template fine but when I click on edit to send it to edit mode it fails to find the dropdownlist ddlQA1YNM which is a bit ironic cause its the ddlQA1YNM that is making the call to ddlQA1YNM_ondatabound. Now it could be with the fact its on the databound stage. Not sure how that plays into the stack. I call ondatabound to determine what the dropdownlist value is and set the enabled status according on the load into edit mode.
I have a gridview with edit functionality and using the EditItemTemplate section. I am trying to set focus to a textbox when user selects the edit mode.
This is my first post on this forum. I have a Gridview with the following Columns
1. Edit Column
2. User_ID (Read Only)
3. Email (Read Only)
4. Role ( A Dropdownlist with 2 list Items namely "Admin" & "QA Lead")
I have used wizard to populate a "Gridview" and the embedded "Dropdownlist" control in it. This is my reference: [URL] My Problem: The Data populates perfectly in Grid and Dropdownlist. But, when I Press "Edit" button the Dropdownlist goes into edit mode in the form of a "Texbox". (i dont want this) I still want it to be an editable dropdownlist.
I have a DateTime Field in the database that only has the the date the time is all zeroes for each entry.
I have a gridview that displays the date only excep it edit mode. When the grid is in edit mode it also shows all the zeros for the the time. Is there way to not show the time in edit mode?
Is it possible to have an input mask in the detailsview when editing a record?
View 3 RepliesI'm trying to follow this article on cascading dropdown list in a GridView control in edit mode (except I'm using C#) [URL] I keep getting this error message "ProjectID is neither a DataColumn nor a DataRelation for table DefaultView."
protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if ((e.Row.RowState & DataControlRowState.Edit) == DataControlRowState.Edit)
DataRowView dv = (DataRowView)e.Row.DataItem;
//// Preselect correct value in Projects list
DropDownList listProjects = (DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("DropDownList1");
listProjects.SelectedValue = dv["ProjectID"].ToString(); // *****************this is where I get the error *********
// Databind list of categories in dependent drop-down list
DropDownList listCategories = (DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("DropDownList2");
SqlDataSource dsc = (SqlDataSource)e.Row.FindControl("sdsDDL2");
dsc.SelectParameters["ProjectName"].DefaultValue = dv["ProjectName"].ToString();
listCategories.SelectedValue =(dv["CategoryID"].ToString());
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ttuser %>" SelectCommand="SELECT
FROM dbo.aspnet_starterkits_TimeEntry TE inner join
dbo.aspnet_starterkits_ProjectCategories CAT on
TE.CategoryID=CAT.CategoryID inner join
dbo.aspnet_starterkits_Projects P on
Where TimeEntryUserID=(SELECT UserId FROM dbo.aspnet_Users WHERE
UserName=@UserName) AND
" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" UpdateCommand="UPDATE dbo.aspnet_starterkits_TimeEntry
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="UserList" Name="UserName"
PropertyName="SelectedValue" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="WeekEnding2" Name="WeekEnding"
PropertyName="Text" />
<asp:Parameter Name="TimeEntryDescription" />
<asp:Parameter Name="TimeEntryDuration" />
<asp:Parameter Name="TimeEntryDate" />
<asp:Parameter Name="original_TimeEntryID" />
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" BorderWidth="0px"
BorderStyle="None" Width="100%" CellPadding="2" PageSize="25"
DataKeyNames="TimeEntryID" onrowdatabound="GridView1_RowDataBound"
onrowupdating="GridView1_RowUpdating" >
<%--<asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="True" />--%>
<asp:BoundField DataField="TimeEntryID" HeaderText="ID"
SortExpression="TimeEntryID" InsertVisible="False" ReadOnly="True"
ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" >
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center"></ItemStyle>
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Project" SortExpression="ProjectName">
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ttuser %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT ProjectID,ProjectName FROM dbo.aspnet_starterkits_Projects">
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("ProjectName") %>'></asp:Label>
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Category" SortExpression="CategoryName">
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ttuser %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT CategoryID,CategoryName FROM dbo.aspnet_starterkits_ProjectCategories WHERE ProjectID=@ProjectID">
<asp:Parameter Name="ProjectID" />
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("CategoryName") %>'></asp:Label>
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="TimeEntryDescription" HeaderText="Description"
SortExpression="TimeEntryDescription" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" >
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center"></ItemStyle>
<asp:BoundField DataField="TimeEntryDuration" HeaderText="Hours"
SortExpression="TimeEntryDuration" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" >
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center"></ItemStyle>
<asp:BoundField ApplyFormatInEditMode="True" DataField="TimeEntryDate"
DataFormatString="{0:d}" HeaderText="Week Ending"
SortExpression="TimeEntryDate" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" >
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center"></ItemStyle>
<asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="True" HeaderText="Edit" ButtonType="Image" EditImageUrl="images/icon-edit.gif"
UpdateImageUrl="images/icon-save.gif" CancelImageUrl="images/icon-cancel.gif" />
I'm using a FormView but I can not put it in edit mode. The formview is connected to a sqldatasource whose query receives a parameter from other form (using a querystring).
View 1 RepliesI have a grid view with edit and save buttons when I click on edit it is letting me edit it and if I click on save it is lettingme save the data that I have edited.
The thing is after save is done it is showing the data in edit mode i.e <edit item template > mode I am still seeing the textboxes if I refresh the page then I am seeing it normally.
How can I stop the gridview to show edit mode after the save is done?
- I want to put multiple rows of a gridview into edit mode
- I have not found any easy method to accomplish this task. I found a way to programmatically put a gridview into edit mode, but in testing the code below it works for only 1 row at a time :
How do I change these hyperlinks to say something other then Edit and Cancel?
View 4 RepliesI have a page where I have a tab container and four tabs. the problem is on the first tab "manage quote request" I have a Gridview with the quote request general informatin listed and have a template field created with a link button to databind to the formview quote details. the porblem comes in when after I click on the select linkbutton. the Formview loads right. Then Whe I try to click on the edit linkbuttin in the form view I have to click it twice to change the mode to edit.
here is the page code:
Here is the Codebehind:
I have a nested formview. I need to set a value for a textbox when I'm in insert mode from parent formview which is editmode.
View 4 Repliesi am getting some errors with my asyncFileUpload. I have a page with <formview><updatePanel><AsyncFileUpload>
when it is in ADD mode, the page works fine. Now I put it in EDIT MODE. I open the page and it works fine but as soon as i try to upload an image the nightmare starts. Debuggin I can arrive to these conclusions:
when I open the page for the first time, the sequence is: method load, AdFormView_ItemCreated (empty method), the Bind Process, AdFormView_DataBound.... Everything is ok. I click the button to upload and: AdFormView_ItemCreated, CONTROLSKIN(), Load, DataBound... but at this point controls are not recognized. The FormView has not been created.