Forms Data Controls :: How To Split Columns In Gridview

Oct 9, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2010 where I have a gridview that displays many columns and because of that the user has to scroll horizontally in order to view the rest of the columns. Is there a way to split the columns so that each row will contain some columns and some columns underneath them? For example, I have 10 columns where each row will show 5 columns with their headers and the other 5 columns below with their headers.

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Jul 14, 2010

I need to display data in gridview like this.
here Budget01...budget12 : Year1
Budget13...budget24 : Year2
Budget25...budget36 : Year3
Budget37...budget48 : Year4
Budget49...budget60 : Year5

my table(Budget) is having data like this

GLLink AccType Budget01 Budget02 ..... Budget13 Budget14
1 Expense 0 200 ....... 0 4000
2 Current Liability NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL

I need to display Budget01...budget12 as 1 year in one row,Budget13...budget24 : Year2 in another gridview

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EMP1 1 2 3 4
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Suppose i got a string from select statement:

and string is eshant, amit, ajay, varun, akbar

now i want to show or bind as hyper link in below format.

#eshant #amit #ajay #varun #akbar

with each as hyper link .

How Can i achieve this.

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Nov 22, 2015

I have datatable like

Name Sub

abc     x

dfe     y

abc     z

I need the out put as

Name sub

abc    x

abc   z


Name Sub

dfe     y

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Forms Data Controls :: Updating GridView With GridView Columns That Are Readonly

Feb 20, 2011

I have a GridView with 5 fields. Only two of the fields are edittable (the others are READONLY).

I have an UpdateCommand as follows

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NHLPOOL %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [PlayerID], [Firstname], [lastname], [Goals], [Assists], [Goals]+[Assists] as Points, [AsOfDate] FROM [PlayerStats], [Player] where [PlayerStats].[PlayerID] =[Player].[ID] ORDER BY Points DESC"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE PlayerStats SET Goals =@GOALS, Assists =@ASSISTS, AsofDate=GETDATE() WHERE PLAYERID = @PLAYERID">

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I get the error "

Must declare the scalar variable "@PLAYERID"."

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SQL Server :: Use A Conditional Split To Extract The Right Columns To The Right Table?

Oct 12, 2010

I have a package which imports several files on a regular bases . For the import I use a staging table. Now I want to split that stagingtable into two other (existing) tables with keeping the relation ( third table??) . In each record there is a dealerID which has to be injected also in the other two tables (the splittables).

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Forms Data Controls :: Ort Columns In Gridview?

Jun 10, 2010

I am trying to sort Columns in Gridview. In case, I set AutoGenerateColumns="true" and code the gridview as under:

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowSorting=true onsorting="GridView1_Sorting">

And in .cs:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
ViewState["sortOrder"] = "";


ie if I set AutoGenerateColumns=false and define Template Field, Sorting is not done. Can Anyone tell me how to sort a Gridview when AutoGenerateColumns is set to false and Template Field is defined?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add Columns To A GridView Programatically

Jun 23, 2010

I need to create a grid where the users can see all the memberships, and have a line of checkboxes for each existing role, and be able to check/uncheck roles to allow access authority.

I managed to build a datatable that adds columns and displays them properly, but I have not been able to programatically add columns to the grid based on whatever roles are stored in the system.

I can display the users and their roles by just specifying AutoGenerateColumns="true" when I do that, the checkboxes are grayed out, and the users do not want to have to click a button to open them up.

Here is what I can't figure out.

How do I programatically add columns to the GridView? I have some code in Pageload, but it doesn't work, so it is commented out?How do I turn on all the rows for the entire GridView to edit mode? How do I access the column name for the role they just checked so that I know what to add with the ystem.Web.Security.Roles.AddUserToRole(UserName, Role)?


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Feb 9, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Merge All Columns Of A Row In Gridview

Jan 15, 2010

I've created a DataTable by programming and I'v inserted a new DataRow into it, I binded it with a gridview (It's ok), but that new row has many columns, how can I merge all columns of that new row and set the value will be show of that row.

Here is my snipet:


row [Column1],[Column2],[Column3]

row [Column1],[Column2],[Column3]

Store2 (new row I've created and I want to merge all columns and show the value is Store2)

row [Column1],[Column2],[Column3]

row [Column1],[Column2],[Column3]

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Aug 20, 2010

After clicking "edit" button gridview gets resized (stretched). How to keep it always the same width?

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Forms Data Controls :: Wrapping GridView Columns?

Oct 11, 2010

I have a gridView that returns 12 columns / Fields. I want to only allow 6 columns per row and on the 7th have the 7th column move below the first 6. Example: ...

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Forms Data Controls :: Wrapping Gridview Columns

Feb 18, 2011

I have a gridView that I want to only show 5 columns per "Row". To explain, lets say I have a gridView that has a total of 20 columns. Normally this would mean that the grid would show all 20 columns in a single row side by side:col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 col7 col8 col9 col10 ... etcI want it to instead show the columns underneath each other like so:

col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
col6 col7 col8 col9 col10
col11 col12 col13 col14 col15
col16 col17 col18 col19 col20

of course the prespective data associated with the columns would show below each column header.I have read some posts and they are pointing me to a repeator but I am not sure how I would impliment a method like that. Any suggestions / examples of ways you have done so or read about?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Access Columns In A Gridview

Nov 5, 2010

I have a gridview. In my RowDataBound handler I'm doing some things to columns, and accessing them like this for example,

e.Row.Cells(7).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Salmon So, of course when I rearrange the order of my columns everything breaks.

Isn't there some way to give an ID to a column, and say e.Row.Cells("TotalColumn_ID") ?

Will this work? Do columns have IDs?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Sort The Columns In Gridview

Feb 2, 2011

I have 12 columns in a grid i want sort 3 of them when user clicks on Header, how can i do this.

U want these columns to be sort WOnumber,DD,PO.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Combine Two Columns In The GridView

Oct 6, 2010

If I have two two columns: Date1 and date2,I would like to display in GridView1 than one column.

Date1 = 10/06/2010
Date2 = 07.10.2010

GridView1 (date1 + date2) = 06.10.2010 - 07.10.2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Add Columns Dynamically In Gridview?

Jan 21, 2011

I have gridview which auto generate column is false, and I add some template columns, databind with a class ClassA . it works fine. now, I need add some columns to this gridview. the problem is: I do not know the # of columns that will be added (it is dynamic), and the data with these columns is in ClassA, but it is a array (or list). so, there is no public property for these data, only the array.

now, what I did is: I dynamically add template column to the gridview (column header ...), so, it shows the correct columns in the gridview, but how can I bind the data? I found some example, i.e.


but it is for aleady know the data field (which is a public property in the class). all I have is just a array, and I need bind them to the newly created columns in sequence.

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